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Song Seung Hun 송승헌


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Guest AmberSong

I also smiled at sweetwind's favorite CP pics, realizing how diverse SSH fans are regarding to the term of "couple shipper" ! :D No matter how much we love EOE recently, some of us cant stop our original shipper for our favorite CP, hahha.

Shipper of AT couple, or SS cp or Gukja cp, or even talking about recent Whisen cp should be considered normal among us ^^. Avoiding to talk about this, or worse, expressing our dislike for some of these co-stars above in a straight way (if any) wont be a heathful way in discussing about SSH's everything.

I agree that if someday SSH comes to deny a love rumour, which maybe later turn to be true, then I'll never judge it as a dishonest or cheating act of his, because in my eyes, rumor denial is one of the industry rules which other celebrities also obey! If the "man" part in him wants to admit, the "actor" part affected by the career rules will force him to deny if it 's not the right time. Did he ever say in "Kizuna season I", that he really wanted to share many things with fans but he couldnt cos of the industry rules or copyright matters ... ??

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Guest 2uss

2uss, u forget that S-Kizuna is SSH's magazine. So I guess that revealing "the woman he loves" will depend on his decision, not on the interviewer's questioning skills :lol: Of course he's still single even in case he's literally ... engaged :D

oh so ever true...

in my opinion however, even though the concept of S-Kizuna, which the meaning of the magazine's name itself involves "relationships" i would reckon to think that that the deep things of his character: personality, concept, thoughts, ingineuity and love -- are not staged just because it's his magazine, i feel they're his spontaneous answers and not pre-conceived answers and thoughts just before he faced his interviewer...

i do agree up to a certain point that maybe he chose the interviewer because he knows him/her enough or enough to where he has an idea of the type of questions he will have to answer, however not direct...

take for example in S-Kizuna we saw (thanks to TSH and other SH fan websites) the 70+ or so "surprise" questions that our SH answered...so therefore in his MyChange answers...i feel (as a fan) he gave us a spontanously deep description of his thoughts in his heart, very revealing and i'm ever amazed of our star SHnim...

part of his answers of the question in discussion (thanks you njs@TSH/CSH for translations :blush: )

"...When acting with co-stars in dramas, just standing in front of the camera made me feel wholehearted attachment to her. Hence the problem is I’m not sure of the type that I like in reality..."

reading that, i'm amazed...such honesty and words that can only be described after you see his work (dramas and movies), because it's ever existent in his eyes...especially when you focus on the love of his character in those dramas and movies :rolleyes:

I also smiled at sweetwind's favorite CP pics, realizing how diverse SSH fans are regarding to the term of "couple shipper" ! :D No matter how much we love EOE recently, some of us cant stop our original shipper for our favorite CP, hahha.

I agree that if someday SSH comes to deny a love rumour, which maybe later turn to be true, then I'll never judge it as a dishonest or cheating act of his, because in my eyes, rumor denial is one of the industry rules which other celebrities also obey! If the "man" part in him wants to admit, the "actor" part affected by the career rules will force him to deny if it 's not the right time. Did he ever say in "Kizuna season I", that he really wanted to share many things with fans but he couldnt cos of the industry rules or copyright matters ... ??

regarding this i feel that i need not to speculate, yes, maybe i can dream or fantasize of whom should our SHnim be with...but in due time and in due course he will come to that decision...and eventually we will know...

i was an instant fan of AIMH couple...even when SHK was with LBH, though disappointed i was not bothered, i just say...maybe it wasn't meant to be with our SSH, but when they broke up...should i ever be more excited of such possibilites?? i'd be lying if the thought never crossed my mind :D however as i said before in the thread...our SHnim ultimately will make that decision...and we will support him and wish him happiness nonetheless... :blush:

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Guest 2uss

hello everyone ^^

been browsing when ive found 2 MVs for jisub & Seung heon, love them , here u go, enjoy ^^

credit Baidu

thank you again WH :blush:

i made a more extravagant thank you message at SJS's thread :lol:

the video is making me more anxious to know if SSH and SJS will be co-owning the independent company now since it's been on the rumour mills of the media :rolleyes:

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Guest 2uss

Misc news relating our SSH... :D


'겨울연가-가을동화 신화’ 윤석호PD 한국관광대상 수상

뉴스엔 원문 기사전송 2009-05-31 14:35


rough translations:

- 'Winter Sonata-Autumn fairy tale myth", PD Yoon Suk Ho Korea National Tourism Award

- "Autumn in My Heart''and ''Winter Sonata'' as a series of the season caused a wave of tourism to South Korea to be awarded to PD Yoon Suk Ho.

- Yoon Suk Ho PD to be awarded on June 4 at the Shilla Hotel at Seoul Tourism Awards Tourism Forum in Seoul.

- Song Seung Heon, Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji Woo as a Hallyu star was renowned.



스타 애장품도 갖고 결식아동도 돕고

스포츠칸 원문 기사전송 2009-05-31 22:05


rough translations:

- Star to help undernourished children

- This week, 26 people, including Bong yichangho aejangpum. The best, largest aejangpum's star will be a charity auction.

- Sports changgan 4-year anniversary Cannes prepared by the 'Star aejangpum charity auction to help undernourished children' (http://shopping.daum.net/starauction/intro.daum) daehaengjin sharing the love between a month to start from.

- The charity auction will be conducted in the largest sense, eye-catching. Kim Yu-Na Kang, Soo-hoon Park, Vijeta Pandit Lee Hyo-gi, Song Seung Heon , non-pop culture, sports, and entertainment stars... 149 people aejang of handmade goods, from which 223 points and has an autograph item.

- The auction of sports stars, movie star, TV music stars, will be divided into five sections over 5 weeks.....

■ Star aejangpum charity auction schedule

▲ 1. June 1-7 Sports Star (Bong, yichangho Western Athletic Conference football champions, gwinesyu, etc.)

▲ 2. June 8-14 movie star, a rider (Kang Soo-yeon, gimnamju, Kim Jung-eun, etc.)

▲ 3. June 15-21 TV Music Star (Dong Bang Shin Ki, Girls' Generation, etc.)

▲ 4. June 22-28 movie star, 2-Shot (Ahn Sung-ki, Song Seung Heon, Jang Dong-gun, etc.)

▲ 5. June 29-July 5 World Sports stars (Kim Yu-na, Park, etc.)


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Guest 2uss

Song Seung Heon message on Honeylang

1/6/2009 7:34pm Korea time (about 2 hrs ago)

오랜만에 인사드립니다.....송승헌입니다.

안녕하세요. 송승헌 입니다.

오랜만에 인사드리는데 무거운 마음으로 인사를 드려야할 것 같네요.

노무현 전 대통령의 서거 소식은 우리 모두에게 큰 슬픔이고, 아픔이고, 충격이었습니다.

살아생전 항상 서민의 입장에서 소신을 지키셨던 당당한 모습에 사실은 적지 않은

감동을 받곤 했었는데 이젠 더 이상 그분의 모습을 볼 수 없다는 것이 참으로 안타깝네요.

여러분들의 가슴도 많이 아팠을 거라고 생각이 됩니다.

부디 좋은 곳으로 가셔서 편히 쉬십시오.

삼가고인의 명복을 빕니다.

오랜만에 인사드리는데 너무 안타까운 일로 인사를 드렸네요.

여러분도 지난 한주 모두들 마음이 무거우셨을 거라 생각이 됩니다.

근데 우리 마음과는 다르게 요즘 날씨는 너무나 좋네요.

저는 요즘 ‘에덴의 동쪽’을 끝내고 오랜만에 맛보는 여유에 늦잠도 자보고,

운동도 하고, 그 동안 못 만났던 지인들도 만나면서 한편으론 이런저런

준비로 나름 바쁜 시간을 보내고 있습니다.

사실 얼마 전부터 그동안 가족처럼 지내왔던 정든 소속사를 떠나

‘홀로서기’라는 것을 시작할 준비를 하고 있습니다.

그 동안 제가 몸담았던 소속사, 그 안에서 너무나 친절했던 회사 식구들

지금의 제가 있기까지 물심양면으로 도와 주셨던 분들과 헤어진다고 생각하니

이런 결정을 하기까지 많이 힘들었고 그래서 더더욱 안타깝고 아쉬운 마음을

감추기가 쉽지는 않은 것 같습니다.

그동안 수고해주신 회사 식구들에게 이 자리를 빌어서 감사하단 말을 전합니다.

반면 그 기간 동안 마음 한편에 ‘내가 더 잘 할 수 있는 일은 없을까?’, ‘좀 더 적극적으로

여러분들을 만나야지’ 또 그러면서 ‘내가 도전해보고 싶은 일’들도 하나 둘씩 생기더군요.

여러분들도 많이 느껴 보셨겠죠? 어린 시절 부모님 없이 혼자 집에 있는 기분이랄까?

데뷔이후 처음 ‘혼자’라는 생각에 설렘도 있고 열의로도 가득 차 있지만, 한편으로 불안하고

많은 부분들에 대해 걱정이 앞서기도 하네요.

하지만 다시한번 생각해보면 저의 곁엔 언제나 옆에서 지켜주시고 응원해주시는 허니랑,

또 해외에 계신 팬 여러분들이 있어 힘이 나기에 두려워하지 않겠습니다.

초심으로 돌아가서 시작한다는 마음가짐으로 당당하게 여러분들을 만나겠습니다.

제가 항상 여러분들께 감사하는 맘을 가지고 산다는 거 다들 아시죠?

앞으로 여러분들과 더욱 자주 함께 할 수 있는 기회를 만들고, 또 제가

지금까지 받아온 여러분들의 사랑을 조금이라도 함께 나누고자 노력하겠습니다.

배우로서도 더욱 성숙한 모습 보여드리도록 노력하겠습니다.

우선 하루 빨리 새로운 작품으로 여러분께 인사드리겠습니다.

여러분 항상 건강하고, 꼭 행복하세요!

여러분 사랑합니다!




rough translations via online translator:

Song Seung Heon ..... It is a salute.

Hello. This is Song Seung Heon.

With a heavy heart for a long time to say Miss personnel need to tell that.

Roh Moo-hyun, the former president's death is a great sorrow to us all, pain, and was shocked.

Always keep people in the position of salahsaengjeon conviction in the fact that many of the men who are not frightened

I was impressed anymore batgon can not see that he's indeed a pity.

You think your chest will hurt a lot.

Go to a better place, please let it rest in peace.

Do not wish the soul of the people.

Too bad for a long time to say to Miss deuryeotneyo personnel.

All last week and you think it would be heavy.

Unlike our minds these days, but the weather is so nice.

I am now East of Eden 'tasting room in a long time to finish the jabogo overslept,

Movement, and met friends that I met and the spins on the other hand

Are preparing for their busiest time.

In fact, for a while, leaving the agency, as a family beloved've been doing

'Holroseogi' that are ready to begin.

In the meantime, I momdamatdeon agency, who was kind to us so that in the family

Until now, I help both sides gave mulsim think people would be separated from

Took a lot of these decisions even more difficult, and so lacking antakkapgo mind

Can not be easy to hide.

Thank you to the family to take our company would like bileoseo say thank you at the bottom.

Meanwhile, in the heart during that time, I do not know what I can do better ',' a little more aggressively

You should meet 'again But I want to have a challenge, the guys I was one.

You saw a lot of sense, right? Childhood in the house, I feel alone without my parents, perhaps?

The first time since his debut 'alone' and the column as a full seolrem to think, but to the unstable

It's a lot of prayer I started to worry about.

But when you think about it again next time, my attention and honor the city eungwonhaeju heonirang,

The fans have power over you will not be afraid to grow.

Go back to the first instance to start with the determination of the 만나겠 you will proudly.

I have always lived up to you to thank you all mind you know?

We can not be with you more often and create the opportunity, and I

Until now, a little bit, which has been loved by you I will try to share.

Hope to see a more mature as an actor.

First, we'll greet you with new works as soon as possible. :w00t:

You are always healthy, happy Now!

I love you!

- this is Seung Heon --



SSH!! more success for you in the future...we can't wait for more future projects soon!!! :D

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Guest 2uss

for those who can read in Chinese a translation was provided, thank you 深情公主 at SHC :blush:


from: Baidu SSH

chinese translation by 深情公主/SHC

























- 承宪 -




a more correct English translation is currently in the process... :rolleyes:

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Guest 2uss

English translation of SSH's message at Honeylang 1/6/09, thank you TSH crew :D


english translation by TSH

I greet after a long time. .. it's Song Seung Heon

Hello, I’m Song Seung Heon.

It’s been a long time to greet you, but with a heavy heart.

The news of the death of former President Roh Moo-hyun is tremendous pain, grief and shock for all of us.

He who has often stood in the position of the commoner and looked dignified and trustworthy, I'm in fact very moved, but now it’s a great pity never to see him again.

I believe all of you feel the pain in the hearts too.

Please rest in peace. Praying for you.

Having not said hello for a long time but had to greet you with such unfortunate subject.

I believe the past week has been very depressing for everyone.

However the weather has been in contrast with our feelings.

Having recently completed “East of Eden”, I'm enjoying long awaited leisure time, oversleeping, doing exercise, as well as meeting good friends who couldn’t see that time. Have been spending busy time.

Actually not long ago, I left the agency who has been like a family to me all this while, to make preparation for “independent”. Thinking of leaving the agency I had worked for all this time, as well as the cordial family staff, and all the people who had helped me to achieve who I am now, it has been a difficult decision and hence more ashamed. It has also been difficult to hide this feeling.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the agency for all the hard work.

During this time I’ve also been thinking "aren’t there things that I can do better?", "have to be more active to get to meet you", and "things I wanted to challenge", such thoughts will pop out.

I believe all of you have felt this before? Like the feeling of a child at home without parents?

Since debut days, it is the first time that "my" thoughts made me excited and full of enthusiasm, but on the other hand feel uneasy and worry for many things.

But thinking again, I have Honeylang and my overseas fans who are always by my side and supporting me, and that give me the energy and not to fear anymore!

I will go back to the starting point and begin the journey to meet everyone openly.

You know that I have always put my gratitude for you in my heart, right?

In future I will create more opportunities to meet you, and I will work hard to share this love which I have received from you for such a long time.

As an actor, I will work hard to become more matured to meet you.

For now, will try to greet you with new works as soon as possible.

Please stay healthy and must be happy!

I love you!

- Seung Heon -




"I have Honeylang and my overseas fans who are always by my side and supporting me, and that give me the energy and not to fear anymore!"

SSH!! you're awesome, you're the best!! :w00t::w00t: thank you for all your hard work under Mnet, and a more successful venture in the days ahead under your independent agency...we will always support you...


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Guest demoeoe

Thanks 2uss!!! :D

independent agency ---- done!!! :lol:

new work ---- soon!!! :rolleyes:

new challenge ---- ?????????? B) ---- can I make a little wish: love.......... :P

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Guest 2uss

Thanks 2uss!!! :D

independent agency ---- done!!! :lol:

new work ---- soon!!! :rolleyes:

new challenge ---- ?????????? B) ---- can I make a little wish: love.......... :P

i felt the sadness in our SHnim's words as he described leaving Mnet agency...i said this in TSH as well, he gained a lot of friends through out the years there, the outpouring of support there after he was discharged from the Army, he basically gained a whole new family there, a 2nd home per se and leaving Mnet was not something easily done...

but he understands that for growth he needs to go independent...he's an artist afterall, so he has more options and more freedom to do what wants to do...and reaching out and come to us as he said in his message:

"In future I will create more opportunities to meet you"

so yes!! independent agency done!! i wonder when will hear some news regarding "new work"?? :sweatingbullets:

and yessssss, maybe a new love in the soon future :P:rolleyes:

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Guest 2uss

our SSH's EOE receives an "A" B)


한류스타 4인방, 드라마 시청률 성적표는?

[스포츠칸] 2009년 06월 01일(월) 오후 07:45



*via online translator:

- The 4 Gangs of Hallyu stars...what is their drama rating report?

- Song Seung Heon throughout the military after the movie 'Sookmyung' has to. The East of Eden 'to' Summer Scent '(2003) was a comeback after five years in a TV drama. Song Seung Heon raised hopes of a comeback, East of Eden neomeoseomyeo 30% of the ratings once the drama has become popular. However, East of Eden replace a writer, Lee Da Hae, and investors continue to get off the popularity of the middle of the Previous one has not. In addition, some of the very controversial from the beginning of Song Seung Heon bulgeojigi said. This record was made of the ratings, but to the left, but Song Seung Heon.

- ‘에덴의 동쪽’ 송승헌 = A (East of Eden) :D

- ‘카인과 아벨’ 소지섭 = B+ (Cain and Abel)

- ‘남자 이야기’ 박용하 = B- (Slingshot)

- ‘신데렐라 맨’ 권상우 = C (Cinderella Man)


it seems the writer, despite pointing out EOE's "flaws and controversy" still grade our SH's EOE an A compare to SJS, PYH and KSW's dramas (KSW's CindMan hasn't even finished yet and they already gave it a low grade :blink: )

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English translation of SSH's message at Honeylang 1/6/09, thank you TSH crew :D


english translation by TSH

I greet after a long time. .. it's Song Seung Heon

Hello, I’m Song Seung Heon.

It’s been a long time to greet you, but with a heavy heart.

The news of the death of former President Roh Moo-hyun is tremendous pain, grief and shock for all of us.

He who has often stood in the position of the commoner and looked dignified and trustworthy, I'm in fact very moved, but now it’s a great pity never to see him again.

I believe all of you feel the pain in the hearts too.

Please rest in peace. Praying for you.

Having not said hello for a long time but had to greet you with such unfortunate subject.

I believe the past week has been very depressing for everyone.

However the weather has been in contrast with our feelings.

Having recently completed “East of Eden”, I'm enjoying long awaited leisure time, oversleeping, doing exercise, as well as meeting good friends who couldn’t see that time. Have been spending busy time.

Actually not long ago, I left the agency who has been like a family to me all this while, to make preparation for “independent”. Thinking of leaving the agency I had worked for all this time, as well as the cordial family staff, and all the people who had helped me to achieve who I am now, it has been a difficult decision and hence more ashamed. It has also been difficult to hide this feeling.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the agency for all the hard work.

During this time I’ve also been thinking "aren’t there things that I can do better?", "have to be more active to get to meet you", and "things I wanted to challenge", such thoughts will pop out.

I believe all of you have felt this before? Like the feeling of a child at home without parents?

Since debut days, it is the first time that "my" thoughts made me excited and full of enthusiasm, but on the other hand feel uneasy and worry for many things.

But thinking again, I have Honeylang and my overseas fans who are always by my side and supporting me, and that give me the energy and not to fear anymore!

I will go back to the starting point and begin the journey to meet everyone openly.

You know that I have always put my gratitude for you in my heart, right?

In future I will create more opportunities to meet you, and I will work hard to share this love which I have received from you for such a long time.

As an actor, I will work hard to become more matured to meet you.

For now, will try to greet you with new works as soon as possible.

Please stay healthy and must be happy!

I love you!

Hi 2uss, thanks for sharing the translation of his message. So nice & sweet of him to write this message for his fans out there. Looking forward to his work, either a movie or a drama again soon. :D:lol:

our SSH's EOE receives an "A" B)


한류스타 4인방, 드라마 시청률 성적표는?

[스포츠칸] 2009년 06월 01일(월) 오후 07:45

*via online translator:

- The 4 Gangs of Hallyu stars...what is their drama rating report?

- Song Seung Heon throughout the military after the movie 'Sookmyung' has to. The East of Eden 'to' Summer Scent '(2003) was a comeback after five years in a TV drama. Song Seung Heon raised hopes of a comeback, East of Eden neomeoseomyeo 30% of the ratings once the drama has become popular. However, East of Eden replace a writer, Lee Da Hae, and investors continue to get off the popularity of the middle of the Previous one has not. In addition, some of the very controversial from the beginning of Song Seung Heon bulgeojigi said. This record was made of the ratings, but to the left, but Song Seung Heon.

- ‘에덴의 동쪽’ 송승헌 = A (East of Eden) :D

- ‘카인과 아벨’ 소지섭 = B+ (Cain and Abel)

- ‘남자 이야기’ 박용하 = B- (Slingshot)

- ‘신데렐라 맨’ 권상우 = C (Cinderella Man)


it seems the writer, despite pointing out EOE's "flaws and controversy" still grade our SH's EOE an A compare to SJS, PYH and KSW's dramas (KSW's CindMan hasn't even finished yet and they already gave it a low grade :blink: )

2uss, thanks again for sharing the gist of this article. Among the three, only Slingshot/Story of a Man that I haven't watched yet. I still have to see CM continuously. :D:lol:

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Guest 2uss

thank you willenette :blush: yes, it was really sweet of our SHnim to give that thoughtful and heartfelt message at Honeylang...the board filled with soo many posters of Honeylang members from all over Japan, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, the USA and many others :sweatingbullets:


news regarding new Hallyu waves status in Japan on KJH, Korea's F4 and BigBang...our SHnim still very strong B)


강지환-F4-빅뱅, 日 한류관계자들이 뽑은 차세대 한류스타

기사전송 2009-06-02 11:54

*via online translator:

- KJH-F4-Big Bang, new generation of Korean pop stars in Japan.

- In addition, the current Korean Wave in Japan is topseuta actor Lee Byung-hun, Song Seung Heon, ryusiwon was confirmed.

- Korean Wave in Japan, as the best ice cream in the unique concept of the Korean Wave star BYJ excluded from the survey, Lee Byung-hun, Song Seung Heon ryusiwon the support of 44% of the total respondents (multiple answers possible) and enjoy getting the most popular Korean Wave Star said.

- Lee Byung Hun and Song Seung Heon joined ryusiwon a late wave of the 'appearance is superior compared to other actors Korea' feelings have to smoke 'and heard why.


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Guest AmberSong

Seeing this pic from TSH, but dont know if it's his recent reservist training, or of previous years ? :unsure:


PS. The info about his joining of the new reservist training has given me a light shiver, as if hearing he was preparing for a real battle. Really love to see him in military uniform !

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Guest 2uss

Seeing this pic from TSH, but dont know if it's his recent reservist training, or of previous years ? :unsure:


PS. The info about his joining of the new reservist training has given me a light shiver, as if hearing he was preparing for a real battle. Really love to see him in military uniform !

ohhh i made those arrows because jessie wasn't sure which one is SSH, the person that posted it in cyworld didn't give an exact description which one is our SHnim in this picture...if SH is even in it... :blink: from what i gather is that this was his recent activity where he did a "3D2N" 3-days, 2-nights training...

yes, the recent North Korean activities have all of us worry a bit of what's gonna happen... :unsure:

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Guest AmberSong

English translation of SSH's message at Honeylang 1/6/09, thank you TSH crew :D


english translation by TSH

Actually not long ago, I left the agency who has been like a family to me all this while, to make preparation for “independent”. Thinking of leaving the agency I had worked for all this time, as well as the cordial family staff, and all the people who had helped me to achieve who I am now, it has been a difficult decision and hence more ashamed. It has also been difficult to hide this feeling.


I believe all of you have felt this before? Like the feeling of a child at home without parents?

Since debut days, it is the first time that "my" thoughts made me excited and full of enthusiasm, but on the other hand feel uneasy and worry for many things.

But thinking again, I have Honeylang and my overseas fans who are always by my side and supporting me, and that give me the energy and not to fear anymore!

I will go back to the starting point and begin the journey to meet everyone openly.

You know that I have always put my gratitude for you in my heart, right?

I love you!

- Seung Heon -


Kept thinking about the sentence "I will go back to the starting point"...

PS. After reading this message, just wanna tell him that: pls, my man, dont write us messages often, or I 'll have

no way to avoid ... getting more addicted to it ! :lol:


The Whisen team seems to run out of ideas. At this stage, they should "insert"... a kiss !

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Guest 2uss

The Whisen team seems to run out of ideas. At this stage, they should "insert"... a kiss !

just a kiss?? eheheh

WB and Shin Min Ah did a kiss scene on their CF for Maxim Coffee recently...

maybe LG Whisen can pull that trick on our Whisen couple for extra spice?? :P maybe a scene of SH all hot and stuffy and here comes dear YeSeul with a "cool kiss" symbolizing Whisen's coolness AHAHHAHA

2uss should be in marketing :sweatingbullets:

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English translation of SSH's message at Honeylang 1/6/09, thank you TSH crew :D

thanx so much dear 2uss for the translation & the goodies ^^ greatly appreciated ^^

I greet after a long time. .. it's Song Seung Heon

Hello, I’m Song Seung Heon.

Having recently completed “East of Eden”, I'm enjoying long awaited leisure time, oversleeping, doing exercise, as well as meeting good friends who couldn’t see that time.

getting the picture of the two hotties together in here ^^

But thinking again, I have Honeylang and my overseas fans who are always by my side and supporting me, and that give me the energy and not to fear anymore!

oh my !! how sweet to think & thank his overseas fans : US ^^ :D :D

In future I will create more opportunities to meet you, and I will work hard to share this love which I have received from you for such a long time.

As an actor, I will work hard to become more matured to meet you.

For now, will try to greet you with new works as soon as possible.

getting excited after reading this part , we'r gonna see him again sooooon, hope he wont make sacrifices throughout the whole work & then die in the end like u know what ! <_< <_<

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Guest demoeoe

From: CSHC

By: 菠萝

[09.06.03][新闻]FA大鱼 宋承宪,苏志燮 "1人公司" 成立


FA대어 송승헌-소지섭 ‘1인 회사’ 설립

FA大鱼 宋承宪,苏志燮 "1人公司" 成立






According to the above news, it seems that SSH & SJS will open separate independent agency firm instead of a joint agency.... :rolleyes:

but I guess thing won't be clear until final official announcement.... just wait and see.....

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