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[THE OFFICIAL] IU 아이유 Thread


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Guest mumfu

@airbening - chingu I want what you want, btw how many times have you asked for a 'crying stamp' ...kekeke!  Shall we get a petition going?

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Guest mumfu

Chingu - HIGH4 dancing to a Dynamic Duo song, most of their other dance covers are to American Hip Hop songs which have lyrics that are too rude to post anywhere - chincha!   When I saw the Hip Hop the mind boggles at the collaboration between them and IU and what their debut single could possibly be but I like this, their dancing is sharp and they have great skills however dancing does not a singer make therefore they had better 'bring it' in the vocals. Take a look and see if you give HIGH4 a high 5.

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Guest mumfu

@akye, chingu kumawo for the MV, this is a beautiful song sung by a beautiful young lady.  Now all I have to do is learn it...btw I thought Joey was a guy LOL!!!

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@‌muufu all the fancam came in when I was asleep. Argh rush rush to watch before they take it down. Joey Yung is a popular HK singer. THe organizer actually wanted IU to sing Tian Mi Mi by Theresa Tang but IU chose this song because she heard it was really popular among HK people. Such sense

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Mianhae for my disappearance from this thread for quite some time. I was too busy crying in my corner for missing IU's showcase in HK. I mean, IU? In a place where I'll actually understand the language? And I can't be there?! It's so sad and depressing! I've been crying left and right, even while my heart is bursting with pride and joy in IU's amazing ability to enunciate the Chinese language. She's so amazing! Even when speaking in English, she was absolutely perfect and flawless.

I'm so glad I was, for once, able to understand what IU was saying without the need for subs, but I'm still upset about not being there in person. Waaah~~~

So while I was away, I was secretly savoring every single IU related posts, videos, images, conversations, etc. that I could find... Huhuhu. How could there be such a person like IU in the world to make me feel all these emotions?!

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class="post-title entry-title"IU holds successful showcase in Hong Kong! IMG_1973.jpg

On March 23, “IU Modern Times Showcase Hong Kong” was held successfully at Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre (KITEC) Hong Kong, organised by Secret Garden Entertainment and LOEN.


IU performed her first showcase in Hong Kong successfully. She had been preparing very hard in hope to give her very best to all of her fans in Hong Kong.


For this showcase, IU had prepared twelve songs including two encores. IU’s popular songs such as The Red Shoes, You & I, Between the Lips, Modern Times, Marshmallow, You Know, Only I didn’t Know, Rain Drop and Good Day were included in the performance.


Worth to be mentioned, IU performed a Mandarin song recommended by her friend called “Proud of You” by Joey Yung and this had successfully surprised all her fans. Besides, IU said that she decided to sing “Proud of You” instead of “Tien Mi Mi” because she thought that “Tien Mi Mi” is quite a common song performed by many foreign artists.


Later on, the audiences requested IU to sing “Friday”. Although IU did not prepare that song for this showcase, she managed to pull it off by singing in acapella which amazed all of her fans. During the showcase, IU said that she like Hong Kong food because it is delicious. Moreover, she was astonished to see so many fans in the Hong Kong airport which she never expects it to happen.


After the encore, IU mentioned that most artists might cry in the end of their showcase but she will not because IU believed that she is strong.


Lastly during the interview session after the show, IU mentioned that there were few imperfections in her performances and will want to do better in the future. IU also promised to work harder after returning to Korea and hope to perform again in Hong Kong very soon.


Source: Daily Kpop News

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Guest mumfu

@akinahana89, no worries chingu we understand how you feel, maybe more of us could catch her when she returns to Hong Kong for her next concert there.  In my opinion it must be the second best city to see an IU concert, after Seoul of course. 
I am glad to hear you say IU's enunciation of the Chinese language was flawless, I agree with you for her English as well, it was clear and well rounded.I saw a comment on twitter telling her not to worry about her English and that we were all trying to learn Hangul but that her competency in English is far better than ours in Hangul....so true!
As for your absence from this thread, chingu we all know where your heart lies, right with ours full of love and admiration for this amazing young woman.  Her ability to emote songs which cut straight to ones core is almost impossible to explain.  How is it that we can feel it without even understanding what is being sung, other than that God has blessed her with this talent and she is using her talent to spread joy around the Globe and that is her purpose here on Earth.
Take care chingu, have a lovely week.

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[PHOTO] 140324 14:34 KST From.IU 일정 끝! ‪#‎IU‬ posts a new selca in her fancafe! -admin kpoppa

자 홍콩에서의 모든 일정이 끝났습니다!
정말 신나는 2박3일이었다!! ㅋㅋㅋ
그..원래는 한국 돌아가자마자 스케줄이 있어서
음식을 좀 조절할 생각이었으나...이틀 뒤로 연기되었다는 소식을 듣자마자 고삐 풀린 망아지마냥 맛있는 것도 많이 먹었고요. 홍콩팬분들의 응원과 애정과 배려에 정말 크게 감동해서 난 홍콩 이제 진짜 자주 오고 싶어질 듯!! 어제 팬미팅도 참 좋았고..다만 아직 제가 언어가 서툴다 보니 하고 싶은 말이 정확하게 전달이 안 되는 것. 그게 좀 아쉬웠어요~낯익은 한국 팬.일본 팬친구들도 많이 보여서 더 힘이나고 반갑고 마음이 따뜻했어요.딤섬.에그타르트.거위찜.쌀국수.망고떡.홍콩 과자등등 정말 많은 맛있는 음식들도 잔뜩 먹었다!! ㅋㅋ전 에그타르트 평소에 별로 좋아하지도 않는데 여기 에그타르트가 진짜 맛있더군요(저기 양볼에 붙어있는 게 저게 다 어제 오늘 먹은 에그타르트입니다) 미리 얘기하는데 입국할 때는 마스크 하고 갈 거예요...감기 걸린 거 아님.그냥 살쪄서 한 거니까 사진 보고 괜히 걱정 마시고! 마음이 꽉 차고 행복이 뚝뚝 흐르고 있어요~ 저는 정말 행운아입니다
한국에서 봐요!!

photo HD source: http://t.co/dhDwFxGydS
permalink to fancafe post: http://cafe.daum.net/IU/LqmI/143


Source: IU Official Fansite FB
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Hey guys~~~ I'm at HK airport. My flight is really late. Nothing to do~~ I have no computer so I couldn't do anything with my camera right now.

There are so many things to talk about. Will tell you it briefly first:

1. I was able to see her sing Live for the 3rd time. The first 2 times from 2 days of Modern times concert. Will talk about how I feel later.

2. I had eyes contact with IU at the fansign. It's awesome.

3. I got her autograph on my IUThailand fanclub T-shirt.

4. I shook her hand.

5. I was standing in the line next to hers at the custom area. She asked where I came from.

6. I followed her to the gate. I, Japanese, and Chinese fans waved at her from far away. We saw her entering the gate already. We turned back and walked. She was coming back and chasing us to give a box of snack. She's even sweating. She said please share it together. Then smiled and walked fast back to the gate.

7. I got the group picture with her.

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[FANCAFE] From.IU - Finished my schedules - 2:34 PM

I’ve finished all my schedules in Homg Kong!
It’s been a really fun 3 days and 2 nights!! kekeke
Actually.. originally I had a schedule in Korea the moment I returned, so I was planning to control my diet.. but the moment I heard it was shifted to two days later, I was like a little horse set free from its reins and ate a lot. I’m really touched by the support and love and care from the HK fans, so I decided that I should really come more often!! The fanmeeting yesterday was awesome too.. Just that I’m still not really good with the language so I couldn’t express myself clearly. Such a pity. I saw some familiar Korean and Japanese fans so that gave me more energy and a warm and fuzz feeling. Dimsum. Egg tart. Steamed duck. Rice noodles. Mango rice. Hong Kong snacks. I really ate a lot of delicious food!! keke I don’t really like egg tarts usually but the egg tarts here are really good. (My chubby cheeks are because of the egg tarts I ate yesterday.) I’ll tell everyone in advance. I’ll be wearing a mask at the airport later… Not because I’m down with flu. Just that I’ve put on weight. So when you see the photos, don’t start worrying! Feeling great and satisfied~ I’m a really lucky kid. See you in Korea!!




Translated by squishy with love

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@airbening I only got one piece because we had to share. Anyway, I'm not gonna eat it. Taking the picture is the most difficult part especially individual picture with IU. I found it impossible. T T I tried asking the manager but failed. Keke. It's ok. I'm satisfied~~

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This is for the fancafe fan replies before she left for HK

Fan: Are you already on your way?? ㅜㅜ
IU: Nope my flight is at about 8am later.
Fan: Remove your socks on your flight kekeke
IU: Nowadays, I allow my socks to stay on.
Fan: If you don’t sleep, you’ll get motion sickness ~ Apply a kimite patch kekeke
IU: That’s.. another thing I take pride in. My tolerance towards motion sickness.
Fan: What do you want to eat most in Hong Kong? keke
IU: Xiao long bao
Fan: Are you not going back to sleep anymore?
IU: Yeahh I’ll just sleep on the plane or get my sleep when I go back to my hotel after my schedules today!
Fan: Do you have confidence in your language abilities!! Are you going to be like how you were during ‘Heroes’!! keke 
Or will it be mostly done by the interpreter?
IU: I prepared a little~~ something…
Fan: Will we be able to see such a cake again this year…???
IU: Ah~~~ Wow the colours are lovely keke
Fan: To be honest, you’re just excited because of the food right? keke
IU: There’s that too, but I’m more excited about the in-flight movie entertainment.
Fan: After your showcase on 23rd, how many days are you going to travel before you return?
IU: I plan to return the day right after the concert. What a pity though ㅜㅜ

Fan: Post the photo of the sea bream and annam rice you mentioned last time!!
IU: Sea bream.. ah.. it was delicious.

Translated by squishy with love

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Fan: I’ve heard a lot of Korean and Japanese fans going this time… Give us a spoiler of what we’ll see at the HK showcase! kekeke
IU: I can speak in a new language.
Fan: What’s your favourite movie recently??? Or a book you read recently.. Please give your recommendations.. I’m bored.
IU: I liked ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’ best. ‘About Time’ was good too.. and so was ‘Blue is the Warmest Colour’.
Fan: He says…* -inserts screencap of chat with Moonlight- “Moonlight is curious about her airport fashion tomorrow. Tell her not to use a mask ke”
IU: I’ll prepare clothes that would be a bit cold in Korea but a bit warm in Hong Kong keke
Fan: If I eat now, I’ll gain weight right..? I’m watching my weight so I can’t eat and I’m so hungry I’m about to collapse ㅜ_ㅜ
IU: Yep don’t eat. I’m eating sweet potato ah it’s delicious.
Fan: Or so you say as you exercise… kekeke
IU: I’ve got to eat so I get the motivation to exercise more right!!
Fan: You’re only having sweet potato???? Have it with some radish water kimchi… ah.. I want some pumpkin sweet potato…
IU: Eh~~ Chestnut sweet potato tastes better.
Fan: Why am I having a bulgogi burget set and mcnuggets right now…..ㅜㅜ I’m afraid to go to bed….
IU: Nooo~~ Big Mac is the way to go~~~~~ Ah ah Big Mac.
Fan: What’s the highlight of the song ‘Spring Love, not Cherry Blossoms’??
IU: When is Sunggu appearing? Is that Sunggu? Ah when is Sunggu appearing? Oh is that Sunggu? Oh it’s Sunggu! Oh Sunggu’s singing is kinda.. Ah Sunggu’s part is over.. Ah when is Sunggu’s part coming on again?
Fan: How much of the song is sung by you? How many percent?
IU: Well… About 58%.. kekekekekeke

Fan: Sunggu doesn’t seem to have many parts…… Who’s the person who distributed the parts!
IU: That’s me ㅠ0ㅠ

Translated by squishy with love


LOL where did the random 58% come from? I like that IU is taking charge of songs she produce. A young sunbae directing all the oppas (High4 are all older than her right???).
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Just thought that this was interesting

IU fancafe has been ranking #2 for quite a while now. The ranking updates every week. Considering that #1 is SNSD and #2 is IU (9members vs 1 solo), the fan numbers for IU is really a lot.IU fancafe numbers are also increasing every week. This is exceptional as fan number would normally decrease after 5 years from the peak of their career. IU's popularity on the other hand just keeps rising after her Red Shoes promos.

Image preview61ad358bgw1edk0m4egd7j20ik17zwp8.jpg

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I'm so happy to hear you had such a good time and got so much interaction with IU! To be honest, I'm really envious and jealous!! Hopefully, one day, I'll get the same opportunities as you! Huhuhuhu.

It only took about three months... LOL.
Now I have to figure out how to get my member status up to "Boo" level...
Aish... If only I could read Korean...

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@akinahana89‌ there is a tutorial at IU fan Facebook. Scroll till you see how to upgrade to Boo level


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