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Ivy (아이비) [Official Thread]


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Okay...If everything is bs (unlike what we previously thought), then it's total Defamation and slander, what the press and netizens are doing. It makes everything clearer and easier, doesn't it?

Ivy, if things don't work out there, she should come overseas. Most of us would support her and her english is excellent. Why do Koreans keep wanting to drag down someone so talented and someone who could contribute so much to the music industry?? I'm sick of seeing untalented sluts who can't sing to save their lives a.k.a Hyori (sry to Hyori fans, but some of them are ridiculous to rival her and Ivy. I didn't mean to bash, but she seriously has no talent and she sustains her fame purely on looks. And I personally think she is conceited and plain when I see her on talk shows. I have never seen Hyori.. despite how popular she is in Korea ...on the same level w/ the talent and dedication Ivy gives to her performances and career) It's their lose if they lose Ivy.

"It's about time she started thinking of suicide" <--- :oB*TCHES! How low can you go?! They haven't even achieved 1/8th of what Ivy has in their lifetime! The world would be better off without jealous lowlives netizens. I wish someone can go and put these people in jail.

And to whoever said "rumors stem from some truth"....rumors are rumors because they're LIES. There's absolutely no truth to rumors at all. It's people's twisted, sick notions of what is true. It's what people make up. Rumors have absolutely nothing to do with the person, and it's not the target's fault for any rumors about them. It usually begins with people who have nothing better to do.

[edit] November 2 Article in Korea Times


Warned for gasoo bashing and going around the swear filter.

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Guest ruby_lee

She deserves to receive all things she tried to do

Not only a prize , but also encouraging her mind after all bad things

Congratulation Ivy

I miss You so much , Eun Hye too_sad.gif

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Guest SillyYun

yea jang geun suk~ Look at my avie haha it tells all...

So happy that geunsuk my boy receives award for IVY mah babe~ haha

I wished ivy went..

well still happy! hopefully its encouragement.

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Guest suejinners


............ i can't beleive he slapped her when she was driving... i can't believe he even slapped her.......

and he has a freakin girlfriend that he was marrying..... why couldnt he have respected ivy and his present g/f and forget about the past??


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Guest .:LaUrEn.:

^ finally we have some SOLID facts! thanks so much for sharing suejinners. wow and i thought it was bad enough that this guy was blackmailing and harrassing ivy, her company, AND her family members, as well as damaging her property, but NOW we find out that he physically slapped her repeatedly?! and while she was driving?! this psycho ex is a LOT more deranged than i thought he was. he's an attention-seeking scumbag and he seriously needs to get over himself already and be a man. i feel terrible for ivy. just imagine all the emotional trauma she's been going through lately... and not only from her psycho ex. from the press and the netizens as well. i really hope she knows that her fans are standing behind her and rooting for her. and thank GOD this guy's facing legal action, cuz this is just ridiculous and disgusting what he's doing to her.

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Guest kellyngt

Hopy crap!!! this guy is psycho & crazy....man, how could he slap Ivy 5 times, wth?!

He must be incharge if he did this kind of thing in canada or us.

So ridiculous, this bastard must get a life and put him into jail for fews years....geezzz

I was shock when i read #2...completely can't stand him...i hate this guy so so so much :angry:

Oh poor Ivy, she must be hurt & miserable for what that psycho did to her....also nobody would know if she doesn't say that she got bully from that guy....i feel so sorry for Ivy...

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Guest .:LaUrEn.:

ok, so that means this issue has settled 4 the time being.. any response fr netizens or media bout the update?.. Btw, thanx 4 translating.. :)

from what i've been reading, it seems like there are more people than before who are sympathizing with ivy. before, there were lots of comments like "it's ivy's fualt. she drove him to it" and "i can understand her ex-boyfriend," but now that we know more of the facts, there are more comments like "this guy has serious issues" and "even if ivy had done something wrong, that gives no right to the boyfriend to abuse and blackmail her." there are more comments like that than before. but the way i see it, there's still a loooooong way to go. the netizens are not gonna let ivy off easy. there are still some TERRIBLE, inappropriate comments about her out there, which pisses the crap out of me. i'm not trying to trivialize ivy's mistakes (if she did indeed cheat), but reading some of the hateful comments like "why don't you just go and die" and "you don't deserve to be a celebrity anymore," you would think she KILLED someone or something! seriously, like these netizens are perfect. korean netizens are probably some of the most hypocritical, judgmental, hateful, people out there who have nothing better to do than hate on celebrities and make their lives a living hell. it's very sad.

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and he has a freakin girlfriend that he was marrying..... why couldnt he have respected ivy and his present g/f and forget about the past??


how long ago did ivy and him separate that he has a fiancee already? and what an attention rainbow for pulling all this crap on ivy. shame on him. i hope his girl leaves him.

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Guest kellyngt

and he has a freakin girlfriend that he was marrying..... why couldnt he have respected ivy and his present g/f and forget about the past??


Ohhhh WHAT?! He has a gf and they will going to get married soon?! :blink: She must know how dangerous this psycho is...pshh!!! I wonder whats wrong with the gf :unsure: If it was me, i'd run away from that guy and break up with him as soon as possible. Keeping a distance with Yoo must be one of the safety ways.

Oh hold on, it doesn't make sense & i'm abit confusing :mellow:

At the beginning, Yoo said that Ivy cheated on him which due to their broke up but he still love her...at the same time, he got another gf but he decided to revenge Ivy by blackmail, damage her physics & so on. Does it make sense that he got a new gf but wanna threatening his ex?! It doesn't prove anything tho :huh: he has no right to abuse his ex....i can't understand this guy. Being with a new gf that means Yoo is forget Ivy already, why would he did such athing...oh gosh, i hate this guy alot <_< about the slapping thingy, oh man, i've never imagined a guy would slap his gf during she was driving >.<! i could feel Ivy's feeling at that time...oh poor Ivy....

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Guest suejinners

yeah im confused about Yoo's g/f fiance thing. but apparently its true.. o__o. i feel sorry for her. i hope she dumps his abusive richard simmons.

More info T__T hes freakin psycho.

While he slapped her...... he said "im going to mess up your face with my cigarette light" & "Im going to rub and squash your face on the cement floor."

WTF......... hes freakin SCARY..

yes.. more people are sympathizing ivy her because of the assaults

some think that the new information is complete bullcrap..

it isn't because its what the prosecutor released -__-..


join the ivy fanclub if you haven't yet ^__^


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Guest kellyngt

While he slapped her...... he said "im going to mess up your face with my cigarette light" & "Im going to rub and squash your face on the cement floor."


join the ivy fanclub if you haven't yet ^__^


oh no, this guy is totally crazy. I think there is something wrong inside his head, man...he's freaking dangerous & scary...pshhh, i can't stand his guy anymore... :angry:

About joinning Ivy fanclub, i'm stuck at the log in thingy, i couldn't log in because it said Unrecognized username or password. I tried to retype my username + passwords so manytimes but still not working <_< even i did the registion again...guhh...i don't know whats wrong with my account, need help please :(

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