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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest miss betty

as silly as they were during the fanmeet which provided us laughter and moments to spazz about,

am i the only one who thinks that the whole fanmeet was boring?

for a fanmeet with a large number of people such as what we can see in the video,

it's not really exciting and interactive.. i would like to see more.. there's just a lacking of ''oomph''..

most of the times the guys just stand in the middle, awkward laughs here and there, mumbles their words at times, and the 'games' are ''bleh..''

there isn't any vibrancy or flow..

and they'll end the meet with a few songs like last year..

perhaps articulation may be the problem but planning wise they could have done more..

this kind of thing can also be seen in their MC segments during their concert.. fan accounts of their TSC concerts so far all say the same thing.. I know that those parts are the most pressurising to the boys..

anyways, a few things I was glad to see and hear:

- yoochun's reactions.. never fails to bring a smile to my face.. it was nice of him to shake hands with the fans..

- junsu's dorkiness and yoosu interactions..

- changmin the cool one.. his intro was cute and solo was very nice and funny..

- jaejoong's shyness when singing his solo.. it was heavenly.. one of my fav songs.. plus his zebra..

- yunho's speech to the fans.. he always seems to be the one to interact and communicate with them the most..



MIROTIC was HOT!! they sounded like the CD!! Perfect!!

BEGIN was heaven.. Yoochun starting it off, then the harmonisation in the chorus, Jae with the chorus..

If Asu Wa Kuru Kara is Junsu's song, then Begin is Jaejoong's..

Junsu managed to pull through during the part where he had to stretch a note.. Went a little bit off pitch but managed to recover quickly..

But Begin was perfect too.. Their vocals since the last time they sang has improved and matured..

Now the only problem I have now is..

Their BOLERO performance!!

Due to copyright issues, part 15 was removed from krillia's youtube account..

I can only imagine how they would sound like.. It's driving me crazy wanting to see it so much!!

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Guest niocz

Request..hope somebody cld help me with this... :) does anyone have pics of junsu or chun in a dorky hat?sorta like the ones he had on the noky brothers vid like the sheep ones?i had a pics of junsu n chun with the hat but i cldnt find it now..so if anyone cld help please..TT i'll greatly appreciate it :) thanks!

i have some




i remember there being one more to these...of micky n junsu both wearing dorky hats...but i cant seem to find it >_<

hopefully u were lookin for one of these and not the one that i cant find XD

and because i love yunho ="]


why is he so perfect XD XD XD


homin :wub:




but im still totally yunjae biased >_< ="]

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Guest deNain


ChangMin Endorsing DOHC





Love the CF

It seems like Yoochun's the main!

I ripped the audio

For those who want it, as usual, my profile HERE


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Guest Senorita_

OMG! I'm so in love with the song after 1 second into it:D lol! It's such a beautiful song, the mood is very cheerful and bright. The song reminds me of a couple going out on a picnic <3 Such a perfect song for this occasion. This song is a win for me :)

Oricon Daily


28 東方神起 「Share The World/ウィーアー!」


30 東方神起 「The Secret Code」

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Guest dbsgdec

[DBSK]JaeSu love 6 -Jaejoong molesting Junsu

here's a cut of where the guys put ice down Junsu's shirt during the 3rd bigeast fanclub event...unfortunately the cubes went straight into Junsu's "ahem"...hahaha...so he had to wobble backstage to get them out...wahahha=P

[Fancam] Exit Video Clip of Secret Code Concert (Junsu Ver)

a short cut of the ending clip they showed to the fans as they were leaving i believe...i guess it shows them doing those hot photoshoots on the rooftop?...*drools*=P

[Fancam] "My Destiny" Junsu @ Kobe

this was still when Junsu was on wheelchair.

There's LOTS of links shared. Thx so much!!!!!

I'm loving jaesu and yoosu moment @ fanmeeting.

request where can i watch the full fanmeeting, please? THANK YOU, devillusion!

Cant say I'm crazy bout the melody yet. I'll let my ears warm to the song first.

Its a laid back song ^^

This is random, but I'm looking at the pic used in the video and think how perfect Changmin would make as a korean drama actor. he's so handsome in the photo xD

nothing much to post today, but here's for Yoosu fans :lol:

Yoosu English Conversation @ 3rd Bigeast Fanmeeting



Does anyone know if there is a subbed version of Immortal Musical Classics featuring junsu? I requested this in the few pages back and didn't see any replies so i decided to ask again. If there is..can anyone upload it for me. I've seen the cuts but i wanted to watch the whole thing. hahah thanks so much!

I'm afraid and sad to say that no one has yet subbed the show. TT___TT. I know, right? I would like to beg here for anyone to sub this show please?

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Guest devillusion

There's LOTS of links shared. Thx so much!!!!!

I'm loving jaesu and yoosu moment @ fanmeeting.

request where can i watch the full fanmeeting, please?

Here, but got no subs thou... enjoy^6 you can find the rest on the uploader's account

credit : uploader

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Guest choliese

I really can't wait for Stand by U single, even Tea for Two sounds like a promising song.

and apparently that CF was the result of them coming back to korea lately? they all look so aegyo xD

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Guest JJ.biased

credit: to the uploader!!

I wonder why yoochun is the main person in it? LOL cause the other 4 are like the back ups

but anyways refreshing cf!! yoochun looked great, jaejoong and his dorkiness <3, junsu ^^, yunho and changmin hehe <3

Hopefully there's that thing where each member has their own version of the cf.... :D!!

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Guest ladyelhisa

OMO!!! What a beautiful song! :lol: When I heard it, reminds me of Kiss the Baby sky... :rolleyes: I can't wait for the release of their single..

OMG! Yoosu Looks so cute !!!

Jaejoongie looks so young! DANG!!! YUNJAE!!! :wub:

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Guest tohoblaq

the Seolreim CF is out on dnbn..the boys look so cute

YT link

090513 Seolreim CF [HQ]

Thanks for posting this!!! Yoochun looked so adorable! I love how he's the main character in this CF. FINALLY! :P He really should do more CFs. Perfect expressions. XD And the boys were hilarious when they were fooling around behind. ROFL!!! Love the little song they did. :D

BRAVO! Finally a new CF from the boys. Can't wait to see the Tourism CF.

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the Seolreim CF is out ..the boys look so cute

YT link

090513 Seolreim CF [HQ]

omooo!! so cute!!! i was repeating it!!!! ^^ they are sooo cute! makes me melt~ lol~

when I'm watching it, I was blushing .. lol~ feel like they are singing to me~ ^^

anyway, maybe they'll have 5 diff version, like each of them will be the main character for each CF~ ^^

thanks for sharing!

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Guest yayamin

The CF is sooo cute..Yoochun is adorable..Love him..I think there will be 5 versions of this CF, each of the boys as the main cast of each version..hopefully. I mean, I want to see more cute boys

edit : ^ Ekah jaejoong, we thought the same thing, hahaah...

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Guest mylujulie
















v Yoochun's bestfriend *-*



Credits: BM_mickyin@BesideMicky

Re_upload: JooMi@TVXQPERU/TPF

**OMG!! the CF is so cutieeeee *-*

I love it!!!!

thankx 4 the link =D

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Guest chip packet

I have found my favourite commercial for 2009 :)

Does anyone know who belts out the high note towards the end of the commercial? At first I thought it was Min but after a few more times I think it might be Yunho. But I'm not sure, can someone with good ears have a listen for me?

thanks :)

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the Seolreim CF is out ..the boys look so cute

YT link

090513 Seolreim CF [HQ]

:w00t::w00t: Thanks for sharing!

Finally!! The CF we've been waiting for! (More to come perhaps..) But... OMG! They are sooo cute! The song is soo cute!

Absolutely loving Changmin with the little guitar! He's so cute playing on it! XD

And then there's JJ with the accordion and YH with the shakers! :wub:

Oh and notice perverted CM touching YH's chest when they went a little crazy near the end.. LMAO!

Haha.. love the last part where they went, "Yoochun!! Where are you going?!" :lol:

Gawd! What a sweet and cute CF!

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Guest Kim Hae Za

Soelreim CF

lol , the 4 at the back and on the roof are too cute when they chant chunnie names


chun makes me want to pinch him~~

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Guest Senorita_

the Seolreim CF is out ..the boys look so cute

YT link

090513 Seolreim CF [HQ]

OMG!! :w00t: Definately a cute CF!! Can Yoochun get any cuter? I'm guessing there would be four more versions of this ad of each of the boys, since Yoochun's already been aired <3 But...ah, so cute :D And Seolrim's a drink right?

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