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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Guest doogi3

LMH Good Day Episode 24
VJ : Choco debuted in a Japanese TV broadcasting.
VJ: Minho's Good Day debut
MH : What debut? You can't debut her. I can't make her active outside.
MH : I'm afraid she will leave me. Only I will see her and only I will cherish her.
a female staff : You're possessive.


Happy Wednesday girls..keep the MinSun faith burning! *hugs*

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Guest Hannah Angie


Awesome pic of M dream catcher! I wonder if that M stands for MINSUN or MINHO. Whichever one though I'm glad Hye-sun didn't hesitate to show it off (or maybe with a little push from Min-ho's side did the job) :))


I hope they will soon discover the location of the missing plane. My prayers go to the victims and their family members.

Happy Thursday, way to go before weekend!


cr loveghs.wordpress

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Hello Minsuners bros/sisters :-h

yiheyy... on 2nd March 2014, my couple teddy still there intact with the name tag too, ;) :x

source : http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2896764474

Witness the REAL evidence of Prince Minho & Princess Hyesun teddy journey
Geezzz... so happy and very bold for Hyesun to display with name tagged on

November 2013
- Couple Teddy was send to GHS on her b'day Nov 2013, It was displayed at Manolin Cafe


17th Nov 2013
- Review by Renajaney's friend dated 17 Nov 2013, teddy still stays


30th Dec 2013
- A blogger's review by blogger at dated 30 Nov 2013, teddy stay intact with tag name


15th Feb 2014
- a review by Ayesuper to Manolin


2nd March 2014
- and of course our latest review posted at baidu blog on 2nd March 2014


@doogi3,  hi countymate, nice meeting you here. sorry i didn't realize you're a Malaysian too.

It's >60 hours still no news on the missing plane.  Btw thanks everyone #PrayforMH307 [-O<

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  In  Zodiac European GHS is Scorpion and the letter M, with a little arrow at the end, is the symbol of it . I'll try to find the circle of this zodiac and post it in here ! My POV about the dolls on the upper shelf :first is a RABBIT - the Chinese zodiac of LMH ,third is a little mouse -the RAT-Chinese zodiac of GHS . First -the Rabbit is dressed in military suit in  camouflage- , and it's a little far from the next two-what tell this to us  ? Second with opera hat for covering his long rabbit ears, looks like a groom with red bow and third is a mouse bride in red dress after Asian tradition !   Like always @Surie_Riri ,you are amazing ! Have you infrared eyesight or laser one ? Hi my SWEET MINSUNNERS , glad to find you full of mirth and vividly ! 
  @sheherezade3 ,what matters that is your earlier attempts ? It's equally beautiful and meaningful ! And your poster for angel eyes is superbissim , expressive ,mysterious like floating through clouds with Angel feather wings ! You are full of marvelous surprises and I'm sorry that you don't show them to us more often ! what about writing a new novel ?! THANK YOU my GODDESS of HAPPINESS  !!
@sukreen what greatest profs of recognition and love towards you and Minsuners ! What a brilliant idea you had with this beautiful PRINCE and  PRINCESS BEARS LMH +GHS ! Big joy and satisfaction every time we see them ! THANK YOU !  PS ,I hope with all my faith that MH370 will be discovered with all the people in good health !

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Celestial longitude

interval (λ)

GlossThe RamThe BullThe TwinsThe CrabThe LionThe MaidenThe ScalesThe ScorpionThe ArcherThe GoatThe Water-bearerThe F


Scorpio.svgScorpioMars / Pluto
Aquarius.svgAquariusSaturn / Uranus
Pisces.svgPiscesJupiter / Neptune

Dignity and detriment, exaltation and fall[edit]

  • Dignity and Detriment :

    In traditional astrology,

    Planet (Symbol)DignityDetrimentExaltationFall
    Sun (Sol)LeoAquariusAriesLibra
    Moon (First quarter moon)CancerCapricornTaurusScorpio
    Mercury (Mercury)Gemini and VirgoSagittarius and PiscesVirgoPisces
    Venus (Venus)Libra and TaurusAries and ScorpioPiscesVirgo
    Mars (Mars)Aries and ScorpioLibra and TaurusCapricornCancer
    Jupiter (Jupiter)Sagittarius and PiscesGemini and VirgoCancerCapricorn
    Saturn (Saturn)Capricorn and AquariusCancer and LeoLibra
    SignYin/YangDirectionSeasonFixed ElementTrine
    OxYinNorthLate WinterWater2nd
    TigerYangEastEarly SpringWood3rd
    DragonYangEastLate SpringWood1st
    SnakeYinSouthEarly SummerFire2nd
    GoatYinSouthLate SummerFire4th




    The twelve signs[edit]

    safe_image.php?d=AQCZ1dKx04GVtp3H&url=htChart showing the 24 cardinal directions and the symbols of the sign associated with them.

    In Chinese astrology the zodiac of twelve animal sign represents twelve different types of personality. The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the Rat, and there are many stories about theOrigins of the Chinese Zodiac which explain why this is so. When the twelve zodiac signs are part of the 60-year calendar in combination with the four elements, they are traditionally called the twelve earthly branches. The Chinese Zodiac follows the lunisolarChinese calendar and thus the "changeover" days in a month (when one sign changes to another sign) vary each year. The following are the twelve zodiac signs in order.

  • 子 
Rat (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Water): Rat years include 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008. The Rat also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of the Rat are 11pm – 1am.[*]丑 Ox (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Water): Ox years include 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009. The Ox also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of the Ox are 1am – 3am.[*]寅 Tiger (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Tiger years include 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010. The Tiger also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of theTiger are 3am – 5am.[*]卯 Rabbit (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Rabbit Years include 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011. The Rabbit also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of theRabbit are 5am – 7am.[*]辰 Dragon (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Dragon years include 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012. The Dragon also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of the Dragon are 7am – 9am.[*]巳 Snake (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Snake years include 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013. The Snake also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of theSnake are 9am – 11am.[*]午 Horse (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Horse years include 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014. The Horse also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of theHorse are 11am – 1pm.[*]未 Goat (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Goat years include 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015. The Goat also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of theGoat are 1pm – 3pm.[*]申 Monkey (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Monkey years include 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. The Monkey also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of the Monkey are 3pm – 5pm.[*]酉 Rooster (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Rooster years include 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017. The Rooster also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of the Rooster are 5pm – 7pm.[*]戌 Dog (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Dog years include 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. The Dog also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of the Dogare 7pm – 9pm.[*]亥 Pig (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Water): Pig years include 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019. The Pig also corresponds to a particular month in the year. The hours of the Pig are 9pm – 11pm.

The five elements[edit]

  • Wood: The wood person has high morals, is self-confident, expansive and co-operative, with wide and varied interests and idealistic goals. The direction associated with Wood is East, and the season is spring, which makes it the fixed element for the animal signs Tiger and Rabbit.
  • Fire: The fire person has leadership qualities, dynamic passion, and is decisive, self-confident, positive and assertive. The direction associated with Fire is South, and the season is summer, which makes it the fixed element for the animal signs Snake and Horse.
  • Earth: The earth person is serious, logical and methodical, intelligent, objective and good at planning. The direction associated with Earth is Center. The season for Earth is the changeover point of the four seasons. It is the fixed element for the animal signs OxDragonGoat and Dog.
  • Metal: The metal person is sincere, has fixed values and opinions, is strong of will, and has eloquence of speech. The direction associated with Metal is West. The season for Metal is Autumn. It is the fixed element for the animal signs Monkey and Rooster.
  • Water: The water person is persuasive, intuitive, and empathetic. The water person is objective and often sought out for their counsel. The direction associated with water is North. The season for Water is Winter. It is the fixed element for the animal signs Rat and Pig.

    The five elements operate together with the twelve animal signs in a 60-year calendar. The four elements appear in the calendar in both their yin and yang forms and are known as the eight heavenly stems. When trying to calculate the relevant year of the cycle in relation to the Western calendar, an easy rule to follow is that years that end in an odd number are Yang (representing masculine, active and light), those that end with an even number are Yin (representing feminine, passive and darkness).http:

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Guest LiduvinaE

This funart was submitted to MINSUN FB page for DEDICATION VIDEO of Minsuners/SunniesPH in participation to Minsuners/Sunnies International's VIDEO PROJECT for Hye Sun's comeback in Angel Eyes.


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Guest S_sun

@Surie_riri  Wow! Awesome ps pics especially the latest one! Love them! Thank,sis. :)@LiduvinaE nice fanart! :)@Sukreen, so happy to see your couple bears sitting happily on the shelf at Manolin. Pretty obvious what that means. The gesture said it all.  Thank you, MinSun. MinSun rocks! :)

Just wanted to remind everyone, the Video Message Project is support GHS for Angel Eyes and Daughter as well. Deadline is March 15 (North America), March 16 (Asia).The email to send to is sunniesinternational@gmail.com  Thanks to @GHSforever who is putting the videos together for us and @Gayu312 who set it up.Thanks to @meow13 who will burn the CD and send to GHS.Please support this project if possible. Thank you.

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Hi all! @Surie_Riri another masterpiece! I love it too sis! wow! @LiduvinaE I love your fan art too. You ladies are so talented. :)
@sukreen the royalty bears are still there. It means a lot to us. @myoblu thanks for your insights.
I happen to watch a reality show earlier & heard our couples favorite song again! "Falling Slowly". As we all know LMH sang this song during his special day with Minoz 2 years back? That time we didn't know that it is GHS' favorite song too. Then on JIMFF 2012 festival she was interviewed.
GHS said - " Of course I really love ONCE. I love the movie & its music. To create such beautiful movie with a low budget and ends up being loved by all over the world is, I believe, the dream of all movie directors. It is also my romance dream. I specially love the song, Falling Slowly, sung by Marketa Irglova & Glen Hansard. There is something about the song that seemed Korean. The chords are truly very simple. Before watching the movie, I tried to play the song in the piano. There are not even 5 different chords! It is a song of simple chords & simple melody. I realized that a musical masterpiece can come out of such simplicity. I initially thought it amazing that movies along with their music are becoming more & more slowly & complicated. However, I now think that it is harder to simplify things". (source: 10.asiae.co.kr  credit:loveghs/translated by cheerkoo )

If you think about it, if GHS & LMH is not on a relationship but then again they share the same passion for the this song & movie? Coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO! The first time they heard the music they both LOVE it, then they watch the movie together. :D GHS must told LMH that he will sound good singing it in front of his minoz fans. We know that LMH is not a singer but can sing. The simple chords & melody as she said will not be too hard for him I guess. I can't help but think she probably practiced LMH in her piano. LMH having a duet with his darling GHS while playing the piano! What a beautiful sight!  :X :X :X  I myself love the song. :D

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Guest dianaharumi

doogi3 said: LMH Good Day Episode 24
VJ : Choco debuted in a Japanese TV broadcasting.
VJ: Minho's Good Day debut
MH : What debut? You can't debut her. I can't make her active outside.
MH : I'm afraid she will leave me. Only I will see her and only I will cherish her.
a female staff : You're possessive.


Happy Wednesday girls..keep the MinSun faith burning! *hugs*

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dianaharumi said: doogi3 said: LMH Good Day Episode 24
VJ : Choco debuted in a Japanese TV broadcasting.
VJ: Minho's Good Day debut
MH : What debut? You can't debut her. I can't make her active outside.
MH : I'm afraid she will leave me. Only I will see her and only I will cherish her.
a female staff : You're possessive.


Happy Wednesday girls..keep the MinSun faith burning! *hugs*

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[News]Lee Min Ho – From Nameless Actor to the “$9 Million Man”

jun2yng March 13, 2014

Lee Min Ho – From Nameless Actor to the “$9 Million Man”
Recently, actor Lee Min Ho has risen to Hallyu star status, with explosive popularity not only in Korea and China, but all over Asia. 
However, Lee Min Ho’s success was not a straight candle-lit path to the top, but the result of years and years of hard work.

The actor debuted in 2006 in the EBS drama “Schoolyard Secrets,” with which he was slowly making himself known to the masses. However, after a serious car accident, Lee Min Ho had to suspend his activities for about a year, giving up following roles in “High Kick” and “9 End 2 Outs.” 

When Lee Min Ho returned, he starred in “Mackerel Run,” which yielded poor results, ending early, as a result of problems with the production company and low viewer ratings. After “Mackerel Run,” Lee Min Ho diligently took on small roles in the movies “Our School E.T” and “Public Enemy Returns”  as he waited for his big break to come along.

This continued for several years until 2009, when the actor won over odds of 200 to 1, landing a role in the KBS drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Goo Joon Pyo. Based off of the Japanese comic of the same name, the drama had previously been produced as a drama in Taiwan, and was already highly popular worldwide. Despite the pressure that came with starring in an already established work, Lee Min Ho perfectly portrayed the arrogant, wealthy high school boy, and established himself as a talented actor. Following his performance in “Boys Over Flowers,” an ‘Lee Min Ho wave’ blew through the advertising world, and the actor, among other things, became the exclusive model for Trugen, a position that was only filled by top actors such as Lee Byung Hun, Song Seung Hun, and Jo In Sung. 

The actor continued his streak with dramas such as “Personal Taste,” “City Hunter,” and “Faith,” taking on various roles and receiving the spotlight as the next big star. Lee Min Ho recently finished the highly successful SBS drama “The Heirs” just last year, adding the cherry on top to his already intense popularity. 

At the end-of-the-year 2013 SBS Drama Awards, Lee Min Ho won 5 awards, including the High Excellence Acting Award, the Teenage Star Award, Most Popular Actor Award, Best Couple Award, and the Best Dressed Award. Moreover, this past January 30, the actor appeared on the Chinese CCTVNew Year Gala,” the first Korean actor to do so, and recorded the highest viewer ratings for the show. 

It doesn’t stop there. In China, the actor has become the model for famous car, shopping mall, and cosmetic brands, among others, and in Korea, the actor is said to be worth over 10,000,000,000 ($9.34 million), even being called the ’$9 million man.’ 

Lee Min Ho’s agency Starhaus Entertainment said to TV Daily, “The ’$9 million man’ is a little bit abstract, but as it reflects his [Lee Min Ho’s] popularity both in Korea and abroad, we are very thankful. In mid-April, Lee Min Ho will start filming for a new movie. We’ll return everyone’s love with some great work.” Lee Min Ho’s new movie, “Gangnam Blues,” is a new work by Director Yoo Ha, who also worked on movies such as “Once Upon a Time in High School,” “Frozen Flower,” and “A Dirty Carnival.“Gangnam Blues” is a noir film set in the 1970s about the political power and conspiracies in the midst of the Gangnam real estate development.

source: http://www.soompi.com/2014/03/13/lee-min-ho-from-nameless-actor-to-the-9-million-man/#.UyF9tCccZhY
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Surie_Riri said: dianaharumi said: doogi3 said: LMH Good Day Episode 24
VJ : Choco debuted in a Japanese TV broadcasting.
VJ: Minho's Good Day debut
MH : What debut? You can't debut her. I can't make her active outside.
MH : I'm afraid she will leave me. Only I will see her and only I will cherish her.
a female staff : You're possessive.

Happy Wednesday girls..keep the MinSun faith burning! *hugs*

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Guest Hannah Angie


I'm sure whenever Min-ho spends her time with Hye-sun, Choco and Peanut must be having a great meetup as well (and of course, the rest of their puppies!).


Thanks for the news, I see the media is being nosy about his net worth lately! $9M is awfully enough to get a grandiose marriage with Princess! :>


Thanks for the fab PS-ed pics of Minsun! They look absolutely beautiful together :x


New PS-ed pic for Minsun sisters


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Hi MinSunners!

LMH deserves all the money & fame that he worked hard for the past years. He did not stop after his stardom in BOF. He's working hard while the iron is hot. :D it's for his family & future family. :)

GHS I'm sure will continue to make films in the future. We're lucky to see her in drama soon. Please continue to support both. If our couple is acting in a drama or movie let's act with them. We know who's the one & only love in their hearts. We do the same. MinSun love fighting! :X

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Wow ,wow,wow, @pink princess ! Sorry for my exclamation but every time i see a "senior" of JT coming back I feel reborn and excited ! I know you don't know me ,but I know you from back reading ,so i'm glad to meet you in direct and that you remained faithful to our golden couple : Minsun ! Welcome back, I hope ! Let's enjoy together  our victorious couple :they manage to go through time, tight embraced like our dearest @Surie _Rir! show to us ! :  Fotografie: Superb Creativity With Flowershttp: cr Tintu-monSee how beautiful they grow together ?
cr Surie_Riri !    Thank you again for this beautiful piece of art !imagehttp:

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Guest WafaD

itemprop="name"Lee Min Ho reveals his ideal woman in cosmo

Cosmo: What do you think a perfectly attractive woman is like? What kind of mysterious influence will she have on a man?

LMH: Cute, lovely. I like an open and cheerful girl. Even if I get tired and upset from work, she can make me happy just by being near me. I think this kind of girl is very attractive.

Cosmo: People use the words "fascinating" and "captivating" to describe a charming woman. What do you think are the characteristics in such a woman?

LMH: First of all, a woman who understands herself and cherishes herself will make people feel her magnetism. So a woman who is full of self-confidence under any circumstance will be charming.

I think that i know who is that woman he is talking about !! ;;) ;;)

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