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Park Bo Young 박보영 • 朴寶英


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4 hours ago, hennybird said:

I'm not very good at posting videos. Can someone post PBY's latest vlive when the Eng subs are out? She is such a cutie and looks so well rested now. That was a relief to see. I hope we see her in some other show soon--reality or drama!! 

this is the only one with translation of her vlive right now that i have. Credit original ig poster @kdramachosemefor this. Not exactly the subbed stream you want but hope it suffices in the meantime :). Her ig post has more of what PBYs vlive convo.


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I am hoping and waiting to see more of our love, PBY, in magazines and appearance in the tv shows .. She said she is busy lately in her Vlive, but there seems no news update of her in any CF, invite to appear on KBS or SBS TV shows , reality shows or....There are so many TV stations in Korea, but I don't seem to hear any of her. I am hoping they will not miss her out after the successful rate of SWDBS!.She is the big draw for the success of SWDBS..!!

 Unlike PHS, his agency is fighting so hard to promote him but I don't feel PBY agency doing the same for her.. She has good voice, but why isn't there ost to be sung by her? Unlike her in OMG, she did an OST 'Leave' . I hope that she will be doing another drama with JJS if possible ..they really click very well..I believe JJS will take good care and appreciate her more and better..

 PHS will be too busy for her, I guess. Seems his agency didn't even allow them to have any photo shoot together after SWDBS..No CF, reality shows..I'm really upset with this happenings after a drama has been so successful .. She deserves to be of higher value now. Well loved by international fans, as can see from her latest Vlive. She has worked very hard and still does..She was so humble to say in her Vlive that she will thread the thorny path herself whereas her fan will thread the flower path with her..Isn't that so sweet of her :love:. I will always support her in whatever she is cast in..My :heart:for her is increasing everyday..No doubt about it:blush:


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ya she dont seem to have as much interviews/magazines shot as phy

phy is v popular due to this drama. both of them r the top value actors in may or something? 


her eyes looked so much tired in "swdbs". the under eyes lines getting more obvious. hopefully she gets enough rest

she already have so little work n i wonder why does her agency oppose to her choosing "oh my ghostee" and "sw". if she didnt take these, then she's liked even 'nothing' in the drama/movie scene. she has so little work esp when she stopped completely due to contract dispute


i saw the "eat together" show but i think its just so so.

she shld find another variety show to attend too! too little!

hope she can be in 2 days 1 night. chae is inside . so is kwangsoo. will be bonus if phs joins in!


hopefully she gets more work. i read that she was the highest paid actress for tvn when she took on oh my ghostee. tvn really think she deserves the pay!

i always feel she and joon ki have the couple look but now everyone talking abt sjk n shk? she's very compatible with phs too. both equally adorable and lovely haha

just hope she dont rest too long for another work.


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7 hours ago, mei1209 said:

I am hoping and waiting to see more of our love, PBY, in magazines and appearance in the tv shows .. She said she is busy lately in her Vlive, but there seems no news update of her in any CF, invite to appear on KBS or SBS TV shows , reality shows or....There are so many TV stations in Korea, but I don't seem to hear any of her. I am hoping they will not miss her out after the successful rate of SWDBS!.She is the big draw for the success of SWDBS..!!

 Unlike PHS, his agency is fighting so hard to promote him but I don't feel PBY agency doing the same for her.. She has good voice, but why isn't there ost to be sung by her? Unlike her in OMG, she did an OST 'Leave' . I hope that she will be doing another drama with JJS if possible ..they really click very well..I believe JJS will take good care and appreciate her more and better..

 PHS will be too busy for her, I guess. Seems his agency didn't even allow them to have any photo shoot together after SWDBS..No CF, reality shows..I'm really upset with this happenings after a drama has been so successful .. She deserves to be of higher value now. Well loved by international fans, as can see from her latest Vlive. She has worked very hard and still does..She was so humble to say in her Vlive that she will thread the thorny path herself whereas her fan will thread the flower path with her..Isn't that so sweet of her :love:. I will always support her in whatever she is cast in..My :heart:for her is increasing everyday..No doubt about it:blush:

The reason PHS is doing so much is because he just joined a new agency. Agencies go hard on photoshoots, cfs, etc. when a new artist is added to their roster, especially since he just came out of a successful show, so it's normal. 

I do agree that BY is too quiet right now, though. It's already kinda hard for her to get roles, but it gets harder if the agency doesn't do anything to keep the buzz up. That's the only way other channels will seek her and offer her roles. Tbh, I always felt that they hold her back a lot. She said they don't want her to take "risky" roles (like OMG and SWDBS), which is just so dumb lol I'm glad she goes against their will sometimes.

In a way, I think this silence right now is also her "fault". She said she likes to take some time between projects and has hinted a lot of times that she doesn't like the fame part of the job. I can't blame her.

However, someone of her staff posted a BTS picture from a cf she filmed  couple weeks ago, and, like you said, she said she's been busy lately, so hopefully we'll be getting something soon

I really hope she's getting good drama and movies proposals sent to her. :wub:

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I was looking into Park Bo Young's agency, Fides Spatium, they seem to have only 2 actor including Park Bo Young.. and the other actor doesnt seem to be known at all. His project are mainly almost the same project as PBY's. Wondering if PBY's lack of project is due to their incapability.. They dont even have a proper website. :(

I also remember how PBY said in an interview that OMG and SWDBS are projects that her company discouraged her to do because they think PBY isnt capable of the role.. I mean what kind of agency bringing down their own actress?? 


I remember it was this company too created problems for Park Bo Young last time with the Jungle.. 

*palmface *shakemyhead

I know its an old interview, but it has been bothering me ever since I read it. Anybody knows anything about her agency? Sorry for being such a complainer. 

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53 minutes ago, karikarin said:

I was looking into Park Bo Young's agency, Fides Spatium, they seem to have only 2 actor including Park Bo Young.. and the other actor doesnt seem to be known at all. His project are mainly almost the same project as PBY's. Wondering if PBY's lack of project is due to their incapability.. They dont even have a proper website. :(

I also remember how PBY said in an interview that OMG and SWDBS are projects that her company discouraged her to do because they think PBY isnt capable of the role.. I mean what kind of agency bringing down their own actress?? 


I remember it was this company too created problems for Park Bo Young last time with the Jungle.. 

*palmface *shakemyhead

I know its an old interview, but it has been bothering me ever since I read it. Anybody knows anything about her agency? Sorry for being such a complainer. 

I think they only have BY, the guy you mentioned and another girl, also unknown. Don't quote me on this but I thiiiiiink Park Bo Mi (Kyung Sim) is also in the same agency now. Bo Young is their only source of income it seems, so they wanna play safe by choosing "easy" roles lol But an agency who doesn't believe its own artist's capability won't move forward.

It's hard to find any info about them even in korean search engines, which is pretty bizarre to me. They don't have a website or even SNS, as far as I know.

I hope she ditches them once her contract is over lol They've done her wrong so many times...

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Thats what I also thought! I am very upset if thats really the case. I keep wondering when does PBY's contracts finished. But judging from PBY's personality, it seems like she will stay with this current agency :(  (could be wrong since I dont know her ersonally and only judging through what I see on screen)


Like today I read an article about a rookie actor who got advices from Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Gum about acting because they are in the same agency and those two happen to be his seniors. I was thinking how good it is if only PBY is in an agency with some more senior actresses or even same aged actress. She would have a lot more people to talk about acting with which would make things a little easier for her.. (I remember she talked about having no celeb friends to talk about acting with and how she envy Kwang Soo for having a squad)



^^ This is the actor that I mentioned.


This is the only thing I found by googling their hangul (well at least the only thing I understand since it has pictures).

Why do you think Park Bo Mi is now in the same agency? Is it because there was a lot if pic of her with Hongwon Choi (presumably PBY's manager)?

I saw an article around 2012 said that she renewed hef contract with this current agency. How long does a contract within actor/agency usually last?? 


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57 minutes ago, karikarin said:

Thats what I also thought! I am very upset if thats really the case. I keep wondering when does PBY's contracts finished. But judging from PBY's personality, it seems like she will stay with this current agency :(  (could be wrong since I dont know her ersonally and only judging through what I see on screen)


Like today I read an article about a rookie actor who got advices from Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Gum about acting because they are in the same agency and those two happen to be his seniors. I was thinking how good it is if only PBY is in an agency with some more senior actresses or even same aged actress. She would have a lot more people to talk about acting with which would make things a little easier for her.. (I remember she talked about having no celeb friends to talk about acting with and how she envy Kwang Soo for having a squad)



^^ This is the actor that I mentioned.


This is the only thing I found by googling their hangul (well at least the only thing I understand since it has pictures).

Why do you think Park Bo Mi is now in the same agency? Is it because there was a lot if pic of her with Hongwon Choi (presumably PBY's manager)?

I saw an article around 2012 said that she renewed hef contract with this current agency. How long does a contract within actor/agency usually last?? 


I remember reading in an interview that BM had met BY on Gag Concert but they only became friends when they met again through their agency. I can't find the interview anymore though...

I think the lenght of the contract depends of the agency. I agree with you, I think she wont leave them :( While I think they suck, they do give her the freedom of taking as long as she wants to tackle the next project, and that's something she likes. If she was in a big agency, it probably wouldn't be the same; they would probably throw her in something else right away. I suspect she might also be a little scarred from the scandal she had with her previous agency, which almost ended her career, so she might be afraid of something like that happening again.

She seems to be content where's she's at, though. Still, I wish they would be more supportive of her.

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I've been a long time fan of PBY even though I wasn't  in the strictest sense a true definition of a fan --meaning, I haven't watched all of her dramas, movies or followed her as closely as i have lately. Which is why I don't know much about the agency she's been with. I have been aware of the trouble she's had in the past with an earlier agency and then the "scandal" involving the current one with the Jungle reality show. The fact that she mentioned this agency was against her 2 successful dramas seems to me like a red flag that yes, they did not have good instincts about projects out there. She mentioned how she gets very little offers because of how she looks, etc. But again, that is part of her agency's job, isn't it, to push and promote. I am also quite surprised how she's stuck through with this agency, but on the other hand, maybe not really surprised. Like @mirela said, she likes the freedom she has with them and seems to be able to override some of their decision making. Perhaps being it's only big star allows her to dictate majority of the decision making involving her career, too? It's a 2 edged sword though since if her agency is too passive, she'll be stuck doing same things which we already know she was worried about, of being typecasted. Similarly if her agency's not promoting her actively, her name might never be in contention for those juicy roles out there where she could just shine. She needs her agency to push to promote her and get her name circulated. I get that she doesn't quite like being in the spotlight; kinda difficult being an actress. Its almost a given, isn't it? Although some actors are able to maintain their privacy even after becoming very popular, too. I guess it is ultimately based on her own perception and self-image. She might indeed be fearful based on her past experiences. We already know she's a little insecure. So, her being with this agency is a safety net, so to speak. She is such a great actress, imo, that she needs to be challenged by doing other roles. I know that's always a gamble, one can never know if it will be a hit or miss; it could 'bomb' or maybe not. But she's got enough draw as an actress and a ton of fans supporting her that I can't see her tanking any movies/drama that she's on. I'm glad she has enough self awareness though to say that she needs to work on loving herself more and hopefully that means realizing her own self worth in the process. We know she is awesome--she just needs to realize it for herself too.:)

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It's interesting how ppl often blame/judge agency's for this and that or when the artist are not popular, it's automatically the agency's fault.
Well, in the end we don't know the agency and sometimes interview can get lost during translation.
I don't think the agency said that PBY couldn't act a role like OMG and SWDBS. They maybe want to choose what's fit her type (in their opinion), but in the end, it's her decision to choose. The agency just gave their opinion. She has her own mind.
And like PBY said, she's more of a private person and doesn't do SNS, so we can't know how busy or not busy she is, because not everything she does get posted on the internet.

And for PHS, I mean, he is the rising star right now, would be a dumb move, not to do any promotion :D

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Good morning:blush: Very happy to know we love PBY together :thumbsup:. Thank you.

It's very sad to know her talents are limited with an 'inefficient' agency, can I say that..? Isn't it a good thing if she can get more projects for the agency if she can make $$ for them?  Why limit her? Her popularity is undeniable!! Wonder if any other agency has scouted her? Her last Vlive ended something like she mentioned something she has to think about... , as I viewed  from 49.30 onwards...her thoughts. . She was so humbled to even say she is embarrassed to introduce herself as an actress, just a person who likes to act... :huh:

How am I gonna love her less? She has totally seated firmly  in my heart to love her more and to support her works now and future. I'm not very familiar with other actresses, but she has totally captivated me wholeheartedly. I don't know if other actresses has talked like her , so humbly, but I do see and feel it in PBY. . Really hoping and praying her agency will start working hard and support her sincerely with more projects. Let us all root and to give her our sincere support and loves she deserves ..:heart::love:. Please..more projects coming up for our dearest PBY.. :blush:


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I have the same thought too. It will be better if PBY have a good agency who can promote her well. I remember when she in jtbc variety show, "Let's dinner together", where the host and guest searching someone's home to get have dinner freely. And badly, some people can't recogniced her. And the host told PBY, that she must work hard so she can recognise by people. 


And I noticed that PBY's manager seems not capable to handle something. Recently there was something happened between the manager and fans.

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not sure after her contract scandal, who is the co that signed her on

if its the current one, then dont see what problem to stay on with the co that 'feed' u

i think its two way traffic

co might push their artists based on r/s with the industry people, whether they will be taken in for the roles is another thing. but that will have more opportunity than waiting for ppl to contact u? we are all unsure of how the industry work

just realised jtbc is a paid tv station? so for their ratings, i think its v good

she has friends liked chae so he can give her good advice too !

i dont know abt the jungle scandal. just google abt it

i think its just misunderstanding n out of concern from the co. also nothing wrong with the msg. is really crap to just catch animals n see responds

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10 hours ago, bongbongi said:


Sorry to cut your post. Just differences of opinion, which is fine. I dont think we're bashing her agency. I think all statements made so far are just expressions of discontent based on what has been perceived. Yes, we dont know full workings that happen within agency. And like i said, PBYs choice seem to carry weight that she can make and override agency decision. That by itself may be why she chose her agency.

6 hours ago, yoojungfan said:


Sorry to cut your post too. Dont know what others' opinions are, but mine is that during the "miscommunication" about the jungle, it was just after shes returning after her leave of absence from the industry and understandable that something which might seem trivial can be blown out of proportion by the media. She was trying to regain her footing as an actress and then manager made mistake was dumb, but yes, misunderstandings do happen. Whether theres long standing consequences we wont know. My discontent about her agency is just the passiveness. Again, just my opinion, i dont know how things work within. And maybe I could be wrong altogether and agency is working exactly how PBY wants them.  And you're right she has CTH whom she is close too. Which reminds me, doesnt he have an agency he co-runs- Blossom entertainment??

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Gahhh, feels like forever since i saw PBY. Hope she does another vlive soon :heart:

She looks fabulous here. I think the hair suits her very well, but then again, she can pull off any style, even DBS hair comes out cute!


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