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{official} 2 P M's [{ O K ★ T A E C Y E O N }] [옥택연]


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Guest she-smiles

^ you know what my song is?

i hate you

i hate you, taecyeon!

oh goodness taec, even your rap says so!

"come back to me and tell me that you were wrong!"


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Guest jaeners

^ HAHAHA. We all hate/love Taek. We can't deny that. We should all sing "I Hate You" to Taek. I'll do his rap. (x HAHAHA.

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i'm gonna take a break from this boy

seriously he's giving me heart problems

as my friend says "we're going through a rough patch"

she went through a rough patch with khun when he went on scandal

taek...you totally just de-FAVed yourself.......i love woo more now


i'll get over it......someday. lol

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Guest cookie.monster


To be honest, I've only started listening to 2PM's songs since a few months ago..

but I never really paid attention to their faces until I got bored and Youtubed their performances.

I came to love Taecyeon at first glance! How the hell is it possible to love such an adorkable guy within such a short time?!


Ahwmygawd, I seriously fell in love with his voice first, and then his looks and personality =D

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Guest bright.crystalx3

Lmao...all of us are going crazy in here.

Thank Godddd I didn't watch it yet and I

am NOT planning to..look at all the complaints

and heartbroken comments..I don't need to go

through that...*sigh* It's okayy you guys..(even

though it's really not, hahaha)...it's his lost for

betraying us. =P

P.S. Oh, and for those of you who did watched it..

please feel better..sigh I don't want to see you guys

all heartbroken, even though we all love the same

guy. LOLLL. =) *hugs*

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Guest Miss.Understood

Times like this makes me wanna strangle Taec for being so outgoing. If only he was a bit less of a risk taker and more shy like Jay, then I'd be a happy little "rabid fangirl." LOL *sigh* Why can't I watch the dang show without cussing every three seconds(only watched like 2 min of it...so sad)?! TT_______________TT And to think, I was really hyped up about it airing...

I do not think it's healthy being this depressed...

Blame it on the ah-ah ah-ah ah-al-co-hol this irresistibly sexy angel.


Credit: Sad to say, but I don't remember.

Boo. :(

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sorry for cutting your posts short

P.S. Oh, and for those of you who did watched it..

please feel better..sigh I don't want to see you guys

all heartbroken, even though we all love the same

guy. LOLLL. =) *hugs*

hahahaha the last line makes me laugh....that just means us taek fans are nice to each other....^.^

who is this random girl intruding??? hmph.

Times like this makes me wanna strangle Taec for being so outgoing. If only he was a bit less of a risk taker and more shy like Jay, then I'd be a happy little "rabid fangirl." LOL *sigh* Why can't I watch the dang show without cussing every three seconds(only watched like 2 min of it...so sad)?! TT_______________TT And to think, I was really hyped up about it airing...


so i watched it with my friend on her new HP touch laptop.....and she was going to slap me because i was punching her screen......haha

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Guest Miss.Understood


so i watched it with my friend on her new HP touch laptop.....and she was going to slap me because i was punching her screen......haha

LOL! Poor laptop, but I can totally sympathize with you. ^^

Pictures of Taec from 2PM's most recent performance on Mnet Countdown:



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Guest jaeners

^ Helloooooooooooooooooo Taek!veins~ HAHAHA. Omgosh, he looks so sexy. I love seeing his neck veins. XD Thank you for the pics. <3

Thank goodness I didn't watch the episode. I'll probably scream my head off. x: Okay, well. Maybe not. I'll probably just be all D:< about it. HAHAHA.

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Guest duckie 27

Hello Everyone!!

I'm a ONE DAY lover but I'm new on this thread. Don't know why I've never seen this before.. But here I am now..

Just for the record.. I am so with everyone about mnet scandal show! I think it needs to be canceled. lol I can't even

watch it. It's too painful for me! Ahhh. Anyways, I love this thread. It's just oozing with Taec's hotness. yumm.

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hi duckie 27 welcome! I hope to see you around this thread more often and join our fangirling!

but i seriously love how we're all fangirling and just going crazy (like bright.crystalx3 said) about this boy. God, this is what he does to us. We say it's over but we don't mean it and we all come back!

AND on that note, some Taecyeon photos









[c] time for sickness and me (no hotlinking!)

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Guest jaeners

^ HAHAHA. Bc we can't resist him. We love him THAT much. T-T Oh, Taek. The things we do for you.

Ah, I saw these pictures on 2OD, but it doesn't hurt to see them again. Taek is so adorableeeee. Wiping Wooyoung's sweat off and playing around with leader Jay with the other members, haha. So cute. Thanks for the pictures though. <3

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Guest Miss.Understood

jaeners: Good thing you didn't watch it! You'd go insane. ><'' Haha~ You're welcome. <3

Singles Magazine Photo shoot. Credit goes to bestiz.

LOL at Taec. Such an abusive cutie pie. ^^


Taec & Khun


Enjoy the sexiness that is Taec!

-- Mina

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Guest jaeners

I've seen the second picture already, but not the first. BUT OMG HAHAHAHAHA. Taek, you abusive beast. Why are you so sexy?! I wish there's a bigger picture for that first pic. It's so cute. Thanks for sharing. :)

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Taek is sooo cute :D lovely <33 and I touched his hand during my stalkertrip in korea (ok during a performance XD) *woo~* anyways...I don't want to see scandal at all.. I refuse to watch it...T___T but my best friend is trying to convince me to watch it *SIGHS.* and she's always talking about it T___T makes me really mad(and it's during school time XD) so I try to ignore her -_-......anyways.....

we all love the okcat, no? :)

but I still can sing again&again and niga mibda to him -_-.....T__T....how could he go film scandal...he really wants to kill us T_T

brb with some pictures


only a few :)








credits: naver

edit: ok some more taek :)

his signature:


^yeah Tran is my name lol



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Guest Aireia

Oh wow. This thread is like heaven. (Why haven't I've come here more often?)

After seeing the comments about him on M.Net scandal, now I'm questioning if I should watch it or not. I watched Khun's the other day and I wanted to cry at the end. aagaghwerg.

And goodness, why does this man have to be so irresistible?!?!?! Totally loving that picture of him with Khun in the singles mag. <3

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Guest ~~PuhPuhMuh~~

seeing the reactions of you girls im very happy i didnt watch the show..

i dont think i will handle it well :P

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