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Guest faiwypwinteth

Has anyone seen the other trailer where Adam broke the remote and he doesn't get to see his kids grow up? It was pretty sad... :tears:

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Guest crashed&burned

This is a must watch for me since it's Adam Sandler, hehe.. Well, the plot seems so-so. But then, I never would've thought before that memory loss or convicts playing football can be so funny! hehe..

kate beckinsale in a comedy? never would've thought of that, but it might be good with the veteran cast.

Well, I saw her in Serendipity, though it's not really comedy but a light romantic film, she's okay with me in that kind of film. She's gorgeous! I guess, people are just used to seeing her tough and all in Underworld

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Guest falling U P

This is almost identical to the storyline of "Wait 'Til You're Older" (a Chinese movie starring Andy Lau). Has anyone seen that?

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So I just saw it today, and man it was better than I expected! Don't worry, no spoilers here...

When the commercials first came out, I thought it was a pretty stupid concept, and though it was KINDA similar to Bruce Almighty...I missed the first 10 minutes or so, but man it was funny. You have Adam Sandler, who obviously is a funny man, but he isn't the obnoxious kind of funny (ie. always screaming when he gets mad..) but his humour is more funny + crude than it is slapstick. Christopher Walken, what a genius. I love this guy...He doesn't give too much emotion when he speaks, but damn, that's just what gives him more of an appeal...Being able to make people laugh through subtleties.

Well, for any movie, you shouldn't expect too much cause you're bound to be disappointed, but I was actually pleased with this movie =)

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Guest theLEGEND

Guys.. I just came back from watching this movie and guess what?! It was better than I've expected. From the trailer that I saw, this must be similar to those comedy shows and yet another boring storyline. But turns out that it was so good. They highlited the moral of the story -- Family is everything. It was so sad that the part where Adam's dad died and he's not there with him and the part where he died and he was surrounded by his family. After all, it is a good movie!! :)

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Guest Happy_Day

this is the first comedy i cried in.

dang, those two or three scenes toward the end.. so heartbreaking..

i loved it!!! sooo hilarious, and it has a good moral. and kate beckinsale was so gorgeous in it. haha.

it's a must-see.

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Guest ripgal

i didn't know the gurl's kate beckinsale until u guys mentioned.. she looked different! haven't seen this.. but i think it's hilarious cos i have seen the trailer countless times and it never failed to make me :lol:

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Guest tigerstyle

Here's a review from CHUD.

Here are some choice quotes from the review:

The problem is that the lesson learned makes no sense. He has this remote, and he has all these competing responsibilities – does he work over the 4th of July weekend on a project that will make him a partner at his architectural firm or does he go camping with the family. The obvious answer is to pause the world, do your work, get some sleep and restart the world and go camping. But no, he just skips the weekend. Huh? How does that even begin to seem like a reasonable solution?

Why are all Sandler movies so mean, anyway? It seems to me that Sandler usually plays characters who would be the villain in many other comedies – semi-literate jock types whose first response to any frustration is violence. I imagine that if Sandler had ever appeared in a Marx Bros film he would have just punched Groucho in the face. Anyway, in this film Sandler jumps ahead 20 years to find his wife married to Sean Astin, a seemingly nice guy whose main drawback appears to be his choice of swim apparel – a tiny red Speedo. Anyway, Sandler finds that his wife of the future has left him because of his workaholic nature and married Astin, so he freezes Astin and kicks him in the balls. Three times. It’s a display of unearned animus that makes you cringe, and it’s the kind of thing that’s been shoehorned into the movie to appease Sandler’s mouth-breathing fanbase.

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Guest chinkboye22

good movie way better then i expected, i thought it was going to be cheesy, but yea i cried haha in the movie

don't wanna spoil it for ne one

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Guest _Jwes

I watched it and it really sucked! It's the worst Adam Sandler IMO.

And the worst part is, it is not appropriate for children.

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Guest KuYA II

i watched it, and i must say, it's a good movie. Good lesson and funny stuff here and there hehe. Pretty sad too as well, but overrall a good movie xD.

dang kate is sooo hott in the movie

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Guest getxinfatuated

I just got back from watchin it and i thought it was good. With all the assuming that been going on, people might be surprised :)

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