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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest 윤호사랑

can anyone be a dear and give me a link for the audio file of the press conference? I tried to get it from 2OD but I cant get in for some reason

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Guest ~dhluvr4ever~

Yes, I agree things cant go back to the way they were.

2pm already turned their backs on Jay once, they say theyve forgiven him but who really knows?

They were probably mad that he had the potential to ruin all their hard work with his 'mistake'.

I empathize with the boys, they have to look out for their own careers too,

but I'm just disappointed with the way everything was handled.

They say they HAD to tell the truth, because otherwise fans would blame the 6 boys, and it would make them victims.

That would have happened no MATTER WHAT jype announced as the reason for Jay's departure.

Ie. they DIDNT have to reveal this socalled personal mistake.

Jay left 2pm for the sake of the boys, to protect them,

the least they could have done is the same for him.

If theyre going to let him leave, and be 'unable to continue activities' with him, the least they could have done is protect his dignity.

Yeah geez, I totally agree with this. Now I know not to get so attached to a group but if stuff

like this happens it really does hit me hard.

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Guest bababrandino

I'm finding everything so confusing. I want to hate JYPE and even 2PM, but I still respect the other 6. However, their actions still add to this extreme muddle that we have about.

The one thing that won't waver is loyalty to Jaebeom, however. He's too cool.

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Guest fierymeadow@yahoo.com

i have a quick question... hopefully it wont bring up any drama but

weren't there more antiB/2pm supporters than (supposedly) B'er/jay supporters at the conference? if so, then how come all of the fan accounts coming out of the conference are... less than flattering for the boys? or have there been fan accounts which have been favorable to the boys from the conference?

is that a silly question? i dunno...

yeah... that is an interesting question. I wonder about it myself.

unless everything was absolutely just bad for the 6 boys, I'd like to at least hear both sides of things.

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Guest ~dhluvr4ever~

I think that, personally, just because Nick Khun didn't say much during the conference does not mean he doesn't agree with the rest of the members. Some people in tough situations just don't want to say anything, even though sometimes they themselves have the most to say.

I am the very few that still supports 2PM as 2PM. I refuse to call them "6pm, 1:59pm.. etc" I think it's rude to call them that because they have worked so hard and have dealt with so much things after Jaebum left in September and the official exit of Park Jaebum, 2PM's leader.

Jaebum was the first member to draw me into 2PM. So, as with everyone, my heart sank so low when he left in September. I was devastated, heart broken; you name it, I felt it.

So, when the news finally came during the conference that he has officially been expelled.. All of the hope from these past few months went down the drain. Our Leader is never coming back.

My love for him will remain the same, as the love with the members that are left. Even after the conference, I have not changed my love for members that are still there. Just because someone got mad, or mentioned that he "hated" Jaebum, it does not necessarily mean he has betrayed Jaebum, or out to get Jaebum.

Families fight from time to time. There are days when sometimes you say that you "hate" that certain family member. But that doesn't mean you actually do, right? We humans say it out of frustration, anger, and disappointment. So, I don't think it's fair to call the boys "backstabbers" just because they felt that.

You know, everyone has been running in circles and repeating everything a lot. I'm tired of it too. I just wish this was all a bad dream and that Park Jaebum will show up in South Korea and give us all a big smile and say that he is there to stay.

But, as life is showing us, we have to face reality. Our leader is really gone. Even though he is gone, it does not mean I should turn my back on the rest that are left behind. They are our Beasts, our boys. We can't abandon them when they need us the most.

It's not like they wanted all of this to happen, either. I'm sure if they had it their way, Jaebum would be right there with them. But, life just doesn't go the way we want it to.

I will forever miss our Leader, but I will move on with 2PM. That doesn't mean I will forget the memories that these boys have shared. They will always be remembered in our hearts. My love for 2PM is as strong as ever. If I was in South Korea right now, I would be in front of the JYP building and picking up the ripped CD's and taping them back together.

Wasn't it mentioned during the conference that a fan asked if Jaebum could speak up about this if he wanted to, and the JYPE rep said he can?

Awh, beautifully said. This was the post I NEEDED (x Inspired me, and really opened my heart. I admit i was a bit mad at the members for being quite cold at the conference, but I still love them. Even if our Leader was gone much too fast, I accept it - because he's probably happier back home. Though our time we shared with all 7 members, I will always cherish. 2pm, something I will never ever forget.

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Guest xoeunicekimxo

Hello all..i usually refrain from writing in forums like these but i always keep up with them. today i am here because i need to vent and well my friends don't really care to hear about my 2pm obsession hahah... but anyways i was a HUGE 2pm fan as i am sure most of you guys are/were as well... the reason why i say "was" at this point is because i am genuinely torn... i wish i could be as strong as all of you guys and pick a side but so much of me thinks that there is so much that we as fans do not know. and the part of me that loved these boys so much wants to believe that they would not throw a member.. no a brother under the bus like that. i want to believe that they didn't mean the things that were said at the conference but reading all of these fanaccounts is making it hard.

i fell in love with 2pm for many reasons but the main one was because they were real and they genuinely seemed to love each other like brothers... i loved the brotherhood that they had...however, with recent events, i do not see that brotherly love anymore... they are not the 2pm that i originally came to love. they have changed and now they seem like they are more concerned about themselves than the group or the other members. trust me.. this is not something that i want to believe and i am trying not to but this is the vibe i am getting.

i was such a big fan that when went to korea for 6 months i saw them 10 times... 5 or 6 of those times i had to wake up at 4 o clock in the morning and wait countless hours.. but all of that waiting was okay because i got to seee the boys. i even supported the 1:59 album because i genuinely believed that jay would be returning but retrospectively i feel as though i contributed to jay not being able to return... my desktop, phone background and walls on my room are all adorned with 2pm... at this point i dont know if i should change it or not. if i should take down the many posters that i have accumulated during my stay in korea.

i would be lying if i said that i was not disappointed with the other boys. i really am... i would have loved for the boys to stick up for jays "serious mistake" (i do not buy this at all by the way) because then my view of the boys would have proved to be correct.. however, they didnt.. instead they ruined his reputation and left him behind. if they were truly brothers they would have stuck by each other no matter what and i still go by that... regardless of whether he made a mistake, i wanted to believe that the boys would stick behind him but they all turned their backs =(

at this point i cannot call myself a fan of 2pm because they are no longer the 2pm that i originally became a fan of... i loved all of the boys and that is what makes this so hard. its weird because jay was not even my favorite. believe it or not if i were to rank my favorites he would have been #4. ultimately this is not about jay... i would be acting the same way had it been any other member because it is the principle that they portrayed themselves as something completely different than what they have proved to be...

i cannot say i hate the remaining members of 2pm but i can say that i hate jype and that i think that they are running a shady business. i really hope that they receive what they deserve in the future. at this point i honestly believe that it is better for jay not to go back as JYPE sucks and jay deserves better than that. i wish him all the best of luck and i know that this is not the last we will see of him.

because of the strong love i had for the boys i don't want them to fail. however, i believe that they will not be able to make it very far. for a group that has gained popularity, not necessarily through their talents but through their image as brothers that stick by each other no matter what, something like this could tear the group apart. i do wish them the best of luck though... at this point i think i can say that they will not be receiving my support like before though. i cannot completely turn my back away but i dont think i can ever support them the way i used to.

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and I have listened to the audio and in the english parts where Khun was talking about how jay might go on ABCD...he laughed a little...I don't get that at all. was he trying to be sarcastic? i mean how is that funny?

I listened to that audio too. But I don't think like you. We knew how much Khun love and respect Jae. They're closed and still contact each other. Since I'm not in the event, I don't know why Khun giggled when he said that Jaeboem may go on ABCD. But I'm sure that Khun never though to be sarcastic anyone. I just want to say this.

I rarely to visit this forum until the meeting yesterday so I don't know what people in here think about it. For me, I think Jaeboem will fine because he is so talent and can join any famous entertainment company in the future. But I feel bad that many people try to bash the 6 members. I'm not believe in any rumors these days. I still believe in the 6 members. That's all.

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Guest monsterjamiez

Whether Jay is the victim or 2PM is, it doesn't matter. Hottests and everyone concerned with this issue needs to realize that THEY'RE ALL HUMAN BEINGS. They can't be perfect and they can't ignore their own feelings just because a mass of fans want them to. If Jay has acknowledged he's not coming back, then fans should respect that and just move on. Some things in life are not meant to be released for the whole world to know. Yes the members comments were cruel and yes Jay may have done something seriously wrong. But honestly all this isn't going to bring Jay back and it's not going to restore 2PM's name or reputation back to the way it was. Nobody knows what truly happens except Jay and the rest of the members and JYPE.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but I'm not going to taint or crush my image and respect for 2PM any more than all this nonsense has already. I grew to like them as 7 and I'm going to remember them as 7. They were each special and honest to god, being a member of 2PM DOESN'T DEFINE THEIR INDIVIDUAL LIVES. I'd rather respect 7 members of 2PM for their own contributions to their goals and dreams while they went strong instead of being stubborn about this issue now.

Best of luck to them all.

And to JYP(E). Don't you DARE let anything like this happen to Sunmi&WG.

Otherwise you will be literally RUNNING for your lives.

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i am still hurt when I remember that all the members were like talking about jay with 'he has a dirty social life' , 'showing up in bboy yt vids w/ a face like that' yeah.. >__< from a fan who loves them as a whole, i never thought they would say something like that.. i`m kinda disappointed.. i mean, of course all of you are 2pm fans, so basically you already watch the shows they are featured in, and you will definitely see and feel their brotherly love.. :tears:

its just so.. SAD that things ended up like this. :(

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Yea i agree. They better not pull a fast one like this one with Sunmi and WG coz if that happens its not just only hottest like now exploding.

It will be the whole nation exploding. Coz wondergirls may not have alot of fans but they are liked and respected by all fanclubs in korea and citizens of korea. They wont have anything left if they try to ruin Sunmi and Wg.

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Guest sballet06

Now, a lot of people seem to not be able to understand some fans' decision to quit being fans and keep saying that if they're true fans they should continue supporting their music. Seriously, I bet most of these people claim to be fans when all they did was downloading 2pm's music illegally. I'm sure those who said they're disappointed in what the members said during the conference are the ones who faithfully bought 2pm's albums with their money, spent time to organize support projects for the members, etc. They're willing to sacrifice their time and energy because they saw something in 2pm. More than the music, they admired their brotherhood and personalities. They are known to not care about their image, to always show who they truly are, to be real and never fake. And so when all that turns out to be fake, of course they would be greatly disappointed. When the only reason they're supporting 2pm turns out to be not there, what else can they support them for?

I respect everyone's right to an opinion

My decision is to keep supporting 2PM that's fine if you choose not to.

My only request is to not make generalizations

Me and quite a large group of friends who are still supporting 2PM have bought every cd, merchandise, etc. while alot of people who no longer support them have never bought anything.

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

Do you guys remember how Jay had to leave Korea in the first place?

Mistranslation/misunderstanding and emotional netizens not thinking and acting irrationally.

That blew things out of proportion and chased Jay away.

The remaining members are experiencing the same things right now. Except I don't know if it will lead to their downfall.

Am I disappointed by the boys?

Yes but I will still support their music... but anything other than music is no. I can't see them the same way after this whole drama.

Do I wish that the remaining members suffer as much as Jay?

No. I don't think anyone should have to experience such a depressing ordeal. I am totally disgusted with the people going around bashing the other members, exposing their dirty secrets and wishing that the remaining members won't succeed

. You are no different than the girl that spreaded Jay's myspace comments or the people that signed up for the suicide petition...Didn't you fight for Jay because the controversy started with invasion of privacy? So why are you doing what the girl did to jaebum to the remaining members?

It's hypocritical...

Oh, and don't even try to explain to me WHO deserved it more because honestly... WE DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON. Stop speaking as if you all know what is going on behind the scene. Who really know the reasons t owhy they are saying those things? Stop taking everything in as facts.

The flaw of korean entertainment is that they promote artists' personalities more than music... hence why YG limits the amount of variety shows their artists can go on.

Seriously, this controversy opened my eyes to a lot of things.

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Guest pink_is

I listened to that audio too. But I don't think like you. We knew how much Khun love and respect Jae. They're closed and still contact each other. Since I'm not in the event, I don't know why Khun giggled when he said that Jaeboem may go on ABCD. But I'm sure that Khun never though to be sarcastic anyone. I just want to say this.

I rarely to visit this forum until the meeting yesterday so I don't know what people in here think about it. For me, I think Jaeboem will fine because he is so talent and can join any famous entertainment company in the future. But I feel bad that many people try to bash the 6 members. I'm not believe in any rumors these days. I still believe in the 6 members. That's all.

I don't think Khun was being sarcastic or rude at this part. I would have laughed/chuckled the same way he did if I was going to tell American fans that Jay and AOM may go to ABDC. I'm not saying this to defend him, if anything I'm completely against 6pm. This is just another example of cultural differences. I mean, think about it. If your friends were gonna try out for ABDC, you would laugh and not believe them. And not a kind of w/e-you-won't-ever-make-it kind of laugh, but a OMG-YOU'RE-GONNA-TRY-OUT?-W/E-DON'T-JOKE-WITH-ME kind of laugh.

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Guest dorisawq

SORRY 6PM FANS. i've read all these comments all the while and I've come to a conclusion that I wont be supporting the other 6 guys anymore... I've quitted all the 6pm fansites I've joined in facebook and deleted all the 6pm photos in my cellphone. and I've decided to give full support to park jae bum. I want him to be STRONG again. junsu and wooyoung used to be my fave boys but I cant bring myself to see them the same way I used to... but Im not turning into an anti... I just want to leave this 6pm fandom for a moment... or even permenantly until my views of them change...

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Guest michpark7

New Msg frm AOM Chacha:

"Thanks guys.We're all the same family and same crew, so helping each other with music endeavors is in my best interest. I wouldn't let my brother down . He needs and wants to make music, so I rather help him for free than other people trying to charge him for money to make future songs. It's all love in the end and sharing what we love to do with others."

Well Im glad thru this Jay realized who his real brothers are...

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This made me laugh, you're funny. (:

The reason I'm here is because I am a FAN, and this is a FAN thread. People come here to talk about their songs, and albums. Yes, when someone is a FAN of an artist/group, they will discuss about that artist's/groups current event and news. It's natural. (:

And, if I support this artist/group, of course I will discuss about them. Is there a problem?

And LOL@MUSIC SHIELD, the only reason that I was interested in them in the first place was because I heard their music, and loved the beats/lyrics, I didn't like them because of their image/members.

You expect me to just randomly start talking about their music in a heated discussion like this? You're one silly little girl/boy.

And honestly, I didn't even bother to read your comment about American artists.

Also your metaphor doesn't fit the situation so well. Time to go buy a new metaphor book~


Oh yeah, you can get in trouble for naming other artists/singers in this thread. So you should edit that paragraph.

Excuse me?

That's extremely rude.

How could you say that?

I was not going to bother responding to your post until I saw the last line.

So can I say: "Now please go rant to their LEADERLESSNESS and take your comments along with you elsewhere.. .___." To all the "Anti's/haters/hottests/2pm fans" that are bashing on them too?

Is it wrong for me to post in the Artists/Group that I enjoy listening to? Is it wrong for me to post in their FAN THREAD because I'm a fan? Seriously, please think before posting, it might save lives.

No one is telling you to support 2PM. If you want to stop being their fan, then okay, good for you. How do you know they were so heartless and arrogant? Were you there? Or did you just read FANACCOUNTS? It doesn't matter, you're entitled to your own opinion, and if you really think of them like that then alright, your life.

@mz simmonz: I know right? Can you believe I was told to leave this thread by another person? That just makes me smile.

I don't really understand why people have to come here to inform us that they're now turning anti, or no longer a fan.

And like, if he says something, then they'll do what? Sue him? Don't you think the public would notice if that were the case? Don't you think there would be news articles: "Jype sues Jaebeom for speaking up." I don't think so, let's not assume what we don't know.

Warned for posting more than 3 times a day in this thread. You are disregarding the rules of the thread. Suspended 1 week.

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I've been lurking here since forever n I just need to get something out of my chest. With all the rumors and whatnot flying around, I'm so torn.... I've loved these guys from when they were 7, when they were 6 I still support them because I thought they will be 7 again n I saw their support n longing for Jay. I thought we were fighting the same war.

After all this, I don't know if I can believe you guys the same way as before... I feel like these guys lied straight to my face. All relations (even Idol-fans) have to be based on trust, and how can I proudly say I still trust them? Now, when I watched back their Heartbeat performances (especially their Goodbye stages), I wonder what went through their mind when they heard the fans chanting Jay's n their names... Were they thinking,"scream all you want, he's not coming back"??? I can't even put my mind to it...

I can't say that my fandom is completely over because deep in my heart I know they are talented, they work hard to get to where they are today, but my opinion n view about them is forever change. They didn't have to be so rude (towards Jay n the fans) at the conference, it's just unnecessary.

I know there are 2 sides to every story, and lots of people say we don't know the whole story, but people only react to what they know so I can't blame the fans for feeling angry... Maybe in time this whole thing will make more sense to me, but right now I'm torn... So sorry if this offended anybody, I'm just here to share my thoughts...

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