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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest jOLyN_TVXQ

thanks for all the picture from mirocon press conference!!! XD

they look awesome as usual!!!!! and did they have haircut..look better!!! XDXD

TVXQ new photobook "Please Be Mine"....i wonder what is the price...i hope it wont be some heart attack price like what ABTVXQ3...T_T

my first impression on the boys...i first saw the boys is in Rising Sun (MKMF 2005)

the first to notice is Changmin : his famous high scream in rising sun..i wasnt really listening to them till the high pitch..i was stunned with him and start listening to the song and pay attention on him..

jaejoong come in 2nd when i saw him..he injured his leg that time bt there is a part where he show up..the first sentence i gave out when i saw him is "is he humna or computer generated??!!!!!!!!!!" only to realise, he is HUMAN!!

next will be yunho..his dancing skill is just impressive!! apart of looking out for changmin (i used to list him as my favourite member), my eyes stick on yunho whenever the SMP part arises...he amazed me with his dancing skill...and near the end where he dance...

yoochun caught my eyes only later on in the mv...his hair!!! the reason why i love his hair in RISING SUN era..i only notice him when i watch the mv..

junsu i only come noticing junsu and start liking him (sorry, i use to place him last bt not now anymore) in banjum drama..especially in the king's men parody...XD

that is how i start to hook on TVXQ 4 years ago...thanks to random search of music festival and come across with TVXQ..XD

and their changes from then??? they just getting better and better...getting more and more famous...gaining more and more attention...but the fame shoot didnt turn them to other..they were still the 5 men i knew 4 years ago..and the 5 men cassiopeia knew 5 years ago...^_^

TVXQ hwaiting!!!!!!!! nobody could displace them...asian best boyband!! XD



After reading through the rankings, and my current interest in Yoochun, I just want to ask Yoochun's fans that what makes you guys still love him and a loyal fan for so long? coz his sining and dancing, all his sweet personalities all depends on condition, like some of you mentioned here. His singing and dacing depends on his health, and he's in a good mood, he's a sweetheart but when he's in a bad mood it's a really shock. and he's stylish but he dress as the way he wants and cut his hair like he doesn't care the whole world. As his fans don't you guys feel frustrated? Have you ever changed your love for him to other members? sorry my question is not appropreate, but in korea and japan, he has a lot of fans and he has a lot of fanboys too, and I think his popularity still growing in Japan. I can't ask the fans in korea and Japan so I just asked fans here in soompi...thanks. he's just really interesting to me

i see you have a point there..and i agree with what u have said..

but then, i will still remain as his fans..

the reason is simple : HE JUST BEING HIMSELF...

everyone has said what i wanted to say...but again, the reason i adores him is HE DARES TO BE WHO HE IS...what makes a celebrity different from anyone of us??? I ADORE HIM FOR BEING DARE TO SHOW THE TRUE SIDE OF HIM..why cant they angry or frusfrated and yet when things happen, people says they act like a diva??? i rather had them showing their angerness than pretending there is nothing...for this, i give him 2 thumbs up!!! XD

and well another is, he is a really talented person...who couldnt agree with it???


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Guest blue_skye07

what's your first impression of each of the dongbang boys? and how did it change(if any)

Junsu: first one I knew because friend pointed out to me. I thought he was a bad boy (because of his whole spiffy image and super-gelled blond hair from Beautiful You period)! ROLF~~~ Powerful voice! But something about his voice tone that I didn't like..(I'm sorry susu!)

Jae:2nd one I noticed. One word about his looks: PERFECTO. I didn't think he was girly, not one bit. BEAUTIFUL VOICE. Very mysterious. Looked quiet.

Changmin: Typical taiwanese pretty-boy looks. Powerful voice!

Yunho: His looks didn't appeal much to me, but his confidence and ramrod-straight posture did. Indeed leader-like.

Yoochun: Looks REALLY didn't appeal to me (I'm sorry chunnie!really sorry). But BEAUTIFUL VOICE like jae, me like it very much.


Junsu: LOL he was so cute and kind and innocent, such traits are kind of outstanding in the entertainment industry. I grew to appreciate his voice colour, and of course his EMOTIONS...

Jae: LOL he's such a noisy and funny person. And many people said he looked girly, so ok, I agree that he does look girly, but not so much for me. Otherwise, not much change, I still think he's perfect and that his voice is beautiful.

Changmin: Learnt how sarcastic he could be. And mature too, except at times haha.

Yunho: Didn't change much from first impression. Has all the qualities I want in a husband hoho.

Yoochun: I was still quite underawed by his charms for some time; I only liked listening to his voice. But realised he could be sexy and really cute/cheesy.

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Guest yuulina

Miroticon Bangkok Just got back from Impact Arena. The concert is a BOMB!!!! I'm freaking tired to write full account. There's one major Yoosu going on. Yoochun's rapping for Xiahtic!!!! LOL!!! Fans were screaming like crazy!!!

I'm in the process of uploading a few fancams that i took.

I'll edit later...

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Guest siwonlove


After reading through the rankings, and my current interest in Yoochun, I just want to ask Yoochun's fans that what makes you guys still love him and a loyal fan for so long? coz his sining and dancing, all his sweet personalities all depends on condition, like some of you mentioned here. His singing and dacing depends on his health, and he's in a good mood, he's a sweetheart but when he's in a bad mood it's a really shock. and he's stylish but he dress as the way he wants and cut his hair like he doesn't care the whole world. As his fans don't you guys feel frustrated? Have you ever changed your love for him to other members? sorry my question is not appropreate, but in korea and japan, he has a lot of fans and he has a lot of fanboys too, and I think his popularity still growing in Japan. I can't ask the fans in korea and Japan so I just asked fans here in soompi...thanks. he's just really interesting to me :)

I wanna say something about him too!

I agree with what the others say, i didn't really take notice of him when i first like them. But somehow, every little thing he does just attracts my attention. He was at the bottom of my list actually, but now he flew all the way to the top of my list. He can be really cute and adorable when he is in a good mood and it makes me feel he's sucha small little kid. I like him for being himself. When he is happy, he shows that he is happy and start acting cute all around. But when he is in a bad mood, he shows it out too. He doesn't pretend for the other people, he just likes to be himself. For his haircut and dressing, no matter how weird it is, that's just the way he likes it. He doesn't care what other people thinks, he just needs to feel comfortable and he always manage to pull it off. Just like his chunglish, it may sound weird and funny to us, but he finds it meaningful. And we can say that he brought out some trend out of his weirdness, like the roll-up pants and even wearing slippers plus pants to airport. He may not be perfect in singing and dancing, but he is hardworking just like the other members. That's why i love him! (:

Anyway, someone put on the fancam for Yoosu's Xiahtic! Can't wait to see it!

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Guest shushshuckspui


i'm kind of doubtful. don't japanese artists usually promotes a single for approximately a month before the actual release? it'll be wayyy toooo rush.

unless it is like some old hits in a new single. or i dun really think they would be so anxious to release another single.

about bb.

i'm not trying to be a mean DBSK fan or anything, but i hope bb wont succeed yet and suffer a little more hardships in japan before they get some fame. cos truth be told, even if DBSK will want bb to success, they would still feel bitter if they succeed right after debut. and we all know how competitive yunho and junsu are, and how much jaejoong loves fame and attention. it will definitely upset them that they had to try so darn hard for the past 4 years, and pow, big bang is now hot on their heels in Oricon chart.

remember how DBSK were still performing in a hall in 2006 with around 200 audience? now bb has 2000 audience at their first fanmeet.

DBSK didn't ride on the hallyu wave and claimed to be BoA's junior or anything when they reached japan. they hardly even mention their successes in korea/asia.

whatever, just ignore what i said if you don't agree. but i thought it is human nature. it's like you studied like crazy and make your own notes, your friend took your notes and memorises them. and the two of you get the same marks for the exam. it's kind of like that feeling....

Yoochun cut his hair? in preparations for tokyo dome eh ;)

lol jaejoong's hair in concerts is just so natural and unstyled, it flies all over his head. i think he kinds of need a trim. :P

about the TOKYO DOME BANNER THING, i think it would be more appropriate to start a thread in the art section then maybe post the link up here so that ppl could visit and participate if they want. ;)

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Guest vi3tsweets


We have designed some T-Shirts and although there's not much yet, we would like to see who's interested in buying and if theres a positive response, we'll post up some more designs for you to choose from and start packaging and shipping them off :D Please have a look and hopefully you will like them ^^. Costs are not posted up yet but if we do get some responses about being interested in buying we will start posting up costs.


Thank you~ ^^

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Guest Siriusmoonpuppy

Sig Contest - Tokyo Dome?

XD i thought i should repost this again since this thread flies by so quickly =]

So far, i received one..so please send in your contributions!

I was going to make the thread in the art section when it's time for the voting


So i know a couple of people were talking about doing the "Road to Tokyo Dome" sig, but we haven't really organized anything yet and mm T-day is approaching quite rapidly.

I wouldn't mind organizing it if there's willing participants (cuz god knows that i cant do anything with photoshop LOL).

So if you're interested and can make a sig by sunday, please PM me with your entries and whatnot.

I'm not sure if anyone is organizing anything with the sigs, but since i haven't really seen anything yet, i thought i should attempt to help (since i really loved the time when we all had the same sigs - that was awesome =]).

I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in making the sigs, but if we do have entries, i'll be closing the submission time at midnight on Sunday, June 28th est time.

I know it's a close cut, but i really wanted us to be able to vote on Monday and I'll post the winning sig here for everyone who wants to use it before Tokyo Dome actually happens XD

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated =D (since I'm sure there's def people in this thread that is far more experienced than me in doing this).

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Guest badstar

I love the idea of the Tokyo Dome Banner! Let's all go for that!!

I'm from AOE, so I can help out^^ Just PM me anytime if you need my help.

Maybe we can set up a thread in the art section if it's time for us to vote already.

An idea just popped into my head, why not make this an international thing? Not just here in soompi.

We can contact the other forums or communities out there and maybe ask them if they can put the TD banner up on their sites.

That'll be really cool!

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Guest subduing mara

Wanna tell that Mirotic concert is superb!... There is a big surprise for me YUSU dancing moment !! I didnt expect this performance so i scream like mad when i saw Micky on stage ..haha ...He is a subsititution for Key who is currently busy on promoting 2nd album...well, i almost run out of battery now and tommorow is another big day for me , got to be at the arena early to make sure i will get the best location in BL zone ^^

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Guest e`PSY

[LQ] Miroticon Concert Day 1

No Cameras were allowed so they had to do with their phones T_T










Credit: Diana© @ onetvxq.com

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Guest petiteange22

Why I like Yoochun? - answer to dougiemiki's question

I agree with everything you pointed out. Depending on his mood (and he's often like woman in pms), his performances and behavior can go from exceptionally good to exceptionally bad. He can be extremely sweet to fans and also extremely rude.

And frankly, sometimes it annoys me. Okay, you don't have to be in the top form all the time, you don't have to laugh and wave at your fans every time they flash a camera in your face at airport, but geez, then make a walk away like Junsu or Changmin!

But then again, whenever I'm fed up with his primadonna-ish act, it's enough for me to hear 'All in vain' and I melt. It's enough for me to see him giggle at some show and I forgive him. It's enough for me to hear him play piano and I forgive him.

Because, in the end, his only fault is that he's more human than the rest of the guys who are always doing fan service (Jae and Yunho), whose voices never crack no matter how high the note (Changmin) and who always, despite the sickness do their very best even when it's phisically hurting them.

And so, despite everything, I adore Yoochun.

very well said.

well, micky's not my fav but i will still tell you why i like him.

i can't exactly point out what it is that i like about him. i just can't put my finger to that. what i like about him is not what he is capable of - singing/composing/dancing etc, but more of the kind of person he is. despite his flaws, and occational moody outbursts, i think at heart, he's a very sweet person.

my initial impression of micky is one word - none. i felt nothing. i neither like him nor dislike him, it was purely neutral. he just did not leave an impression on me. but as i got myself drawn into dbsk world, he started to grow on me.

i like how he puts his family (mum and ricky) above everything, and his love for dbsk is so evidently apparent. he really loves his members, i'm sure the other members like min or su loves dbsk too, but with micky, you feel it more strongly.

i like how he's not afraid to show what he's feeling. he's honest, even if it sometimes manifests itself in less desirable ways. i'm not going to be all biased and defend him for the times when he was rude to fans, i too felt he did wrong. but i'm not going to condemn him because of that either. he made a mistake, but everyone does too.

i think he's the kind of person who has personality, if you know what i mean. he has a mind of his own, he knows what he wants, and he does what he wants according to what he believes in. i admire that.

yoosu xiahtic - I WANT tO SEE IT SO BADLY!!!

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Guest -I+Jenvox+I-

oh gee. i regret not going to miroticon this year =[

which hotel did the boys end up staying at?

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which hotel did the boys end up staying at?

They stayed at Dusit (: I think they always stay there...?

Anyway, latest update is: Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu already came back to the hotel, but Yunho and Changmin are out for a Thai massage.

(From lovedust @ OneTVXQ.com. She's staying there right now with some friends)

Also, the STAND BY YOU; fansigns of encouragement has been successfully delivered TODAY! <3 Details in my fan account later *is still too tired*

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Guest jinkee

Here are some of the short fancams I took from the BKK Mirotic concert:

and a shaky fancam of the boys in Dusit:

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Guest ChonJi

20090627 MIROTIC concert @ BKK

- exhasteddddd T^T

- so sleepy Zzzz...




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credit : ijnohc [at] KIZXTORY.com

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