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Automatic - Utada Hikaru


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first time posting ^^
hi everyone ^^ first time posting here :P it's pretty short cuz i messed up the 2nd part so i just cut it out from the song >< i will record a full vers when i have time ^^ soundclick | freewebtown (right click and save target as) and oh, please excuse my japanese ^^;; for everyone that downloads, please leave me a comment >< i really wanna know wat are my weak points and how can i improve >< thank you very much for dropping by this thread ^^
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You can sing! You'd sound good singing ballady stuff I think. For the first time posting, you sound nice. You kind of strain before and in the chorus. Especially the last few times where you sing "It's Automatic". But yeah, you've got a nice voice ;)

The Soundclick doesn't work at the moment by the way.

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Guest animagelet

You were off in a few parts.. but you have a really nice voicee!!!! x] I can hear a lot of potential. I can't really sing this songg. It goes kinda high for mee. But to me, you sounded like you didn't strain much :P great job.

How you can improve - Keep singing. X] Forgive me. I really don't know anything about singing.. cept' for the fact that you can improve by singing more.

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Guest fantasiimaker

Welcome! =) Yay for singing Utada!

I think you went off pitch in a few places ^^ and pronounciation a bit, but that will improve with practice =) Good job with the high notes in the chorus. You should turn up the bg music XD are you lacking an instrumental? If you need one, let me know!

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Guest conversebunny

yay another newbie! I'm one too haha...^^; you have a very nice voice!!! it's very full and pretty, good for singing hikki songs! be sure to post more! ^^

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you've got potential! just keep practicing those low notes cuz it seems strained. Same thing for the pronouciation.

GJ. keep posting!

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Rai-Rai >> I will try some ballad songs next time ^^ thanks for leaving me a msg ^^

animagelet >> My voice is quite low and I always thought that my voice is not good for high notes ^^;; I will practice more ^^ thanks for your comments ^^

fantasiimaker >> hehe thanks for offering help for the instrumental ^^ I think it's because of my laptop's sound is abit soft .. will try to record with my desktop next time ^^ thanks for your comments ^^

conversebunny >> hello fellow newbie =D I will post more when I have time to record songs ^^

ayame >> I admit that when the notes change from high to low my voice will strain abit and yeah .. pronunciation :x

thank you again for leaving me msgs ^^


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Guest summers83

Your voice quality is not too bad. Your pronounciation and diction needs to be improved. Perhaps the music could be louder then perhaps u'll sound better otherwise you could sound like you're singing acapella...

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Guest HxYoExMoExE

hey! Udata Hikaru is awesome.

You need to controll your voice just a tiny bit more.

That's all you need to improve.

VERY good..

Keep up the good work :P

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