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[Variety] Super Junior Full House 슈퍼주니어의 풀하우스

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Guest luckyyou

is episode 8 subbed??

if someone gives me a link to episode 8 in MQ (351.0 MB) i'll be able to sub it tonight and have it up soon

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Guest lyzi88

did u guys notice in epi 8...when anya said that shiwon is a spy....heechul said he was a horse...then later at the police station...heechul was lookin' for the horse again. :)

how cute

...but why a horse?

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Guest fashionistaquarius

The U remake was hilarious =) It was adorable how Kibum and Dong Hae felt awkward when they sang their part

You can probably find one under 98MB in someone's clubbox. I saw it somewhere but I forget exactly where...maybe sylver or creidesca's clubbox

Ooh :( I really don't know how to use clubbox...hehehe...So I was really hoping there was one on like MU or something like that...lol. And besides I can read korean, but I really have no clue what it means...lol. So clubbox doesn't help me really. But thanks for the advice anyways!!! :D

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Guest MsCHua

^ no subs for episode 8 is not out yet, we're all waiting for episode 7 now.

thank you to all the hardwork subbers put into subbing full house for us, thank you for your time and effort.

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Guest srisin

Nice caps *wenDzie^^*

Ep.9 is the most hilarious of all by far. The next one looks more promising...

Comment: The people at the pub weren't too friendly at first, like "this guy's weird".

But at some point they probably understood what Suju was up to and sort of had fun too.

And yes the U remake had me laughing till my sides hurt XD

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Guest Meteor-Ice

Whhheeeeeeeeeeee!!! I love the caps!!!! Thanxs a lot *wenDzie^^*!!! ^_^

And before I forget...

A big as.s thank you to the SJ FH Subbers Team! You guys are awesome!

Keep up the good work! :lol:

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Guest luckyyou

I just translated episode 8. I'm not going to translate episode 7. Or maybe I will but not today or tomorrow. Who knows. Anyways, once again, do NOT remove the subs from NowNForever's clubbox!

[subs] [DO NOT REMOVE FROM THIS CLUBBOX] SJ's Full House - e8

Super Junior's Full House - e8 - English Village

Also dl the episode from the clubbox if you havent' dled it yet.

hey i know u wanted the MQ

but is 176MB ok?



oops i meant episode 7. oh wells. i already had episode 8 on my computer. but yeah, i'm not going to translate episod e7. i'll leave that up to the subbing team.

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Guest Wonderland

I was bored~ so in case anyone needs it...I did this while watching and some are not EXACT translations of the words. I did the best I could keeping in mind how it sounds in english. This is just an amateur guide anyway... :)

SuJu Full House 09 Translations

(Mission Impossible Will Now BEGIN~)

EH: Ok~ How about drinking coffee?

(Smoothly said english...)

E: Yeah~

EH: Let's go...

A: Yeah man...come on

KI: Hey! EunHyuk ah...do you have money??

KI: Err...My face is money!

EH: What? What are you? (it's a same sound kinda thing)

(Chapter 3: Store experience...super junior in pairs will have to complete missions in english)

E: And then there's a mission..

Everyone: Ah~~~ mission, mission...*nodd nodd*

E: and you have to do that okay?

Everyone: OOH,Kay~

(Mission #1: Heechul, EunHyuk - buy a popular novel for adults)

EH: Where is the bookshop?

Both looks around searching for a bookshop~~

(Can Heechul&Eunhyuk return safely withe their book?)

Shopkeeper: What are you doing here?

(Mission explanation)

HC: Err...we want to...we want to...favourite...book

Shopkeeper: Ok, I can show you where those are...they're upstairs

HC: Ah, upstairs~

EH: Ah there's no reason for them not to be...

(While being led by t he shop keeper, EH starts to joke around~)

Shopkeeper: Do you like it alot?


EH: YEAHHH~~~ oh.kay!

Shopekeeper: What was your favourite HP book?

HC/EH: ?????????????????

Shopkeeper: Which book was your favourite?...(to EH) Which book was your favourite?

HC to EH: When in doubt, just say OK

HC/EH: Oh KAY!!! OK OK~ ok ALOT!

HC/EH: Very short! Many picture!

Shopkeeper: I got it~

HC: YOU got it~? you got it...

(These are books that adults like???)


EH: *points to tape* grown ups hate to read...

Shopkeeper: Ok, 8000 for you~~

EH: For me? 8000?

(Reduced price!)

HC: Ok ok~

EH: We are genius!

HC: *worried* Is this really what adults like to read??

EH: My dad likes these kind of books...

HC/EH: Hi man~ hi man~

E/A: How was it?

EH: Mission success!

(Doesn't look like what adults read)

HC: We bought this book...adults really like reading this kind of book...

E/A: That's a children's book!

HC/EH: No no no! This is special...

(The point of this book is the TAPE!)

EH: Listen and read! look...adult favourite!

E: No...no...mission impossible!

(Heechul, Eunhyuk~ mission failed)

(Mission #2: KangIn, Leeteuk - buy a children's fairytale book)

HC: Soo~~

(The determined HC&EH)

HC: We grandmother, grandfather...you baby~

E: Ok

HC: When I first opened the box..

EH: *translates*

HK: *Is that right??*

HC: All I could see was white~

EH: *translates*

E: I can't understand the english...the Korean's easier to understand

HC: Isn't my english pronunciation good??

A: No, it's not.

(KangIn and LeeTeuk returns with book)

KI: Yo~ we are back

KI: For this ball~ we bought this book....we are back!

(So, what book did they end up buying??)

KI: The mission said to buy a popular children's book

LT: This is it! Crocodile and Hen~Yeah~

KI: This...is a present for you anya! *pats her shoulder* keep working hard!

KI/LT: Is our mission a success?

(Seems to have ulterior motives! *prob talking abt the crocodile part...hehe*

E: Ok~ success

(Heechul& EunHyuk~ regret~~~)

(Mission# 3 Shiwon&Hankyung - Red bean sherbet without red bean...)

SW: Red bean sherbet...

HK: Red bean sherbet??

EH: (not HAPPY!)Yah. Is that a book name???

SW: Noo~ it's red bean sherbet without red beans...

EH: Ah...so it's just to buy red bean sherbet without red beans?

HC: so just no red beans...

(troubled with the use of english)

SW: So the ice is just what we crushed at home...ice...

HK: oh...ice...

(seriously explaining ~)

SW: So just don't put in red beans...just eat it like that...

HK: *completely lost expression...* o_O

(Gives up explanation)

SW: Aish! Let's go...heyy hyung~ this way

SW: Excuse me...hi~

HK: Err...red bean sdfghjk....ICE CREAM~~??

Lady: You want ice cream?

SW: No no~~~

Lady? Ice coffee? Would you like some ice coffee?

HK: Coffee no...

HK: How do you say red bean sherbet in english??

KangIn imitation HK: Oh mm, what is this? oh oh...paat..oh don't have?....*Don't copy me~~~* I bet he's like this right now...

HK: Oi~ quickly say it...

SW: Err...slush...

Lady: Italian slushy? ok...

(HK *did we get it right??*)

HC: What if they just bought red bean sherbet and ate the beans...that's the same as no beans right...

EH: Yeah! What if they lie to us...

E: HK wouldn't lie~~

KI: How would you know?

(Sound of crushed ice)

*HK looks with wonder~*

(So did they manage to get red bean sherbet?)

A: WOW~~

HC: Is this red bean sherbet??

SW: Eh...we're using italian style soda as a substitute for red bean sherbet~

EH: What is this?? You can't do that...

HC: No no~ it's not the same as the mission

HC: *points determinedly* Mission impossible! mission impossible!

A: Ok~

E: They tried their best...tried their best...

HC: They can do that??

E/A: So...OKAY!


EH: They should at least only get half! OKAY?

A: No

(EH/HC completely angry)

E: *happily* success success

(Mission #4 Donghae&kibum - Americano without suger and latte with extra milk)

DH: HI!!!

Lady: Hi~ how are you?

DH: Nice to meet you

Lady: Nice to meet you

DH:Ah...Americano ONE...but SUGAR NO!

Lady: No sugar...

DH: Ok. Two...cafe latte but...MIRUKU PULL! (*isn't that right...?*)

Lady: Alot of milk?

DH: Ah. Ahhh! Alot of milk! alot of milk!

*kibum explains*

DH: Do you understand?

Lady: Yes...

DH: Thank you Thank you~~

DH: Can I ask something? (DH's english notes)

Lady: Sure~

DH: Can you turn off the lights please?

Lady: The light? what...?

DH: Ah joking!

(Full House english tip: Basically to have confidence when conversing)

KB: 6400

DH: I don't have money~

Lady: Oh ok...don't worry~ there you go...

KB: Free? Free?

Lady: Yes~~

(Free because of good looks!)

KB: Thank you~~

DH: You are so gorgeous today~

Ladies: Aww...Thank you~~



DH: Are you cold?

E: Yes

DH: We made this for you!

E: You bought it for us...yes...

KB: No it's free...

E: It's free? O_O

HC: Yah! How come this mission is so good...

DH: It was free because they said we were good looking!! HAHAHA~!

LT: This coffee isn't nice...it's better at tea shops(?)

A: The best team...the very best team...is the last team!

(KB&DH win!)

*everyone starts walking off and whinging*

HC: If you think about it~~ our's was more important! think about it...the education...

KI: Yah! Let's not talk about it...just go...

A: Maybe you listen first~~

DH: My english is good right?

A: Yes, very good~

DH: Ok! Thank you~~

(Time flies, SuJu and A&E visited all the places around the english village, experiencing different cultures and learning english~~ and now it is dark)

(Chapter 4: Things that happen at a pub)

A: This is english pub~

SW: In Europe~ there's alot of places to eat outside...

HC: Have you been?

SW: Yeahh I've been...

*everyone starts screaming out different places their from and asking him if he's been)

KI: Let's play a game...What Is This? game...and the punishment is to go interact with the english people....

*plays game - in the middle, HC's spit flies onto HK*

KI: This is my girlfriend...

LT: Wait...who is your girlfriend?

KI: I saw here when we walked past before...

HC: Ah!!! that person at the police station...

EH: Noo~ you're trying to escape punishment!

HC: Yah I know~ stephanie from the police station


LT: Do you agree? Are you going to admit stepahnie?

KI: Ahh....i really can't...i'll take the punishment

HC: AH! where have i seen that before?

KI: Me too me too...

HC/KI: Really strange~~~

LT: Now...go to that table and make them laugh~

*KI does his thing~~~*

EH: What are we to do...

(Loses face)

KI: Can I not play this round? I feel nervous just sitting here...now number 2 mission i'll set...go to that furthermost table and to a buff guy say Bring It On!


(Hwang Dang(unbelievable?) mission!)

LT: How about arm wrestling then?

KI: How do you say arm wrestling?

E: Arm wrestling

KI: OK! How about playing arm wrestling?

(That's the mission)

*plays game - and then DH does his thing~*

LT: This time the punishment is two things. A photo and phone number~

DH: The blonde lady at the back is the target...

(Will is be successful??)

*plays game again~~heechul stumbles*

EH: Ahh! There are a few words you can't use....TOUCH ME YO MAN BABY


KI: Ahh~ this is the site for the SuJu U MV~

A: Oh~ really?

KI: But I'm not in it...

(checking the MV...No KI)

HK: Don't cry~~

HC: don't cry~don't cry~

KI: Please~ can I be in it once!

DH: Ok ok~ let's film it again

(KI full house version U MV)

KI: You guys sing for me...I will just lipsynch

Everyone: 5,6,7,8

KI: Wait~~~ hahaha...*make shim happy just thinking about it*

*sings one sentence*

HC: Ok, KI's part is over now

HK: Yeah it's over

KB: It's over...

KI: No...it's not over...the song's so long why is the filming so short?? There are 13 people and i didn't even film for 5 seconds! Imagine the screen time I will get...asdfghjk

(KB's emotional acting~)

(From a cool look to a cute smile~~)

(KB feels a little awkward...)

KI: Ok...shiwon's turn...

HC: 5,6,7,8

SW: laughs...(embarassed just to be thinking about it...)

HC: quickly~~~

(DH's solo...)

KB: It was awkward right? right?

DH: Ahh how do you do it...AHHH

(EH rap...comes out suddenly)

(KI dances to KB's part...)

KB: Now how am I supposed to dance to that?? I don't want to .... I need to change a dance...

(HK's expressive performance...but always with an awkward ending...)

(HC's expressive performance...)

KI: End with a smirk hyung~~

*HC smirks!*


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Guest anna_85

thanks wonderland and luckyyou for the subs/translations ^^

it makes full house even more enjoyable to watch =D

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Guest Kimmy

Thanks Wonderland for ep9 translation. i was wondering what Kangin said about Hankyung when he was in the shops. haha KANGIN!! why are you imitating hk? but it was cute how he said it thoo~ poor hankyung~ but yeah EP 9 was sooo funny.. Donghae was funny ^^; and i love the Fullhouse of U ;]

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Guest MiSs L.E

okay. so I've been silent this whole time as i caught up and now, i get to talk~ I love this show!! It makes me laugh like CRAZY!! and i've fallen IN LOVE with HanKyung~ =) =) he is such a sweetie :wub:

And ep 4 was my favorite~ With the prank and all~ God.. i love this~




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Guest lost_kim

I just finished watching last saturday's episode... These guys are too funny... they can entertain themselves and their audience with anything... loved the mission thing that eva and anya made for the guys... they spent so much time in the english village and the games they had... it was all too funny!!

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Guest aymei

I just translated episode 8. I'm not going to translate episode 7. Or maybe I will but not today or tomorrow. Who knows. Anyways, once again, do NOT remove the subs from NowNForever's clubbox!

[subs] [DO NOT REMOVE FROM THIS CLUBBOX] SJ's Full House - e8

Super Junior's Full House - e8 - English Village

Also dl the episode from the clubbox if you havent' dled it yet.

oops i meant episode 7. oh wells. i already had episode 8 on my computer. but yeah, i'm not going to translate episod e7. i'll leave that up to the subbing team.

Thanks for the subs, but when I tried to dl from your cb, my dl wouldn't start at all. -.- & I know theres nothing wrong with my cb cause I paused another dl to dl your subs =X

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