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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest charmainee


I think this is the first time I've read about Yekyung actually hitting someone...I mean like HeeJoo and stuff. ><" She usually just used to swear at them and think about hitting them...and yeah..

I'm officially addicted to your story. I spent about 2-3 hours reading this, so update soon okay? ^^

why is the appa so nice to her when her umma aunty is so mean? her cousin too? oohhh yeah, who was that guy taking photos with her again? ><"

I hope that you're super inspired by something soon so you'll have a super update. ^^

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Guest Korean_Girl92

Yay~ Update~ Love it~

Why did SeeDuk come back???? I am so curious.. does he like her?

Aww, EunHwan is sooooo sweet~ But that HeeJoo is soooooo mean~~

Thanks for the update, post soon!!!

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awww love your storryyy!

its sooo interestingg

heeejoo richard simmons sooo go play in traffic

and get herr richard simmons kicked

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Guest hunnyl

Just when they were about to kiss HeeJoo and her friend ruins the moment...urgg..I'm dying to know why SeeDuk came back..SeungHoo is just too cute..asking permission from SeeDuk...^^well post soon&&thanks for the PM!

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Guest azn_sisitjuh

Heeey there ^^

i wanted to say....

OMGOSHHHIIIIII love it love it !! =D

could i please be add on the PM-list :blush:

oooh update update =D

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Guest greymoose

first thing that came to my mind when i read this chapter... wtf.. i dont get it. LOL!(: like... what does seeduk mean by that wasnt him?! WTH. and heejoo-_- shes just weird. LOL

greymoose lol, she musn’t become soft!

YES! SHE DIDNT BECOME SOFT(: im happppppyy stupid heejoo ruining the perfect moment-_-

thanks for the pm!


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Guest JaeJoongLover

OMG! I missed too much!

school has been keeping me off my soompi track!


at least it is a good think that i was able to get back on track!


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DANG! They were gonna kiss but noooooooooooo! stupid heejoo

had to come in and ruin everything! arghh! i hate that child!

she needs to get some beating. Everything bad is happening because

of that girl. arghh! I hope someone smacks her or she can

jump off the bridge for all i care HAHA. =D AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! SeungHoo

asked SeeDuk if he could go out with Jungroo hehe, what a cutie!

“Why is it you always have to make YuHwan feel rejection?” That was a sweet comeback.

its cute cause YuHwan likes her. =D she doesn't express feelings that good though

haha =D POST SOON!!

OHHH! btw & "4. All for One - Beautiful As You" Doesn't work. & Could i be PM'D?!

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Guest LoveItLiveIt

aww..YuHwan did such a nice thing for her.

Yekyung is so funny,

doesn't know how to express her thanks

except in yelling. ahah.

post soon =]

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Guest lostdesires

sorry bout the long idleness ><

anyways, i'm suspicious bout heejoo and yuhwan... first the car thing, now this? did they strike a deal or something?

what's it the beginning of? it was soooooooo close to their kiss, and SOMEONE just had to ruin the moment...

SeeDuk and Sunghwan are bein wierd still and won't leave... this is all to wierd -suspicious look-

post up soon ^^ <33z S2

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I looked at the stars in the sky. They were pretty bright tonight. All of this was so perfect, just perfect. And to top it all off, YuHwan pulled me into his warm embrace and we quietly talked as the waters below us softly swished back and forth.

I didn't know it, but later, I would look back on this moment and remember it as the very beginning.

Kissed By You || 52

“Noona, wake up!”

I groaned and turned towards the wall while my left hand swatted away the person that annoyed me. It was way too early for me to be awake and up and about.

“Noona!” SeungHoo started shaking my arm and whining loudly.

“SEUNGHOO, DAMN IT, LET ME SLEEP!” I yelled into the blanket.

When everything was settled, I peeked around and found the room empty. Satisfied with my actions, I went back to sleep. Though, guilt at yelling at him was definitely chewing at the corner of my heart.

“Yah, get up.” YuHwan shook my arm harder.

“Leave me alone," I moaned pleadingly.

“You need to go to school.”

“I’ll just go in late,” I retorted.

“You’re going to get detention.”

He had a good point, but honestly, at this moment, it didn't matter. “Who cares?”

“Would you like to get whipped?” He questioned.

Choosing not to ask him about his strange choice of words (whip fetish much?), I answered, “No.”

“Then get up.”

“The teachers won’t whip me.”

“I wasn’t talking about the teachers.”

I sat up and glared at him. “Then who did you mean?”

He grinned with a twinkle in his eyes. “Who else?”

“You wouldn’t be able to catch me.” I yawned and settled back into my bed.

“Do you want HeeJoo to go unpunished?”

Opening my eyes, I glared at the sheets. Why was he always the one to win?! I knew I had to get up now. She had interrupted YuHwan's surprise for me and I wasn't going to let her get away with it.

“Fine,” I mumbled and got up. “Get out.”


My mouth opened wide but closed up afterwards as I glared at him. “Are you seriously asking me that?”

He stuck his tongue out and ran out of the room. I shut the door tightly after he left and changed into my uniform after washing up. I'm getting used to living at YuHwan's place and seeing him every morning. It's becoming such a habit; I'm scared that if I have to leave, I'll never adjust again.

To get to school, he made me ride that suicidal motorcycle again. When we reached the school gate, I jumped off of the thing, yelling and screeching obscenities at him for being such a goddamn idiot. He pouted all the while.

“You fcuking idiot, do you not see me wearing a skirt?! What the fcuk do you think is going to happen if I ride a motocycle wearing this?!” I yelled to hide my embarassment.

“Then wear pants!” He whined.

“It’s against the school code!” I turned around and growled at the guys that had caught a small scene of the peep show from a few minutes ago. “You fcukers even think about what you saw earlier and I’ll shove my fist up your as$!”

My cheeks puffed up angrily as I stomped through the school gates, hearing YuHwan’s yelling voice from behind. That stupid jerk, he thinks I can do whatever I want! I’m not a ggangpae, how many times do I have to repeat myself?! I AM a law abiding citizen…sometimes.

“YeKyung SunBae!” A female student from a lower grade ran up to me. She looked around frantically at the guys. I had noticed them staring a bit…pervertedly today. Not everyone could’ve seen the skirt incident, right? “Look at what that HeeJoo richard simmons did!” She shoved a flyer into my hand. I looked down at it and gaped.

On the piece of white printing paper was a picture of me. But in this picture, my features had been enhanced. Let’s just say….a few body parts were bigger and less covered.

“Sh!t.” Someone’s low voice came from over my shoulder. I looked up and the flyer was yanked from my hands.

YuHwan grabbed onto the HoBae’s arm and roughly asked her, “Who did this?”

She shivered and stuttered. “H-HeeJo-o.”

YuHwan let her go and grabbed onto me, dragging me towards the school. His grip was hard like a metal chain. I struggled against it, wishing I had been a little more discreet when looking at the flyer.

“YuHwan, I’m mad too, but could you not drag me? It hurts…” I complained.

He ignored my pleas and pulled me into the office, walking right past all the secretaries and teachers who looked at him in bewilderment.

“Yah, where do you think you’re going young man?!” One of the secretaries yelled.

He also ignored them and pulled me into the P.A room, locking the door not a second too late before the adults began banging on the door. Dragging me further into the room, he roughly dropped me into the spinning chair and pointed at the microphone.

“Talk,” he ordered.

“What do you want me to say?!”

He rolled his eyes. Taking the microphone into his hands, he pressed the button and held his finger on it. “Han HeeJoo, I know what you did. Meet me at the PC bang near the photo shop later afterschool.” YuHwan pulled his finger away. Walking towards the flyer, he picked it up and slowly fed it to the schredder. As if he wasn’t satisfied enough, he took out the pieces and put them through the schredder again and again, until the pieces resembled small debri.

“Let’s go.”

We walked out the door and were greeted with hard slaps on the side of our heads.


Kissed By You || 53

“It’s all your fault,” I mumbled with one of my hands up while my other hand was rubbing my sore butt.

“Hey, I’m not the one to blame.”

“Why aren’t you the one to blame?! You walk into the office like you own the school and drag me, a helpless victim, along with you. Now tell me, are you really not the one to blame?”

I received no answer, making me kick him in the butt.

“Sh!t, that hurt YeKyung,” he growled.

“You deserve it.”

We both stood there sighing and blaming each other when the teacher finally came out. “Have you learned your lesson yet? Are you going to do things like that without thinking again?”

“No,” we answered in unison.

The teacher let YuHwan back into the classroom, but YuHwan stubbornly refused to leave. “What about YeKyung?”

“I’m not her teacher. She will be called in by her teacher when he thinks she’s had enough. Now get into the classroom.”

YuHwan shook his head. “Mr. Pak, could you go over and please tell YeKyung’s teacher that I’ll take the rest of her punishment for her?”

Mr. Pak slowly nodded. He glared at me, but knew that it was fully YuHwan’s fault, since he was the one that saw me struggling against YuHwan. He came out of my classroom a few minutes later and nodded at YuHwan.

“Go into your classroom and don’t come out until class ends.” He ushered me into the room and closed the door shut. I sat down in my seat and looked over at KyungHee, who was glaring at the ripped up pieces of paper on her desk. I leaned over and realized that they were the pieces of the flyer, except now they were hardly recognizable because of all the pen marks and ripped edges on it.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s under control,” I whispered to her. She nodded solemnly.

For the rest of the class, I boredly twirled my pencil. I wanted to go out and stand with him. It wasn’t fair that he was taking punishment when he was helping me, now that I think about it.

“Class, you should all know about the upcoming event this month right?”

Everyone nodded and cheered. I looked around with a very confused expression.

“The trip to Lotte world will only be for juniors.”

(J/N: Juniors in Korea are the same as Seniors here in America.)

What? Trip to Lotte World? How come I never knew about this?!

“YeKyung, I heard other schools were going to be there too!” KyungHee squealed.

“And this helps me because?” I asked her with my hands waving around for an explanation.

She rolled her eyes. “We can go guy scoping!” Then she straightened her posture and with her hands over her wide mouth, looked at me with realization. “Wait! You can’t! You have YuHwan!” She laughed evilly. “Sucks for you!”

I looked at her like she was crazy. “What?! You have WooRi!” I mean, I can't believe she forgot she had a boyfriend; honestly.

KyungHee closed her mouth then opened it. “Don’t worry; I can do it if I’m quiet about it. If I’m lucky, I won’t see him!”

WooRi seriously needed to get a grip on this girl. If he didn't watch out, he was going to have a roaming pimpette on his hands.

“Class, settle down please.”

We all quieted down and looked up at her. “Now, Mr. Pak and I have decided that it would be much better if we put you into groups. After all of the trips in which a student was left behind, we can’t risk it again.”

Groans erupted from the class as well as me. We are eighteen! Why do we still need to be treated like children?!

“Okay, now listen for your name as I say the groups. Some of you will be mixed with the groups from Mr. Pak’s class.”

She read off her long list of names as I listened intently, hoping I had only friends and not an enemy in my group.

“Su YeKyung, Kim KyungHee, Choi WooRi, Baek JaeHo.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. Where was YuHwan’s name? I raised my hand. “Ms. Lee?”

“Yes, YeKyung?”

“Aren’t you missing a name?”

She frowned. “No, there are only four people in your group, including you.”

KyungHee patted my arm. “It’s okay; at least you’re not with HeeJoo or AeRim.”

“Han HeeJoo, Lee AeRim, and Song GyoHee.”

I slouched in my seat, wondering what group YuHwan was in.

“Oh! I forgot one last person. Eun YuHwan will be in Han HeeJoo’s group.”




x Sim pli city x she always messes everything up!

edible.x lol, thanks

dakoreanhamster YeKyung's walls of defense are slowly weakening!

vivian0522 lol, so much drama is going to come back soon

stephaniemsja18 thanks for offering to PM for me =)

xchink lol, disappointment *sigh*

mzclumzie haa, the frustration and need to kill HeeJoo must be growing so much

shronie_x3 it's crazy eh? And I think this story has already passed it's first anniversary since the first post and yet I'm only halfway through :X lol

smileyface(; lol, it's supposed to be a day closer to dying :X but that's a bit rude, lol

berry_x.2 lmao, it's just the very beginning of certain things...;]

BKRI SungHwan and SeeDuk are both sort of hard to understand characters because i haven't put much detail into them except that they're there because of YeKyung. Soon enough, you'll discover their purpose =]

TiNGxx2 lol, I'm trying my best to update more

xjustsweet haha, it's too lovely

liltoazndevil SungHwan and SeeDuk's characters do confuse a lot of people, but that's just for right now =]

jaykay4792 Welcome! You're not the first xD still unbelievable though lol

kaneki lol, his name xD

mangolover must know!

twist&fall- It's okay =) I'm glad you were thinking about it though =]

dee duckie well, if she started another fight, it'd just keep going. He wanted to stop the cycle

jellyace695 lol, the MOMENT!

dreamyxxx lol, it can get really annoying

pinkslippers Welcome! lol, such expression!

baybeeh_bliss Does SeeDuk like her? can't say :X

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* SeungHoo is <3

cathyy lol, they'll definitely kiss one day

leebabe007 yep, at least it was a good birthday despite HeeJoo's interuptance

damn.u lol, that last line really makes a statement

sheLLiJielUn lol, that's a really good birthday

ASiANBABYGiRL it's a statement that can be taken in many ways

xo_hyeseung lol SeeDuk and SungHwan don't really make sense right now

Sophi.e* lol, that last chapter was a normal one x]

yuna363 glad you caught up! they are definitely mirrors of each other

milkis poor them =\

Sweety_x1 lol party pooper is the right word!

zer moua always have to ruin everything

♥„~“Cleopatra“~„♥ lol, looking back on it, it would be the beginning of her barrier breaking down

eunhyung so romantic<3

xsogorgeliciousx lol, it's the only way!

xodreamer lol, maybe it was really cute ;]

linnienguyen lol, teasing but it keeps you coming back ;]

HYPERGURLY^^ biotcheees~! lol

HikaruStlye np~

jack jack attack he's adorable

gottalovegirl many questions i bet

xonike lol, i realized i have quite a number of characters. That's why I have a CC ahah

-SK SO close haa

MizzNana haha, she's in an accident yet she's perfectly fine

t33z3 LOL, don't fall off yet ;]

phat mole haha, sorry :X

lido0LmisSundersto0D haha, probably about to kiss the screen too (that's me! xD)

baybee || loveLy LOL, yes, the beginning of their deaths (maybe?! ;])

TiMExLESS seunghoo is amazing haha

x1buckybabey her defenses are weakening!

x3 DiNOTASTiC thanks so much for that long comment<3 hehe. I appreciate your offer to PM, but thankfully I already have some people =D

msxadina ahah worse eh? as for the PM list, it's close =\ sorry~!

mchelly114 lol, it'll happen ;]

indelible_sin they will soon xD

bluechick126 Welcome! lmao, I realized that there are certainly parts that are very unrealistic. It's been about what, a year now? So yea, looking back on some of this stuff does make me laugh at myself :X hahaha

lilaznmichi one day =]

jaejoong<3 YuHwan is wonderfulastic! xD

SwtDrmz5892 JungRoo is backk! lol

KoReAnSaReSoSeXy always has to ruin the worst parts

azn_chick91 Welcome! lol, thanks

jocepi perfection ;D

TuBbieCheeKz lol meant for each other! def.

FoolsOnlyTears Welcome! fast catcher-upper! lol

myREVERIE. lol, it's their job to interrupt

charmainee Welcome! lol, there are things that will be cleared up slowly.

Korean_Girl92 maybe ;]

UHLEEYUHX3 thanks<3

tiramisuu NEARLY! lol, so close

hunnyl always always THEM

azn_sistjuh Hello there! Unfortunately, my PM list is full =\

kibumOxyunho lol, anyone would be mad right? x]

greymoose lol, there are a lot of things that don't make sense right now ahha

JaeJoongLover lol, I've missed too much because of work!

theLOSER Welcome! lol just kill her off; it's so much easier ehh? haha, sorry, my PM list is too full right now =\

lil_mixed_cutie619 Welcome! Thanks so much! =]

LoveItLiveIt lol, she's thankful & somewhat embarassed x)

dori_x Welcome! my PM list is full =(

lostdesires lol, they're not striking a deal or anything. And I am in LOVE with Edward Cullens of Stephanie Meyer's series! OMG, freaking orgasmic lol. That series is the most amazing-est ever<3

wow. just wow. lol, it's been quite a few eventful days for me, but nothing too bad. I hope you all are enjoying your fourth of July! I'm going to be lighting fireworks soon ;] hehe. So yea, hope you enjoyed these two pretty good chapters. Be back with more soon ;]

lyrical_lies will be doing the PMs for this story from now on. Thanks so much to her!<3 also, thanks to all of the others that offered. It really means a lot that you at least offered your time :)


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Guest SwtDrmz5892

yooo yekyung seriously needs to show that biotch heejo some lesson .. like seriously f her up.. i cant even stand her and im not even yekyung.. i dont no how she ccan stand her.. if i was in her shoes man heejoo would be dead in my hands by now... damn i cant sstand that girl... haha i feel bad for yuhwan, he stuck with the worst biotch ever... hmm i still really curious about seeduk... what does he want from her?? i hope u tell us soon... lolz.. well anyways plz post soon!!

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Guest shinhwa_knives


gonna read the chap now




is heejoo gonna do something to make YeKyung think that they together?!?

that would work actually

then YeKyung can finally start richard simmons-kicking

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Guest satisfaction!


AHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO freak why does he hafta be in their group? <_<

ahahhahaha. i hope he ditches their group and comes to YeKyung's XD<3

Thank you for posting two chappies<3

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Guest jocepi

aw, i feel bad for yuhwan because he's in heejoo and aerim's group..

i cant stand those two >=[

hopefully nothing too bad happens at lotte world

thanks for the pm and post soon!

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