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What Are Three Things You Want So Badly, But Aren't Real?

Guest kuavang<3youngbae

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- go on a date with my crush [ gaaa . neverrr]

- wishing that my crush would like me back [ butt neverrrrrrrr.]

- meets jaejoong, mir, joon, yesung and jang geun seuk.

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1.) Jesus' second coming to hurry up so I can see that dopey look on all these tards faces when they realize they were madd wrong their whole lives as he epicly lands in that cloud of his HA!

2.) To become a professional dancer and/or choreographer so that I could work with him one day..at least just see him perform live...And possibly....do a duet with him :blush: (if he thought me good enough for his greatness TT___TT) :siggh:

3.) For the advancement of entertainment like tv and even reading a book to the point that one day instead of just watching it on the screen, you actually feel like you're in the story or in the action on the tv (I dunno..maybe like really advance videogame headsets that can do that..LOL)

<3 manda

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Guest SmallEyedGirl

1. An acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

When I turned 11, I waited for it to come but it never did -_____-

2. My prince charming with a fairytale happy ending.

3. For everyone to be nice to eachother.

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