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[N.G] Kissed By You


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hehe good chapter

wow i wonder what the dream is that makes her so scared of the dark

and why is she soo scared of kisses? lol

shes too cute

and yuhwan is too

anyway post soon Jenny <3

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Guest mct2dj

is there something in the room? and i thought that he was going to kiss her in this chapter! T^T

“Why’s she stuck to you?” I heard KyungHee ask from somewhere nearby.

“She won’t let go. I’m not even holding her!” YuHwan answered back in exasperation.


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Guest celeste*

OMG....that was like...creepy and in a weird sense of way...romantic...(eh..it's just me) -_- but awww...she acts so tough and yet she's afraid of the dark? aww...poor girl.

Aish..I can see sparks! Like for reals! YuHwan and Yekyung ^_^ hahaha...can't wait to see what happens next.

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Guest too late

aw. she's afriad of kisses and the dark. keke.

YuHwan gave me a ‘you’re crazy’ look. “I was watching T.V the whole time.”

but i dont get it. he told her to go...? right?

eh well thanks for posting. ^_^

oh yea. is the pm list still open?

if so... ;) can i be on your pm list?

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Guest B0B0*


Yeah I tend to get shy sometimes .. >_> Crazy, yes I know but I shall reply more cos well .. I LOVE YOUR WRITING<33 MWAHAHA

Manng, that dark room is creepy .. *snivles* T_T I was about to cry just like YeKyung >< 'Strangely ghostly' ehh? OOH is that room haunted? o_o Betcha YuHwan has a creepy pale twin thas hitting on YeKyung BWAHAHAHA Or a stalker that looks like YuHwan ... OR OR OR YeKyung is seeing things 8) Ooh man am I good .. PWAHAHA okay I shall stop. =x

*sighs* THIS WAS SUCH A GREAT CHAPTER AND I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SOOO~ UBERLY DUBERLY LONG. And before I just ate like a row of oreos ... so um, excuse me for my weirdness .___.

Update soon miss(: I can't wait kekeke~ And yet I can ^O^ LOL<33

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Was she seeing things?

Or a ghost? :o

Yuhwan has become her lifesaviour!!

And once more, they're gonna know another one of her weak points!

Oh my, this tough girl is like afraid of kisses and the darkness.

lol. Such a contrast.

Update soon^^

And thanks for the pm!

Hmm, i'll stop having funny meals cause I nearly went bonkers yesterday.

headache and vomitted due to indigestion.

It was at night 11pm+ when I vomitted my lunch out. :crazy:

Let's stop having weird meals.

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Guest sweetstrawberry

-new reader-

awesome story!!

she's afraid of da dark too..now the guys know 2 of her weakness!!ooo..kinda bad for her, :) i think i missed somethin,cause i have no idea wat this dream she and kyung hee been talking about..?is that why shes afraid of the dark?woaaw!!that was freaky if yuwhan didnt call her?who did?! 0_0..is his apartment haunted or somethin?or was she just seeing stuff?....

cant wait to read more!!pls post soon!and can i be on the pm list pleasse?

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Guest Sweety_x1

aww.. shes scared of the dark?

me too sometimes ^-^

I dont get whats so secretive about the dark room. o_o

YEP[: i went on a trip to Las vegas :D

It was fun .. but veryy hot <_<



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Guest Cua Lee

thankxxxx a lot for the pms n the gift

i'm soo happy cuss this is the first gift ever someone give to me for this b-day, it's very special i love it a lot thankxxxxx thankxxx a lot for a million times, ur the best

awwwwwww she is scared of dark now wow, i wonder y that room's not like the other.

keep posting more soon, love u lotzzzz

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