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Dating people who smoke/do drugs

Guest FusionGT2

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Guest Sophisticate

I used to think I would never associate with people who smoked or did drugs.

Now that I learned a little bit more... eh. I made my bf quit weed, smoking, and drugs. I wouldn't date someone who did those things. Friendwise, I already learned that it's not my decision to make.

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Guest velveteenkitten

I don't have anyone around me that smokes. I have a sensitivity to cigarette smoke and I'm not able to breath properly if I have to inhale someone else's smoke. Also my grandad died of lung cancer caused by smoking. Weed is equally a no no for me. Do drugs and you are out of my life (sounds harsh I know but I can't have a relationship of any kind with a druggie). Binge drinking falls into that list as well.

I don't, and will never, understand why some people can only have fun whilst high on whatever substance they're high on.

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Guest honeyBBY

My ex bf was a smoker and weed head. So yeah i guess i dont mind too much as long as they can handle themselves you know?

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Guest angel_cutie


i wouldnt say it 100% but gosh.. the smell...

i cant stand it >___< makes me cough and cough

i dont think my parents would accept the guy either lol

neither would my friends haha

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Guest rachelsaur

Smoking and doing drugs is a big no.

I don't want to date anyone who does drugs or smoke. :/

I'd rather live a long, healthy life. ><


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Guest KB_202

I don't and won't date a guy who does drugs/who smokes. I dont care if he's The One for me, or my eternal soulmate. I just don't like drugs and smokes.

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usually, as much as i like someone, when i found out they're involving in those drugs stuffs or smoking or drinking, i get disgusted by that. my boyfriend doesnt smoke or drink, he gets disgusted by it as well [: he drank before i think, but not so often and hardly ever in front of me so it's all good. but to me, smoking and drinking and doing drugs are a big no no to me -___-

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Guest greenlavender

its a big turnoff but if you are addicted to it. If you are not then you better stop now and if you are then there's the door. And if you do drugs? BLAH! No way! But thats only dating someone. Even if my friends do those things, as long as they are not trying to get me to join, or come my way smelling like it then it's their decisions to make and I'll be there if they need me even when I though I will always be telling them to stop.

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Guest Misoneism

Everyone in this forum have such a beautiful soul lol...

I just love it.

But im just gonna point out..something.not a biggie you know

every one person out of 3 is smoking\drinking.

And its not like i dont appricate your opnions.

As a smoker i get alot of times that i smell bad,and drugs are illegal

I wouldnt wanna go anywhere near someone who does stuff thats illegal,I understand

But to be so certain about it that you wouldnt want to be FRIENDS with someone who smoke?

Again,smell IS bad,i understand.But when its just the fact hes smoking and not the smell [people who smoke dosent smell bad 24/7,only when they smoke,there are soultions]

its just pissing me off to see those kind of comments ,im sorry

Judging people so quickly.

I mean,cheyeaa,Drinking is not weird,not as you think i mean,you dont have to be a CREEP to drink\smoke,Espically when your over 21.

i dont get it,im sorry.

And just to be clear,Im NOT saying that drinking\smoking is good

infact,its awesome you guys dont touch those stuff

im just saying that it dosent have to be a lifestyle,therefore,i dont think judging people over that is necessary.

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ok with smoking but not with drugs.

ive a classmate whose bf took drugs and is abusive.

she's so stupid to be sticking with him as long as 4-5yrs!

there was a time she came to sch with a black eye and bruises

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Guest glitterpop

I dated a smoker. This kid was my best friend, so I was okay with him smoking at first because he always cleaned up nice and knew how to control it. BUT, later on, he started smoking more, and getting into trouble, and blowing me off to smoke a couple times. It wasn't worth it, and nobody should be put off to the side like that ._.

So, smoking is okay I guess as long as they can control it. Drugs are a no.

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Guest milkychew

nooooo everyone at my school's a stoner or they abuse other drugs n as a result, i have no respect for those kinds of people -_-

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Guest super piggy

i dont mind & i dont care.

although i do nag at them for it. but then again, they remind me that i am the hypocrite. haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest milkbunny

lol honestly

smoking has nothing to do with the quality of a person....

idk how can anybody judge according to that..

my bf was a ex smoker...and i've tried it myself

everyone has there own reason....to smoke

i know its not the right thing but you can't judge them like they are a bunch of nazi's lol

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Guest lilstell88

look, even if a girl likes a guy who smokes NOW, if and when they get married, or late rin life, whatever, she's not gonna like it anymore.

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Guest rachii-ee

My boyfriend smokes... But he's cutting down now :/

I don't really mind? He smokes around 2-3 times a day and he doesn't have that smokey scent so it's all good :)

At first seeing guys smoke was a major turn off for me but now I'm just.. ehh x)

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Guest BONILLAXwafers.

Personally, I think smokers are incredibly sexy and yes I am one as well. But if I were dating a guy, I would rather have them be a non-smoker. It'd be better for the both of us. :)

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