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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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thank you!! :D

junsu :D .i love what they were wearing in the show. Very nice and classy like in their vid. LOL. i have to admit i was looking at the arashi boys reaction to junsu's lil gag. They look a lil tired and the performance was short. But it was a beautiful performance, vocal and everything the boys did great as always ,they never dissapoint us fans. Gambatte guys!TOKYO DOME here we go!

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Guest eVangeLuv

Music Station performance rocks!!!! I'm not quite into Doumini coopere but this song, tho similar in style, just seems to flow so smoothly and the rhythm is so mesmerizing that my brain kept repeating the same chorus over & over again (^.^) Yunho was seated beside Masaharu Fukuyama and i can't help but notice how small Yunnie's face is compared to him :P But then again he seems thinner & rather tired :(Eat more neh Yunho!!!! Beef up!!!! LOL

And 2moro's Dome!!! Dome!!!! I'm SO proud of them! Hearing that Changmin may be sick is just so worrying :tears:

Question: Who in your family is most understanding as to why you like DBSK or someone you can talk to about them?

I know I'm late in this topic, but after reading all the others story i wanna add in my share as well :D

In my house i discuss the boys wif practically like .... nobody tho i have slight hint tat my bro knows I'm obsessed with the boys due to my loud blasting of their latest music every now and then (one of the songs include SHW which my bro watch the anime :w00t: ) :P But my relationship wif them is a little strain so i never quite talk to them :tongue2:

My mum barge in my room one day while i was enjoying their O concert. She lingered for which i think was longer then usual & commented the boys dance realli well!!! Hahaha I've to chase her out of my room when after god knows how long & she's still standing there XD Somehow i feel a little embarrassed when it comes to discussing my idols with my parents :blush:

My dad's reaction was the BEST! He's the usual stern father with few words and detest spending our $$$ anyhow. So whenever i bought the boys stuff online, I'd pray SO hard tat he not be the one to open the door when the post guy comes. Ironically, both times, with huge purchase (meaning like 3 albums, 2 concert dvd + 1 photo book + calender) arrived at my door, it was he who heard the knocking & open the door!!!! I was scared out of my wits!!!!! But all he did was simply called mi, acknowledge the package & went off w/o so much as a look at wat i bought :w00t: Mind u the stuffs were wrap in transparent plastic, meaning u could see whatever is inside & how many are there. I practically dash for my room after tat. Later, i got to know from my mum tat cuz I'd spent my own hard earn $$$ tat's why he wouldn't pry into it :P

My cousin is the onli DBSK fan i know =p And she fell into this fandom under no brainwashing of mine. hahaha i mean I've been a fan since mid last yr, so naturally all my msn, blog, facebook remarks shouts DBSK =p One would have to be an idiot to know I'm into them. One fine day she came to mi online saying DBSK are so handsome!!! muahahaha! Thereafter, its all history. I'd brainwashed her with all sorts of programs the boys attended, all their songs to date. So now she's the one and onli family whom i can gushed abt the boys XD

As for my friends, hahaha one of them manage to recognize Yunho (cuz he's my fav & i kept brainwashing her with this detail :lol: ) and "the pretty one" which is JJ hahaha!! The other can't even remember their grp name DBSK. She has, in more than one occasion called them DBS & i laughed so hard at tat. In my country, DBS is a short form for a bank you see :lol:

Phew!!! Finished wif my blabbing! :D

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Guest Jessie Ji Hoon

More Fan account of Mirotic in BKK

[FAN ACCOUNT] 280609 3rd Asia Tour Concert in BKK Day 2 (last day T.T)

Again, let me share in Eng so that everyone can understand ^^.





· In Hahaha, Changmin had a slight injury in his ankle. I enjoyed the moment at that time but also wondered why Changmin sat still on the floor. Then I saw him again walking down the stairs limpingly. Well, he kept walking but once he couldn’t stand it he sat on a step around SL zone. To be honest, I was worried about him at that time so I kept shouting Changmin!!! To cheer him up. Hyungs also worried about their tongseng but it’s the fact that the show must go on. Well, he tried to dance along with Hyungs in Sky which was sooooo cute and impressive. They are so professional!!!



· Tonight …. Yeah it was Tonight that marked the end of this concert. It was sooooo impressive since Junsu’s first part to the last word they sang. Yoochun appeared with his hair towel on the mirror stage and Changmin just poped up in front of me! …. Scream!!!!! Yoochun looked so slim but sooooo cool!!!

· When they walked around saying thank you and Yunho and Changmin came to my zone (Yoochun just walked pass lol), there was none in front of me since they were screaming at Yunho at that time. I shout “Changminna, kwenchanna? Changminna, kwenchanna?” And he looked up and looked like he understood what I said. And tears just fell down unceasingly. TT.TT

· Today’s project was singing the song Don’t Say Goodbye. We all was successful and the sound was so loud that it resounded the arena. I believed that DBSK heard us. We knew you knew how much we love you. I couldn’t go on singing the part “Don’t say goodbye. You’re the only one for me …. Don’t say goodbye. Don’t leave me now….” It was strongly filled with what all the Cassie felt at that very moment.

· Yoochunna, I believed that you saw me na. Let’s meet again next time and I love you. DBSK, you are my everything I wish I could have.


Credit: Me-'n-yOO@www.welovetvxq-jj.blogspot.com

Thank you for your account. That remind me about that night..such a wonderful concert.... such a wonderful night!

(except the heavy rain after the concert)

During Changmin got hurt, I saw him looked back at the staff (I sat at SC Zone where I could see the staff on the stage...on the right site of the stage).

But no any signal from any staff, so Changmin limpingly walked to his standing point (SL Zone) and finally sat down on the floor.

Same as you, at that moment I worried about Changmin's injure.

More pics from Bangkok Motor Show 30 March 2009



credit: as tagged

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Guest amaias


Since i really need sell my tokyo dome ticket and the date is so close i am selling a special price. PM :o

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Guest min_60

Thanks for sharing this! Watched it in dnbn but the quality isnt as great as this one.

I loved everything about this performance, the song itself, vocal wise it was awesome, they looked good in black and the stage was simple yet pretty.

If only the perf was a bit longer, it would've been perfect =)

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Guest benhi

Junsu Endorsing ColoNize



LOL for some reason i laughed when seeing this, maybe becoz of the anime character on his shirt? it's really suit him anyway

[News] Junsu As A Middle School Student Fanaccount

My mom’s friend… Her husband is in SME, and the friend herself knew about DBSK. When I came to Seoul a few weeks ago, she was all excited. When I told her my favorite member was Junsu, she blanked for a second.

“Hold on, Junsu? Xiah Junsu?”

And I looked at her, a little confused. “Y-yes…”

She smiled and said, “I think my daughter’s old English tutor used to teach him in middle school… Lemme give the tutor a call.”

This was me —> ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

“Hello? Is this {name taken out}-sshi? Did you have Xiah Junsu from DBSK as your student before? Before he debuted? Oh, you did? What kind of student was he?”

Then the lady burst out laughing. I stared at her, anxious to hear what was being said. The lady thanked the tutor and hung up. Then she turned to me, grinnning, and told me, “The tutor said she never had a student like Junsu before. No matter how many times she told him something in English, it just wouldn’t go through!”

sweatingbullets.gif And that’s when I remembered Junsu’s debut video. He tells the judge that he can do everything well except for studying, lol.

Credits: zhuuzhuusoba @ iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Please do not remove without full credits


yea, i remember his "who's that?", lol

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Guest sheilapiglet

090702 Bigeast Station Episode 118 Translation

JJ: Tohoshinki Bigeast Station, today we have Jaejoong and

YH: Yunho and

CM: Changmin.

JJ: DBSK’s 4th Tour <The Secret Code> is only left with the two days in Tokyo Dome

YH: It’s finally going to end.

JJ: Wow, it’s really awesome. 4th and 5th of July… Although we have to endure for two days but is indeed coming soon! How are you guys feeling? Nervous?

YH: Ah.. I’m still not feeling that nervous~ But I’m feeling abit nervous for the dancing parts

JJ: Right.. But honestly, because it’s Tokyo Dome, is it really possible?

YH: Yeah.. We used to say that we hoped to stand on Tokyo Dome stage, but in reality, how can it be accomplished so fast? It’s quite unbelievable now.

CM: I never thought it was possible.

JJ: We never really thought about it..

YH: To be able to stand on the Tokyo Dome stage.. It’s really unbelievable.

CM: This person is abit drunk -points to YH-

YH: Right.. my heart is full now (He pronounces full wrongly)

CM: Nothing’s wrong (JJ laughs)

YH: Full, correction.

CM: We must work hard today too.

YH: I’m dozing off.. These few days I’ve been dozing off.

JJ: Yunho might be feeling very nervous already.

CM: Oh.. really nervous.. but it’s okay.

YH: Yeah I guess it’s okay.

JJ: Anyway, the last two days.. In order to ensure that the atmosphere isn’t brought down, we will work hard together.

YH: Right.

JJ: Tohoshinki Bigeast Station, let’s hear the first song for today.. Tohoshinki’s~

Everyone: Survivor


JJ: Tohoshinki Bigeast Station, today the hosts are JJ and

YH: YH and~


JJ: Today we would like to mention some messages that everyone has left behind regarding the single “Stand by U” that will be released on the 1st of July.

YH: Okay, bring it on.

JJ: Okay, we shall start with YH.

YH: Radio name “dedeksonumeru”. “Hello.I have been listening to you guys happily. When I first heard the new single, <Stand by U>, I felt that the song was excellent. Finally got it today.

CM: Your reading.. it’s fine right?

YH: No problem~ “It is indeed excellent, it’s so good that I’m in a mess. The melody is beautiful, too good. Even the lyrics are the best. I’m speechless. I have been listening to it repetitively the whole summer. Thank you for such an awesome song”

CM: Thank you.

JJ: Thank you.

YH: I feel really happy when I hear you guys say this.. Really..

JJ: We would still want to continue working harder!

YH: JJ’s the best (T/N: YunJae moment?)

CM: Alright… radio name “Changmin son(?)” (T/N: I couldn’t understand it) “Hello everybody. Stand by U Is definitely a great song, following “Why I Like You?” song’s style. To someone who likes you the most (T/N: the person exagerrated the “most” part by repeating it), I’m really looking forward to it.

YH: Like the most~ Thank you!

CM: “Because this is a great song~ I am so happy that I seem to like you guys even more. Everyone who listens to it will be enchanted by it, I especially like the amazing lyrics. What do you guys think? Tell me a part of the lyrics that you guys like!” I personally prefer th epart where I sing..

JJ: What is this??

CM: Ah.. it’s good.. especially the part where I sing, there was this sentence “Everytime I receive a message, I hope that it will show your name” It seems so real, like as if you have this kind of experience before. Even if you break up.. Not even breaking up.. Just liking a person, won’t you always hope that person would send you a text message? Thinking liket his, you’d always not let go of your phone.

YH: Yeah.. I also like that part of the lyrics where I sang.

CM: Which one?

YH: My part was “Because until now, I’m still screaming your name out, alone” Don’t you feel heart ache?

CM: Yes a little bit..

JJ: It is very natural, and flows well.

YH: Right..

CM: IT is indeed very natural.. JJ yah~

JJ: I think, instead of liking a certain part, I prefer the whole song..

YH: Yeah.. that atmosphere.

CM: Which part of the song do you especially like the most..

JJ: If I must choose, mine is very simple.. the last part.. “I only think of you”

YH: “I only think of you” (He starts singing)

JJ: Only that feeling is the best.

YH: A kind of memory that never changes.

JJ: Thank you for your message.

JJ: The next message.. Radio name “Sally”, “Hello everyone, I have been listening to bigeast station happily.. The new single this time “Stand by U” is very cool, the song is also filled with warmth. But it feels as if you have been defeated. The feeling is very fresh about confessing but not receiving the same kind of feeling back. I think it the long-term, if I continue listening to this song, the song will be my favourite. Not giving up during this period, always listening, let it be my theme song.. really very happy.

CM: um…..

YH: Why do you keep saying um..

CM: I am showing that I agree!

JJ: Ah.. there’s still one line “It is indeed Tohoshinki”

YH: Thank~~~~~~~~~~ You

All: Thank you so much.

JJ: We have finished introducing the song~ We have heard alot from the messages just now.

All: Thank you

JJ: I hope all of you look forward to the new single “Stand by U” releasing on the 1st of July. Now, we shall let everyone listen to this new song..

All: “Stand by U”


JJ: Now is the time for a few messages from Tohoshinki. Firstly, the new single “Stand by U” will be released on the 1st of July, I hope everybody look forwards to it. Next would be the start of the Tokyo Dome concert. Alot of things have happened during Tohoshinki’s 4th tour <The Secret Code>

CM: Indeed..

JJ: We will work hard till the end for these 2 days concert, 4th – 5th of July

YH + CM: We will!

JJ: We are also waiting for more messages from all of you! Please visit our website at www.jfn.co.jp/toho toho is spelt as T-O-H-O On the website, you can view new photos from our recording as well.


- How do you say it in Korean, You know?!

JJ: Now it’s the “How do you say it in Korean, You Know?!” Section.

YH: Uknow! Uknow!

JJ: This section is named “How do you say it in Korean, You Know?!”~ And we will answer your questions regarding Korean Language. Today, as usual, we received alot of messages, thank you so much!

YH & CM: Thank you!

JJ: Okay, so we will hurry up and start~ Today, we will start from me, JJ~

CM: Ohhhhh.

JJ: Radio name “Niwahaku”. “I always feel happy when I listen to this program. I am currently dating a guy now, he is korean”

YH & CM; wow~ wow~ wow~ wow~ (T/N: LOLOL!)

YH: Congratulations!

JJ: hahaha~

CM: It looks really lonely~

JJ: “My boyfriend likes to sleep alot and I wish to use Korean to wake him up. In Korea, what do you say when you want to wake someone up?” If its me, I will just say “Wake up” in Korean normally, maybe with a slightly louder voice.

CM: Mm.. Right..

JJ: “Wake up” is “Yi Lo Na”~ Right~

CM: MmMm~ (T/N: So changmin-ish!)

JJ: Although it is “Yi Lo Na” but you must say it louder and near the ear.

CM: Let’s demonstrate.


CM: … Good.. Just say it louder.

YH: Right..

CM: Ah…

YH: Yeah~ The atmosphere now is really loud..

JJ: What?!

CM: If you really want to shout, there wouldn’t be a use for Korean already.

JJ: Then what would you say? Mr Changmin?

CM: Using the same word, but don’t have to say it so loud. Instead, use a sweet feeling.. (JJ: Try it out~) Wouldn’t this method be better?

JJ: Then please demonstrate..

CM: YILONA~ YILONA~ Use this kind of method to say..

YH: Not bad..

CM: You’d have a good mood when you wake up.

YH: With a little bit of flirtatious sound to it~ Definitely will wake up~ (T/N: I would have no resistance towards his flirtatious tone!)

CM: Mm…

JJ: Then could you please wake us up from now onwards using that tone~


All: Hahaha~

YH: It is that kind of feeling..

JJ: Haha~ Okay~ Let’s look at the next message.

YH: I shall do it~ Radio name “nachan no mama”. “Me, my 17 year old son and 9 year old daughter all like you guys”

CM&JJ: Thank you.

YH: “From last year, my daughter has been saving water and electricity just to save the environment. She even went to clean up the beach and did many other stuff. Have any of you did any of these kinda things before? Also, how do you say ‘waste’ in Korean?”

JJ: Doing things in order to save the environment..

CM: Mm..

YH: Isn’t it summer now? (CM: Yeah) Won’t all of us use air-conditioners? (CM: Oh~ Yeah~) Fans and sorts. (CM: Oh yeah~) especially electrical ones (CM: Oh yeah~) Also, we can use a fan to pass the hot summer days.

CM: Oh, so it’s like that?

YH: Yep, Everyone, for the sake of saving the environment, can try to use fans instead.

JJ: Great~ Thanks for the answer!

CM: Thank you! (JJ keeps laughing)

YH: Aside from this answer, the important one is how to say “waste” in korean.

CM: “waste” in korean. how do you say it?

YH: A ga wo~

JJ: A ga wo~

CM: A ga wo~

YH: A ga wo~ A ga da~, if we compare these two, a ga da would be more suitable.

CM: Right..

YH: A ga da~

CM: A ga da~

YH: Changmin’s face a ga da~ (CM: Mm~) Okay, its that kind of feeling~ I hope everyone would use it alot~

CM: Thank you! (JJ: Thank you!) I will work hard!

JJ: Let’s look at the next message~

CM: Okay. radio name “xiuxiu changmin”~ (JJ: xiuxiu!!), “Hello everyone, previously on this section of the program, you mentioned something about Changmin disrespecting people and bullying others recently.”

YH: Indeed.. no manners..

CM: “Changmin is a very gentle person, please tell me who to say this. Also, please tell everyone and Changmin-jun is a good person”

YH: Tell everyone, Changmin~

JJ: This is abit bad~ It’s really not like that, you liar~

YH: Exactly~

CM: about this~ “changmin is a gentle person”, in Korean it’s “changmin nong cha qi akang salangmia”~ “changmin nong chiongma qi akang salangmia~”

JJ: Great, does everyone know? It’ll be up ’till here for today.

CM: Nono, there still is~?! Isn’t there?! I must tell the listeners that Changmin-jun is a good person. But this is abit…

YH: Okay okay, I know~ I know~ you don’t have to say it already~

CM: Why must you emphasize that I’m a good person, I am not a bad person in the first place. (Sighs) Don’t emphasize that I look like a good person~

YH: But I think you really are~ hehe~

CM: What!!

JJ: Then let me say it.

CM: Great, sorry to trouble you.

JJ: Changmin is really gentle (CM: Yeah!) Okay, we’ll end it here. Today…

CM: Thats it?

JJ: “How do you say it in Korean, You know?” How was it? You must use the phrases introduced today! “Changmin is gentle”, can also be used!

YH: Yep~ It’s summer, use a fan.

JJ: What has this got do with now?! STOP!

YH: Because I use, so it matters.

JJ: If you want to know how to say something in Korean, send a message. We’ll be waiting for you. Tohoshinki Bigeast Station, let’s here the last song for the day. The coupling song for “Stand by U” that will be released on 1st of July.. Tohoshinki’s~

All: “Tea for Two”


JJ: Tohoshink’s Bigeast Station has once again reached it’s end. We are waiting for everyone’s messages. “I want to know the answer”, “How do you say it in Korean~ You know!!”, “Toho Psychology” and “Love Situation~ Loving U”. Each section is waiting for you~ The address for your messages is here~

YH: The website for the program is www.jfn.co.jp/toho (repeats it), please send ur messages. Toho is spelt as T-O-H-O!

JJ: Great~

YH: Yep~

JJ: How are you feeling today?

CM: Very happy.

YH: Yep~ Only these few?

JJ: These few?

CM: Mm..

JJ: When were you the most happy?

CM: The happiest place~ It would have to be when we were discussing about the new single.

YH: Definitely.

JJ: Indeed, very happy~

CM: We hop everyone would hear the new single this time “Stand by U”.

YH: Right~ Also, we must still use the fan during summer time~ Hehehe~

CM&JJ: hahah~

JJ: Mister Yunho~ Mister Yunho~

YH: What’s the matter?

JJ: So for today~ (YH: Ahhahahaha!) we shall end here~ Ah~ It’s sad~

CM: Right~

JJ: ‘Till the next time we meet, this was brought to you by Changmin and~

CM: Jaejoong and~

YH: Yunho.

All: Bye!


The length is godly D:

So I really advise you to search for the raw audio clip on YT and listen as you read.. otherwise it gets kinda weird…


Hahah, for him, I will use the fan!


Source: [togethertvxq.com]

Translations: thesexy-orange@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Please do not remove without full credit.

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Guest koreamom

yukarichangmin--thanks so much for the gifs and all the gorgeous pictures of changmin you share-

wow! TD countdown! to all those who are there have the time of your life and show them your love!

what is it like when your dream turns to reality? dbsk rock to world tonite in japan and have the best dream of your life! please be healthy and happy and do your best and feel so good inside after it is over! you have worked so hard for all this and have done splendedly!

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Guest CHANGMIN.lovers

does anyone know when AADBSK3 photobook will be released.

the estimated release date that i heard is 15 july..but not very sure of it

^^ :D

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Guest petiteange22

i just wanted to say how much i really like stand by u!!!

in this song, max really stood out for me. max's verses are my fav parts in this song!! i like him singing in this low pitch!

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Guest YukariiChangmin

^Nothing less expected of Yunho.. he's always so so sweet to his fans! <3

OMG it's been awhile since we're bombarded with lots of Changmin gifs. Thanks for sharing these! I love the above gif especially~ Hehe his expression is just too cute!

You´re welcome I feel happy you loved all gifs Muah*


Thanks for the vid!!!!! Awesome! :w00t:

I did some caps from this ok ? Thanks so much *muah*


yukarichangmin--thanks so much for the gifs and all the gorgeous pictures of changmin you share-

You´re welcome too

That´s great you loved all Minnie´s Gifs































credits: www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com

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Guest XiahxTiffany

wow out of all the people that know who I like DBSK

i think no one understands me :(

yea my mom thinks im wasting my time

my dad is always telling me your a guy

my brother is just he doesnt know who they are so he doesnt care

my friends all like american music so yea :(

and my grandparents and cousins think that they look like girls

i always try to tell them that the boys are really cool and etc but no one cares :(

i wish i had ONE person that would be on my side about DBSK in my family

oo and Tokyo Dome fancams and fan pics plz!!! :)

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Guest LapPaLus

its the 4th here! TOHO to the DOME. i wish em success!!!!!! XD

btw, tat means the Tour is ending, and DVD is coming. =D

anyways, wanna share this, found it on SHINee's fansite.

[sHINee] 090703 Starnight-Min-ho likes Max(TVXQ) :)

credit: wefly2thesky

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Guest chungyuna

Tohoshinki Premium Showcase 2009, in Omotesando + Countdown Tokyo Dome

44001.jpg 8f002.jpg nk003.jpg ty004.jpg 0i005.jpg sl006.jpg w9007.jpg rz008.jpg y5009.jpg cs010.jpg f0101.jpg iq011.jpg rd012.jpg pk013.jpg 5r014.jpg y8015.jpg 0t016.jpg s2017.jpg 64018.jpg vi019.jpg a4020.jpg 28021.jpg wa033.jpg od044.jpg rw055.jpg m9088.jpg 0r089.jpg 3h099.jpg es2cm.jpg ebcmm.jpg 4i5jj.jpg 3xbjs.jpg 37js2.jpg omote.jpg 0n3pp.jpg q8csm.jpg yunho.jpg yunho1.jpg


pv022.jpg xv023.jpg n1024.jpg du025.jpg i9026.jpg

Credit :: TVXQ Event + tvxqdreamland


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Guest Sunar

hey guys

i know there are a lot of forum out there but...

i had an idea for one... and i hope you guys like it

i wont write it all here so just go to the website since i wrote like a bible on it ^^;;;

itvxq idea

ehh... dont take the name too seriously i know there is a website with that name

-.- i didnt know till later...


everything is on there my description and everything else ><

please tell me what you think

thank you for reading this post everyone

it means a lot to me this project

-Sunar(aka meeee xD)

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HMV Japan

Special Price: ¥4,582

(but when I order it just now, they only charge me ¥4,350. Probably because I don't have to pay the tax since I don't live in Japan.)

You better hurry if you want to get the special price, because it's for limited time. The normal price is ¥5,800

CD Japan

Price: ¥5,524


Is there any chance that someone will upload the whole Music Station show tonight?

I'd love to see how the boys react when they interview the other artist too ^^

Onegai :D

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Tohomobile – Omotesando


Members took the pic themselves ♪ ♪

I thought there were 10 TVXQ!

There are members over members (^^;)

source: 네이버블로그 shooku님

trans + shared by: 감성뮤지션@dnbn + sharingyoochun@wordpress

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