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So I Saw A Documentary In School.


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Guest CorrectionYourWrongImRight

its true esp in the suburbs. we never locked our doors. but when we lived in the n.e we ALWAYS locked teh doors. but it never mattered, because our windows were shiz xD

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Guest jaeni.luv

I definately lock my doors >.< ehe, even if everyones home I would feel weird if something was unlocked. I'm always thinking like what if someone sneakily comes in and...ahhh scary thoughts -_-''

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Guest aznscrewball

Eek guilty!

I lock my doors when I am at home in Toronto.

When I am in Guelph however, I only lock the door if we are sleeping or no one is home.


Dont come and rob me please, we have a bunch of knives ready to stab you with!

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Guest Melody93

omg...even though i live in an apartment,

the possibility of getting robbed is really really low,

i still lock my door and double check to see if i really did lock it

Eek guilty!

I lock my doors when I am at home in Toronto.

When I am in Guelph however, I only lock the door if we are sleeping or no one is home.


Dont come and rob me please, we have a bunch of knives ready to stab you with!

lol...thats funny...

dont come and rob me please,we have a BUNCH OF KNIVES ready to STAB you with...

looool XD

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest baby-nguyen

I think people are compelety nuts if you have your doors unlock, to me that's saying " hey robbers come and rob my home, u know my doors are always open" the world is a scary place with lots of weirddoooss!!! I had a couple of friends who leave there doors always open EVEN at night cos people we're kind of in and out even if there was people home.....her siblings were usually in there rooms with the door close so how would u know if someone didn't rob u by then .... I Thought they were insane. I don't live downtown toronto but uptown nots that safe either. People who don't have keys... WHY?? I had keys since I was in the second grade...with my doors lock I still get freakout....

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I have a lot of friends who don't lock their doors. (but the ones I know, they have never been robbed.)

I do lock my doors though. I know a number of others who always lock their doors whether anybody is home or not too.


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When everyones home and my parents are in the living room, the door is unlocked. I guess their too lazy to go open the door when we have guest comming over. But when the house is empty or its night time we lock it. So during the day its unlock and at night its locked.

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Guest suki_*

I dunno where he was doing his documentary but i haven't met a person that has yet to keep their door unlocked... O____O;;

except for student villages... doors are always unlocked there, but in suburbia and urban areas, doors are always locked armed with an alarm too.

When i'm in University since the whole neighborhood is student-oriented we keep our doors unlocked, i dunno why but everyone does, maybe cuz we all know that students don't really have anything nice to steal... lol

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Guest Angelic_illusions

I'm too scared to leave my door unlocked... :mellow:

The door is locked 24/7, I even had an alarm system and now i have a fire alarm..talk about being paranoid ^^

But hey it pays off to be safe =]

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Guest BU_RP


the bowling for columbine? yeah, alot of ppl lock their door.

i was like wtf when i saw this.. LOL

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Guest grey_ic3.

I watched that and thought some of the Canadian aspects were blown out of proportion. My door is always locked, I don't know anyone whose isn't.

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Guest .lavender.

canada is too peaceful so why bother locking the dooor

now based on that one case of a person not locking the door, outsiders will gonna has this blank statement on canadians.. "they never lock their doors" -___-''

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