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[drama 2006] Mr. Goodbye 미스터 굿바이

Guest tjadl6386

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Guest ladysnowy7355

I was wondering who's address was that.... i thought it was his mom. but it was the brother????

Thanks for the english sub subbing team!!!

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Finally finished it! And my eyes are still swollen from crying :( Agree, the ending was bittersweet but it had a postive note to it.

I think this drama is well-written and totally agree that it is underrated. AJW is just so good in here, shows he's maturity as an actor. And the child who played Yoon, he was just so natural! That's why his scenes with AJW came out really well and you can see the chemistry between them.

As for LeeBoYoung, there were times when I felt her acting was forced, but from episode 14 till the end, for me, that was when she shined. The scene were she discovered HS's illness, came inside the room and cried silently, it really broke my heart. Then he embraced her and told her to cry loudly then eventually kissed her ... so bittersweet. This scene will be unforgettable for me.

And HS and Bokja had so many moments together. The scratching of the back, umbrella scenes, car wash etc. My fave would be their bean jar. Their ritual was so funny and sweet at the same time.

And Kyle ... oooh, its good that the writers didn't make him a meanie. And I also like it that he stayed in Seoul and that HS asked him to look after YoungIn. Gives hope ... :P

Overall, though bittersweet, I think the series was able to put across its message ... celebrate life, living knowing what is really impt in life, living without regrets, and the value of life :) Unlike other series wherein I just felt so heavy after watching it, this one was more positive for me. :)

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Guest toastman

I enjoyed this series a lot... esp hyunsoo and bokja's relationship... so unique... I luv this couple a lot... Glad I chose to watch this one ^^ I came to like LBY now... she's just simply great... n I luv AJW even more... it's been some time since I watched his series... n I still enjoy his acting a lot... certainly a charismatic actor that u'd just luv... ^^

Anyway... I really like sum of the ost also... like the main theme n also bubble sister's Da Shi Oot Neun Nal, my heart... n many more... Anyone knows where I can find the romanized n translated lyrics for the soundtrack? I really want to know the meaning of the main theme and also bubble sister's song... ^^ Thanks in advance

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Guest jesslynk26

I really enjoyed this drama..can't wait to watch the last episode cux from what yall say, it seems to have a satisfied ending right?? :) and AJW looks so good in this drama..his acting's even better than before and he did well with LBY too..

thanks for the subs.

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Guest sparklinghugs

Hi I was wondering if you could reupload the NG of mr. goodbye the last few eipsodes the link expired, i really enjoyed this drama and i would like to see th eNGS of the last episodes, thanks that would be great. i woulld appreciate it.

here u go, enjoy~ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BEJHAL49

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Guest sushimi

i'm sorry i don't like this show... i followed today what it happened when he asked to youngin to give him back his keys and i wanted to know if he going to die.. thanks for the spoiler thread... :P

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Guest candymonster

i just saw an episode on tv...can somebody explain....like why all the workers were staring at lee bo young when she went into the cafeteria and that guy with the glasses that's cross-eyed....im kind of confused

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Guest tjadl6386


That's because they know that Choi Young In had her job as concierge because of Hyun Suh. The guy with the glasses is her father who abadoned them.

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Guest my sassy girl

omgg i am obsessed with this drama

the only reason i watch this is cause of the concierge "kyle" or jo dong hyuk

he is so sexyy...im so sad that he is so underrated though... :angry: godd richard simmons me off

anyways i think he's so nice looking and he has a hot body!!!!


Can You keep A Secret?


He has great cheek bones and jaw line


kissing scene from scandalous move "the Lover/Intimate"


I REALLY HOPE HE BECOMES REALLY FAMOUS..cause he is such a good actor..and is way better than some actors that are so popular..which dont' even act well...

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Guest sushimi

the only reason i watch this is cause of the concierge "kyle" or jo dong hyuk

he is so sexyy...

Kyle is the only reason that i'm watching this show... but for me i prefer his hairstyle in this drama that in reality... thanks for those pics.... :P

i just saw an episode on tv...can somebody explain....like why all the workers were staring at lee bo young when she went into the cafeteria and that guy with the glasses that's cross-eyed....im kind of confused

can you explain a little more what it happened on the first ep? i'll try to help you.... coz it was a long time that i watched the first ep... i'm already at the ep12.... :D

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is there a way to upload the OST again please ^^ I really liked the songs in this drama or i mean i like cause I am watching it at the moment. If it can be done, much appreciated~

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Just a question, if Yun has Ahn Jae Wook's genes, doesn't that mean his son would also have the heart problem as he grows up? isn't it hereditary?

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Guest tenshiii0ox

I really enjoyed watching this drama. This is probably one of the few dramas that excited me, and caused me to anticipate for the next episode. The ending was really sad and made me cry. :) I think everyone should take a look into this drama. I only wish that this had higher ratings, but with other non-dramas, the competition's tough. :]

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Just a question, if Yun has Ahn Jae Wook's genes, doesn't that mean his son would also have the heart problem as he grows up? isn't it hereditary?


your question was answered in Episode 13 when Hyunseo asked Sujin if Yun will have the same disease as he does but Sujin said that it is not hereditary since in Hyunseo's case it was not congenital too...correct me if I got this wrong

Episode 14 was touching when Young-in discovered Hyunseo's heart problem, I can't help but cry with her when she slept next to Hyunseo and she opened his polo to check his heart and she can't stop crying so Hyunseo got the idea that she knew it already

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Guest sushimi

Episode 14 was touching when Young-in discovered Hyunseo's heart problem, I can't help but cry with her when she slept next to Hyunseo and she opened his polo to check his heart and she can't stop crying so Hyunseo got the idea that she knew it already

i couldn't cry... i hate Lee Bo Young's expressions face....

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