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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest angelZ

it would if he was smoking in front of me 24/7

i'm ok with my guy smoking as along as he doesn't smoke when i'm around.

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if he really liked me, he would quit. But well, i'll never date a smoker. PAST smoker is ok, but he has to totally stop smoking. There's this guy i know who lied to his gf tt he had quit (tt was why she agreed to be his gf, actually) and when she found out...not pretty.

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Guest ailannguyen

Nooooo, guys, who smoke for me is a TURN OFF. Well, it may be that if a guy I like who smokes, I mean, I would mind it, but, it would bug me a whole lot.

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haha i'm basically the opposite, i think smokers can sometimes be a turn on for me

as long as they aren't smoking ALL THE TIME.

However usually i tell whoever i'm going out with not to smoke if i'm with them because of health stuff and i don't want my significant other to die of some sort of lung cancer or anything.

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Guest une_fleur

I despise it.

It's a horrible habit that not only hurts the person, but the people around them. But sadly it's a big part of some cultures, esp. asian.

It got so bad with my bf that he would cough up blood (he already had a weak lung when he was born). I couldn't understand why he would still put his body through this crap? But it is an addiction. I helped him work through it, and he doesn't smoke anymore : ) woo hoo!

If you marry a guy who smokes, not only will you get his second hand smoke (which fyi, has just as many toxins as if YOU were smoking), your pets/child will have it as well. Does watching your husband suffer because he developed emphysema from smoking at a young age seem sexy? Are holes in his voice box sexy? Is cancer a big turn on? Yea, not eveyone who smokes will develope such horrible fates, but why take the chance?

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I really wish they'd stop....or at least care mouthwash or something with them all the time.... And there is absolutley no smoking in the car if i smell like a delicious fruit salad! I dont want none of that.

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Guest x.misosoup

guys who smoke are fine. Just remember to brush your teeth.... I have nothing against it. But do you really want to suffer cancer at a later stage in your life? Well I guess it's up to the guy but I wouldn't mind dating a guy who smoked... since most of my friends smoke haha....

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Guest ilynspiration

guys that smoke are such a turn off.

i would never go out with someone that smoked. ever.

i don't care if he smokes 5 times a day or 5 times a year, he still smokes -__-

it's just gross. and bad for your health.

oh, and plus, i have asthma. that obviously wouldn't be good for my health if i dated a smoker.


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Guest Aikan

omg reading these comments kills me lol..

most of these replies prob never been in the shoes of a smoker

altho it's bad and all it doesnt change who we are as a person.

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i hate smokers period.

if it is like...ummm...once a every 2 weeks maybe.

and it's really addicted even though they don't know they are addicted

but still i hate smokers.

WOW i smell smoke outside my window

interesting how i smell that just now

ahhh grosss, i'm seriously going to blame them if i die LOL


no thanks. i don't want that to happen.

remember second hand smoking is worse than smokers.

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Guest fobsquad

guys who smoke are some of the coolest in the world.

if we smoke, it means we've got an oral fixation.

so you know we're good at certain things down under. =]

who cares if we live 5-10 years less. driving a car around all the retarded drivers in the world is more dangerous.

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