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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest songbird86

At the time I'm typing this there are 120 users looking at this page. Waiting for something important? L.O.L.

I can't help pacing back and forth while doing chores and etc. waiting for the answers I've been wanting to hear for over a year and a half. I really hope they come soon so I can stop being nervous.

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Guest valentino_rossi46

WOW 125 users are reading this topic O_O, many ppl are waiting JYPE announcement? I heard that it was released at 12 midnight in Korea? Please translate it soon :)

After many Korean fans complain, finally JYPE post WGs schedule on Fantastic, however, it's still quite late, JYPE should be the first one confirm, rather than many source post about it then they confirmed very late><. And even after many complaint, they still didnt update us anything about the girls since they left Korea. For the past 2 weeks they were in US, they even not update a single line about what the girls are doing, whether they start filming ??? I assume that they even didnt start filming yet, ><. Until now, i still havent believe they will comeback this Nov ><. I ><

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Guest valentino_rossi46

WOW 125 users are reading this topic O_O, many ppl are waiting JYPE announcement? I heard that it was released at 12 midnight in Korea? Please translate it soon :)

After many Korean fans complain, finally JYPE post WGs schedule on Fantastic, however, it's still quite late, JYPE should be the first one confirm, rather than many source post about it then they confirmed very late><. And even after many complaint, they still didnt update us anything about the girls since they left Korea. For the past 2 weeks they were in US, they even not update a single line about what the girls are doing, whether they start filming ??? I assume that they even didnt start filming yet, ><. Until now, i still havent believe they will comeback this Nov ><. I ><

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Guest Bubbly_Millionheiress

I'm really nervous myself. I want a straight answer from JYPE and not some wishy washy nonsense that we've been fed for the past year or so. the thing I want to know the most is.. will Wonder Girls be having a confirmed comeback in November or not? We've been waiting so long for a proper Korean comeback & it's high time JYPE gave that to us and the girls themselves.

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So I guess we all are waiting for the answers to those questions. Sigh you know I never thought that we will come to this. That Wonderfuls will be one that have to complain for our girls. That we actually come from seeing the girls everywhere and they at the top, to now we have to ask for them. Anyway waiting for answers, please don't half a$$ these answers. Seriously if they do I will write my own letter to JYPE.

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Guest valentino_rossi46

They said the same thing about Mimi :)

(just roughly) Sunmi is still under contract with JYPE. She's receiving dance & vocal training consistently. Comeback has not been decided.

cre @stalkapple

Summary of all 15 questions

Official meetings – Wonderfuls with JYPE

1. U.S. Plans

Schedule that shoot in October ”Wonder Girls at the Apollo” is production with an investment of JYPE.

So, copyright belongs to the JYPE.

JYPE contact with the company is under a major label currently.

However, U.S. music industry is facing very downturn. So,JYPE can release recordings directly in some case.

2.Korea Plans

Title track and concept will be defined this week.

3. MiMi(Sunmi)

MiMi maintains contract with JYP currently. And, she continued to dance and vocal training in JYPE.

However,her future activities can not be decided yet.So, JYPE can not answer or response officially.

cre: bewondered@fantastic

Although it's the answers JYPE gave to Korean fans, i think they should post English version on Fantastic too, international fans also deserve to know ><

And they mentioned about US music industry is facing downturn .... whether it's mean "Wonder Girls at the Apollo" and US album can be delayed until .... ???

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Guest songbird86

I don't wanna get anyone's hopes up but, if you follow the twitter account @POOHNIDA, she's says they're looking for someone to translate for us intl fans who don't understand english.

So hang in there... it'll be soon.


I'm sad... we still don't know what SunMi's future is....

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I really wish to have looong answers from JYP, with a lot of details and very clear. I hate to be confused... about Sunmi I know they can't talk about her future since nothing is sure and it all depends on WG's future activities and their success in US etc. but still it's frustrating to think that we're waiting and maybe she'll just never comeback in the group. However we'll only know the answer once she decides to become a singer again =) For now I'm focusing on the current 5members of WG but somehow I keep thinking about Sunmi (well it's just me, I'm the kind of person who's always nostalgic XD).

Another proof that I'm always nostalgic is Hyuna haha I can never forget her time in WG =)

(OK no misunderstanding, I love Yubin and Hyerim but still love original WGs, I LOVE ALL =D).

and I'm talking about Hyuna because I just saw this and I thought I could share... =)

It’s been revealed that 4minutes  HyunA considered retiring from the entertainment industry  after leaving the Wondergirls in June 2007. On August  23rd, Cube Entertainments  CEO Hong Seung Sung published an essay book  titled “If You Stop Now, the Spotlights  Gone Forever.” He wrote, “When HyunA withdrew from the  Wondergirls in 2007, she declared that she will no longer work as a  singer.”  In the essay, he also revealed the stories behind her  declaration and her comeback with 4minute.

Back in 2001, Hong Seung Sung partnered with Park Jin Young to  establish JYP Entertainment  (JYPE) and played an integral part in  nurturing some of today’s stars like Park Ji Yoon, the  Wondergirls, 2PM, 2AM, and others. In  2008, Hong left JYPE to create his own label, Cube Entertainment. CR - Soompi

I'm glad she decided to comeback as a singer in another group (and solo too) at least we can see her again after she left WG, it would be sad if we never saw her again =/

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Guest Bubbly_Millionheiress

Hmm.. so I guess the Korean comeback in November is more or less solidified right? I think now I’ll allow myself to be a bit happier than I felt before reading those answers from JYPE. It’s good that the title song & concept are going to be defined this week. Please JYP & JYPE.. I do NOT want retro again. I repeat NO MORE RETRO. Hope you all got that message loud & clear. Give the girls a nice refreshing concept, something that allow them to fully realise their potential & shine like the stars they truly are.

I sort of guessed that they would give the same response about Sun Mi. I think they can’t say much since Sun Mi is still pursuing her education diligently & any plans of a comeback either in WG or as any other form can only be confirmed after she’s done with her studies. We should be happy that Sun Mi is at least still officially in JYPE & hasn’t terminated her contract with the company. There is still hope guys! :D

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Guest valentino_rossi46


^It's quite concidence when the news about HyunA used to want retirement was released the same day with the official news from JYPE about Sun Mi, well nothing was decided yet ... and it's make me worry ... :(

some other info about JYPE announcement


they promised to let us know on the new lightstick n all in november

Wonder Girls MIGHT have nationwide fan sign in Korea during November!!! (still considering) // yes, please let the kwfs see them T_T

cre @stalkApple

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Guest jcsmark

More info about the Korean Album


최소한 세곡 이상의 미니 앨범 규모라고 합니다. 국내 앨범에 실리는 노래는 모두 신곡입니다.

最少是三首歌以上的迷你专辑 国内专辑都是新歌

cr:wg 官咖

Credit WGBaiduBar

Translation: [JYPE Meeting] There are at least three songs and up in the mini album. All songs in the domestic album are new.

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I'm happy for the new lightsticks... Finally all Wonderfuls can show their support to WG!! It was about time!

and I already talked about this but yeah I'm very happy Sunmi is still in JYPE and I'll never lose hope for our 4D girl =D

3 new songs for the album is good... "at least" they said =) all I wish is... at least 5 new songs, all different songs (not 2 songs + remixes etc.), in korean, and something like 3 pop song + 2 ballads (that would be perfect), no retro concept (please...), concept like So Hot or Now if possible (I just want something mature and a concept that shows their beauty and charisma), and a catchy/fresh song with nice choreo (if JYP did BGGG then he can also do something like this for our girls). OK that's all I want for the new album =) I know we'll only see the result in November, but since they take the decisions for title track and concept this week, I'm nervous! I wish I was there to give some advices to JYP LOL no I'm joking XD But really it's not "that" hard to choose a good concept and song, is it? I count on you JYP! Remember 2007-2008!!! =D I hope the meeting with Wonderfuls made JYP realize what we all expect for this comeback! He should know... don't mess with Wonderfuls >:^) haha I'm not serious =D (or maybe I am XD) Can't wait for the comeback!! and also for more translations of the meeting =)

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Guest jcsmark

More info from the meeting.


이번 주 중으로 타이틀곡과 컨셉이 확정될 예정이라고 하셨습니다.

預計這週會公布主題曲和主題............(cr:wg 官咖)

Title track and concept will be defined this week.


최소한 세곡 이상의 미니 앨범 규모라고 합니다. 국내 앨범에 실리는 노래는 모두 신곡입니다.

最少是三首歌以上的迷你專輯 國內專輯都是新歌 cr:wg 官咖

There are at least three songs and up in the mini album. All songs in the domestic album are new.


JYP NATION의 일본 콘서트 DVD는 영상을 찍었기 때문에 발매가 될 것이라고 합니다.

有拍攝 JYP NATION 日本演唱會 所以會出DVD cr:wg 官咖

JYP NATION concert in Japan was filmed. Thus, a DVD will be released

아침부터 저녁까지 영어, 연기, 보컬, 댄스 수업을 받는다고 합니다. 건강에도 전혀 이상이 없고요.

從早到晚上上英文演技唱歌跳舞的課 很健康完全沒有問題 cr:wg官咖

From day to night they have English, acting, vocal and dance lessons. They are very healthy.

새로운 형태의 여왕봉 제작을 건의했더니 11월 전까지 제작 가능한 것은 아크릴 재질뿐이라고 하시면서 긍정적인 태도를 취하셨습니다.

新的女王棒 在11月之前會用壓克力製作

By November, new queen lightsticks will be produced with acrylic.

버전 MV는 고려해보시겠다고 하셨습니다

MV會以舞蹈MV為主 (我想是沒有時間好好拍)

The MV will be a dance based MV.

Credit SUNDAY890812@weibo

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Guest wonderr23

i just elaborated on most important parts! Again please correct me if there is any mistranslated parts

From the company's side, representative Jeong-wook and an executive were present.

As mentioned, a total of 4 representatives were picked from Wonderful on/offline, Wonderholic, and Wondergirls World.

This meeting happened for 2 hours starting from 4:00 pm. The written questionnaire was the basis for our entire conversation.

However, the original questions which we made were changed a lot. The representatives from our side had a consultation about which appropriate questions will be asked instead.

We had a free and convenient atmosphere, but our questions were difficult to organize.

So we did a few sorting on the questions according to their importance of the topic/s.

1. US activities

"Wonder Girls at the Apollo" is scheduled to be shot on October. It will be invested with JYP company.

The reason why we took the rights of this movie is because broadcasting stations in Korea and other countries will be interested to televise this movie.

I would like to reveal a little on the story line on "Wonder Girls at the Apollo" but i'm afraid i will unconsciously spoil the movie so i will dare not say anything.

But you can expect this movie to be fun and interesting.

The American album will come out on the first quarter on January-March together with the movie.

There is no guarantee on how this production will turn out but we are already in contact with a major label company. In addition, due to the current recession of the US music industry, there is a possibility that we will be releasing the record under JYPE company.

You will be able to purchase the American album in Korea. I'm clueless on what kind of method the company will be using but it'll be guaranteed that Korean fans will be able to get a hold of the album.

2. Korean activities

We originally planned for a July-August domestic activity however due to their activities in the United States and preparations on American album, their Korean activities was pushed.

We also heard about a September rumor comeback and we had initially hoped for it. But due to circumstances it didn't happened.

Currently we are choosing the title song of the album. The concept and title song will be decided upon this week.

We don't know how influential this album will be but we are hoping that it will not be a retro concept. There are also proposals for various versions of MV, a dance version is also in consideration.

Apart from this album, it is not decided whether a couple of tracks from the American album will be included. Currently there are 3 confirmed songs for the mini album. All new compositions.

There was a proposal for a fan meeting, we are thinking of doing a nationwide fan meeting. We are also thinking of using the agency as the venue for fan meetings but it'll be difficult. But since the fans needs a place for communication we will definitely make it a priority.

3. Future activities

There were questions about Korean/American concert album and Asia/World Tour.

The priority will change depending on their American activities.

Like in the past, the members will not have personal activities.

It's difficult to appear on programs in the US.

But if the members wishes for a personal activity they can do it. If things will go well in the US they can do that too.

4. Wondergirls coordinator problem

The fans conveyed their concerns on Wondergirls' coordinator.

The people working in the United States were specifically requested by the Wondergirls. The coordi team of the Wondergirls are experts but they are being criticized for their make-up, hair, clothings etc. Those were the decisions made by Wondergirls themselves they say.

Sometimes, people at our company have difference in opinion. The coordi team in our company have strong beliefs. They are professionals so if you hurt their pride it will be hard for them.

But this is about the fans' desires so it can't be helped.

Our company respect the artists' opinions and wants but we also understand the wishes of those loyal fans.

5. Wondergirls Management

Unlike the fans' concerns, Wondergirls work from morning till evening when there's no schedule. They receive english lesson, acting, vocal, and dance lessons. They are very healthy.

It's a misunderstanding to say that Wondergirls are being overworked.

*they recognized the problem with communication with fans. They said it was insufficient*

*they also mentioned that the company cannot force the girls to update their personal SNS. It is their own will if they want to update or not.*

6. Fan Management

It's not difficult to recruit another fanclub.

On November, we are considering on recruiting 2 additional units. The final decision will be announced on mid-October.

We recognize the problem on producing queen lightstick hence will improve on it. We received a lot of complains that there are defects online purchasing and the appearance of it.

We will try to improve this by November.

So the new queen lightstick production will be available until November with acrylic as its material.

We will let you know about the new form of this queen lightstick before November.

7. Other suggestions

Concerns about the new album's quality were raised.

The company regrets on this inconvenience.

*they will fix the CD giving it more quality material next time*

*JYP Nation in Japan DVD will be released. The date of sale is still not fixed.*

8. Sunmi

Ms. Sunmi mantains a contractual relationship with the company. She's continously receiving dance and vocal lessons.

However, her future activities are not decided yet.

Source: Wonderholic


@seafood Thank you very much for pointing this out! It seems i misread this part of the sentence. The JYPE representative said they have no idea how influential this album will be but they are hoping that it will not be retro concept.




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Thanks for the news, still digesting but they sound not so bad.

The weak point is the American Recording Industry - probably the connections aren't secured enough to push for a release at a certain date. I like the attitude of JYPE, if there's no other possibility they're going to release the album on their own. Hope this is not the case, but it's a good way to demonstrate true support for the work so far in the States.

For KWFS the other answers should be good - album, promotions, lightsticks, even the cd covers.

About Sunmi, my own thought is that first of all any future decision should be hers. Don't get alarmed by the story about Hyuna, Sunmi is still under contract, training and frequenting the other JYPE artists.


I'm going on vacation for a couple of weeks, I tried to find something to contribute before leaving... this video is a little token from Germany (by the same people that did the Kpop dance video in Frankfurt)

Can you spot the Nobody moment? ^^

Credit: SCHIRNKUNSTHALLE / remarkableforum

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Guest aloversrendezvous

I've been anticipating the conference for a while now and I am glad to hear a lot of the questions were answered. Thank you so much everyone for the translations and information. 

Wonder Girls, hwaiting!

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1. US activities

I'm actually not going to look into much into this. Since I actually now believe that it a good idea for the girls to start with a movie like this. It might seem stupid or cheesy (lame) or whatever it is, but it a good way to put the girls out there. I want to talk about Nickelodeon. To start off for people outside of the USA that think Nick is just a small channel. Because they are not, they have many fans and their show are really love. Also some of their show is successful. I hate when some of the people make it seem like choosing Nick was a bad idea. True if you compared it with Disney than they aren't that big. But they are still known and have many fans. Plus it amazing for the girls to get a deal on the channel. Nick is not like Disney where most of their viewers is younger kids. Nick is aim more at teenagers and I can see why JYPE choosing this path. It silly to think that no one watch shows on Nick. When most of the teenagers around me do and I'm sure there many more. I know that some of the stars that come out of Nick isn't well known (big success like Miley, Hilary, Selena etc) as Disney stars but they are still known and that what matter.

Anyway I want to know did they say how they going to promoted the girls in the US? about their music that is. I'm hoping that they don't just half a$$ it. When you do promotion as a rookie here in the US is 10 times worst than in Korea. We here don't have music program, we don't have variety shows, & etc. Rookies here work a lot harder to make it to the top than you think. Also it harder when artists from other countries try to make a breakthrough, esp. from a small country such as Korea. I'm crossing my fingers!

2. Korean activities

When I read " 3 confirmed songs for the mini album. All new compositions." I jump a little, I'm excited to know how many songs will be on the album. "The concept of this album will be so influential so please do not describe it as a revival concept" What do this mean? I'm sorry but I don't get it. Also no I don't want various versions of MV. I want the girls to have at least 2 actual MV (for their title song and another song). Also don't just let the girls promoted their title track only. Let them have second single too. I mean not fully promoting second single but to put a second song out. The girls have been doing this promoting only one song since forever. Also let stop with the dance base mv, and put more meaningful or fun story line, I seriously will crap myself if they do. The girls always have some interesting simple plot for their MV (and that what I love) So seriously don't change that and put them in a some colorful or weird background and just make them dance and that it.

Fanmeeting is a must. . I mean come on JYPE we don't need to tell you this.

3. Future activities

"depending on their American activities."

"If things will go well in the US they can do that too."

Oh just shut it, I know they busy but all this time they not in the music scene I was expecting JYPE to let the girls do something on the side. I mean maybe like being feature in CF (as a group or solo) Idk

5. Wondergirls Management

Well that's clear up. . I'm just waiting to see how everything turn out later when they have a comeback

6. Fan Management

Thank you!!!! it about time the light stick get a change up

7. Other suggestions

"Concerns about the new album's quality were raised.

The company regrets on this inconvenience."

Yeah you guys should be. Also maybe update more Real Wonder girls for us fans!

8. Sunmi

Still not clear if Sunmi will return as a Wonder girls. I'm kind of sad because I'm feeling that she either comeback in another group or solo. . .blah

Well that end for me, well at least we got some answers.

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Guest aloversrendezvous

I know pictures were shared before, but I don't think these fan cams were shared way back around page 1338 on the thread. Anyway, I recently found two fan cams of the girls promoting and performing at TigerHeat (in an Avalon Club) in Hollywood, California. :) And I thought it was super awesome to see the audience reactions and excitement towards the girls. 

In this fancam, the camera is on the upper floor/deck of the club.

And in this fancam, the camera is right in front of the stage.

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Guest wonderr23

just noticed the girls are wearing Miu Miu 2011 Fall Collection in this photoshoot


By the way, Lim's bday is on September 1. Trending is impossible but we should at least greet her #HappyBdayLim on twitter.

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