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Guest suika_micky

Thank so much for pics and a lot of translate.

YuAIN so passion ha ha.

Rxgoodleaf Thanks for your kindness to try translate many news.

It's make me unterstand about news.(sorry for poor english)^^


This my ARTWORK to shared. ^^

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Guest raitei044

This thread is growing really fast! I hope we can establish a YAI fan club here soon! That would be so cool. wub.gif  

Btw, this is YAI in, if I'm not mistaken, ep. 19 of Strongest Chil Woo. It seems, back then, he's already hinting he'll be playing another character soon. Lol. Totally HBS! ph34r.gif


I wonder if he's going for a new project soon.

Oh, thank you so much for all you great translators and pic providers here, Jaeshinah, Rxgoodleaf, 1crazynyt, tinysunbl, and everyone else! (I'm sorry I can't list everyone..) How can we live without you?! I, for one, can't! smile.gif

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Sorry, but I haven't timeeeee!!!! @___@ (I'm going be late to the dentist, aish!)

I let others banners!!

I hope you enjoy!!

(sorry again for my badddddddddd english, but in this moment I can't think correctly xDDDD)



The words are writtings by Yoo Ah In, remember ^^

See You~~!!~

(I'm gooing crazzzzy!! I'm lateeee!!)

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Guest tinysunbl

Thanks everyone for the fan-arts. I love the banners which have Ah in's quotes in them :) All' are so lovely

Would anyone be willing to provide the transcript for this short interview?

My link

OMG his expressions kill me. Why so cute?


janjher, I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest coldtucson

hello...first ever doing this...

anyways, regarding Ah In's fashion sense...mmmmm....I really don't mind as long as the finish product is grand...you got to admit he still looks good! GOt to love that...not all people are blessed to look good wearing the weirdiest fashion...and boy, Ah In's carries it well...

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Finally I was able to drop by. Thank you all for this wonderful nook that i could check once in a while coz i am seriously admitted at Preventorium's ICU.

I only wish i could contribute any pic, articles and so... but all i can give is my heart and support and lurk to my heart's content.

@1crazynyt thank you for posting YAI clips and pics. I dearly enjoy all of them :)  and now i am borrowing one of them, hope you don't mind.

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Guest jaeshinah

Would anyone be willing to provide the transcript for this short interview?

My link

OMG his expressions kill me. Why so cute?


Q. You can't show something that isn't already inside of you?

A. I think so. I think it's because I'm still in my 20s. Because I'm in my 20s… sunbaes and teachers who have acted a lot are able to make their own characters, but for now I think I'm probably better at showing what's inside of me in a variety of ways… but as I get older and I become more ambitious, and [i can't make this part out from 0:28-0:30 T__T] I think I will be able to make and show a more properly-made character.

Q. What was the hardest part of filming?

A. There's no time to rehearse scenes before they're filmed. You just have to go to the filming site and match all the moves in 5 or 10 minutes, work out the order, and memorize it… because there were a lot of scenes like this, squeezing my brain to memorize everything, I think it was harder than memorizing the script.

Q. Are you sad toward Yoonhee?

A. I'm sad. Yoonhee… what can I say? In the drama you chose Seonjoon… but I know I'm the one in your heart. [followed by the cutest laughter in the world omfg<3]

Q. How long do you think it will take to say goodbye to the character of Moon Jaeshin?

A. Looking back at the other roles I've done… I think it will last until my next project. Rather than "meeting" the character, a part of me came out to the surface. When I meet a new character, a new part of me, a new acting project--when that happens, Jaeshin will naturally leave. I think that's the natural progression. 

YAI: Sungkyunkwan Scandal DVD, fighting! 


If someone (Rxgoodleaf??=)) could help me with 0:28-0:30 I would love you forever! My English >> my Korean, so audio translations are a bit tough sometimes T__T

Because I know EXACTLY how you feel... about being under pressure... I have translated several YSMM episodes (especially Bi/Rain episodes) and boy the pressure!!! And, some people were soooo impatient, actually sent me nasty PMs! 

Awww girl... I, too, know exactly what you're talking about!! I have had some nasty PMs and comments myself. Even nicer messages like "can you pleeeeeeeeeease sub this quickly please please" really grate on my nerves after a while because any pressure just sucks. We all have lives that extend beyond the computer screen, and I translate as a favor to non-Korean speakers because I genuinely enjoy helping people understand the stars they like. It's not like I need it for myself. But when you start feeling like you ~owe~ other people translations, and you start sacrificing real world things like time to meet friends, or do homework, or whatever it is, in order to translate--that's a real problem >< Of course, the vast majority of people aren't that way... but it's still tough sometimes! Anyway. Sorry for the essay. I haven't felt any of that bad kind of pressure from anyone here at YAI's thread, for which I'm really grateful. blush.gif I'm not going anywhere (while I've got a computer in front of me, haha) and I'm so happy you're sticking around too, Rx wub.gif

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Guest janjher


* O-emmm-geeee !!! the eyes , the smile = PERFECT


* Fave Actors : Jung ll Woo and our Yoo Ah In


* Ah In's Turtle Neck ??? Halter Top ??? lol lol lol


* SIDEVIEW Hottie .......... *dieeessssss*

source: dc,nate

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Guest jaeshinah


A YT channel that basically edits together all the little bits of Jaeshin from every episode!


It's still incomplete, but perfect for reliving some of your favorite Guh-ro moments <3


*gasp*! Both visually and musically breathtaking (Jaeshin-centric):

1. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related

2. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=7-vzSFLbnBo

3. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=cHd7VqK00CY

4. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=OQTTZxApJY4 (Jaeshin & Yeorim)

And a bonus from the same person who made the above ^ 

http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Y9Uy_OBmamw <-- I want my room to look like this! wub.gif

Enjoy =)

[EDIT 2] 

*Fangirl moment ahead*... apologies in advance.

Has anyone else noticed how absolutely high and perfect Yoo Ah In's nose is? If it wasn't for his unbelievably thick, beautiful lips about which I find myself constantly daydreaming, his nose could be his best feature. It's so perfectly high and straight that I wondered if he had possibly had plastic surgery... my guess was he hadn't, as his lovely little eyes are slightly different shapes/sizes (particularly noticeable when Guh-roh sahyung is all dressed up with his hair up in a knot! haha) and if he had had nose surgery I am sure his company and/or surgeon would have had him fix his eyes too. A lot of people who fix eyes will also fix their nose, but few people in Korea fix their nose and leave their eyes alone. Plus the image of Yoo Ah In going under the knife for his appearance just...doesn't...compute.

I did a few searches on Naver, and it seems like people were most interested in YAI's perfect nose back in 2005 and the overwhelming consensus is that he did not have surgery. =) He shows up on lists of celebrities that have never had plastic surgery, and there are several webpages that take the trouble of putting together montages of his gorgeous nose from when he much younger (debut-era or pre-debut) until recently, showing that it's never changed shape or size. =) Awwww. I just wanted to share, in case any of you are as captivated by his nose as I am... lol.

I think Korean netizens have been wondering recently, as well... some of the top suggestions to pop up on Naver once you type in Yoo Ah In are "plastic surgery" and "nose"...but then again.. the 2nd suggestion from the top is "yoo ah in gay rumor" -__- so who knows. koreans, why are you like this......hahaha

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Guest jaeshinah

Source: InK/dalbbit1004's Naver blog

Yoo Ah In September 2010 Elle Girl Photoshoot & Interview

In the studio, his tanned skin and mustache come into view. Though his 25-year-old masculinity is very well felt, his black eyes and long legs still seem to belong to a boy. The prepared clothes look shockingly good on him, and he is supremely skilled before the camera. Whenever there is even a short break, he searches for a cigarette to place in his mouth. If Yoo Ah In is a pro as a model, what will Yoo Ah In be like to interview? At the end of the interview, he said he thought he had rambled a lot. "There are times when my words are as organized as books on a bookshelf, and there are times like today when they are scattered all over the place. But to be honest, my condition is like that these days." Though it isn't possible to know the nature of his confusion, instead of passing on 'good enough' prepared answers, he made an effort to express in his own language the thoughts and images tangled up in his head. Has the acting he has shown us until now also come from such an intense place? This 25-year-old said, 'I am always depressed,' and 'I want to stupidly bump into things, and experience, and awake to the truth.' Can such an actor be said to be fulfilling the duties of youth! Although his casting in 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' divided fans of the original book, there are few actors who understand the loneliness of wandering student 'Guh-roh' better than he. It's also possible that through Jaeshin, he will be able to overcome the confusion of his 20s and, as he put it, grow into a 'beautiful and wise adult.'

Q. You have a role in one of the most anticipated dramas of the season. What attracted you to the part of 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal's Guh-ro Moon Jaeshin?

A. Starting from a few years ago, I began feeling frustrated while acting. All actors probably go through this. Frustration because there are things you want to show, but you can't. There is a certain brightness that everyone is able to obtain at age 21 or 22, but I think I missed that. I think I've been able to portray the parts I missed [back then] through this drama. After I read the synopsis and the original book, I really wanted the part, and by showing how much I wanted it I was able to earn the part of Guh-roh.

Q. It's still the beginning of filming [for the drama], but have you been able to become one with Guh-roh at this point? It's quite a tough role.

A. When I act, I don't 'become one' with the part as much as take something that's already a part of me and 'maximize' it. At this point, I think [the part related to Guh-roh] has been maximized a lot. More than the external things, like his talking back or shouting, [i have maximized] the internal part, especially. The center I see in Guh-roh is 'Expect nothing from no one.' Whether in the system of the times, the older generations, or in people around him--expect nothing from no one. With thoughts like those, his portrayal comes out a bit rough.

Q. Your looks have changed a lot. Does it feel unfamiliar to you?

A. It's unfamiliar. But I think others have a harder time accepting it than I do. When a few pictures from the press conference [before SKKS aired] were released, people said, "Why did Yoo Ah In become like that? How did he get so sloppy?" But I like comments like that. When my casting was first announced, people said, 'The three of them (Micky Yoochun, Song Joong Ki, Yoo Ah In) are all similar. And now they say, "Why is he sticking out so much all by himself?" People's reactions are amusing [because they change so often].

Q. Song Joong Ki is one year older, but the rest of you are the same age, all born in 1986. How is it working with actors your own age?

A. Actually, because we are all the same age there are some things that can't help but be uncomfortable, but I am trying to open my heart and be as comfortable as possible. When I shot 'Banolim,' it was inevitable that we had to deal with the kind of envy, jealousy, and emotional fights that characterize teenagers. But [at SKKS] the actors are all well-aware of the point of the drama and are all focused on their acting. I like that.

Q. This is your trendiest project since debuting. It means you will become more known among the general public.

A. That's right. Of course I decided [on SKKS] with those thoughts. I spent a few years in a place that was neither here nor there, you could say. I mean that my image as it appeared to others was like that, not that I myself felt like I was only doing things halfway. Because 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' is so highly anticipated, and the viewers will probably be teenagers or in the 20s, I thought the reaction might be more passionate. I want to make a big impact on people who have not had the opportunity to see me very much until now and become closer to them. But still, in the final decision, the most important thing is my sense of personal satisfaction.

Q. Your looks are those of a 'young kkot-mi-nam' but the roles you have chosen are almost always depressed or rebellious figures.

A. I liked roles like that in my early 20s. Don't people that age naturally want to express things like, 'I'm sad,' 'I'm depressed'?

Q. Because of that, your most normal role of Hyun Kyu in 'The Man Who Can't Marry' actually felt newer/fresher. If you weren't an actor, do you think you would be a normal man in your 20s like Hyun Kyu?

A. Even now, I live like Hyun Kyu on the surface. There are many people who misunderstand me, thinking, 'He is somehow harsh,' or 'His personality isn't easy [to know/to get close to],' but I actually try hard to live a very relaxed and easygoing life. I don't have complaints, I don't have things I want to obtain, and I don't act like I'm better than I am. However, if something builds up [for a long time], I explode. (Laughter)

Q. Because you didn't choose the path of only chasing after popularity, it appears [from the outside] that you have strong convictions of the path you want to take as an actor.

A. Being an actor fits me well, and I think this is the work I should be doing. I don't want to become a slave to this work, and I don't want who I am to disappear because of it. If acting makes me unhappy, I don't want to continue doing it just because I don't know how to do anything else. That's why when I select a role or come to a fork in the road, I always think. In the end, that's what I sincerely want.

Q. Living as an actor, when do you feel the most happiness?

A. Actors know whether they have truly acted or whether they just faked it. Whether they passed along the script like a tape recorder, or whether they really acted through their own language. Whether they cried because they were truly sad, or only because they had to cry. When I think 'I did it for real,' I feel the  most happiness.

Q. What period of your life until now would you choose as the most depressing and difficult?

A. Around when I was 23? I think that was the worst of my depression. Part of it was because of the environment around me, and part of it was because I became emotionally entangled in that atmosphere. I'm not saying, 'I was this depressed when i was 23 and now I'm not depressed anymore.' I'm as depressed as ever and as sad as ever, but because I deal with it differently now, I think I have become a bit more comfortable [with it]. 

Q. But you seemed happy at today's photoshoot. Do you have severe emotional ups and downs by any chance?

A. No. I'm just always depressed. (Laughter) But like I said before, I don't express all of that in my [day-to-day] life. I actually tend to show it less than other/normal people. I have never once said, 'I'm having a hard time' to my friends. I think of it as my own burden that I have to solve by myself, completely.

Q. But you can share [that kind of burden] with someone you love. What about when you date?

A. I don't think I'm a very good person. So I tell the other person beforehand. "I'm not going to be a very good boyfriend; is that going to be okay." Everything I don't express to anyone, and don't depend on them for, falls as a burden on my girlfriend. Because of that, there is always one reason or another that makes [the relationship] hard. I don't have an ideal type drawn in my head; I simply like people who don't live their lives by too many rules. Someone who can accept me and someone to whom I can freely express myself.

Q. You debuted at 19 and six years have already passed. Are you happy, living as an actor?

A. Acting is fun and makes me happy, but I'm not sure if living as an actor makes me happy. Still, I am making a great effort these days to be happy. In the past, I liked that I had a lot of thoughts. I thought I was special and that I was superior. (Laughter) Now, I am making an effort to find happiness, and to make myself happy.

Q. You are currently 25 years old, exactly in the midpoint of your 20s. What do you see when you look back toward your early 20s?

A. I feel regretful that it passed by so quickly. It is not easy to grow older in a beautiful, positive way. As I grow older and I learn more, I become more fearful. People say that becoming more cautious and avoiding things [you don't need] are part of 'gaining wisdom,' but I disagree. I think that true wisdom means that even after you have suffered, you get up and keep fighting; even if you are hurt, you are not afraid. My early 20s were a time of stupidly colliding into things, experiencing life, and awakening to truth. Now, even though things are starting to make a bit more sense, I don't want to become like other people.

Q. Then how do you want to spend the last half of your 20s?

A. Stupidly!

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Guest coldtucson


A YT channel that basically edits together all the little bits of Jaeshin from every episode!


It's still incomplete, but perfect for reliving some of your favorite Guh-ro moments <3


*gasp*! Both visually and musically breathtaking (Jaeshin-centric):

1. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related

2. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=7-vzSFLbnBo

3. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=cHd7VqK00CY

4. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=OQTTZxApJY4 (Jaeshin & Yeorim)

And a bonus from the same person who made the above ^ 

http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Y9Uy_OBmamw <-- I want my room to look like this! wub.gif

Enjoy =)

[EDIT 2] 

*Fangirl moment ahead*... apologies in advance.

Has anyone else noticed how absolutely high and perfect Yoo Ah In's nose is? If it wasn't for his unbelievably thick, beautiful lips about which I find myself constantly daydreaming, his nose could be his best feature. It's so perfectly high and straight that I wondered if he had possibly had plastic surgery... my guess was he hadn't, as his lovely little eyes are slightly different shapes/sizes (particularly noticeable when Guh-roh sahyung is all dressed up with his hair up in a knot! haha) and if he had had nose surgery I am sure his company and/or surgeon would have had him fix his eyes too. A lot of people who fix eyes will also fix their nose, but few people in Korea fix their nose and leave their eyes alone. Plus the image of Yoo Ah In going under the knife for his appearance just...doesn't...compute.

I did a few searches on Naver, and it seems like people were most interested in YAI's perfect nose back in 2005 (Banolim era) and the overwhelming consensus is that he did not have surgery. =) He shows up on lists of celebrities that have never had plastic surgery, and there are several webpages that take the trouble of putting together montages of his gorgeous nose from when he much younger (debut-era or pre-debut) until recently, showing that it's never changed shape or size. =) Awwww. I just wanted to share, in case any of you are as captivated by his nose as I am... lol.

I think Korean netizens have been wondering recently, as well... some of the top suggestions to pop up on Naver once you type in Yoo Ah In are "plastic surgery" and "nose"...but then again.. the 2nd suggestion from the top is "yoo ah in gay rumor" -__- so who knows. koreans, why are you like this......hahaha

HELLO...I stumbled this website which contains a lot of Yoo Ah In's pictures, even when he was younger, and you could compare that his nose stayed the same...

http://john teshyeahyooahin.tumblr.com/archive

Thank you by the way for the creator of the said website...

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Guest deathangelxd

Wow, because of end-of-the-quarter projects/tests/assignments, I haven't been here in almost a week. This thread is booming! Thanks to all the people that contributed awesauce things about Ah Innie.


Haha, I know that for the past week, netizens have been completely hyped about it, and that in talking about this now, I'm a bit late, but even so, I feel like it wouldn't be right to let his amazing acting in the father-son scene of SKKS to just slide by. Aiiigh, it's frustrating because everything that I want to say has already been said, but I guess I just wanted to mention that that I have never cried that hard/that abruptly in such a short time-span (well, with the exception of DBSK's 'W').

I did a few searches on Naver, and it seems like people were most interested in YAI's perfect nose back in 2005 (Banolim era) and the overwhelming consensus is that he did not have surgery. =) He shows up on lists of celebrities that have never had plastic surgery, and there are several webpages that take the trouble of putting together montages of his gorgeous nose from when he much younger (debut-era or pre-debut) until recently, showing that it's never changed shape or size. =) Awwww. I just wanted to share, in case any of you are as captivated by his nose as I am... lol.

LOL, that was quite an interesting bit of information! I LOVE HIS NOSE TOO! Although Asians tend to put a HUGE emphasis on high nose bridges, I usually don't pay much attention to that kind of stuff, which is why it was quite a surprise that his nose actually stood out to me as perfect. Seriously, there are no other words to describe it; the nose is perfect. We should create an "I LOVE YOO AH IN'S NOSE" club. haha...

Q. What period of your life until now would you choose as the most depressing and difficult?

A. Around when I was 23? I think that was the worst of my depression. Part of it was because of the environment around me, and part of it was because I became emotionally entangled in that atmosphere. I'm not saying, 'I was this depressed when i was 23 and now I'm not depressed anymore.' I'm as depressed as ever and as sad as ever, but because I deal with it differently now, I think I have become a bit more comfortable [with it].

Q. You are currently 25 years old, exactly in the midpoint of your 20s. What do you see when you look back toward your early 20s?

A. I feel regretful that it passed by so quickly. It is not easy to grow older in a beautiful, positive way. As I grow older and I learn more, I become more fearful. People say that becoming more cautious and avoiding things [you don't need] are part of 'gaining wisdom,' but I disagree. I think that true wisdom means that even after you have suffered, you get up and keep fighting; even if you are hurt, you are not afraid. My early 20s were a time of stupidly colliding into things, experiencing life, and awakening to truth. Now, even though things are starting to make a bit more sense, I don't want to become like other people.

Ahaa, I keep quoting you but THANK YOU FOR THE TRANSLATION! I love all of his interviews.

Obviously, it's not a good thing that he's constantly depressed, but I'm glad that at least he knows/admits that it's not good for him. As a fan, I'm worried about his uh, mental/emotional state, I guess, but at the same time, I appreciate the way he chooses to deal with it. Ahaha, that sounds like such a jerk-ish thing to say, but if he didn't choose deal with the depression by himself, I would (no lie) be slightly disappointed in him (only because it would seem very un-Ah-in like).

As for the aging thing, I also agree that people become more fearful as they age but I'm not sure if I'm completely sold on how to live life. I've never looked at it from his angle before and now that he's said it, I respect his choice, but I guess, for me, personally, it seems rather counter-intuitive to do so.

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Guest chloefargo

Thanks for translating the interviews.  YAI intrigues me because he seems so atypical.  He has much depth and angst and I love his poetic writing.   I hope he takes some time off to decompress and comes back soon as a LEAD in a new drama and/or movie.  

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Guest tinysunbl

@Jaeshinah thousands of thanks for the translated interviews, especially when i know that you have to translate it twice :(

Whenever I read Ah In's interview, I know him more. There's always a certain quantity of bluntness and individuality in his answers. Why do I feel his bitterness when he talks about how fast public opinion changes?

I'm a bit worried for him because he says he's always depressed and emo. I hope he's strong enough to handle it and that he feels more at ease :(

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

If someone (Rxgoodleaf??=)) could help me with 0:28-0:30 I would love you forever! My English >> my Korean, so audio translations are a bit tough sometimes T__T

I've played that particular section several times but I could not understand it myself... poor audio...

Let's see if I can find a different source of the same interview...


In the meantime...

Park Min Young's interview on Entertainment Relay 11/6/2010... her comments on fellow male actors on SKKS...

박민영은 “유아인은 볼수록 매력있는 ‘볼매’다. 송중기는 영리하고 스마트한 연기자다. 박유천은 성실하다”고 극찬했다.

Part Min Young said, "Yoo Ah In, the more you see (of him), the more you fall for him. Song Joong Ki is intelligent and smart performer. Park Yoo Chun is sincere (or devoted)."

In the process of downloading Entertainment Relay...

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