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Guest Rxgoodleaf

More entries from Naver Blog, "Chez Stella"... about her London encounter with Yoo Ah In...

Chez Stella - Sign + Image


“저기, 싸인해 주시면 안돼요???”

너무 고맙게도

“아~ 네“ 하며 손 내밀던,

가방을 한참 뒤적뒤적, 종이 없나 뒤적뒤적

아참, 다이어리가 있었지!

맘 같아선 매직이라도 쥐어주며 다이어리 커버에다

싸인 해 달라 하고싶었는데

젠장… 펜이 없어…

“Would you mind signing???”


“Ah~ Yes” holding his hands out,

Searching through the purse, where is that paper

That’s right, I have my diary!

So wanted to hand him a magic marker to write on the diary cover

To sign

S#$%... no pen…

깜찍하게 카운트 다운을 촐랑촐랑 하시는 탓에

난 정신이 혼미 해 지고.

공지도 못찾고 그냥 스케쥴러를 내밀었다.

펜을 잡고 고개를 낮추더니

“저기 이름이…?”

아아 5cm거리의 유아인이다!

Him counting down, so cute

I was stupefied

Couldn’t find a blank page and just handed him the scheduler

Holding the pen and lowering his head

“Your name…?”

Ah Ah Yoo Ah In is 5cm away!

“우아! 글씨 진짜 이쁘다!!”


“Wow! Really pretty signature!!!”

“Ah Ha Ha Ha”

내 5월의 스케쥴러엔 유아인의 손길이 있다.

유아인씨가 움켜잡은 이 다이어리,

평생 안바꿔야지 – 하하하

(난 포옹한 그날 정말 쌰워도 하지 않았다구.)

On my May scheduler, there is Yoo Ah In’s trace

This diary held by Yoo Ah In

Never going to change it, ever – Ha Ha Ha

(The day I was hugged I did not take a shower)

Again, her comments were so cute and funny... while reading it, I felt like I was there, almost!

I didn't ask her for permission (about posting her blog comment)... hopefully she does not mind... to tell you the truth, if I ran into YAI, I would be frozen in place... hardly breathing... let alone speak to him!!! LOL

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HEYYYY everyone..first time here. Just wanted to say I loved him in SKKS, he is HOT! lol. Hope to much much more of him in the future. He has a great future ahead for sure :)

I haven't been following him..but has he come on any variety shows?

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Guest meteorite_girl2006

..wow.. is my first reaction after lurking and spending over the last 3 days in this lovely lovely lovely thread. It's going to hurt when I get up to stretch when I finish this but YAI is worth it, no? xD

Thank you!!!!!everyone! who's contributed to this thread. <3 <3 <3 I wasn't able to watch SKKS while it was being broadcasted because of school and I finished it only a couple days ago. But through this drama, I rediscovered YAI, who I.. (sort of..?) remember from watching 반올림/Sharp when I was in elementary school and from Antique(I have a really soft spot in my heart for guys and characters like him..) [and cakes and sweets and sugary stuff but that's another story] xD 

I've fallen pretty hard for him... Can I join you guys as another YAI virus carrier..? xD He's become one of the few who can make my heart a-flutter. x] 

I would like to contribute to the thread but... the spring term for college is about to start soon(about a week T-T). If anyone would like, I can translate short articles and things like that... (I'm Korean btw, and my name is Yoonjo, hello everyone! *waves* Geez I totally forgot to introduce myself=.='') But all in all, I just want to say thank you again for this <3ly thread, I'll be lurking around in here from now on. x3

It's a bright sunny day here and I hope everyone has a good day!! <3 Have a good day YAI <3<3<3

welcome to the thread :D

@Rxgoodleafthat lady was so lucky! she had the chance to see YAI in person, and oh like you i would have been stunned and wouldn't speak at all :D or i may faint

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Guest Asha Summer

9932CC"]Again, her comments were so cute and funny... while reading it, I felt like I was there, almost!

I didn't ask her for permission (about posting her blog comment)... hopefully she does not mind... to tell you the truth, if I ran into YAI, I would be frozen in place... hardly breathing... let alone speak to him!!! LOL

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Guest aycel02

what a great christmas gift! she got to meet YAI, i'm sure she's gonna have one fine year! *envy envy envy*

i know it's kinda late...but...HAPPY 2011 EVERYONE!

i hope we get to see a whole lot of YAI this year!

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Guest mathed2001

More entries from Naver Blog, "Chez Stella"... about her London encounter with Yoo Ah In...

Again, her comments were so cute and funny... while reading it, I felt like I was there, almost!

I didn't ask her for permission (about posting her blog comment)... hopefully she does not mind... to tell you the truth, if I ran into YAI, I would be frozen in place... hardly breathing... let alone speak to him!!! LOL

Thank you so much, Rxgoodleaf~ Just by reading what you translated, it made me feel like I was there too! Ah~~ How lucky to run into YAI like that!  I hope she doesn't mind you translate her blog so people like me, an international fan, get to see her encounter.  ^^

Again, thank you!! *hug*

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Guest BleedingHeart

one thing to say...he is HOTTTT!!

he seriously is the next big thing!!

however, i will point out, i laughed my richard simmons off when him and song joongki won "best couple" at the awards show...ahahaha...it was soooo adorable...they were both all laughs and smiles and boy, just made my heart melt....i can't wait to see what he picks up for a project!!! this time, he's gonna be the main character i hope ANNND play with song joongki...ahaha...we need more bromance yall!!!

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Guest coldtucson

hello everyone...thought i just drop a message regarding Mr.Yoo Ah In's arrival at LAX  (Los Angeles, USA)on the 15th of Jan. for some photoshoot...

for more info.....check this link.. yooahinhaven

good day everyone

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Guest tinysunbl

Hi everyone, I'm back! How are you all doing?

I was on vacation in Vietnam for three weeks. all getting caught up in a complicated thing called life...

News about Ah in has been slow these days. I really really want to see him in the next project.

I know it's late but...Happy Seeksik 2011. Hopefully after the SKKS buzz this thread will always remain a loving and tight-knitted community!

Update: Read fan reviews for YAI's work-part 1 here

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Guest Asha Summer

just passing by...how is everyone? wow, I missed those days where everyone is present here...missed spazzing moments with YAI SOOMPI! Any news on his latest movie/drama/ show? Wish to more of our YOO AH IN soon!

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hey guys!

I'm also just passing by to see how's everyone. Been away due to summer school. But I'm glad to see that people come back to this thread from time to time to check on Ah in's news.

Speaking of Ah In, I wish he'll pick a project soon so that we can see him again. Sigh, totally miss him heaps!

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

1/27/2011 Ah In News...

Ah In (Hong Sik) uploaded pictures to his Twitter...


그는 27일 오후 자신의 트위터에 "안녕뇽하세요 통키오공입니다"라며 공항으로 보이는 곳에서 찍은 사진을 게재했다.

27th afternoon, he Twitted "Hello This is Tong Ki Oh Gong" (twist on Son Oh Gong, monkey character?) with a picture taken at what appears to be airport. The news article also mentions how skinny his legs look!

I don't think it was at an airport. Someone blogged that Hong Sik was spotted at the Beverly Center in Los Angeles. So, I think the picture was taken at the Beverly Center. Believe me LAX is never this empty or clean!


유아인은 1월 27일 오후 트위터에 “캬하하하”라는 웃음과 함께 자신의 모습이 담긴 2장의 사진을 공개했다.

Yoo Ah In 1/27 afternoon Twitted "Kah Ha Ha Ha" with couple of pictures.

My guess is that he took these pictures at Santa Monica Beach which is not far away from the Beverly Center.

I hope Sik had some personal time to relax in Los Angeles... I may start calling him "Sik" in the future... copying Moon Jae Shin's pet name for Kim Yoon Sik in the novel "Days of Sung Kyun Kwon Students"...

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Guest tinysunbl

Thanks, JC unnie, for the news. It's sunny in LA? I'm so jealous!

Yeah I agree LAX (and parts of LA) are pretty messy. I have been to Santa Monica, it's beautiful. Hope he took pics at the pier too. I missed the Ferris Wheel.

I love his purse. It looks so fashionable, but must be a bit inconvenient since he has to carry it the whole time

@ konayuki-chan: Yoo Ah In+Song Joong Ki+Kim Soo Hyun are pure love, right? I'm SO having a crush on Kim Soo Hyun in Dream High right now. OMG too many cute guys, too little room left in my heart lol

@JC unnie: janjher shared with me this link. It seems like a fan account. You may find interesting stuff there.


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Guest Crispeeeee

First post here (though I have been watching YAI for a while now like a stalker) XD

Anyhoo, I was wondering if anyone saw that he was featured? on 10Asia's website. Something about 10+ Guys but I can't understand korean.

Google translated the page, but it seems like just a day to reminisce in YAI articles. Anyone know anything about this?



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