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[tr] Dumb. Dumber && Dumbest; -xoxo.

Guest Starsha

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CLOSED; banners. icons. forum sets.



Heyy everyone. (: This is a request thread started by me, Lixiangqingren and LiL_Mickey a.k.a mickeylovers24 around soompi.

You can probably already guess who's dumb, dumber, & dumbest. (I'm obviously not the last two. ;D)

Purpose of this thread is to advertise for citrus-mochi.co.nr & miss-understood.violinstar.net + to improve in PS for banners/icons. (;

Not much about me, but if you want to know about LiL_Mickey, go check out her 411. ;D

P.S: LiL_Mickey's dream is to have fans. [ cough like that'll happen (; ]

Now go scroll down and request! >D


High quality pics; no cut offs please. &&

Credit either Starsha, LiL_Mickey, or Lixiangqingren, we'll let you know. (; &&

Use for a minimum of 1 day. &&

Copy & paste the code, plus fill it out thoroughly. &&

Only 2 characters for banners unless you provide a picture that has more. For example: Big Bang, DBSK. &&

Usually we won't reject requests, but if we're not able to make the graphic, we'll let you know. We're just three amateurs afterall. (; &&

Since we have a request site to manage, we only take 6 requests at a time. Once all 6 requests are done, we're open to requests again.&&

DO NOT edit your posts. Double check your information before requesting, because we might not catch that you made an edit. .&&










request banners;
[font="Georgia"][color="#FF8C00"]&[/color][color="#48D1CC"]&[/color]Request Banner[/font]

[b] Text [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Subtext [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Characters [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Picture Links [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Mood/Theme/Color [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Anything Else? [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b]
request icons;
[font="Georgia"][color="#FF8C00"]&[/color][color="#48D1CC"]&[/color]Request Banner[/font]

[b] Text [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Characters [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Picture Links [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Mood/Theme/Color [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Amount of icons [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b]

[b] Anything Else? [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b]
request forum set;
[font="Georgia"][color="#FF8C00"]&[/color][color="#48D1CC"]&[/color]Request Banner[/font]

[b] Text on icon [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b]

[b] Text/Subtext on banner [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b]

[b] Specific size [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b]   

[b] Characters [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Picture Links [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Mood/Theme/Color [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b] 

[b] Anything Else? [color="#48D1CC"]►[/color] [/b]

closed -- status;;

last update; october 7th, o8


Starsha's, LiL_Mickey's, Lixiangqinren, Finished

lov3-me-n0w o10.

miyubi_001 oo9.

badstar oo8.

rootless. oo7.

lov3-me-n0w oo6.

wanderyana oo5.

mentalfiction oo4.

suju_m oo3.

bbsujuo o2.

(rejected; unable to open picture links) SweetBee oo1.

[10/10] - Closed;

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Hi I love your work!

I wanted to have new b-set since my last one was like done months ago.

&&Request Banner

Text on icon badstar

Text/Subtext on banner You make me HIGH

Specific size your call^^

Characters DBSK Boys

Picture Links 1 2 3

Mood/Theme/Color Sexy

Anything Else? My previous banners are these1: 2 You might want to check them out^^

Thankyou so much!

I'm looking forward to your work.

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Guest mentalfiction

Hey can I save my spot? ^^


&&Request Banner

Text Mirotic

Subtext Kim JaeJoong

Characters Kim JaeJoong ^^

Picture Links 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08

Mood/Theme/Color Whichever that go with the pics

Anything Else? Thank you ^^

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Guest stardust.

oh hey! Starsha! it is you! .... right? O__O; it's Sharon (:

yay!!! you have a TR thread
i'll be stalking for smexy results ^^

--- and if this isn't you, um..... Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Sharon (:

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Guest rootless.

&&Request Banner

Text on icon --

Text/Subtext on banner changmin. forever love.

Specific size 300 x 100

Characters Changmin

Picture Links 01 02 03 04 05

Mood/Theme/Color just bright in general

Anything Else? --

^ Please and thank you!! ^^v

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I actually finished these icons before seeing that you edit your post, so I'll just go make your banner later. (:

But please use these icons for at least one day. Thanks for requesting and I hope you like them. ^^


Edit: Lol, I just finished your banner. ^^ I'm going to go do my homework now, hope it looks fine! ;D



Hey miyubi! I made three seperate icons since you had no preferences, hope you like them. (:


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Guest wonderyana

&&Request Icon

Text cute gal

Characters Sunmi

Picture Links 01|02|03|04|05

Mood/Theme/Color happy.

Amount of icons 2 or 3

Anything Else? I love your icon.I want to stalk!

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Guest Lixiangqingren


I'm actually quite noob at making banners, and working aside Starsha makes me feel a little incompetent. I hope you like how your banner turned out.


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Guest rootless.

Oh. My. Goodness.

It is... BEAUTIFUL!!!!

:screams and runs around room for a while and then collapses:

Thank you so much!!

Your skills are soooo not n00b~~~ You're far from it~~~

Thank you once again~~~ ^^ <3

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Guest Lixiangqingren


Here are your icons! =]


You provided good pictures so they were very easy to work with. I hope you like them!

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Guest suju_m

oohhhh~ pretty icons & banner!

i want to request please!!

&&Request Banner

Text on icon my love; hanbang

Text/Subtext on banner never ending love; SMASH

Specific size icon 100x100 & banner 300x100


Picture Links pic1 pic 2

Mood/Theme/Color any.

Anything Else? i can't wait for the outcome! thank you in advance! ^^

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Guest Starsha


Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it, cause I think the results came out better then I predicted. xD



The banner looks a little dull, I really hope you don't mind. I'm still new at this. >O< & thanks for requesting! (:


Edit: Omg, I'm so sorry, I just noticed it's a forum set and I forgot the icon. >O< I'll PM you again when I have it done. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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