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Guest icedevil0289

@jaeshinah thanks for posting and translating interview. The more I read about him, the more I fall in love and I love how he is so dedicated to his job. Above his looks and personality, how he chooses each role and how he chooses to potray each role is what draws me to him. ngl, I'm kind of concerned that he says he's depressed all the time, but is now better at covering it up. Just reading about how celebrities in korea commit suicide is heartbreaking and plus from what I've read, it's hard to come out about having depression or any other disorder because it's frowned upon there.

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Guest icedevil0289

Translation of YAI Interview

Thanks to my good friend softy for providing the translation.

She said there were a few words she didn't know but these were the parts she was sure of:

Ah In said it was an honor working with so many great actors

When asked what were their most charming traits:

Min young said about YAI that the more you see him the better he gets

About Micky she said he is diligent

About Joongki smart

And hers were her looks

For love lines Joongki said since this one didn't give him one he is going to fall madly in

love in his next project

Joongki chose "geol um" as his choice for best couple and YAI chose Yeorim and YAI got

embarrassed again when the interviewer said Joongki liked his lips and yai said why is he

like that again and said that he is taking good care of his lips and then said Joongki has

great skin and that it glows

When asked if he would do a second season he said:

Ten years later when everyone has wrinkles he wants to work with them again

He hopes this drama was memorable for viewers

Joongki said as long as Yeorim is in it he will do a second season

These seem to be parts of other interviews one for the DVD

He said since he is in his twenties he can't do what older actors can do and work on their

craft of forming a character - he just uses parts of who he is

He also said memorizing lines were the hardest and for lots of scenes he memorized it 10-15

mins before shooting and then said them

He said out of his works so far, he likes this role cuz instead of meeting his character he

brought out qualities he already had and made it prominent

awww, I think I liked that part best. I ship yongshin hardcore and now they're taking their bromance from onscreen to onscreen. that was so adorable. ah in and joongki need to act in a drama again together. they had great chemistry imo.

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Guest izasakura

Just finished "Boys Of Tomorrow"...

OK... to be honest, I didn't get it...

I mean I watched it all the way through but I really didn't get it... yes, I understand it's about friendship but what else?

If there was a deeper meaning, I didn't get it...

On the other hand, I loved YAI's hair (it's the hair again)... I might ask my hairdresser to copy it for me next time... can't have the Heuk San hair since my hair is already short!  LOL

There is a deeper mining in it, yup...it about life and how does life can turn a our life up side down...love the story line...YAI have a good acting skill...hope he will keep it up...by the way do you watch Shim's Family? I try to find it aren't any... 

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Guest mathed2001

I can't thank everyone here enough for sharing all  the information regarding Ah In... especially our hard-work translators!!  Thank you!  Because of your translations, I was able to bring those information back to the Chinese Ah In community to share with them.


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Guest Rxgoodleaf

I'm kind of concerned that he says he's depressed all the time, but is now better at covering it up. Just reading about how celebrities in korea commit suicide is heartbreaking and plus from what I've read, it's hard to come out about having depression or any other disorder because it's frowned upon there.


It's been in the back of my mind for sometime now... ever since MJS mania/fever got started...

Not so concerned at the moment but I am worried for him when the "MJS fever" is over... but I am sure he will handle it...

Public interest is soooo fickle and ever changing... sigh... I am guilty of that as well...

Being sidetracked here... what I am trying to say is that the "MJS hoopla" will be over soon...

I will be around still... will you (as in all of you) be?

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Guest icedevil0289


It's been in the back of my mind for sometime now... ever since MJS mania/fever got started...

Not so concerned at the moment but I am worried for him when the "MJS fever" is over... but I am sure he will handle it...

Public interest is soooo fickle and ever changing... sigh... I am guilty of that as well...

As to having "depression"? Who hasn't? At one time or another in your life? There are degrees of depression and most resolve on their own without "clinical intervention" (that's professional lingo)...

Talking about depression (or any mental illness) is "taboo" even in USA! It's hundred times worse in Korea!

Being sidetracked here... what I am trying to say is that the "MJS hoopla" will be over soon... I will be around still... will you (as in all of you) be?

well it depends on what kind of depression you have and the degree. Some need clinical intervention and it takes years to resolve and is it a taboo in the USA? I mean I know plenty of people who go to therapy for depression and professional help is more available here. Although I'm sure some people are embarrassed to admit it, which is disheartening. Wish people would be more open to the idea of mental health.

and well I like him as an actor and as a person, so lol ofc I will be.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

and well I like him as an actor and as a person, so lol ofc I will be.

Well, I am glad to hear that!

I stuck around because I like Ah In as a person, too!

I hope more people feel the same...


Talking about hot off the press... 45 minutes ago...

배우 유아인이 7일 오후 자신의 트위터 "약속했다? 12분 47초. 나도 그래"라는 의미심장한 말을 남겼다.

7th afternoon, Yoo Ah In left a questionable meaning Tweet "Promise? 12 minutes 47 seconds. Me, too."

이에 팬들은 "도대체 무슨 뜻이지?"라고 궁금해 했고 일부의 팬들은 유아인의 트위터에 "엄홍식 너님 인증센스", "잘했군 잘했군 잘했어", "고마워요! 내가 좋아하는 유배우라는 사람이 이런 사람이어서"라고 감사의 글을 남겼다.

Some fans asked "What does it mean?" and some fans left Twitter messages "Uhm Hong Sik, validating sense" "Good job, good job, good job" "Thanks! Actor Yoo, for being you."

트위터 글의 전말은 이러했다. 디시인사이드 유아인 갤러리의 갤로거들 손글씨&사랑해 멘트 영상 이벤트를 열었고 갤로거 우유커피가 이를 모아 12분 47초 짜리 영상을 만든 것.

The course of event (Tweets) is like this. DCInside Yoo Ah In Gallery had an event, collecting fan's hand written messages and voice messages of I love you and Milkcoffee compiled a 12 minutes 47 seconds long video.

이 영상에는 사랑에 관련한 노래와 함께 약 180여 명이 참여한 손글씨 메모가 편집됐다. 또한 뒷부분에는 팬들의 "사랑해"라는 목소리와 함께 KBS 2TV 드라마 '성균관 스캔들'에서 걸오가 딸꾹질 하는 장면들을 모았으며 드라마 주요 장면들을 모아 절묘한 편집 영상을 만들었다.

The video included songs about love and approximately 180 hand written memos. And at the end, fan's voices of I love you played over SKKS's Gurl Oh hiccup scenes and other major scenes.

유아인은 이 영상을 본 후 자신의 트위터에 인증글을 남긴 것으로 추측된다. 팬들의 분석에 의하면 "약속했다?"는 자신의 사랑한다는 팬들에 대한 마음을 다시 약속받는 것, "12분 47초"는 영상의 길이, "나도 그래"는 사랑의 고백을 한 팬들을 향한 유아인만의 시크 답변인 것으로 알려졌다.

It is believed that Yoo Ah In saw the video and left the validating Tweet. The fans believe that "Promise?" means Ah In wanted to reaffirm his fan's love, "12 minutes 47 seconds" is the length of the video, and "Me, too" is Yoo Ah In's chic way of confessing his love for his fans.

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Count me in! Count me in! *raising both hands* 

I'll be happy to jump in to "I LOVE YOO AH IN'S NOSE"  Lol. That's the first thing i got hooked in ...his nose! He's so freaking hawt in that nose as if my favorite anime brought in to life, whoah!

@Jaeshinah thousands of thanks for the translated interviews, especially when i know that you have to translate it twice :(

Whenever I read Ah In's interview, I know him more. There's always a certain quantity of bluntness and individuality in his answers. Why do I feel his bitterness when he talks about how fast public opinion changes?

I'm a bit worried for him because he says he's always depressed and emo. I hope he's strong enough to handle it and that he feels more at ease :(

I can't help but get worried too. I'll be praying for him earnestly. From thousand miles away kimchiland, that's the best i can do.

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Guest pumpkinareo

Talking about hot off the press... 45 minutes ago...

배우 유아인이 7일 오후 자신의 트위터 "약속했다? 12분 47초. 나도 그래"라는 의미심장한 말을 남겼다.

7th afternoon, Yoo Ah In left a questionable meaning Tweet "Promise? 12 minutes 47 seconds. Me, too."

Well, I've read this tweet and wonder about the meaning of what he wrote. And now I understood.

Reading this makes me feel so touched about love between YAI and his fans. Keeping love like this in a long time is really precious. Feel like crying after reading this...

Thank you for translating the article, by the way.

12 minutes and 47 seconds...It's such precious video...

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Guest aycel02

ok i just finished SKK episode 19 with subs, and when the soldiers saw HBS clothes in YH's room i was like "did they strip my gul oh?!" blush.gif (am i the only one?!) :ph34r:

i miss my jaeshin! :wub:

jaeshinah! thanks for the translation of the interview


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Guest Shiroiyuki

I will be around still... will you (as in all of you) be?


I mean, the thing that made me like YAI is his character, MSJ. But the moment I read his interviews and HOW he answered them, I was instantly awed.

It's rare to see a korean actor/actress be that honest toward interviews. He's one of those rare people that you can really trust that he's telling the truth.

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Guest what_life

Back from the holidays and so much to catch up!! I haven't gotten the chance to go through the thread where I left it last but managed to skim the last couple of pages and saw this.

The course of event (Tweets) is like this. DCInside Yoo Ah In Gallery had an event, collecting fan's hand written messages and voice messages of I love you and Milkcoffee compiled a 12 minutes 47 seconds long video.

이 영상에는 사랑에 관련한 노래와 함께 약 180여 명이 참여한 손글씨 메모가 편집됐다. 또한 뒷부분에는 팬들의 "사랑해"라는 목소리와 함께 KBS 2TV 드라마 '성균관 스캔들'에서 걸오가 딸꾹질 하는 장면들을 모았으며 드라마 주요 장면들을 모아 절묘한 편집 영상을 만들었다.

The video included songs about love and approximately 180 hand written memos. And at the end, fan's voices of I love you played over SKKS's Gurl Oh hiccup scenes and other major scenes.

So sweet of Ah In to leave that cryptic msg. :wub: Btw, found the video in question on youtube. Dunno if it's been posted. If so, sorry for reposting it!

Thanks to Gulo Moon Jae Shin

Now time to go through the thread and visit the preventorium! :D

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WTF with the previous post ?

Anyway, hello every body, I'm Leiarn and I've been following you since I saw YAI for the first time one month ago. Soo, I wanted to thank all of you for the translations, the pictures, the videos and the comments =) It was a real pleasure to follow this topic xD

First I fell for MJS the character, then for the actor Yoo Ah In, ans as I read his interviews, his tweetes (thanks to your amazing work) I fell for the man Yoo Ah In ! I like the fact he isn't just one actor like the others, he's very mature to my mind, and he seems to reply honestly in his interviews, which is rare !

(Yataaa ! I've finally managed to post my first message ^^)

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Guest mandarinoriental

thanks so much jaeshinah for the translation of yoo ah in's interview! i've read a few of his older interviews too, and was honestly pretty surprised that he suffers from depression. he definitely doesn't show it in bts' and stuff.. i mean he laughs a lot, and OH HIS KILLER SMILEE hahaha but i guess we can't just judge from that. he's dealing with his depression quite well then. i'm also honestly very worried, and i agree that public opinions are constantly changing.. especially how an actor comes into a spotlight for a moment and some times just fade away. the entertainment industry is like that, in my opinion. i've nvr come across any other actor who has admitted to depression (well, of those whom i have bothered stalking lol) but i really appreciate yoo ah in's honesty :) and that validating tweet was really sweet of him!!! thanks for translating and explaning what it was all about- i follow him on twitter altho i can't read a single word of korean... hahah

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Guest mathed2001

I will be around still... will you (as in all of you) be?

Count me in too!  I think he is a very interesting person, not just a great actor!  So, even if the drama ended, I will still be here...  :rolleyes:

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Thanks to GULO event MV

For those who joined the event.. Thank you... till next time.

Milkcoffee emailed me about Ah In tweeter msg.

-you promised? 12:47 (video running time) me too (maybe it is his answer about our "I love you")-

That was so sweet of Ah In. He sure knows how to appreciate his supporter. Wooww I'm drowning deeply with this dude.

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Thanks to GULO event MV

For those who joined the event.. Thank you... till next time.

Milkcoffee emailed me about Ah In tweeter msg.

-you promised? 12:47 (video running time) me too (maybe it is his answer about our "I love you")-

That was so sweet of Ah In. He sure knows how to appreciate his supporter. Wooww I'm drowning deeply with this dude.

Just finished watching the MV...

Wow... left me speechless... such dedication and talent!

All those who participated, kudos to you all! I am now sorry that I didn't!

Just checked Naver and Yahoo Korea... no worthy Ah In news today...

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