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Do you ever get your ETHNICITY mistaken...?

Guest eminemjamesuk

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yeahh I've been mistaken for Japanese, Korean, half white/half asian

one time I said no to this Korean guy when he asked me if I was Korean and he was like 'weh-yo?' wtf....lol I'm like 'because I'm Chinese', I watch a lot of K-drama, so that's why I knew he was asking 'why?'...he thought I was lying, so he started talking to me in Korean...I walked away lol

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Guest don'tpan!c

I always get mistaken as Chinese, but I'm Vietnamese. I even got mistaken as Hispanic once. It was really weird because I don't look Hispanic at all.

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Guest cbxjenn

i think i look chinese considering i have tiny eyes :X but a few things always make people im other than chinese.

- my last name. it's Ng, but since the asians at my school is 95% viet, they think my last name was shorten from Nguyen. =_= yeah.

-my interests. i was a hardcore kpop fan since 2001, so people actually thought i was korean. err.

people who know im not viet always ask me "are you chinese or korean?"

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I'm Chinese and sometimes people mistaken me for being Korean, even Korean people, it's not a big deal although it gets kind of awkward when old Korean ladies come up to me and ask me for directions in Korean but I feel bad, I just can't help them since they don't speak English and obviously I don't speak Korean o.O

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Guest Inconnu

I'm Viet and I mostly get mixed up for being Korean with ssang ka pul

surgery. xD;;

1. Korean.

2. Japanese.

3. Taiwanese.

^ Those are the ethnicity I'm always mixed with.

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Guest pannda

yeah. chinese -.-

im korean.

its annoying when people thinks there is only chinese.

no offense. there are variety of asians. you know?

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Guest n ssIw I oxox

I always get mistaken for something else because I am viet, but I'm kinda dark. I like my tan..lol. They usually mistake me as filipino or something...ocasionally i get mistaken as Hawaiian, which is pretty cool =) I take that as a compliment cause I think some Hawaiians are very pretty.

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i dun think i mind taht pple mistaken me for another ethenic group~ lol~ i love it when ppple thing i am jap or kr.

and let c~ so far ... 1?

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Guest quyenann

I either get Chinese, Korean or Japanese and rarely ever Vietnamese. I'm Vietnamese and I feel like I like Vietnamese too.

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All the time. I usually get Chinese or Vietnamese. And then the person would try guess my ethnicity and goes down the list of asians until I tell them I'm Cambodian. Then they don't believe me, but I know what I am so whatever lol

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Guest x_sadendings

Im viet but people always think im either chinese or korean but mostly korean ?? hehe but i dont mind really since im learning korean and know how to speak it i can fool people once in awhile

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Guest XhoXho

ALL the time. I'd rather people just assume something. 'Cause it gets the freaking heck on my nerves when people feel that they just HAVE to identify my ethnicity.

I mean, wth?? It's not something that people have to know, unless you're constantly hanging out with my family or getting married to me. geez.

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Guest NotFromThisPlanet

a lot of people always assume that i am an ethnicity that i am not. it doesnt bother me at all. eventually, after naming 6-7 they guess what i am.

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Guest SukarDrops

YES its annoying...Im mainly black/native american..but more then 3 ppl asked me was a mexican(basically native american so does that count??),puerto rican(same as the mexican too so does that count?),or arab.....they always say to me and my sisters "you girls are not from here" ....the first thing this one girl asked me when she came over was "what are you mixed with??" and were like excuse me?I wanted to punch her in her eyeballs <_<

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