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{official} 2 P M's [{ O K ★ T A E C Y E O N }] [옥택연]


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Guest she-smiles

lol, i told you all, i'm not going down alone. :lol:

so yana is currently uploading the first episode.

i hate to admit this, but i kinda like the girl.

she isn't so feminine and fake.

she is more on the plain side, but she seems very mature and real.

i see her as... taec's older sister... considering that he is such a kid.

haha <33

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Guest jaeners

HAHA. I still refuse to watch the episode. D: But does anyone actually know how old she is? Everyone's been saying how she looks older than him, haha.

I am off to my little corner to cry as my heart breaks even more. :tears:

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Guest thealien.

i hate to admit this, but i kinda like the girl.

she isn't so feminine and fake.

she is more on the plain side, but she seems very mature and real.

I'm going to have to agree with you. I actually like the girl. I would not mind if they traded numbers afterward. Taec also seemed to like her a whole lot too. ♥

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Guest she-smiles

whoa now, thealien. just cause i like the girl doesn't mean i am okay with them trading numbers! haha, just kidding.

i actually wouldn't mind, i can see them as friends. :D

*in denial much*

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jaeners, she's 23, I'm guessing 22 since Koreans add a year.

she-smiles, lol, you crack me up! But I am on the same boat. She's cute but that is it! Kidding. She has her charms and she's very pretty in that fact that she isn't pretty... confusing eh? Lol. I meant she is pretty but average pretty so I don't feel too bad. It actually gives me hope! Not that I have a chance in the world but still...

I also think that it is so great how he can just walk around naturally and go about his business and not get that much attention. It is a good and bad thing but I'm sure Taec also likes the freedom. Khun was/is a different story.

I can't wait till next week!

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Guest AznQ.T

hii, im new here =]

teacyeon is sooo niceee tehheheh ><

im watching it now, and the girl is nice and shes tall loll.

can i ask how tall is teacyeon?

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So I said I wouldn't watch it but I did. Couldn't help myself even though I did debate with myself beforehand.

It wasn't TOO bad, nothing too exciting happened. Don't like how she's from Boston though. Something in common with him!

But we'll see with the next episode. Argh. AND he didn't seem into her at all, more of just doing his job. Like didn't someone post

a list of the things he had to do while on the show? Seemed like it was all set up, like he has to give her the couple phone then

take a picture. and blah blah.

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Guest x_priscillaaa


Can I request Taecyeon's pre-debut pictures or any dorky pictures of him? Everyone's posing him just smiling or something.

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Guest jaeners

So I said I wouldn't watch it but I did. Couldn't help myself even though I did debate with myself beforehand.

It wasn't TOO bad, nothing too exciting happened. Don't like how she's from Boston though. Something in common with him!

But we'll see with the next episode. Argh. AND he didn't seem into her at all, more of just doing his job. Like didn't someone post

a list of the things he had to do while on the show? Seemed like it was all set up, like he has to give her the couple phone then

take a picture. and blah blah.

WAH!? She's from Boston too?! O_O Goodness, noooooooo. DX kfsjdfh *falls* But hey, if he didn't seem all that into her, then that's good, haha.

You know, I heard from my friend who has some friends that are like either friends with Jay or just has Jay's fb (i don't remember which one she said but yeah x.x), said that Taek and Khun logs into it sometimes and she told me how Taek was spazzing about being on the show and how he wants to beat Khun at being a better boyfriend, lol. I thought it was cute when she told me that. He does sound like the competitive type though. xP

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WAH!? She's from Boston too?! O_O Goodness, noooooooo. DX kfsjdfh *falls* But hey, if he didn't seem all that into her, then that's good, haha.

You know, I heard from my friend who has some friends that are like either friends with Jay or just has Jay's fb (i don't remember which one she said but yeah x.x), said that Taek and Khun logs into it sometimes and she told me how Taek was spazzing about being on the show and how he wants to beat Khun at being a better boyfriend, lol. I thought it was cute when she told me that. He does sound like the competitive type though. xP

seriously? lol that's cute, so more of just being a better boyfriend on the show, to LOOK like he's a better boyfriend. so not in real life with her HAHAHAH. wow what is wrong with me. maybe that's why he wanted to do the show? to show fans that he could be a better boyfriend than khun?

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Guest HelloCrystal

..thought I was gonna get massive heart burn from watching Taec's scandal..

But I'm actually okay. Partly because she wasn't as cute on youtube as I thought she was gonna be from the photos. :huh:

She definately got the height going for her, and she is "cute" in her own little way (not sure what way though)

I may be a whole lot older than her (and him), but I think I look so much better then her :P (Sorry, fangirl inside of me being a hater)

ANYWAY, so far, the show isn't that bad..YET.. *keeping fingers crossed* hopefully it'll stay that way too!

I must admit though, they do seem very comfortable with each other <_< and Taec seems happy :tears:

Does anyone feel that same way as I do? Or do I sound like a crazy noona fangirl? :vicx:

By the way, I hope all everyone in this thread is still alive and breathing :D

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Guest jaeners

seriously? lol that's cute, so more of just being a better boyfriend on the show, to LOOK like he's a better boyfriend. so not in real life with her HAHAHAH. wow what is wrong with me. maybe that's why he wanted to do the show? to show fans that he could be a better boyfriend than khun?

HAHAHA. Yeah, that's probably why he did it. Jay decline the offer to be on the show bc he's SHY. LOL. My friend just told me this and I was just like "AW! HOW CUTE!". Behind all of that muscles is a shy guy, hahaha. But I'm still jealous of that girl with Taek, lol.

I think though that ALL of 2PM boys will be good boyfriends. <3 I srsly would give anything to be Taek's gf for a week. HAHAHA.

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Guest Miss.Understood

Holy moly. I missed out on a lot. About to watch it right now. PLEASE. Someone, STOP ME before it's too late. >___<

Thanks for the links touchthesky. <3

-- Mina


Couldn't bring my weak heart to watch the show. -___-; </3

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Guest ddalgi<3

i HATE mnet scandal.


i never say "hate" 'cause it's a strong word, but yeah . I HATE IT.

i didn't even bother to watch khun's 'cause it's heartbreaking to see my number two guy dating a pretty girl...

but to watch my ideal man/future husband?! um...yeah, NOT HAPPENING.

i can't watch it...but i dont like not knowing what went on between them! haha omg this is stupid.

ughhh taecyeon...i love/hate you.

for making this icy girl love you & feel all...sad. haha


he said he's into jessica alba & son dambi...so since that girl is nothing like them...he's not into her, right????

OMG. forget it.

my heart is broken beyond repair.

but i love him.

i should sing "again & again"...that should be my song haha

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