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Guest 1n_c0mplete

Omg, are there any chances of getting into waterloo arts and business program wiht and English 12 U mark of mid 60s? i know my friends really wants to get in and she's had it tough since her adv. functions teacher and english teacher were VERY strict and basically made people change pathways.

if i remember correctly, english has to be 70 minimum for artsbiz =S

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Guest PrincessBoa

Omg, are there any chances of getting into waterloo arts and business program wiht and English 12 U mark of mid 60s? i know my friends really wants to get in and she's had it tough since her adv. functions teacher and english teacher were VERY strict and basically made people change pathways.

^My friends applied to the Waterloo Arts & Business program also.,,, I think the cut off range for English 12 U mark is at least 70+ :X. Hmmmm did she try transferring to another class or etc? Our English teachers are also really hard ><.

I got my acceptance to Waterloo last week (For Social Work) and now I'm debating about something.. wondering if other people were also- to go into residence or to live off campus? I'm tight on money and I don't really want to go into residence.., however many are telling me i'll miss the "experience" of it all and etc. However residence (For the Renison campus) is like 8000+ dollars just for a double room.. >< While it'll probably only be like 4000-5000 if I live in an apartment.. -sigh- Decisions, decisions..

what about everyone else? Have you guys decided yet?


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Guest 1n_c0mplete

^My friends applied to the Waterloo Arts & Business program also.,,, I think the cut off range for English 12 U mark is at least 70+ :X. Hmmmm did she try transferring to another class or etc? Our English teachers are also really hard ><.

I got my acceptance to Waterloo last week (For Social Work) and now I'm debating about something.. wondering if other people were also- to go into residence or to live off campus? I'm tight on money and I don't really want to go into residence.., however many are telling me i'll miss the "experience" of it all and etc. However residence (For the Renison campus) is like 8000+ dollars just for a double room.. >< While it'll probably only be like 4000-5000 if I live in an apartment.. -sigh- Decisions, decisions..

what about everyone else? Have you guys decided yet?


i've just finished my third year at waterloo, and i gotta say the res experience was pretty valuable, its a good start for meeting new people and all. BTW when you say 8000+ for res do you mean for the year? or a term O_O coz thats damn expensive....i lived at V1 in first year and it was around 600-700 ish a month (around 5k for the school year). However, there are many cheap alternatives off campus like the place im living at now is only 450 a month.

the main difference between off campus and res though, is the utilities. Res prices include internet, water, electricity. Many off campus places don't include this kind of stuff which is why they're so much cheaper. Some do, and if you can find them, then that will benefit you greatly financially. The res experience is definitely good, but its mainly for interacting with your peers, which you can do in class as well...

Did you apply for OSAP? If you're really financially constricted, OSAP is a really good boost for paying tuition, books, etc.

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Guest everlastingxx3

Ahhhh I still did not recieve any news whether I got accepted to honours arts!! T_T

Is it really true that nearly over half of the UW campus is asian? O_O loll

And how's the res life at UW? Fun? Good? boring?

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Guest simpli_me

i'm a second year student in AFM at waterloo!

=D open to questions so if you need any help

let me know =D

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Guest ariesbaybee

i'm a second year student in AFM at waterloo!

=D open to questions so if you need any help

let me know =D


i'm also a 2B student in AFM at waterloo right now

i wonder if i know you ^^

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Guest everlastingxx3

i'm a second year student in AFM at waterloo!

=D open to questions so if you need any help

let me know =D

I have questions!!

I am debating about whether I should go to waterloo (live in rez) or go to mcmaster (live at home).

I got accepted to the honours arts program in waterloo and I was wondering if know anything about it. I know that Waterloo is known for its mathematics, engineering, and science program but is honours arts a good program at waterloo? Are the people nice there? How do you like the campus environment? Do people party a lot? (Im kinda quiet though I like partying sometimes). Is it true that its full of asians? (loll xP) Do you like your residence life? Do people have trouble adjusting? (I don't know if I can take care of myself though I am really curious and excited to see what life would be like to be independent.) Did you regret going to waterloo?

Anything else I need to know before I make my big decision on the next 4 years of my life? xD (Sorry that I just set a bomb of questions for you...ahaha)

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I'm probably going to go to UW for life-sci and I'm going to live in rez.

Based upon your own opinions, did you guys prefer dorm style or suite style rooms?

'cause I heard the suite style rooms have paper thin walls so there's like no privacy! D:

And if i were to go for suite style, and I have no room-mate, when i fill out an application for roomate, do i get to put down what i'd look for in a roomate?

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Guest ariesbaybee


I'm probably going to go to UW for life-sci and I'm going to live in rez.

Based upon your own opinions, did you guys prefer dorm style or suite style rooms?

'cause I heard the suite style rooms have paper thin walls so there's like no privacy! D:

And if i were to go for suite style, and I have no room-mate, when i fill out an application for roomate, do i get to put down what i'd look for in a roomate?

I personally in first year lived in a dorm styel rez...REV to be exact and the walls i mean they were made of like concrete or something like that but if my neighbour were to blast their music or have a party I would definitely still be able to hear them

As for the application process, if i remember correctly it asks you personal questions like your studying habits or whether you are a clean person, things like that and they probably match you to someone with similar answers

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Guest 1n_c0mplete


I'm probably going to go to UW for life-sci and I'm going to live in rez.

Based upon your own opinions, did you guys prefer dorm style or suite style rooms?

'cause I heard the suite style rooms have paper thin walls so there's like no privacy! D:

And if i were to go for suite style, and I have no room-mate, when i fill out an application for roomate, do i get to put down what i'd look for in a roomate?

i was in the same situation, and i opted for dorm style, and i don't regret it at all, coz the experience itself was pretty good. It's a lot easier to meet new people in dorm style than it is in the suites based on what i hear about the suites from a lot of my friends. I haven't had any privacy problems or anything about the walls......i don't really think its as bad as you think it is lol. I'd recommend v1, you get the privacy of your own room, but you also get to meet your floormates. I know friends who lived at mkv and uwp, and honestly nothing goes on in there at all unless you know people there. It's pretty tough to meet people there.

The only real advantage of suite style is that u get your own kitchen...and trust me...you will NOT have time to cook especially if you're in life sci lol. Meal-plan might be more beneficial in this case =\ And it ends up amounting to around the same anyway coz u hve to buy food and stuff.

You'll get to fill in a residence preference form where u choose dorm/suite, and roommate preferences (stuff like smoking, noise levels, etc etc)

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Guest kaydeex

Well I personally wouldn't want to be in dorm style because of the bathrooms... I don't want people watching me when I'm brushing my teeth, washing my face.. etc. At least in the suite styles you can use the bathroom privately just like at home. o.o

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Guest moonyah

i got accepted to waterloo!


but instead of the public accounting program

they offered me the financial management

out of curiosity,

does anyone know or can tell me what the different between the two programs are

and what the two programs are about in general:)


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Guest ariesbaybee

i got accepted to waterloo!


but instead of the public accounting program

they offered me the financial management

out of curiosity,

does anyone know or can tell me what the different between the two programs are

and what the two programs are about in general:)


CONGRATZ on being accepted into AFM!!

I'm currenty a 2nd year AFM- financial management student and honestly there really isn't that big a difference between the 2 streams.

The PA stream's curriculum is geared towards them getting a CA, while FM students can choose between what specialization they want to do (finance, public accounting or managerial accounting)

In general, we pretty much take the same courses with slight difference in our upper 3rd and 4th year but that does not mean a FM student can't take what a PA student would take. We would just have to plan out our schedule very carefully since some of the courses needed to become a CA are not made mandatory for us. In addition, one of the main difference is with our coop job hunting. All PA students will be able to see the Big 4 accounting related jobs through jobmine while it is blocked off to us FM students, therefore in order we have to look outside of school to find a job with one of the Big 4s. And lastly, the work/study term schedule is different for both stream as well.

Hope that helps ~~

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I got accepted to AFM too (: PA stream

To any current AFM students:

- How is AFM for you guys in terms of classes, workload, uni life etc?

- Do you feel that you made the right decision accepting AFM?

- Are AFM students allowed to go on international exchange?

Thanks ^^

I'm having a hard time deciding which program to go to >__< It's between Schulich and AFM-PA D:

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Guest ariesbaybee

I got accepted to AFM too (: PA stream

To any current AFM students:

- How is AFM for you guys in terms of classes, workload, uni life etc?

- Do you feel that you made the right decision accepting AFM?

- Are AFM students allowed to go on international exchange?

Thanks ^^

I'm having a hard time deciding which program to go to >__< It's between Schulich and AFM-PA D:

congratz to you too for being accepted into AFM

in terms of class work load, 1st year is definitely a breeze

i say if you've taken gr.12 accounting in high school, then you're pretty much set for first year with maybe the exception of AFM 102 (managerial accounting) because the content of that course is not something that's covered in HS but asides from that, everything else i feel is pretty much bird courses as long as you put some effort into it

On the other hand, once you enter year 2 and above, you will definitely feel that year 1 was heaven and forever after you will be in hell because the workload is so frkin CRAZY, really high demands from profs (not to scare you though..lol)

Do you feel that you made the right decision accepting AFM?

hmmm....that's kinda hard to say since i mean i can't compare to other programs but overall i do feel AFM is for those who really have their heart set on becoming an accounting or working in finance as to a normal commerce programs where you test the water for all fields of business

also, we do have a relatively small program size so all of us do get pretty close, i mean i can pretty much recognize everyone in my year by face now

and lastly with regards to your question about going on exchange, i sadly have to say it's almost 99.9% impossible simply because our curriculum is so tightly packed and many courses are only offered during the term that we are suppose to take it BUT if you are lucky enough to find a coop elsewhere in the world, then i guess that is like going abroad (which i am still hoping for **cross fingers for next term)

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Guest 1n_c0mplete

I got accepted to AFM too (: PA stream

To any current AFM students:

- How is AFM for you guys in terms of classes, workload, uni life etc?

- Do you feel that you made the right decision accepting AFM?

- Are AFM students allowed to go on international exchange?

Thanks ^^

I'm having a hard time deciding which program to go to >__< It's between Schulich and AFM-PA D:

AFM doesn't really get tough until second year........CRAPLOADSSSSSSSS of reading...damn tax!!

anybody is allowed to go on exchange as long as you meet the grades...it's different for every faculty though

schulich and afm-pa are two really different programs O_O

AFM-PA is geared towards pure accounting so you should be looking to work in accounting firms like PwC or like KPMG so you'll be dealing with lots and lots balance sheets, income statements and all that jazz

schulich is more for business than accounting. you end up with a BBA in schulich as compared to the BAFM that u get from afm.

It really depends on where your interests lie, whether you like accounting more or business.

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Thank you for your inputs, ariesbaybee & 1n_c0mplete

I know Schulich & AFM-PA are different. Schulich focuses on all areas of business and AFM-PA is just accounting. But I can still pursue a CA designation through Schulich and I heard Schulich is very good for accounting (Their UFE pass rates are higher than Waterloo's O__O something I don't really understand). That's why I'm kind of torn between both.

Second year of AFM and onwards sound scary :o Is it hard to keep a B- average?

To all Waterloo students (you prob get this A LOT >__< sorry):

- How's university life and the residences? I didn't get to tour the residences when I was there D:

- Do you find it difficult handling school work, cooking and cleaning (if you're in a suite-style rez)?

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Guest ariesbaybee

Thank you for your inputs, ariesbaybee & 1n_c0mplete

I know Schulich & AFM-PA are different. Schulich focuses on all areas of business and AFM-PA is just accounting. But I can still pursue a CA designation through Schulich and I heard Schulich is very good for accounting (Their UFE pass rates are higher than Waterloo's O__O something I don't really understand). That's why I'm kind of torn between both.

Second year of AFM and onwards sound scary :o Is it hard to keep a B- average?

To all Waterloo students (you prob get this A LOT >__< sorry):

- How's university life and the residences? I didn't get to tour the residences when I was there D:

- Do you find it difficult handling school work, cooking and cleaning (if you're in a suite-style rez)?

second year onwards is very much different than first year because the profs expect a lot much more more, there are more projects, weekly assigments etc but i mean as long as you do the things on time, study like your normally would do (assuming thats not slacking off until last minute) a B average or above is not something thats out of reach. In addition, our average is cumulative so if you can, in first year get your average as high as you can so that in your years to come, you have some room for your marks to fall a bit

in first year i lived in REV (dorm) and even though that technically was my last choice of residence, i still fairly enjoyed it because it was so much more easier to meet people and make friends as compared people i knew who lived in the suite styles. Another great plus of living in dorm is that well you don't have to worry about cooking since you can just walk down to the caf but a badside is FRESHMAN 15 man, food so convenient makes you get fat so easily..lol

But i guess i can still answer you're last question since i live off campus now and i have to handle school work, cooking and cleaning. It definitely is a juggling task and requires help from good roommates as well. A lot of times when its midterm and exam seasons, eating home cooked meals (i.e. opting for simple things like a sandwich or pizza instead) and cleaning is at the last of our priority not to an extent where its filthy but i mean things like sweeping and mopping can totally wait.

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Guest cocopuffs

I'm in grade 11 and the courses next year include math, calculus, chem and bio but I'm thinking about going into APM-PA in Waterloo now. What's the required average to get into that program? I'm also wondering why all APM-PA students chose that program and what courses I would need if I were to change my gr 12 courses around?

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Guest lmfao

How's the social life/atmosphere in UW? Several people have told me it isn't good at all, some of them described it as "sad." How true is this? :/

I admit I'm pretty outgoing and like to keep a pretty good (not necessarily "party-hard-every-night" though) social life. I'm also taking 1 of the so-called "lighter courses" (Rec & Business) so I'm not sure how that will pan out in terms of atmosphere and socializing (as opposed to maybe being in a heavier course such as engineering or math).

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