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[Drama 2009] Queen Seon Deok 선덕여왕

Guest White Star

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Guest MisterBarca

그냥 언플이지, 새삼스럽긴. Nobody says "yes" until they sign the papers, but it's 80% sure. They've been talking to her about this since Lee Gi-Won completed the pre-treatment draft, and that was mid-2008, when Spotlight was airing. Unless there's some serious issue getting in between (management related), I doubt she'll turn it down.

20 percent (your number) is a considerable chance of it not happening. I just had a friend who may be in a life-and-death situation, because a major surgery that had only 15 percent of chance of failure went bad--really bad.

Besides, we are talking about Han Hye-jin. This woman is indecisiveness personified. She's switched agencies left and right, and she's already backed out of a character she's supposed to play this year.

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Guest MisterX

You need to read between the lines of press material. The majority is management-pushed propaganda, the rest wishful thinking by independent production companies to impress the broadcasters. Real news, probably 5%. Han received a synopsis and script (two thirds of the script are pretty much completed, although after casting is complete they'll surely retouch it) a year ago, and she's not in any position to refuse a leading role in a major sageuk, especially considering her last work was a one-digit failure with no overseas prospects. Namoo Actors ain't THAT powerful. 용서는 없다 started shooting on May 25, so if they end by mid July, I see no major issue prohibiting that. Lead role in a sageuk these days = best way to make good money, and gain visibility.

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Guest dramaok

oh great! looking forward to it then. really like Han hye-jin.. but ya her last drama was a major disappointment....

do you think she is gonna be stuck in sageuk role now? after her success as soseono might be hard to transition back to modern drama..

it happens to some ppl i think. though she's still young she has lots of chances to reinvent herself.

jeon inhwa is already old and wrinkly B)

but, 언플 무슨뜻이에용.. 가끔 본듯. though never heard anyone actually say it in person.



^ cool blog. lots of behind the scene pics. have to say actually maybe i change my mind about Eom taewoong. he is really cute in the pics.

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Guest groovier

but, 언플 무슨뜻이에용.. 가끔 본듯. though never heard anyone actually say it in person.

언플 = 언론 플레이 = mass media manipulation, types of distraction on the assumption that the public has a limited attention span.:P

for example, simply giving credence only to "mainstream" sources of information; it exists in many news outlets. Information, arguments, and objections that come from other sources are simply considered "fringe" and ignored, or their proponents permanently discredited, or accused of having their own agenda.

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Guest MisterX

See all the hoopla LK Productions is raising about Lady Castle, as in we cast this fella and that? That's 언론 플레이 on their part telling the broadcasters "yo, we want that timeslot, pronto." Particularly after the Park Shin-Yang fiasco, LK needs to get a foot in soon, or they'll go belly up, so they build up the hype machine, even when there's really nothing confirmed, or nothing much to talk about.

Another kind of 언플 is when, say, they take a fringe happening (such as the vague idea that 아내의 유혹 was scoring humongous ratings in Mongolia), and make it seem as if it's a significant trend. They of course fail to mention that 1) the show was never bought, it's broadcast illegally, so there's really no immediate financial benefit, 2) that they never gave any proof of the ratings, what the show was competing with, the timeslot it was shown in, and whether this is an isolated case or not. Hell, What is Love was scoring great in the ratings in 1997 all over China, but did they make a single penny out of it? Even considering all the implications of the Hallyu tourism and culture wise, did they make any significant money out of the three Chinese markets' so called wave? Not really. 90% of the money is still coming from Japan. The rest is all BS akin to nationalistic masturbation.

Then there's management agencies with their "Hollywood lovecall" insanity, even when it's only a 4 minute cameo on a straight-to-video flick, indies in concoction with the broadcasters throwing out a "taste the waters" casting news or drama announcement (think Sung Yoo-Ri in Seondeok), and so on.

Which means, at the end of the day, that you need to be seriously careful. Because 90% of what you read is mostly BS. And how do you spot BS? Takes some time, but it usually tends to smell. And if it's too good to be true, then, well, quite likely that it is not.

Here's a perfect, side-splittingly hilarious example.


Now back to regular programming... ㅋㅋ

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Guest chubbygirl1

just start watching QS, OMG, alot of bad acting. But still enjoy the drama sofar...

the actress/singer Yoorin? or something. Terrible beyond words, in the first episode, and so is her husband. <_<

The only thing that's really missing from this drama is an outstandingly attractive female. Go is a bit old (and I never thought she was that pretty anyways), and I find Lee Yo Won neither a great actress nor a beauty. Park Ye-jin is a decent (but not an outstanding) actress, but she's not a stunner either.

I would have preferred to see someone like Han Hye-jin play Deok-man.

omg, i gootaa agreee!!

Lee Yo won onscreen presense is like negative below zero. ..acting is blander than tap water!,

I never thought Go was a good actress, but she has been surprisingly good so far. I haven't seen a villainess role this well-acted in a sa-guek since perhaps Kang Soo-yun in "Women's World."

The best villian role i've seen has to be Kang sung yeon. She is Brilliant actress, mygod her evilness creeps my skin at the same time

she exudes Charisma.

Go acting is pretty good so far.!!But somehow i cannot stand her(the actress), i don't think

she fits the role that well although her acting is not bad. Her face does not make for a viallian.(is kinda bloating

and when she's mad, her hotdog lips distract me, :P lol)

My fantasy is to see her and Jeon In-hwa in the same ga-guek (perhaps as a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law) before Jeon becomes too old and wrinkly! smile.gif

Jeon in hwa will eat Han jie hye alive, the girl cannot act except beautiful face.

but oh my, have you seen Jeon in recent drama, wrinkles has dominating her face already :( . Still a supberd actress/

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Guest dramaok

thx groovier and 아키 for explaination. oh ya that rings a loud bell.

Kang suyeon looks like a villain even when she isn't playing a villain. that woman looks scary. PERIOD.

her voice is chilling too..

Lol on Go hyeonjeong but seriously is it a sin or what to have a big face in korea?....

i still think she's perfect cast. cuz you don't expect her to be evil in her core w/ a goody-two-shoe face and voice like hers.

<a href="http://video.cyworld.com/207554013" target="_blank">http://video.cyworld.com/207554013</a>

^ from Nam jihyeon (little deokman)'s cyworld.

footage of them filming the 'fire' scene in the middle of desert in china.

they work hard!

and interview w/ Nam (from a while ago):

<a href="http://video.cyworld.com/301/200906050000207861467" target="_blank">http://video.cyworld.com/301/200906050000207861467</a>

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Guest MisterBarca

jeon inhwa is already old and wrinkly

Blasphemy!!! :D:angry::o

Jeon in hwa will eat Han jie hye alive, the girl cannot act except beautiful face.

but oh my, have you seen Jeon in recent drama, wrinkles has dominating her face already :( . Still a supberd actress/

Did you mean Han Hye-jin, not Han Ji-hye? They are two different people. Han Ji-hye is the tall, skinny girl from "East of Eden"; Han Hye-jin is the short, skinny girl from "Jumong."

Anyways, while Han isn't as good an actress as Jeon, I think she's better than most "pretty face" actresses. I think her acting in "Jumong" was slightly over-rated, but she was marvelous in that single mom hair-dresser role.

And Jeon wrinkles?! Don't make me cry! :huh:

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Guest dramaok

oh don't cry. so you're sensitive (and quaint) then.

but actually jeon inhwa is still beautiful for her age.

even though she's old not so young and her skin wrinkly not so smooth,

her eyes still sparkle.


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Guest MisterBarca

oh don't cry. so you're sensitive (and quaint) then.

but actually jeon inhwa is still beautiful for her age.

even though she's old not so young and her skin wrinkly not so smooth,

her eyes still sparkle.


Lady, I hope you do not take my comments too seriously, LOL!

You can criticize Jeon to your heart's content, and I will not bite you.

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Guest dramaok

ya i know i was just teasing too. ;]

but next week looks sad.. we'll have to cry for real.

소화 살리면안되나 ㅡ.ㅜ

where's Moonoh ajuhssi...

sageuk is sad. history is sad.

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Guest hjkomo

lol...where else could I expect to find a discussion on nationalistic masturbation... :lol:

indeed...no soul in this ungulate's eyes :lol:


queenseonduke04kor09060c.jpg and lazy, too :P

btw what is that sport the little hwarangs are playing?

looked like soccer a bit.

hm....looks like Joseon hacky sack... :unsure:

was it 재기차기?


Poor fella playing the African 그냥 듣보잡놈인가봐. 쟤 눈빛 연기 장난이 아니던데, 그것만 했지만... ㅋㅋ



Hm...vast quantities of tea are usually hidden on shelves and in cabinets...yeah, sure... :rolleyes:


master . i hear your call~. and there is mention of ahjushi hotness in here ? . ah from what i can see ..my radar can sense Wootae has immense potential ..he is like a hero in both esp 1 & 2 for me

my only complaint is there are no hot males to drool over. but ist ok.

Come on, dramaok, wasn't there enough ajusshi hotness in ep. 3?




At least, we'll get to see Park Jeong Cheol on Monday....



...even though it looks like Kim Yong Su's gonna die :(


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Guest groovier


Koh Hyun-jung Talks About Changes On Screen and Off Koh Hyun-jung MBC drama "The Great Queen Seondeok," whose star-studded cast generated much advance hype, is getting receiving rave reviews for the successful transformation of Koh Hyun-jung into a charismatic baddie.

On the way from Mt. Jiri to Gyeongju for the shoot, Koh spoke to the Chosun Ilbo. Her beauty-queen looks seem time-resistant, and the series in which she appeared always enjoyed high viewer's rating. But then she was the star, and when the news broke out that she had been cast in "The Great Queen Seondeok," everyone thought she would be the star again. Instead, she plays the part of Misil, a royal concubine who is the antagonist of Queen Seondeok.

"I think I got used to playing parts who fight for justice, very attractive characters who would sacrifice small things for the greater cause. Misil, on the other hand, focuses on getting what she wants. She is a very direct and frank character," Koh says. The change of role perhaps reflects the changes that took place within the actress herself. Once notorious for declining to appear on entertainment programs other than dramas or films, she maintained a mysterious image for a long time. But recently, Koh began to appear on variety and talk shows and talked very frankly about herself. Her new easy-going, and down-to-earth attitude reflects a philosophical view of the many ups and downs in life. In previous interviews with other magazines, Koh frankly expressed her feelings towards her ex-husband and children.

She also talked about her thoughts on acting. Her 10 years of absence from the scene, which coincided with her marriage to the heir to a giant conglomerate, was precious time in giving her the opportunity to see herself objectively, but lost time from an actress' perspective. "In the end, it all comes down to time," she says. "How you manage time correlates with success. I try to focus on and put my energy into the most important things because I don't have much time. My hope is to use myself most effectively at the right time in the right place."

source: englishnews@chosun.com / Jun. 06, 2009 08:26 KST

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Guest MisterX

Park Jung-Cheol ends the way of the camel, I'm afraid. At least someone will cry for him. Poor camel just got about 20 frames' worth of him lying... uhh... croaked.

Yep... 제기차기. Comes from the Chinese 蹴鞠 (Cuju) more or less, and was a past time of the rich and famous from the Three Kingdoms up to mid Joseon-ish.

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Guest tchq90

Park Jung-Cheol ends the way of the camel, I'm afraid. At least someone will cry for him. Poor camel just got about 20 frames' worth of him lying... uhh... croaked.

Yep... 제기차기. Comes from the Chinese 蹴鞠 (Cuju) more or less, and was a past time of the rich and famous from the Three Kingdoms up to mid Joseon-ish.

What do you mean by ending the way of the camel??? So, Park Jung Cheol will be on this drama briefly - only a few episodes???

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Guest MisterBarca

What do you mean by ending the way of the camel??? So, Park Jung Cheol will be on this drama briefly - only a few episodes???

I think he is supposed to die this week.

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Guest dramaok

yoo donggeun looks like a big scary bear. i wouldn't mess w/ him.


Come on, dramaok, wasn't there enough ajusshi hotness in ep. 3?


case in point. look at him w/ his pants up his waist and slouched.. ajuhssi pose to the T.

not HOT. >< oh but he is tall. 5 points for height. we'll have to ask him to soak in the river to judge his other assets.

What do you mean by ending the way of the camel??? So, Park Jung Cheol will be on this drama briefly - only a few episodes???

PJC is a cameo in this drama.

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