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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest wonderr23

2PM-원더걸스-미쓰에이, 고유가 위기극복 캠페인 앞장

`2011 그린에너지패밀리 캠페인` 홍보대사

입력 : 2011-04-26 13:42:14


▲ 2PM, 원더걸스, 미쓰에이(사진=왼쪽 위부터 시계방향)

[이데일리 SPN 최은영 기자]"고유가 위기 극복 에너지 절약 캠페인, JYP가 함께합니다"

박진영이 이끄는 JYP엔터테인먼트 소속 연예인들이 고유가 시대, 에너지 절약을 위한 녹색 실천 운동에 앞장선다.

2PM, 원더걸스, 미쓰에이는 종합경제멀티미디어 이데일리에서 매년 연중 캠페인으로 실시하는 `2011 그린에너지패밀리 캠페인`에 모델로 나서 시민들의 자발적인 참여를 독려할 예정이다.

시작은 열정적인 보이그룹 2PM이 끊었다. 1차 캠페인으로 `2PM과 함께하는 에너지 닥터, 탄소다이어트`가 지난 25일 시작돼 뜨거운 관심 속에 진행중이다.

이번 캠페인은 오는 6월20일까지 약 석달간 계속되며 6월부터 8월까지는 `원더걸스와 함께하는 에너지빼기 사랑더하기 캠페인`, 9월부터 11월까지는 `미쓰에이와 함께하는 에너지사랑 따뜻한 겨울나기 캠페인`이 이어질 예정이다.

이번 캠페인은 이데일리 홈페이지를 통해 진행되는데 홈페이지 게시판에 네티즌이 에너지 절약에 관한 글을 남기면 댓글 한 건당 500원씩이 적립되어 향후 1년간 쌓인 기금이 어린이재단에 기부, 연말 저소득층 가정에 내복 및 난방비를 지원하는 데 쓰인다.

2PM과 함께하는 1차 캠페인 `최다댓글` 참여자 가운데 추첨을 통해 뽑힌 총 6명에게는 2PM 멤버들의 친필사인이 담긴 모자를 증정한다. 또 추천메일 참여자 중 추첨을 통해 선정된 4명에게는 2PM 전 멤버 사인이 담긴 모자가 선물로 주어질 예정이다.

이번 캠페인의 참여방법 및 자세한 내용은 행사 홈페이지(http://campaign.edaily.co.kr/elove/energy/Outline.asp?status=1)에서 확인할 수 있다.

`그린에너지패밀리 캠페인`은 지난 2009년 시작돼 올해로 3회째를 맞고 있으며 그간 연예인 홍보대사로는 이민호, 윤은혜, 소녀시대, 한지혜 등이 참여했다. 이번 캠페인은 에너지관리공단에서 후원한다.

이데일리 SPN 최은영 기자 euno@

2PM-Wondergirls-MissA to lead campaign on overcoming high oil prices

'2011 green energy family campaign 'ambassador of public relation

2011-04-26 13:42:14


▲ 2PM, Wondergirls and MissA (Photo=Clock wise from upper left)

[E-Daily SPN Journalist Choi Eunyoung] "Overcoming the high value of oil prices and helping with energy conservation, JYP are with you"

Park Jinyoung and various assigned artists from JYP Entertainment will be leading a campaign against high oil prices and energy conservation.

2PM, Wondergirls, and Miss A will be conducting a multimedia campaign in e-daily "2011 green energy family campaign" to encourage the citizens.

Passionate boy group 2PM started the campaign with "Energy conservation with 2PM, carbon diet" which started on the 25th and garnered a lot of attention.

The campaign will last for three months until June 20th. Wondergirls will resume the campaign from June to August with the campaign message "Energy conservation with Wondergirls". Miss A will be taking over from September to November.

The campaign's progress can be followed through with e-daily's homepage. The netizens can participate and all of the accumulated funds will be donated to children and low-income families and other necessities.

2PM will be participating on the first campaign. 4 participants will be chosen by 2pm and will be presented a special gift from them.

'Green Family Campaign' started on 2009 with participants such as Lee Minho, Yoon Eunhye, Girls' Generation, and Han Jihye. This campaign is sponsored by Korea Energy Management Corporation.

Participation method of this campaign and the detailed contents can be seen at (http://campaign.edaily.co.kr/elove/energy/Outline.asp?status=1).

E-daily SPN Choi Eun-young journalist euno@

Source: http://spn.edaily.co.kr/entertain/newsRead.asp?sub_cd=EA21&newsid=01348086596220056&DirCode=0010201

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Guest qoxie


Thanks. Hmm, late June. I wonder if the timing for WG is a foreshadow.

(The MTV World Stage in Indonesia is also rumored thereabouts, as I recall.)

Anyway, it's April 26 now so I am ruling out the 1st week of June for any album release, if JYPE plans to repeat 2DT's 6-week final preparations strategy.

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Guest qoxie

WG Q&A interview in May issue of 'Easy' magazine.

Dunno where the mag is from, but likely China since the words are in Simplified Chinese. (HK & Taiwan use Traditional Chinese.)

The uploader has also posted zooms of the article text, so I will translate it later tonight at home.

EDIT: I found the source. It's the May issue of iEasy.tv magazine.

Front cover & article content (inc. the WG feature) listed here: http://www.ieasy.tv/...etail/2181.html




Cr: 走失i @ Baidu

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Guest valentino_rossi46

I read on twitter, manduful chose first Monday (Mandu) of each months is Sohee day, start from next month... But next month the first Monday is 2rd, it's Mimi day/Mimi birthday. So it's MiSo Day!!! lol

SO they want trend #1stSoheeDAY and #MisoDAY on 2-May :)

WOW, this 2-May, our babe Mimi will be adult officially, ... seeing her growing to a gorgeous lady , ye and I also grow in the past 4 years, so great :),following So Hee will be adult in June, only Lim babe left, but she will be adult soon in September :)

Let's send her a lot of love <3

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Guest katty_cat

Anyone have HQ pic 'Teen vogue'???

I really want them!!

Anyone have HQ pic 'Teen vogue'???

I really want them!!

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Guest qoxie

The iEasy.tv article doesn't seem original. Some parts are vaguely similar to what I have translated before.

Still, it contains some new (& plausible) disclosures attributed to WG, so who knows.

Re: 1st pic posted earlier

The mag chose "Diva upheaval: Charismatic female stars do battle come springtime" (Diva之乱: 魅力女星决战春) as the theme headline for its special feature.

The feature highlighted 7 Kpop artistes, inc. WG.

Holy smoke!

This is the mother of all battles!

Charisma, talent, work ethic, achievements!

You cannot out-compete them!

SNSD will win you over with their friendliness!

JESSICA will attract you with her beauty!

f(x) will warm you with their gentleness!

WONDERGIRLS will touch you with their youth!

AFTER SCHOOL will attract you with their sensuality!

4MINUTE will impress you with their smarts!

Huang Ya Li will share her charms with you!

Albums, endorsements, concerts,

This springtime, they will swamp you with activities!

Real or not!!!

Hey, are you ready?


- - - - - - - - - - -

The WG article (2nd & 3rd pics posted earlier).

The most beautiful of meetings: "We blossomed from our blessed beginnings"

WONDERGIRLS is currently readying their new album. Assembled together like the most beautiful of meetings, the 5 girls' career paths proved to be blessed. Their collective unity allowed them to blossom, both in Korea as well as overseas. By staying together, everything is looking good with this quintet!

Beautiful idol group

Q: Are the US activities easier or harder than the Korea ones?

WG: We were virtually unknown when we first went to the USA. We did not even have our own fanclub back then. But we worked hard to introduce ourselves to Americans. Little by little, everyone got to know us & our songs.

Q: How do you maintain skincare to stay so appealing?

WG: We often go abroad, & thus come across many fresh or enticing stuff overseas. We would all buy them to try them out. We also buy skincare products a lot from the Internet.

Q: You are often sexily attired whenever you appear onscreen. How do you dress normally at home?

WG: Haha. We don't deliberately overdress at home at all. Depending on our mood, we may spruce up a bit. We usually opt for simple & comfortable clothes, like T-shirts & jeans. They are our daily mix-&-match items most of the time!

Q: What kind of boys do you like?

WG: We are like all normal girls. We like responsible guys with definite views on various subjects. Ah, what's most important: they must understand our line of work. Yet, while we are living very much in the real world, we also believe in the pure innocence of love.

Wonderful opinions

Q: When in the USA, what do you miss most about Korea?

Yoobin: I miss my friends & my family a lot.

Yeeun: I miss our Korean fans the most. They have supported & come through for us so many times in Korea. We don't have as many [fans] over here, so I feel very bonded [with them].

Sunye: I miss my family & my friends.

Sohee: I miss my room in Korea. In America, we often get insomnia due to our workload, to the extent of sometimes sleeping on the bus. So I miss my room the most.

LIM: I was a new addition, & thus did not partake in USA activities with my unnis. For me, I miss my family the most.

Q: What do you do in your spare time?

LIM: I write my diary, & also take photos to beautify my photo album. Sometimes I will make mundane slides of me & the fans (laughs).

Sohee: I like to sleep, so I usually snooze in my room during my spare time (laughs).

Sunye: I generally read, or study my English. Otherwise I will be chatting with my friends.

Yeeun: I like to surf to our fanclub site(s), & leave messages & interact with them once every month. But I won't announce myself as Yeeun. I had revealed my identity once, & people got to know about my monthly stopovers & it resulted in impersonators posing as me. No one believed I was Yeeun anymore.

Yoobin: Previously, I liked to go to the movies whenever I was free. But I have become interested in guitars recently, so I usually spend the time on guitar practice instead.

Q: It's hard work being an artiste. How do you stay positive?

Sunye: I think staying positive originates from the inside out. Keep a good temperament, & always wear a sweet smile. This will result in a positive attitude: the world will be how you perceive it to be!

Sohee: I think a balanced diet is very important. Exercise more whenever one is free. Maintain adequate sleep daily.

Yeeun: A regular facial skincare routine is vital too. Make it a point to cleanse your face daily, then apply your chosen skincare products.

Q: What will you be like 10 years from now?

Sunye: Perhaps I will have a docile, perfect family, & become a beautiful mother (laughs).

Yeeun: I ought to be someone's mother too. Also, I want to go to various countries in the future, to help the dispossessed & needy kids.

Yoobin: This is a toughie... Hmmm... Maybe I will become a chairman of the board. Haha.

Sohee: I ought to be a mother of a child too. Haha. I will become an ordinary working mother.

LIM: I want to have my own restaurant. I don't cook well yet, but it is something I like very much. In fact, I am considering whether to go for formal cooking classes.









Cr: 走失i @ Baidu

Front cover:


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Guest ah_mui

:w00t: Just found Sunye's me2day account while browsing around today. Here's the link! http://me2day.net/wg-sun.

Can't wait until the girls have their comeback in Korea in September/October! Their stage presence just wows me every single time. I don't know if it's just me, but I find that the girls carry a certain superstar aura around them that I can't seem to find in any other girl group yet.

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Guest Mickyluloveskpop

Ngaw... so cute yoobin is learning the guitar can't wait to see her skills then kekke i heard teac learn the guitar by himself too kekek she should ask him for help *wink wink*

Ngaw they all want to be mothers :D except for yoobin and lim LOL yoobin being a chairman AHAHHA she'll definitely be a sexy one ;)

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Guest r1988

I found this article in nate its about lim ,the girl did not change at all

원더걸스 혜림, 우월한 과거사진 공개 '똘망똘망'20110427_1303881953_95524600_1.jpg

TV리포트 최민지 기자] 그룹 원더걸스 멤버 혜림이 우월한 과거사진을 공개했다.

혜림은 27일 자신의 트위터를 통해 인증샷을 남긴 것. 사진 속 빨간색 하트 귀걸이를 한 혜림은 앳된 모습이었다. 지금과 별반 차이가 없는 혜림은 똘망똘망한 눈을 자랑하며 시선을 끌었다.

이에 누리꾼들은 "지금이랑 똑같다", "어쩜 이렇게 귀여운지", "지금 모습 그대로다", "아주 키만 자랐구나" 등의 반응을 보였다.

사진=혜림 트위터

최민지 기자 star@tvreport.co.kr

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Guest qoxie


I was about to post that.

Gosh, the Korean media works pretty fast, publishing LIM's pic with fan feedback in less than 2 hours.

WG remains on their infotainment radar, for sure!

- - - - - - - - - -

Newsen article about WG & Jeon Ji-hyun making MSN Malaysia's Hottest Hollywood Asian Actresses list.

The Last Godfather cameo paid dividends! ... "Actresses", geddit? :rolleyes:

원더걸스+전지현 할리우드에서 가장 섹시한 아시아 여배우 선정

[2011-04-27 09:09:02]

[뉴스엔 박아름 기자]

걸그룹 원더걸스와 배우 전지현이 섹시스타로 등극했다.

4월 23일 말레이시아 매체에 따르면 원더걸스와 전지현 등이 '할리우드의 가장 섹시한 아시아 배우 15인'(Hollywood's 15 Hottest Asian Actresses)에 선정됐다.

원더걸스는 27일 오전 공식 트위터를 통해 이같은 사실을 알렸다. 이 언론은 원더걸스에 대해 "오랫동안 빌보드차트 100위에 이름을 올린 첫 번째 한국의 가수다"고 소개했다.


또 전지현에 대해선 "그동안 눈에 띄진 않았지만 우리 맘 속에 강렬한 인상을 남기는 여자가 될 여지는 항상 있다"고 전했다.

이들 외에도 섹시스타 15인에는 한국계 할리우드 배우 제이미정, 중국 배우 공리, 판빙빙, 말레이시아 출신 홍콩 여배우 양자경, 할리우드 배우 켈리후, 할리우드 홍콩 출신 할리우드 배우 메기큐, 중국계 미국 배우 루시 리우, 모델 겸 배우 데본 아오키, 가수 겸 배우 브렌다 송, 중국계 혼혈 크리스틴 크룩, 한국계 할리우드 배우 그레이스박, 홍콩 모델 주수나, 한국계 혼혈배우 문 블러드굿 등이 이름을 올렸다.

박아름 jamie@newsen.com

Source: http://www.newsen.co...104270815141001

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