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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest da_azn_playa112

i don't think there's anything wrong with smoking. smoking is just smoking, right?

i really don't mind it, i just hate it when it's blown in my face.

but i'd rather smoking ciggies than smoking something else :S

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Guest jace

sadly for me, most of the asian guys where i live all smoke. you could have the nicest guys around, the most gorgeous ones around...and they smoke. i grew up with the notion that smoking is bad, so i cant really tolerate smokers. as friends no problem, but as boyfriends...no way.

so basically, none of them are that attractive anymore once i see them holding the cigarette, smelling their cigarette ''scented'' breaths, yellowed teeth, their 'i need to go out for a smoke now.' i look at the guys i would have been interested in, and feel like, 'what a waste.'

turn off.

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Guest shinhyun

i guess it's because most of my bf's were all smokers and at one point in my life i was as well so i dont mind it much.

i hang around most people that do and i just got used to it. it sounds strange but sometimes i like that smoke smell that lingers around. =/

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Guest BBL0V3x33

i personally dont like guys who smoke..

BUT-- if they do and i like them then ill try to help him quit lol

but also some guys [celebs] are VERYY HOTT when they smoke =x

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Guest yi rin

because of that "cool image", i do think that guys who smoke look a bit hotter than others.

but when it comes to kissing them.. eh. i hate it and i avoid it.

i don't like getting too close to guys who smoke alot; the smell it leaves... nasty.

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Guest Rheinnie

i hate guys who smoke, basically my nose is very sensitive so i hate people who smoke

smoking is bad for your health, the only thing he's doing is slowly killing himself.

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Guest kwanitee

i reallyy don't mind as long as he doesn't smell like smoke all of the time, and as long as he is not a chain smoker who needs like 3 packs a dayy.

it's his life, either wayy. if he takes it too far, i'm sure to be there to slap some sense in him though. (]=

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Guest yellowchild

Smoking kills penis tissues. LOLOL . and they would smell bad. Well, I learned to dislike the smell. LMAO!

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Guest FusionGT2

Smoking kills penis tissues. LOLOL . and they would smell bad. Well, I learned to dislike the smell. LMAO!

is that right... and how would you know this interesting bit of info? lol.

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Guest sushisushiii

i smoke, my bf smokes, my friends smoke, and i don't have a problem with it... no biggie...

most teenagers would probably have smoked once or twice in their life, at least to try and see what the big deal about smoking is... it's just a matter of choice whether you want to do it or not..

and btw... weed is healthier than cigarettes... the reason ? the addictive element of a cigarette is actually it's filter... weed, has no filter, depending on how you roll it... and i'm not saying that you'd be better off smoking pot than ciggies, but you don't see doctors prescribing cigarettes to a cancer patient... don't bash me for this... :)

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Guest FusionGT2

Although that is a bit true, it is still bad for your lungs and you will ultimately die sooner.

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My bf smokes, good thing he's cut back since he's been with me.

Hopefully he'll stop for good, but I'm okay with it, as long it doesn't

effect our relationship and it doesn't. When he's with me, he doesn't

smoke around me, so it's fine. I've learned to accept all his bad habits.

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Guest sh1neweare

i know this pretty attractive japanese guy that smokes. in class he looks like a sex god but outside while he smokes he looks like a richard simmons...

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Guest I <3 SUNGMIN

iono, it smells, but it's their life.

they chose to smoke, so they're the only ones that are going to suffferrrrrrrrrrr

it's kind of a turn off.

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