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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest love.in.the.ice

when people smoke, it pisses me off so much

cuz most of the time people do it to "act cool"

and it smells so nauseating. i can't stand it!

it's killing their health. yeah, that's cool <_<

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Guest usaachan

smoking makes me go ack, i have nothing against smokers :/ but i prefer not to be around them when they are smoking.

smoking also makes their clothes smell bad D:<

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Guest chopstick^^

I don't like guys who smoke.. but some guys who smoke are not nessasirly bad.. but its just smoking is bad! the habit is bad!

i have a friend .. he the only person who smoke amongst his gang of friends, n he a nice guy.. but he smoked.. n then he quitted smoking.. i ask him wot made u quit? .. he said, coz non of his friends smoke.. n he succeeded! .. so thats good of him!


but in general i dont like smoking guys! .. i wont judge them because they smoke.. but smoking is somewhat apart of them in a way, like.. why did they decided to smoke anyways? .. wot else they been doing.. thats bad..


my crush is a smoker, he used to stink .. but now he smells fine.. ermm, wonder if hes quitting.. anyways.. hes a very sweet guy! so thats why i like him, even if he smoke.. i know he been nagged by friends n family to quit smoking.. i think if u love someone, ur quit for them.. i know a few couples who have! ..not that i think my crush will quit for me -_- .. but just saying..

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Guest yureru132

Let's say it the easy way:

If you want your girl to be pretty, don't smoke.

If you'd like your girl to be a good singer or have a beautiful voice, don't smoke.

simple as that.

If you've got a pretty girl, you're setting her up for a HUGE handicap...

Second hand smoking is twice as worse because you're getting not only the toxins from the cigarette, but also the carbon dioxide from the other person and all that.

Smoking destroys not only your lungs, but your physical appearance. Yes, you may be hot for lets say 4 years or so, but afterwards you're going to be ugly as hell.

Makes you look OLD and SHRIVELLED up like a raisin.

Keep in mind that smoking does not only affect YOU, but also affects the environment and the people who spend a lot of time with you.

You are killing them.

I realize my post may be somewhat offensive to those who smoke.

I've had enough of it.

As an aspiring singer, I kill to protect my throat and anything that will hinder me [ignorantly/inconsiderately] from achieving my dream.

I ALWAYS hold my breath around smokers and vehicles.

When I get a guy, if I found out he smokes then I'd leave him right away.

I aim for a guy who I know is caring to EVERYONE, and smoking would show that he didn't really love me [because he'd know singing is my passion]

so yeah... HUGE turn-off...

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Guest lastdrop

eww totally a big no no for me...its just nasty...i'm sorry but thats what i feel about it...i mean if he plans to quit thats a different story...but hey i guess it just depends on the gurl but guys you're just putting your life in danger by smoking oks so i'd think about what you would do about it

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Guest Rtistique

I hate it, it stinks and I don't want to kiss the person who does it, and like others said I don't want to die, and I don't want the one I like to die either.

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Guest haute_byul

hate it and i'd prefer not to date someone who smokes but if i REALLY REALLY like him..then i guess i can't do anything about it =[

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Guest simplicity90

smoking is a huge turn off for me. i'm sorry but i wouldn't want to kiss an ash tray. plus it's so unhealthy.

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