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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest vietboi_tuan

Leespiar's 2010 1st Half survey of biggest female kpop artists

1. SNSD (37.5%)

2. KARA (18.4%)

3. Lee Hyori (12.0%)

4. T-ara (12.0%)

5. 2NE1 (9.6%)

6. Jang YoonJung (8.4%)

7. Baek JiYoung (5.9%)

8. Wonder Girls (4.4%)

9. BEG (3.8%)

10. After School (3.0%)

Other years. I got this from SNSD forum, that is why SNSD is bold.

credit to silis7noy2


Of course I'm sadden they have drop so low on the list,

but at least they are still in the top ten!

I'm sure for the 2nd half of 2010, with their comeback

they will surely jump back up to the top 3.

However, I'm happy JYPE family male are dominating the list.


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Guest llborderline

lol @ netizens! before they said leader min had a nose job

then yubin had her eyes fixed now yeeun had double eye

lid surgery? Puuuhhhlease!

i just watch the con/csi show, most of the time wonder girls

has these kind of looks on their faces :huh::blink::unsure:

which was very cute! but yeah i have the same expressions

while watching it. lol

i want those wonder girls stuff from justice!!!

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Guest qoxie

Upcoming Wonder Girls-related activities (compiled)

Time zones are not consolidated. Lemme know of any errors or exclusions.

April 30 - CTi TV 'The Largest Political Party' 全民最大党 TV broadcast (Taiwan, 9pm)

May 1 or May 8 - Channel [V] 'Top 20 Countdown' 音乐飙榜 TV broadcast (Taiwan, 5pm)

May 1 - 8th annual Korea Times Korean Music Festival 2010, Hollywood Bowl (Los Angeles)

May 3 - GTV '100% Entertainment Fan Fest' 娱乐百分百粉丝同乐会 TV broadcast (Taiwan, 6pm)

May 12 to May 14 - MTV Taiwan 'Crazy Over Jpop & Kpop' 日韩音乐疯 TV broadcast (Taiwan, 7pm)

May 15 - EP album launch party, Avalon Hollywood (Los Angeles)

May 16 - EP album official release (worldwide)

May 22 - 16th annual Dream Concert 2010, Sangam World Cup Stadium (Seoul)

June 4 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, Warner Theatre (Washington DC)

June 5 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, Tabernacle (Atlanta)

June 6 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, Hammerstein Ballroom (New York)

June 8 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, House of Blues (Chicago)

June 9 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, House of Blues (Houston)

June 10 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, House of Blues (Dallas)

June 11 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, Palladium (Los Angeles)

June 12 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, House of Blues (Anaheim)

June 13 - Wonder Girls World Tour 2010, The Fillmore (San Francisco)

June 20 - Sony Ericsson mini-concert, Balai Kartini (Jakarta)

July - LP album scheduled release

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Guest l33mimi

Poor girls, their schedule is packed. Doesn't seem like they have much time to rehearse for the World Tour. Just realized that their tour from june 4th to 20th that they are having a concert everyday, well almost. Must be really tiring. WG HWAITING!

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Guest fleurdelis_kay

i'm quite disappointed with the mr con/ms csi show

i understand that there's difference between korean/ taiwan humor and hence the awkwardness

but the two MCs/ production crew should've done their homework before inviting the girls onto the show

1. Do they really need to hv 4 different groups on the show at the same time? Since the girls cant speak Mandarin that well, most of the time they're being ignored/ cut-out

2. The girl MC should do a little research on the girls. She mentioned that WG only had ONE hit song while she herself has TWO. For a moment I was like :blink: WG had 3 hit songs and despite my regular following of Mandopop, I've never heard of any songs from her

3. The guy MC praised the other group which danced to Tell Me saying the starting move of the dance (the hip swaying part) is original and they did well improvising it. erm..hello..that was the signature move of the original dance and when the other group told him that, it was basically ignored

4. The same questions were being asked over and over

sigh..watching that show I cant help but notice how ignorant the MCs were..I guess they're just not that good in handling foreign guests who speak little mandarin

on a better note, I love what the girls are wearing nowadays..more mature and sophisticated

EXR photoshoots are HOT =)

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Guest tazanya

wow have not been hre in ages.

I saw that vid of step up... i totally thought it was real at first lol stupid me.

anyway excited to see the girls again at hb this year. pissed that i wont be doing any stalking :(

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Guest Bubbly_Millionheiress

Congrats to Yu Bin for becoming a hot topic on Daum again! :D Girl was absolutely smoking hot in the Bazaar red carpet pictures! <3 I won’t be surprised if people are going nuts for her!

WonderSubbers channel is back! yay! I really missed the channel when it got banned. Now I can watch the Golden Fishery episodes that I missed. I wish that there were Justice stores in Singapore so I can get the nail polish bottles & photo frames. They are all so pretty!

I noticed that ever since Wonder Girls announced their official comeback in May there have been a lot of unflattering & misleading articles about them. Allkpop.. haiz.. I already said before that those people there are getting on my nerves. <_< It’s already bad enough that they are biased towards a certain group but come on.. they always find the worst things to write about Wonder Girls. :rolleyes:

Leader Min’s nose job, Yu Bin getting her eyes done and now Ye Eun’s eyelid surgery? Whatever next.. So Hee getting her legs done? Or Lim getting implants? <_<

I believe that Ye Eun is natural & I’m going to stick by my beliefs. I think all of the Wonder Girls are natural beauties. :)

wonderstruck – thanks for the video. Wow.. the fan meeting was really jam packed. Even the audience watching from the 2nd & 3rd floor were participating eagerly & interacting with the girls. WG are really loved in Taiwan & I think their popularity will shoot up even more in the coming days. :D

vietboi_tuan – thanks for sharing that poll conducted by Leespiar. I’m not surprised that Wonder Girls aren’t at the top of the list since they have been inactive in kpop for over a year already.

however I’m still happy that despite being inactive in kpop the girls are still making into the lists & polls conducted in South Korea. It shows that people still haven’t forgotten our girls yet. I can’t wait for May 15 when the girls return & start ruling the polls again. :D

qoxie – thanks for all the information & articles. Wonder Girls are really a hit with the Taiwanese public. I do think that Nobody, Tell Me & So Hot are easier to listen to as well as sing & dance to than some other songs by other girl bands. Wonder Girls always had catchy songs & simple dance steps that appealed to people of all ages. :)

Wow.. talk about a packed schedule! Wonder Girls are really gonna be busy from the beginning of May! Can’t wait for them to take over the world! Hehe..

Wonder Girls appearance on Kang Xi Lai Le somewhat disappointed me as well. I dunno.. I felt that they could have gotten more screen time but whatever little bits of Wonder Girls that were shown all of them were really sweet & adorable. :P

Takeshi choosing Sun Ye as the prettiest out of the 5 girls and one of the male members of the other group saying that he thinks that Yu Bin is really beautiful. aww.. cute! <3 I wanted Wonder Girls to perform So Hot fully but they didn’t. :( the Nobody performance was quite good though. If only they didn’t have to lip synch. ;)

The EXR promo video was really cute. all the girls look so beautiful, sporty & cool. I love all their individual styles though I think So Hee really shines in this particular photoshoot. Mandoo just has the word ‘DIVA’ stamped all over her. <3

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Guest qoxie

I don't think the WG 'MR Con & Ms Csi' episode has been subbed yet, so here's my show synopsis (for the non-Chinese speakers).

Keep in mind that sound problems had prolonged the TV recording, so much so that WG was forced to cancel one of their 5 work commitments that day.

Thus the televised version ended up ragged not only from over-editing (due to the controversy), but IMO also due to the apparent inclusion of a WG rehearsal performance.

Show hosts: Kevin Tsai Kang-Yung 蔡康永 (KT), Dee Hsu Hsi-Ti 徐熙娣 (DH)

Show assistant/jester: Chen Han-dian 陈汉典 (CHD)

Show guest groups:


2. DANCE FLOW (Avex Taiwan's new pop group, 4 guys + 4 girls, they had debuted last week)

3. JOHNNY & BERRY 强尼草莓 (formerly known as NO WONDER GIRLS, a WG impersonation group, 4 girls + 1 guy)

4. HEY GIRL 黑Girl (remnants of 9-girl group created in 2006 Channel [V] 'Blackie Teenage Club' 我爱黑涩会 reality show. Changed their name & manager, now left with 4 girls)

Show Title: Both English & Chinese ('Here Comes Kangxi' 康熙来了) names are puns of the hosts' middle names (康+熙). Together, 康熙 is also the name of a Qing Dynasty emperor.

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PART 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A61QbV0x20

KT teased DH that WG is more internationally known & the members are also younger. DH rebutted that she had 2 hit songs as opposed to WG's one. They cracked up. KT formally introduced WG. WG greeted the TV camera in unison. KT protested that they are famous & did not have to be so polite.

KT said that DH wanted to scrutinize WG close up & egged her on. DH disguised her advance & inspection with 'kamsahamnida' & 'saranghaeyo' greetings. DH whispered to KT that WG's makeup was heavier than hers, jokingly pointing out Yeeun's 'dagger' look at her. (Sunye had understood the conversation & turned to Yeeun an instant earlier.) Yeeun disagreed thrice. But Sunye agreed & said so in Chinese.

DH noted that Sunye's makeup was heavier too. KT asked the interpreter to tell WG that female stars on their show "must not" wear makeup. WG reacted in surprise. KT got JOHNNY & BERRY's Xiao You to come out as an 'example'. Both hosts made jokes about her 'bland' features, with or without cosmetics. The interpreter explained WG did not sleep the previous nights & would show off their usual good skin next time.

DH accused KT of being 'evil'-- the duo sparred a little over whether this quip was improper coming from DH (who's a mother) -- to have build up WG during the show intro & then backbit them. KT said that WG's profile had them confessing one member to be naturally the prettiest. Both Sunye & Yoobin identified Yeeun, who also raised her hand. DH joked aloud about the heavy makeup, & Yeeun reacted in jest. The interpreter played peacemaker & said all 5 girls are pretty.

KT asked who looked to the youngest WG. DH guessed Sohee, but said the latter could be made up to look younger or older. KT asked for a maximum; DH said 17 to 18 years old. LIM clarified that both she & Sohee are 18. The audience oohed & aahed over their youth.

DH asked if the group's average age was 18; they corrected her. KT got Xiao You to come out again & joked that Taiwan pop groups averaged "35" in age. WG affirmed that Xiao You (who's actually 24) was qualifiable for Kpop, but DH joked "but not for Taiwan."

KT asked whether WG had been punished by their teachers. Yeeun mimicked kneeling & raised arms. KT got CHD to come out to demonstrate. CHD clarified that he was SUPERJUNIOR's Hankung. He proceed to dance, as proof. He then suddenly knelt as 'punishment', cracking everyone up. Yeeun signaled for him to raise his arms.

Sunye passed WG's album to the hosts as gifts. KT asked if it included Chinese songs. Yeeun affirmed but mis-conveyed her words (I think she wanted to point out the album was the Chinese release). The interpreter clarified that it contained 3 Chinese tracks.

KT speculated to DH whether WG's managers had forewarned the quintet about DH's cross-examination. DH concurred, saying she knew Korea companies are very strict about protecting their artistes & would make corrections to listed questions prior. [The scene cuts to] Yeeun said in Korean that they were told to be prepared for any unexpected problem. DH urged aloud whether she could indeed ask. [Cuts to] Yeeun waved no with a smile. DH asked whether their Korean minders would jump in (she exaggerated her gestures) & create a scene. [Cuts to] Yeeun pointed to WG's manager off-camera. KT quipped that the latter did not look very brave; DH joked about having him removed & locking the door.

KT asked CHD to help in the countdown for The Question: 5..4..3..2..1...

DH asked WG: "What's your favorite Taiwan cuisine?"

KT reacted to the about-face & attempted to mock-hit DH, saying the countdown was rendered extraneous. DH mitigated that she had many questions & did not know which was the one! WG returned to their seats. (To me, this whole segment looks suspiciously re-filmed & the WG bits re-edited in.)

KT asked DANCE FLOW's Takeshi (yup, he's Japanese) if he was familiar with WG, then got him to perform 'Nobody.' The hosts laughed about his hairy armpits & bantered mindlessly about a similar condition befalling WG...

KT got Takeshi to admit he is a fan of DH. He then asked him who is the prettiest WG, & threatened to conceal DANCE FLOW's album if his answer was non-committal. Somewhat moronically, Takeshi hurried to Sunye & chose her. A grinning Sunye reciprocated with a handshake.

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PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srJeeHyMuwY

KT jokingly told the pair not to hook up, saying it was not a dating show. KT asked Takeshi whether DH or Sunye is prettier. DH mock-intimidated Takeshi about his future in Taiwan music, so he immediately chose her. KT protested, saying Takeshi could always go to Korea. KT asked Takeshi again what are Sunye's prettiest features. Was it her eyes, her figure? Guilelessly, Takeshi replied it was her whole senses. Sunye thanked him. Takeshi also pointed to her colorful yellow (dress). DH complained that KT was wearing the equivalent too! KT rebutted it was not relevant.

The spotlight turned to JOHNNY & BERRY & later HEY GIRLS. The hosts bantered about their persistence (despite lack of talent). The ribbing was merciless at times.

Both wannabe groups also touched on playing food host to WG in Taiwan. JOHNNY & BERRY's segment was apparently snipped. HEY GIRLS's part was edited to a brief moment of Sunye munching something.

HEY GIRL's Ya Tou then ludicrously asked "Sister" Sunye for a (lesbian) kiss. Sunye protested briefly via interpreter that she was still eating. Pestered further by the show hosts, Ya Tou justified herself inanely by saying she had yet to be kissed by a Korean star & is thus a momentous feeling. KT asked why not RAIN instead? SUPERJUNIOR's Hankung was also mentioned. Cue CHD to step forward for a comedic kissing skit.

HEY GIRL then performed, followed by a long chat with them, with occasional comments from DANCE FLOW & JOHNNY & BERRY.

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PART 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_wh1Q8xfPc

The talk drifted to HEY GIRL's middling income. DH said that WG must be rich by contrast. KT asked which member is the wealthiest. Yeeun replied that they all received the same monies.

DH asked about the company policy regarding love affairs. Yeeun said in Korean that the many overseas trips as well as being based in America left them with [scene cuts to] (spoken in Chinese) "no time."...

JOHNNY & BERRY's Da Ye (who seems to have a gay or bi persona) was asked about his ideal type. He chose Yoobin -- which surprised KT -- & explained he likes dark-skinned girls. When offered idol singers Jay Chou & Wang Lee Hom instead, he immediately changed his mind & chose the latter! Everyone cracked up. KT said that Yoobin might not like being called dark-skinned. [Cuts to] Da Ye effusively praised her beauty, regardless. Yoobin politely thanked him.

The spotlight turned to DANCE FLOW, who talked for awhile & then performed.

KT said he was self-conscious about the successive Taiwan dance items & that it was WG's turn. WG performed 'So Hot Chinese Version.' (WG was notably all smiles & did not even bother to lip-sync -- was this a rehearsal/alternate take that ended up being aired?)

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PART 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtK__RppweM

KT asked DH which WG member's dancing was most sexy. DH cited their synchronized choreography & noted how uniform & methodical it was. She queried the other guests if they could match the standard, which led to some awkward laughter. Asked again, DH said WG's dancing is not Westernized but rather "controlled". Sputtering to elaborate, she got up to demonstrate, amid loud encouragement. The screen captions read: "Her face is busy! Her face is busy!" [i.e. not "controlled".] KT & DH respectively concluded that WG's style was indeed very lovable & distinctive...

KT asked if WG practices dancing every day. They replied in the affirmative. DH asked if mistakes lead to scolding. Yeeun: "Certainly." KT: "Really?" Yeeun: "Certainly." DH: "Even today, after the recording & watching the playback back at the hotel?" Yeeun: "Certainly." Cue poignant background music.

KT asked which WG member gets scolded most. LIM volunteered herself, explaining she was a new addition & is still fitting in. Yeeun commended LIM as very hardworking. DH asked if LIM cried from the reprimands. She chuckled & said no.

KT asked if it was appropriate having an impersonator (JOHNNY & BERRY) follow the original (WONDERGIRLS). The chat then drifted to the former's internal quarrels. KT noticed the interpreter had continued to translate & highlighted this fact. Reacting, DH jokingly asked if WG was interested in gossip too. They nodded their heads!

KT asked about WG's own arguments. LIM diplomatically said they occurred during meal ordering. Yeeun clarified further they were mostly dagger looks behind one's back, cuz everybody had their own favorite dishes.

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PART 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnYkhDbsjpY

Reluctantly, KT introduced JOHNNY & BERRY, who performed their own version of 'Tell Me Chinese Version.'

KT passed them encouraging words & then introduced WG, who lip-synced to 'Nobody Chinese Version.'

Cue closing credits & final words from the show hosts.

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^thanks for your translation ^^

happy to see nobody got 2nd in taiwan chart

taiwan sure love the girls cuz see from many news ....

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Guest qoxie

Pic of the press corps at the Wonder Girls press conference in Taiwan.

Credits: POP, katyhwang @ Baidu

More, from the same sources.

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Guest TiFFaNiZeD

I don't think the so hot dance was a rehearsal. they didnt sing because the host only asked them to dance, since the other groups only gave dance performances. I guess it was like a 'dance off' kinda thing.

that episode was kind of disapointing, but it's not the hosts nor WG's fault. it was generally just a bad idea to have invited the WGs in the first place.

that show is known to have very intimate talks and interview with its guests. WG with their very limited chinese just wouldn't flow with the show. (i was surprised Lim talked so little in the show. she must be very fluent in chinese but even she seemed to have struggled a bit. it must be the nerves). if the show only included WG, it would have been boring because the hosts couldn't just sit there and interview them through that translator, people who aren't fans of the WG would be turned off.

As you can see/read, the hosts constantly cracks jokes to keep the mood up. The hosts have a lot of personas and that's why this show is one of the top Variety show program in taiwan. and to someone who criticized DH cuz of that hit song commit, if you didn't know, she was in a group with her sister Da S like a decade ago. don't take that comment to mind. lol

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Guest qoxie

^ I get your drift, but then TVBS did reasonably well in their Hot News 哈新闻 show (albeit a half-hour interview).

By all accounts, GTV paid better homage to WG on their 100% Entertainment' fan fest.

Judging from the leaked pics, Channel [V] did not go overboard with the reality-show segments on their 'Top 20 Countdown' 音乐飙榜 too.

No word on MTV Taiwan's 'Crazy Over Jpop & Kpop' 日韩音乐疯 yet, but it's not a OTT show either.

WG also apparently sat down for a formal interview with CTi News http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/7247/po1e.jpg

So language in itself is not the great barrier, as made out to be.

'Mr Con & Ms Csi' can be very good at light comedy (unlike 'The Largest Political Party' which is 100% aimed at the funny bone).

I wonder why it wrote the show it did. For a start, there was no point having DANCE FLOW as co-guests.

No disrespect but, to fill out the hour length, JOHNNY & BERRY & HA GIRL could have joined Chen Han-dian as secondary comedic foil. They are already plaguing Taiwan variety shows (Kevin Tsai reminded this to JOHNNY & BERRY) unlike WG who was only in town only once in a blue moon.

LIM's can speak conversational Mandarin but IMO is no expert. Her Cantonese is probably better, having grown up in Hong Kong.

In fact, I suspect Sunye was more formally educated in Chinese, but her proficiency suffered from lack of usage.

- - - - - - - -

Anyway, my mother saw the 'Mr Con & Ms Csi' clips & commented how Yeeun's & Sohee's stylings looked like a 1960s famous star (Angela Yu Chien), especially in a fantasy film (The Monkey Goes West) she acted in.

Gotta agree, after looking around for evidence. WG is still going retro!

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Guest FDTxtianshix

Can someone confirm whether this is an OFFICIAL wonder girls lightstick?


Also, can someone please tell me where I can get the official Wonder Girls balloons and the purple "WG" lightsticks?

Thanks :)

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