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Chae Rim 채림


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Guest fashionista

HQ cut, thanks to creidesca

Yunyega cut


nat, do you think tianshi will sub the interview? i hope they do

i hope so. maybe shanmei can pass the word along. lovechaelim has been working with tianshi on the subbing of DJS :)

Yeah! I certainly hope so too!!! I'm dying to know what they're talking about :lol: Thank you very much, cutiepie for the mu link, luv u ^_^

:lol: No wonder, they're cracking up, it must be giving alot of goose-bumps :rolleyes:

cutiepie, you understand korean too?

serene, tianshi/lovechaelim have been subbing the NGS in chinese too. i'm gonna send all of it to u on one disc once the drama is over :)

Lol, I always cry when CR cries, laughs when she laughs & had this silly smile on my face whenever she's enjoying some sweet moments :w00t::lol: My mum always says I'm crazy :w00t:(that's why nowadays I like to watch her dramas in the privacy of my bedroom ;)) CR's such a superb actress, no other actor/actress could affect my mood as she does :rolleyes:

I cried buckets too watching LAAS & Above Green Fields that I had to use ice-cubes to reduce my swollen eyes else I won't be able to go to work :rolleyes::lol:

:lol: me too! me too! my sis think i'm nuts when i'm watching CR dramas....i get all emotional...laughing, crying, u name it...

anyhoo, here's the link for the preview of ep 19


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Guest ovette

thanks for the pics and news... can you translate the latest artice?? im not sure but did i read it right it says, ChaeRim doesnt have enemies? it kinda doesnt make sense though, why they need to write an article about that?

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Guest fashionista

thanks for the pics and news... can you translate the latest artice?? im not sure but did i read it right it says, ChaeRim doesnt have enemies? it kinda doesnt make sense though, why they need to write an article about that?

it has nothing to do with that :) the contract was for CR to do 20 episodes of DJS. now that kbs added 2 more episodes, there's a problem. the problem is between her management company/the production company/kbs so the companies need to work out this issue. otherwise, how can CR be in the last 2 episodes? no CR means no DJ. if there's no DJ, how can the film be call DJS??? Olive 9 mentioned something about the addition of 2 episodes would certainly affect their client's (CR) schedule.

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Guest ovette

wow! now i get it.. it's really an issue! i hope CHaeRIm wont get affected though. it's a problem b/w the management and kbs.. :) thanks for clarifying!

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Guest fashionista

wow! now i get it.. it's really an issue! i hope CHaeRIm wont get affected though. it's a problem b/w the management and kbs.. :) thanks for clarifying!

no prob. i hope everything will be worked out. there isn't much time so they better get to it.

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Guest ovette

yah.... i cant believe it boils down to 4 more episodes.. and nearly one week to end, since ep19 and 20 are this week.... im gonna be really sad :(

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Guest cutiepie

Yeah! I certainly hope so too!!! I'm dying to know what they're talking about :lol: Thank you very much, cutiepie for the mu link, luv u ^_^

:lol: No wonder, they're cracking up, it must be giving alot of goose-bumps :rolleyes:

cutiepie, you understand korean too?

o haha sorry i think i have had the 'chinese subbed ngs coming soon' for the longest time, i did upload 1-3 ngs a few days ago on gigasize but since people had problem with it, i didn't know whether or not i should post, haha so here they are



















edit finished with the uploading, 2 links since the NGs are a must-watch :lol:

i hope so. maybe shanmei can pass the word along. lovechaelim has been working with tianshi on the subbing of DJS :)

serene, tianshi/lovechaelim have been subbing the NGS in chinese too. i'm gonna send all of it to u on one disc once the drama is over :)

:lol: me too! me too! my sis think i'm nuts when i'm watching CR dramas....i get all emotional...laughing, crying, u name it...

ooh thanks nat, hope shanmei will pass the word too :) and thanks for the collage of the sweet moments!

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Guest fashionista

wow, cutiepie, i can't believe u uploaded all of the subbed NGs!!!!!!!!!!! that must've taken quite a bit of time.......hmm...since u uploaded the links, i guess i won't need to send the disc to serene.

thanks so much for the collage, i just made it my wallpaper!

those were also my fav moments lol

you're welcome! i'm too lazy to do anything intricate so i did collages instead :) i'm glad it serves some purpose for someone other than myself.

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Guest cutiepie

wow, cutiepie, i can't believe u uploaded all of the subbed NGs!!!!!!!!!!! that must've taken quite a bit of time.......hmm...since u uploaded the links, i guess i won't need to send the disc to serene.

you're welcome! i'm too lazy to do anything intricate so i did collages instead :) i'm glad it serves some purpose for someone other than myself.

lol, i've used up so much bandwidth uploading dal ja stuff since the drama started, but it's all worth it, i love it! well except for ep18..argh it was so annoying to watch the ex







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Reposted from Chaerim's Paradise

Translated by CW


[Daily Sports] 3/5/07


Chae Rim doesn't intend to film the extended 2 episodes of the KBS2 Wednesday-Thursday drama "Dal Ja's Spring".

Recently, KBS decided to extend "Dal Ja's Spring" from 20 episodes to 22 episodes.

On 3/4, during the interview between Park Jung Ho (박정호), the representative of "Olive Nine", and this news agency, Mr. Park states, "The contract of this drama is that CR would film for 20 episodes. As to the extended 2 episodes, we didn't agree to it.” A source close to CR says, "Problems between this drama's production company 'Kim Jong Hak Production (김종학프로덕션)' and CR's agency 'Olive Nine' must be resolved."

SBS's "Surgeon Bong Dal Hee" has opened heated competition with "Dal ja's Spring". Episode 18 of this drama recorded 18.6% TV rating (according to TNS).

This drama is scheduled to end on 3/15, and the next drama "The Devil" will be aired on 3/21.

Reporter: Jang Sang Yong enisei@ilgan.co.kr

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Oh, thanks Nat for your sweet offer...you're an angel :wub: Yup, since cutiepie had uploaded the NGs, you don't have to send...I really appreciate your kind thoughts :P

& thanks too for the collage...ooohhh, the sweet moments ^_^;)

cutiepie, you're a gem :) thanks for your hard work with all the uploading...Wow! two links to each NG! must have caused a jam in your bandwidth :lol: Lol, I'm also experiencing an overload in my hard disk with all the goodies saved since the 'birth' of DJS :rolleyes: & yet I'm still greedy for more....juz can't seem to get enough of CR :w00t:

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Guest cutiepie

you're welcome serene, btw thanks for posting that article here (thanks cindy for translating)

with just a few more days until 19-20, i hope the matter will be resolved by wednesday, they can't exactly do 2 additional eps without CR :blink:

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Guest fashionista



preview of 19


source: dc

you're welcome serene, btw thanks for posting that article here (thanks cindy for translating)

with just a few more days until 19-20, i hope the matter will be resolved by wednesday, they can't exactly do 2 additional eps without CR :blink:

yeah, time is running out. if they can't work it out, the drama will be in limbo...especially since 19 and 20 were filmed last week. they can't magically wrap anyone's storyline up.

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Guest ovette

oh no! im worried about the last two episodes. they definitely cant end without ChaeRim or DalJa... how can it be called DalJa's Spring without DalJa..

and im not still not ready to NOT SEEING HER every wednesdays and thursdays... i know that time will come when the drama ends.. but not now, im gonna miss her again!

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Guest fashionista

oh no! im worried about the last two episodes. they definitely cant end without ChaeRim or DalJa... how can it be called DalJa's Spring without DalJa..

and im not still not ready to NOT SEEING HER every wednesdays and thursdays... i know that time will come when the drama ends.. but not now, im gonna miss her again!

i know what u mean. there are so many discussions on DJS w/out DJ at other boards. the ending will not make any sense w/out CR/DJ. they should do whatever it takes to resolve the contract issue and continue the filming...asap. not seeing her every week will definitely be hard on us, especially since we know she's gonna go back to keeping her low profile lifestyle and we won't be seeing her again until her next project -- who knows when that'll be...one year from now? two year from now?? :(

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Guest ovette

aw....:( one year is long... i cant stand another year more! anyway her bday is coming up soon, i hope her fans will do something for her..


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