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Illegal Downloading Of Music, Movies, Etc.


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I have musician friends who tell me the same thing that's in this article:


that gigs are harder to come by, and not paying well

but then again, for songwriters who don't perform live, that's irrelevant....

but at the same time, we are in a recession, whoops, just came out of a recession

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Guest evolution_

I download a lot of music, but there are certain artists who I have loved for years whose albums I will buy on the spot without question. Usually, if I download an artist's music and I grow to love it, I'll venture out and buy it.

I also like to go to concerts if an artist I like is in town and sometimes I even splurge on concert items which everyone knows are super over priced. So I guess in my mind I support the artists I want to support... lol.

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Mike Lombardo giving the "smackdown" lol.

Mike disputes this article (http://www.philipbrocoum.com/?p=601) about filesharing titled "Filesharing Will Go Down in History As the Greatest Thing Ever to Happen to Music."

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  • 2 weeks later...

while looking up something on the copyright office webiste,

I came across this:


I didn't follow up how it was resolved, if it is....

but Google is being so hypocritical

What is Google's motto? "To do no evil", I think one of the founders of Google said that.

But they just seem to be walking all over creators' rights, just to make themselves profit. In the above example, it's books. Google gets paid by ads on their pages, but they don't want to compensate the creators, who are the reason that people go on the internet in the first place, to see "content" on the internet

That's just so hypocritical, and just plain wrong.

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Guest PUNKYjunk

I don't download music. I either just listen to the radio (which gets tiresome because of repeats so I'll turn it off) or listen to music on youtube. I'm probably the most musically deprived person I know. When people talk about music I'll just be like, "Uh huh. Yea... Right. Sure." Smile and nod.

Don't get me wrong. I like music.

But that's just how my life works. I can't afford CDs and I just rather not torrent music. :\

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Of course it's wrong,download illegaly are act of theft and is very detrimental especially for the people like you, but who's should be blame? just by one or two click you can enjoy many kind of music,films,papers,etc with no expenses (free)

must have awareness of yourself to appreciate the work of others :huh: :huh:

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Does "Etc." apply to books? 

My personal belief is that copyright should not exist in academia. For example, English courses at my school require course readers with copyrighted text. Because texts from Poe and Hemingway are usually still copyrighted, the fees and such need to be paid and this process marks up what is a few dollars worth of paper into something approaching the price of a traditional textbook. It does not benefit students who are there to learn, not to pay some dead writers' ancestors an absurd amount of money. 

I remember why this thread feels so familiar to me; I reserve my opinions on pirated music and movies. 

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haha that sucks.

are these course packs just further material that supplements the covered texts? at the moment im thinking why not just borrow the texts from the library or use the internet access in campus to log onto the journal databases the university has subscribed to.

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English classes I have been in often don't have a legitimate textbook so the course packs serve as the replacement. The idea is that instead of spending hundreds on books, you'd just get snippets of what the professor wanted to teach for the minimal cost of copying/binding. This changed in the 1990s (in the cases cited in my previous post). 

Online databases don't have text from books (copyright issues for those not in the public domain). And the library has maybe 3 copies of a text for a class of at least 20. Of course copies can be made but that goes back to the copyright dilemma. 

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Does "Etc." apply to books? 

My personal belief is that copyright should not exist in academia. For example, English courses at my school require course readers with copyrighted text. Because texts from Poe and Hemingway are usually still copyrighted, the fees and such need to be paid and this process marks up what is a few dollars worth of paper into something approaching the price of a traditional textbook. It does not benefit students who are there to learn, not to pay some dead writers' ancestors an absurd amount of money. 

I remember why this thread feels so familiar to me; I reserve my opinions on pirated music and movies. 

yeah, I agree the books can get expensive. I remember when I was at the University of Hawaii, my Calculus and Physics books were pretty big books and expensive. so yeah, I can see where you are coming from. Hmmmm....I don't know what to say. For me, I would try to buy used textbooks, which were a bit cheaper but not always available.

As far as English stuff (I was better at math haha), isn't Poe's work in the public domain by now? I could be wrong....

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Guest frostyyy

I think it's really wrong but I do it. If I'm older, I'd definitely buy their albums then download music for my iPod. I feel so guilty. u____u

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Guest The_Username

I write songs, and I wouldn't get a heart attack if people downloaded my songs illegally. I come from a niche genre in underground electronic music, back when vinyl was the thing labels weren't exactly pressing tons of vinyl, and they certainly weren't making CDs. 5000 downloads is considered a hit today (but I'm sure way more pirate). Money is found through gigs. Gigs are all about popularity contests, so the more people know about you the more likely you'll actually get booked for one.

The labels promote and do the dirty grunt work, and they lose out to the illegal downloads though.

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yeah, I agree the books can get expensive.  I remember when I was at the University of Hawaii, my Calculus and Physics books were pretty big books and expensive.  so yeah, I can see where you are coming from.  Hmmmm....I don't know what to say.  For me, I would try to buy used textbooks, which were a bit cheaper but not always available.

As far as English stuff (I was better at math haha), isn't Poe's work in the public domain by now?  I could be wrong....

Textbooks have their own issues to deal with. I'm talking about those course packets, usually a sheet of flimsy paper, has excerpts of stories from various sources, and published by the university. 


I haven't had many classes that cover Poe. His copyright expired and it's public domain but most writers either had their copyright renewed or still within the first copyright time period. 

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Guest misswindupbird

I buy a lot of my music, but some of the music I like is difficult or impossible to get ahold of here, or extremely expensive.  So, I admit it - I don't pay for those songs.

But I agree that copyright shouldn't exist in academia.  I'm so anti-textbook because of the prices.  Honestly, I make photocopies of the textbook for one of my courses because the book is super tiny and $200 which is RIDICULOUS.  I'm such a rebel~ haha

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I don't download music. I either just listen to the radio (which gets tiresome because of repeats so I'll turn it off) or listen to music on youtube. I'm probably the most musically deprived person I know. When people talk about music I'll just be like, "Uh huh. Yea... Right. Sure." Smile and nod.

Don't get me wrong. I like music.

But that's just how my life works. I can't afford CDs and I just rather not torrent music. :\

fair enough

There is nothing wrong with radio, because companies pay to run commercials on the radio, but this is good, because radio stations pay ASCAP and BMI, which in turn pay songwriters/composers royalties. In fact, just by listening to the radio, you are helping out songwriters/composers and supporting music, actually. I do admit they play some songs too much though.

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must be really frustrating huh?

as a songwriter to be livin' in this age.

i guess nowadays.. people aren't willing to buy what can easily be taken for free, especially when there aren't any obvious consequences.

but from people's comments, it kinda shows that we're still willing to buy music, but only music that we reaaaaaallly like. it's like actually BUYING a record is a sign that you think it's worthy of your spending?

I buy (some) cds XD

mostly coz they come with posters haha

but i really think that the singers/songwriters at the 'top' who are 'filthy rich' should address this issue for the sake of their industry.. isn't there some sort of event every year in korea that's dedicated to 'don't download illegaly' or smth?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I hope I didn't mention this in one of the many previous posts,

but the word "copyright", when you look at it literally, is the right to make copies of your music (or anything that is copyrighted)

so that means controlling the distribution of your song, movie, book, etc.

so regardless of if someone considers illegal downloading of a song "theft" or not, it is still impeding on the legal right of the songwriter/composer to control what happens to his song. So a person illegally downloading is stepping all over the composer's legal rights, that part is not debatable. (I guess I should put some of this info in the very first post)

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