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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest dbsgdec

Junsu walking/limping on his own That was really good to know that he has getting better than before. *sigh of relief*. My heart gv a surge of love watching the video of him limping aggressively out of the restaurant with the members.

In the recording of the CF, anyone notice how he kept holding on to first the tree branch, then the railing and next the lighting pole.. until Yoochun, sweet Yoochun asked the staff to give Su a chair? *YOOSU love*

Although he's getting better, there's no reason why we should not give him more messages of encouragements ^^ until he's perfectly healed and be able to dance (the sexy dance esp xD) lets all show him our love.



A Sincere Dolphin Wish

A Get Well Project.

As everyone should know now, Junsu sprained his ankle on May 3rd, 2009 during rehearsal for TOHOSHINKI's 4th live tour in Japan 'The Secret Code'. Xiah-sshi Forums has decided to do a mini-project to wish Junsu a speedy recovery as well as show him our support.

We will be sending one big card to Avex on behalf of the forum with get well wishes and messages from Xiah-sshi members. The messages will be printed off onto colored paper and than joined together to form a collage in the shape of a dolphin within the card.

This project will run from May 6th, 2009 to May 10th, 2009 (12:00 AM Pacific Time) and sent out the next day. No donations are necessary, our admin, Genna will be funding all cost of material and shipping.

To leave a message, just post in the thread - HERE

The dateline is tomorrow, so post yours asap.


XIAH-SSHI 20Four | Twenty4th

Birthday Project for Junsu.

Join the Xiah-sshi 24th! birthday project - HERE

The Inspirational Origami Dolphins Thread - HERE


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Guest jaejoong.ro02

Yep, I saw them! Jaejoong looked smokin' hot and Junsu was in the wheelchair still. Jaejoong poked his head around the corner and when he saw the fans he disappeared and then the security put up a fence to keep the fans back, but honestly, the Japanese fans were super cool (of course, once the boys go by, fans chase them for another look, but I think that's a typical response).

They arrived around 6pm Japan time.

Also, I found out why we don't get many pics or video from Haneda or Narita when they come in/leave. Apparently, the security won't let them take their cameras out and take pics, so they don't bother. However, since I am not Asian, no one figured I was a fan, so I managed to get this video and nobody noticed. :)

Try watching it in HQ

You're so lucky to see them at the airport. Thanks for the fancam! It's so clear. The way jaejoong walks is funny.

Now I know why they don't have that much fancam in Japan airports.

i'm on my way to Japan now, they have a concert today at Kobe right?

It's in Saitama and not Kobe.

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Guest mylujulie

[Pics] 090507 CF ?



Credits: AlwaysJJ

Re-upload: JooMi@TPF

i'm not sure , but i think it's a preview of the photoshoot D:

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Guest Toink3

[Pics] 090507 CF ?



Credits: AlwaysJJ

Re-upload: JooMi@TPF

i'm not sure , but i think it's a preview of the photoshoot D:

Hey i Think That's when they were rehearsing for The Dream Concert @ Gwangju

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Guest asdfhjkl;

The boys look EXTRA good in all the recent airport pics. I normally don't save their airport pics, but I couldn't help it this time. Jaejoong's hair is always like, perfect. How does he do it?!


28th Single Stand By You/U Track list

Date released: 2009/07/01

Cool! I'm definetely preordering this one. I wonder what the MV theme will be.. I'm thinking like.. something romantic. Like pink or something. Actually I don't know. But I hope they'll have something cool. I love loveee their summer singles.

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Guest toomuchsmiling

Ok. Hey peoples! I gotta say, this week has been hard on account of the wildfire i was freaking evacuated! hopefully the house doesn't burn.. <_<

Good to know life still moves on! Thanks for all the picture and video shares!!

I wonder what that CF is...the one where petals are falling all around. :D

Glad Junsu's walking again!

wish i could say more, but sadly i'm occupied with the fire. -_-

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Guest Hermione612


Also, I found out why we don't get many pics or video from Haneda or Narita when they come in/leave. Apparently, the security won't let them take their cameras out and take pics, so they don't bother. However, since I am not Asian, no one figured I was a fan, so I managed to get this video and nobody noticed. :)

oh. that's why I didn't see their picture in Japan ariport, at first,I though japanese fan dont want to take their picture or they are not enough popularity, that's reason...interesting....Japanese's so stranged.tks 4 ur info

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Guest loveprincemax

Thank you everyone for sharing CM photos todayㅋㅋI will continue ..Yesterday's airport CM~^^

His thick hair is so pretty!ㅠㅠThe suit is so handsome and sexy..T.THe's becoming a real man now..~_~










It's the 4th anniversary of 유갓더파워,so 버터 made a photobook~For those who wanted to see the Butter's photobook 'Paint the dream 1462', I scaned here~^_^PLEASE DO NOT TAKE OUT~

If you cannot see the photos here, come to my blog to see the full post: [url="http://blog.naver.com/maxlover88/40066883178"]














I cannot get enough of this photo...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


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Guest braveviet

I am always impressed of the photos or clips of Cassiopeia. I wonder if somebody have any photos of Bigeast in their first concerts in Kobe. I just wanna know how the atmosphere and bigeast were those nights. tks a bunch

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Guest afterglow.

the saitama concert will start in a few hours. i hope there'll be more fancams this time around. it's cool that the avex president will be attending both dates to see the boys in action. i wanna see a pic of thsk together with their president. :P is this the CEO whose mom is a big fan of tohoshinki? i wonder if she's going lol.

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Guest gelliegellie

The Secret Code Staffs’ Report

Finally Start!

Today, The Arena tour is finally starting in the Kobe World Event Hall!

The members are eating food healthily(^^)

This is the Dressing Room Panel^

Looks yummy!

551 pig dumplings~

The members are well too!

The member’s really love

Changminnie ate extremely fast.


Pork Okonomiyaki

While we were waiting for them to finish making it,

Changminnie kept talking to the manager, eating

One more bowl!

Yoochun kept ating the delicious pork dumplings!

He liked it so much that he wanted to bring it with him (^3^)/

Yunho vers.!

It is Kobe’s 2nd day!

Todays picture is Yunho’s version

Junsu ate food healthily since the morning~

Yoochun and Jaejoong..

What the 2 are watching is <One Piece>

Yoochun was watching it and then Jaejoong joined..

and now for the first time, the staff are peeking too!

Jaejoong’s Makeup

Jaejoong getting his makeup done, while having a conversation

To be exact, I think he’s also checking his phone (^O^)


The 4 are looking at the PC screen in serious expressions..

They are watching <One Piece>!

We have to be ready now!

Origin: STAFF REPORT Homepage

Translated: Mizuna @ SharingYoochun@WordPress

Original Sharing: SharingYoochun@WordPress


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Guest babybakchoy

I'm wondering about Yunho's letter to God. Not sure if it's him because (correct me if I'm wrong) the writing is not in Jeollado dialect...

Can anyone confirm this? Thanks :)

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Guest Senorita_

The Secret Code - Ticket and Poster

May 17, Sendai tickets (Hot House Super Arena)

I'm really liking their concert tickets. There are 9 cities in total, so I think they are going to use all the 7 rainbow colors xD lol. Though there are two colors left, they should use gold and silver :)

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090509 The Secret Code Staffs’ Report

Saitama Super Arena concert, the first day!

Under a beautiful blue sky, it’s shown a lot of fans are already gathering!

Here, the panel introduce tour merchandise!

Goods are sold from 13:30! You should buy them soon ♪

source: tsc staff report

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

New TSC Tour Merchandise

DHC Lame (type of material)Pouch Set

2,000 yen

Credits: DBSKnights

Headsup: frinlvtvxq

^^ Saitama is ON in a few hours!Have Fun! :D Enough wishing for me to be in SCT.

V Yunho's gonna be in a drama?WOW!Hope he accepts,he can be a great actor.NO KISSING SCENE says GELLIE!LMAO!...But it also means less sleep/rest for him *sighs*....Pls don't let it have the same faith as Dating on Earth or HP XD

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