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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest superjenny

I don't like girls who smoke.

I don't like guys who smoke.

But I guess I'm being hypocritical, because I know some smokers.. and I still like them :P

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Guest addickshun

if i truly loved him,

i don't think i'd mind if he's a smoker or not.

but if i have the choice,

it's better if he's a non-smoker or social-smoker.

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Guest supakoreanflyguy

I don't mind guy friends thats smoke. But for a boyfriend, it wouldn't be too attractive with smoke breath :P

p.s. you didn't make it clear, theres loads of types of smoking. I think if you socially smoke it wouldn't be too bad because that would be a lot rarer?

off topic but wow your picture looks mad altered and fake

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Guest nicolexr

It's fine with me if guys smoke. It's their decision anyway to smoke or not to, so... What would bother me though if he was a chain smoker and if I always hang out with him, that would be like killing me too since secondhand smoking is more dangerous.

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Guest China-doll

I really don't like smoke, and guys who smoke lol

Whenever I pass by ppl who are smoking I usually cover my nose and mouth or walk the other way...

I know I seem snobby when I do that but I really hate the smell of smoke T_T'

it makes me cough and the smell is so unpleasant.

I know I defintely will not date a smoker

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hahaha..... this reminds me of the second most recent episode or America's Next Top Model. The down-side of smoking.

But yeah, I just love a guy with yellow fingers and teeth, with that great odor in their mouth. Besides, if they smoke around me thats not only endangering him, but me too.

But, I wouldn't completely dump a person because of smoking. Why should I define someone by their "flaws"? However, I would try to change them and make them quit.

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Guest temperament_lady

guys who smoke or anybody who does=early death one way or the otherit's just a big turn-off and no girl wants to be around a guy who does that plus they would stink, no?guys who smoke or anybody who does=early death one way or the otherit's just a big turn-off and no girl wants to be around a guy who does that plus they would stink, no?

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Guest fio209js2

My dad smokes a lot.. and I guess i've gotten accustomed to it.. (not really a good thing) so I guess it won't be bad? but I'd seriously would hate to kiss a smoker.. ><

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest GinaxDongseng

smoking=#1 turn-off

it stinks,

it'd be like a bathroom-smelling relationship, but worse.

it makes me want to help the guy rather than date him.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Yuna N.


I hate cancer sticks.

Therefore, I`d avoid those involved with it.

& unless their personality is BA (except the whole smoking crap), I`d still talk to them.

Just. A lot less.

My buddy Landon, I got him to quit. Plus other circumstances that pulled him through.

I`m proud of him. It took him two whole years. I kept on buying him a pack of gum every day,

it was worth it.

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Guest mikiko.

i hate (ok dislike) people who smoke.. lol its not bc they smoke but its their personalitys.. my dad smokes and i never really get along with him.

and pluss, i hate walking behind people who smoke in the streets. god people dont realize their affecting people around them more than their own health bc we actually take in the smoke, but they breathe it back out anyways. ahh!

ok. im done. lol

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Guest EHNerJI

i don't really mind... since i'm pretty used to it..

so many people i know smoke.. even people who aren't even in highschool yet... :unsure:

soo, it's hard to find someone who had never right now..

although, i'd prefer if they don't smoke ><

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