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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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I think that, personally, just because Nick Khun didn't say much during the conference does not mean he doesn't agree with the rest of the members. Some people in tough situations just don't want to say anything, even though sometimes they themselves have the most to say.

I am the very few that still supports 2PM as 2PM. I refuse to call them "6pm, 1:59pm.. etc" I think it's rude to call them that because they have worked so hard and have dealt with so much things after Jaebum left in September and the official exit of Park Jaebum, 2PM's leader.

Jaebum was the first member to draw me into 2PM. So, as with everyone, my heart sank so low when he left in September. I was devastated, heart broken; you name it, I felt it.

So, when the news finally came during the conference that he has officially been expelled.. All of the hope from these past few months went down the drain. Our Leader is never coming back.

My love for him will remain the same, as the love with the members that are left. Even after the conference, I have not changed my love for members that are still there. Just because someone got mad, or mentioned that he "hated" Jaebum, it does not necessarily mean he has betrayed Jaebum, or out to get Jaebum.

Families fight from time to time. There are days when sometimes you say that you "hate" that certain family member. But that doesn't mean you actually do, right? We humans say it out of frustration, anger, and disappointment. So, I don't think it's fair to call the boys "backstabbers" just because they felt that.

You know, everyone has been running in circles and repeating everything a lot. I'm tired of it too. I just wish this was all a bad dream and that Park Jaebum will show up in South Korea and give us all a big smile and say that he is there to stay.

But, as life is showing us, we have to face reality. Our leader is really gone. Even though he is gone, it does not mean I should turn my back on the rest that are left behind. They are our Beasts, our boys. We can't abandon them when they need us the most.

It's not like they wanted all of this to happen, either. I'm sure if they had it their way, Jaebum would be right there with them. But, life just doesn't go the way we want it to.

I will forever miss our Leader, but I will move on with 2PM. That doesn't mean I will forget the memories that these boys have shared. They will always be remembered in our hearts. My love for 2PM is as strong as ever. If I was in South Korea right now, I would be in front of the JYP building and picking up the ripped CD's and taping them back together.

Wasn't it mentioned during the conference that a fan asked if Jaebum could speak up about this if he wanted to, and the JYPE rep said he can?

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WELL... This thread has certainly jumped in pages since I last came in. I take it almost everyone (if not everyone) has read the translated transcript of the conference? >___>;;

"We request JYPE be responsible this situation as they were not looking after their entertainer Jaebeom with utmost care. JYPE released statement filled with unclear words and thus made rumours surrounding Jaebeom and 2PM spread. Please tell us what you plan on doing about the rumours and what you plan on doing about damage done to Jaebeom, his family and the rest of 2PM.

A (Representative): JYPE is not responsible for personal matters of its entertainers and thus we believe that Jaebeom should be responsible for everything that he has caused. In a logical sense, Jaebeom is the wrongdoer and the company and the 6 members are the victims."

IDK... This part made me feel annoyed with JYP. I've been trying to be understanding of everything they've done but now this conference, ugh ugh ugh... It hasn't seemed to make anything better.

Sorry if I'm late for posting and am, uh, "beating a dead horse" so to speak. m(_ _)m

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Seriously, imagine all the hatred he would receive from the other 6 members when they're back in their dorms? He would be an outcast, even lonelier than before. Sure, they'll pretend to look all chirpy and happy on tv shows BUT back home in their dorms.......things would just be awful. Seeing as to how the other 6 members have already kind of turned against Jay (which I'm sure they have their reasons to).

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I know a lot of people are hurt, so I’ll try to be delicate with my words.

As of right now, every word that 2pm/JYPE says that isn’t “Jay is coming back” is considered a betrayal, lies, or a conspiracy. But ask yourself logically, is that really the case? What possible reason could JYPE not let Jay return? Jay and his return = profit, lots and lots of profit.

So then maybe, just maybe, JYP is actually telling them truth? You have to remember that Jay used to be a problem child, [You can take the child out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the child]. So I really can't understand where this "Jay is an angel that can do no wrong attitude comes from."

You also have to remember that there is a lot of things Jay could do, such as sue for libel, if JYPE actually did lie to tarnish his reputation. Yet there have been absolutely no statements from Jay regarding this matter, in fact Khun texted him about it earlier

One boy’s dream maybe ended, but what you guys are doing right now is ending the dreams of 6 others.

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Guest supaatoaster

dont think this has been posted yet..

Note: The author is a well respected member of the community. This post has garnered a lot of support and encouragement.


안녕하세요 저는 원더풀이자 핫티...였었습니다.

초창기때부터 원더걸스 팬을 쭉 해와서 저는 탈퇴의 아픔을 3번 겪었습니다.

원더걸스 전 멤버 현아양이 원더걸스를 나갔을 때에

현아양팬들은 남은 멤버들 욕을 했습니다. 그리고 남은 멤버들 팬분들은 열 뻗치셔서

현아양을 욕하기 시작했죠. 그와 동시에 원더걸스에서 현아양이 완전 분리가 됐습니다.

jyp는 똑같은 수법을 쓰기로 유명한데 이번에

육피엠과 재범군도 그렇게 떨어뜨리려는 수작일 지도 모릅니다.

벌써 육피엠 쉴드 치는 곳도 있구요, 왜 우리 오빠들만 욕먹냐는 곳도 있어요.

jyp는 무서운 계략을 잘 짜서 늘 팬들은 애먹곤 합니다.


이번은 jyp가 졌습니다.

jyp는 일부러 공지도 허점이 보이게 만들었습니다. 아시죠?

팬들은 날짜마다 사건들을 하나하나 종합해서 결국 육피엠이 동의하게 된 건

회사의 압박 아니냐며 반박자료들을 충분히 온라인상에 올려놓았고,

잘하면 육피엠에게 동정표가 갔을 지도 모릅니다.

허나, 간담회가 끝나고 제 생각이지만.......2pm은 망했습니다

그 이유는 다들 잘 알고 계시겠죠

우선 첫번째, 사생분들이 푼 일화.

우리가 2pm을 다른 가수들보다 더 좋아한 이유가 뭘까요?

가식없는 모습, 꾸밈없는 모습, 솔직한 모습, 방목한 아이돌, 서로 격하게 친해서

형에게 반말도 쓰는 멤버들 등등.....

하지만 일화들에서 보셨듯이 그동안 리드자가 너네 형 무시해? 리드자만 믿어! 이건 음모야!

라는 말을 입에 달고 산 이유를 조금은 이해할 만도 합니다.

일화는 굳이 올리지 않아도 널리 퍼졌다고 믿겠습니다.

육피엠......아니 오피엠인가요? 아무튼, 그들의 가식적인모습 이 들통났습니다.

두번째, 버릇없었던 간담회

요즘 스케줄이 많았던가요? 팬들은 진지한데,

당신들은 턱괴고 졸고, 기지개 피고, 멤버 한명의 인생이 달린 중요한 순간에

그런 버릇없는 행동을 보였단 말입니까?

말투 또한 예의가 넘쳐도 모자랄 판에 비꼬는 말투와

이제 더이상 재범이는 2pm에 필요없다는 식의 대답들.

이봐요, 내가 육피엠에게 묻고 싶습니다.

1년 5개월밖에 같이 하지 못한 팬들은 재범이를 감싸주는데,

당신네들 말마따마 함께한지 3-5년된 당신들은 재범이를 감싸주지 못합니까?

간담회 녹취내용중 육피엠만한 자식을 둔 어머니팬께서 격분을 하셨습니다

재범이를...... 국제쓰레기로 만들어놓았다고.

다른 사람들은요, 개쓰레기짓을 한, 인간만도 못한 짓을 한,

조ㄷㅅ, 강ㅎㅅ 같은 살인마에게도 '인권'은 있다고 해줍니다......

근데 육피엠을 비롯한 jype 당신들은 재범군의 인권을......빼앗고 짓밟았습니다..

마지막으로 총정리하자면

재범이가 2pm으로 돌아오는것, 이제 저희가 반대입니다

그런 쓰레기같은 소굴로 들이밀수도 없고 리더가 떠났는데 그동안 보여준 가식덩어리

멤버들 사이에 둘 수도 없습니다. 그들 사이에 두면 안되는 존재입니다.

6pm...........아니, 2pm은 망했습니다.

억울합니다. 2pm을 정상의 자리에 올려놓기까지 ..물론 다른 멤버들 힘도 있었겠지만

다른 누구보다도 2pm을 알리려고 머리에 2pm까지 새겼던 박재범 힘이 큽니다.

아이돌 단물은 5년이면 빠지지만 그 추억은 평생 갑니다.

육피엠 당신들은 5년 아니 이상태론 3년도 못가겠네요.

몇년만 돈 벌고 나중에 예능 같은데 나와서 재범군얘기로 추억팔이나 하겠지만,

우리들은.......재범이에게 사생활더러운 아이라는 꼬리표가 달리게 만들었듯

당신들에게 '배신' 이라는 꼬리표를 달아주겠습니다

jype 사람들은 분명 동정론이 육피엠에게 갈 것이라고 생각했을 겁니다

동시에 2pm팬은 떨어져나가고 육피엠 신생팬이 생길 것이라고 생각했을 겁니다.

하지만 당신들이 틀렸습니다..........

육피엠의 더러운 본성을 알게 된 이상, 타팬분들도 육피엠.... 치를 떨며 싫어하십니다.

1명이 6명을 살렸는데 6명이 1명을 못살리다니요

사즉필생......살려고 하면 반드시 죽고, 죽을려고 하면 반드시 산다.

육피엠 당신들 혼자 살아남으려다........당신들은 죽게 생겼습니다.


I'm a Wonderful and a Hottest and so I've had to endure the pain of three withdrawals. When Wonder Girls' Hyunah first withdrew, Hyunah's fans expressed their disappointment and hatred towards the remaining members. The fans of the remaining members also got angry and expressed their hatred back.

After that, the distinction between the Wonder Girls and Hyunah became clear.

JYPE is notorious for using the same tactics and this is the same tactic that he's using now with Jaebum's case. It might be a ploy to bring down both the remaining members and Jaebum at once. There are already fansites that are angry and shielding the remaining members, asking 'Why are you only attacking our oppas?' Because of JYPE's tactics, it is the fans that are suffering.

However, this time, JYPE has lost.

JYPE has purposely made it so that there is no way out. Immediately after the notice, fans began to speculate as to whether the boys truly agreed to Jaebum's withdrawal and came up with a list of dates that contradicted their statement.

Unfortunately, 2PM will fail. I'm sure you all know of the reason.

Firstly, sasaeng fans have released their information out of anger. (TN: Sasaeng fans are aggressive fans that follow the boys around 24/7. They are notorious for having garnered a lot of personal information about the boys.)

Why did we love 2PM? Because they never packaged themselves. They were never fake, they were always honest. They were friendly with each other. However, through the release of the sasaeng accounts, we were able to learn their true personalities. I will not go out of my way to paste the specific sasaeng accounts here but they have already been spread far and wide.

Secondly, the 2PM members were extremely unmannered at the conference.

Maybe they had a lot of schedules and were tired? However, the fans were asking the questions in a serious matter. The members were holding their chin ups with their hands, falling asleep, stretching in their seats... This is an issue that has the life on the line of one of their members. How can they show such unmannerly acts in a time of crisis?

And their tone. It's not even enough for them to have been respectful but their tone of voice was sarcastic and disrespectful. They answered their questions as if they no longer needed Jaebum in 2PM.

I would like to ask them myself. There are fans that were only able to be with Jaebum for a year and 5 months and are able and willing to protect him. For having been together with Jaebum for 3-5 years, how could the members not be willing to do the same?

During the conference, a mother of teenagers the age of 2PM angrily stated that they have turned Jaebum into international trash. Other people, no matter how inhumane the acts they have committed are, no matter how trashy their act is, they have human rights.

But 6PM and JYPE... has trampled on the human rights of Jaebum.

To organize this with a conclusion, we are now against Jaebum returning to 2PM. We are not willing to let Jaebum return to such a trashy agency and have to deal with the fake members. He is not someone that belongs there.

6PM......... no, 2PM, has failed.

I am regretful. It is Jaebum, the one that has engraved 2PM onto the side of his head, that has brought 2PM to the top that they are at now. The length of idols last 5 years but the memories last forever. 2PM will never last 5 years, let alone 3.

They might be able to make a few bucks but they are the ones that will come out on varieties years later and make money by speaking of Jaebum's names on varieties.

Like they have put the tag of 'dirty social life' onto Jaebum's name, we will put the tag of 'traitors' onto their names.

JYPE believes that people will feel sympathetic towards 6PM. JYPE believes that they will be able to garner new fans.

They are wrong.

As long as people know of 2PM's true colors... even other fanclubs are disgusted with the recent accounts of 2PM.

One person was able to save six members, but how could six members not be able to save one.

If you wish to live, you will die. If you wish to die, you will live.

6PM... in order to live by yourself, you will die now.

May be taken out with full credits.


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Guest tofu_rpatt

haha wow. <_<

what if this what if that? forced to do this forced to do that? jyp is a liar? come on, so some hottest can't believe jay's gone, you'll get over it eventually. It's not like you own the guy or anything. Why would anybody be forced to do anything? If ppl were forced to do stuff in the music industry, why would some people still try to persue their dreams in the music world? Someone needs to give you guys a time out.

But you know what? Even if 2PM loses some fans, it doesn't matter, they'll still have ME and the other people who think like I do.


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Guest xtehdeb

i honestly don't think 2pm is going to last long sadly...their fans are dropping like flies

I was really surprise about the boys answers to the fans questions...I mean they basically threw jay under the bus except for khun maybe...o__o

they kept mentioning Jay's mistake which was really ridiculous..

ehhh i don't know if fame got to their heads but I'm really sad about this because they seem like humble, nice and fun guys on variety shows and the main reason i liked them was for their personalities >__>;;

i thought their bond was stronger but who really knows the real reasons. I don't know what to believe anymore and this situation is just really messy.

and taec who is my fave member... seems sooo...sighh -__-

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Guest fierymeadow@yahoo.com

i swear to not come here again but i know i need to do something.

to JAY this is my wish for you.it's actually the lyrics from rascal flatts,my wish:

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow

And each road leads you where you want to go

And if you're faced with the choice and you have to choose

I hope you choose the one that means the most to you

And if one door opens to another door closed

I hope you keep on walkin' ?til you find the window

If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile

But more than anything, more than anything

My wish for you

Is that this life becomes all that you want it to

Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small

You never need to carry more than you can hold

And while you're out there gettin' where you're gettin' to

I hope you know somebody loves you

And wants the same things too

Yeah, this is my wish

I hope you never look back but you never forget

All the ones who love you and the place you left

I hope you always forgive and you never regret

And you help somebody every chance you get

Oh, you'd find God's grace in every mistake

And always give more than you take

But more than anything, yeah more than anything

My wish for you

Is that this life becomes all that you want it to

Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small

You never need to carry more than you can hold

Thank you. It fits so perfectly.

Here's "Smile" to help us get through through this---it'd be nice if the boys could hear it too :)

Smile--- Michael Jackson

Smile-- nat king cole

Smile though your heart is aching

Smile even though its breaking

When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by

If you smile through your fear and sorrow

Smile and maybe tomorrow

You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness

Hide every trace of sadness

Although a tear may be ever so near

That's the time you must keep on trying

Smile, whats the use of crying?

You'll find that life is still worthwhile

If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying

Smile, whats the use of crying?

You'll find that life is still worthwhile

If you just smile

And somehow as I was listening to Kelly Clarkson's

over the weekend, I couldn't help but feel maybe this is Jay's song to the rest of 2PM members and the fans (if everything they claim is true). It could be Jay to the fans or 6PM to Jay, but Jay to the other boys seem more fitting. I just selected verses that were especially touching.

"Remember all the things we wanted

Now all our memories, they're haunted...

Even without fists held high, yeah

Never would have worked out right, yeah

We were never meant for do or die

I didn't want us to burn out...

And i want you to know

You couldn't have loved me better

But i want you to move on

So I'm already gone...

(To 6PM and fans)

Looking at you makes it harder

But I know that you'll find another

That doesn't always make you wanna cry...

You know that i love you so

I love you enough to let you go..."

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since it was annouced that jay was no longer a part of 2PM... i've had to think.... and think.... and think... about how i feel about the situation. of course i dont know any of the boys personally. also...i normally was a silent reader in this thread mainly because i'm never on this thread enough to catch up with what's going on. (though i am an avid member of 2onday). i became a fan of 2PM because of their music initially.... the songs they came out with were styles that i liked especially because big bang had taken a hiatus. at first i didn't have a favorite member... all the members were equal to me. in fact it wasn't until jay's controversy came out that i started to look at 2PM in a different light. suddenly each member stood out as individuals in one pod. each member had their own characteristic, and the way they seemed to want to protect their leadja made me proud that i liked their music. soon i fell in love with each member though i ended up having a 'favorite'. i started supporting 2PM in various ways. i was anti-boycott because i felt that it was restricting the love i had for 2PM. even when they came back out as 1:59 i still had love for them and i still had hope that soon leadja would come back. just a little bit longer i would think to myself. 2PM was the first group i had ever joined a fanclub/forum/cafe etc for. i even started giving JYP more respect thinking that leadja would soon be here for us to enjoy. to read about him no longer being a part of 2PM broke my heart. i felt that i had lost a really close friend. i prayed that it was all a mistake...a cruel rumor... an early april fools day joke... but by the minute the comments became worse... by the hour more news articles were coming out. now reading about what 'supposedly' (i saw supposedly because i no longer know who or what to believe) happened at the fan conference enrages me. the so-called responses that the members were said to have spoken shocked me. it seems that not too long ago they were thanking jay in their award speeches... and now after a split second it seems that has gone away. there are still too many thoughts running through my mind. eventually i think i will be able to come to peace with a 6 membered 2PM though i know that a spot will be reserved just for leadja in my heart... and i know everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions... however i hope that everyone will be able to still have love for 2PM... (sorry for the extremely long rant... but i really needed to get this out about how i felt.)

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Guest pink_is


Whew! I'm glad that there are still a lot of 6pm fans left. :D

As a 2pm fan, I want the remaining fans to learn from everyone's mistake.

That is, protect the members twice as hard. Don't falter when the world has turned against you.

Don't give up fighting for the members when they do something wrong. They are also human.

They have selfish desires. Who cares if the members turn on each other, as long as JYPE is making money, and there still is a 2pm.

I'm sorry if you're offended by my sarcastic comment above.

I really just want everyone to know that the reason why I'm not a 6pm fan is because I don't trust them anymore. I don't trust JYPE anymore. I don't want to invest time in a company that will not protect the people I idolize. I'm just afraid that more dirt will be picked up by the growing antis and soon, all members will start revealing each others' DIRTY lives. And in the end, there won't be anymore 2pm because all the members had to turn against each other in order to get their fame and make their hard years of training worth it.

I would have been fine if Jay didn't return. But JYPE and the rest of the members had to pull something out of their a$$ and kick Jay out with a bad reputation. That was just unjustified. Jay does not deserve the members talking about his "dirty life." How rightful you are to tell everyone that Jay's life is dirty. Like you've never done anything immoral before?

Sorry but Taec, if you're job as celebrity is to not frown in public., then thanks for making everyone doubt your sincerity.

I'm not gonna lie, I will probably start downloading their new music, watch their music videos and tv shows. I will still support the seven boys I fell in love with by watching and downloading their new music, but I will NEVER purchase any more JYPE merchandise. It's inevitable, I cannot erase them from my fandom life. Lol, but I will not financially support JYPE and 6pm. :D

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=/ even if it breaks my heart......... if Jaebeom comes back (if there's any possibility) , 2PM will never be the same as before. also, i felt that like he is "banned" from S.Korea. (well fans would obviously run after him but like for what's happening now, it's not like he's going to visit S.Korea soon).

after reading some Q&A from the meeting, it'll be hard for me to see the rest of 2PM like they used to be.

I won't know what they say is real, an act or just a cover. it'll be tough.

so i say good luck for the rest of 2PM

and hope Jaebeom can start a fresh new life with what he learned from the Korean music industry and trying to find his own happiness.


geez, if they got Jaebeom back, it will be the end of the story >.> unless stupid netizens spreads more rumors.

now the boys have to deal with more hardship =/ (+ whatever they dealt during Heartbeat promotion)

ahhhh good luck to the boys to deal with more problems.

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@supaatoaster - Thank you for sharing. I somewhat agree with that person's comment. Although, the last few comments seemed a little drastic in my opinion. There may have been better ways to voice "6PM... in order to live by yourself, you will die now." Maybe disband would have been better. >___>;;

But yeah, I've gotta agree that there doesn't seem to be any way out for JYPE/2PM. No matter what, Jay's 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% NOT COMING BACK (and I hope he doesn't come back after all this, no offense. It'd just lead to a whole new, probably-still-bad situation). And no matter how JYPE/2PM attempts to salvage this current situation, there are going to be new "antis." 2PM's just going to have to accept that and the remaining Hottests as well.

And I also agree with the people who are stating it's pointless to argue with each other like this. There's no need for some people to act like elementary school kids (some - not all). That's just ridiculous. Everyone's just stating an opinion - so let's respect each other, okay? I mean, I'm not saying it's not okay to argue/discuss - just do it with some CLASS please?

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Guest kelland

I'm leaving this "fan club".

It's extremely ridiculous the messages that are being posted!

Tearing apart every single word to make up some irrational complain is just juvenile! They're freaking performers, not your high school classmates for you to spread rumors about.

I cannot believe that a forum that is suppose to be associated with a fan club is instead flooded with bs arguments against each other that are for the good of no cause but to generate random thoughts. Back up the claims that are important. How many times does someone have to say "personal" in an interview before you can take a hint?

The word "hate" was used and now suddenly everyone is acting on emotions and therefore aren't professional? For REAL?

Is ANYONE actually a fan of 2pm or just Jay?

Sure it sucks he's gone but things happen and the nonsense being posted is just obscene.

I hope some readers/posters will be embarrassed looking back, as for myself I look forward to following ALL of the boys activities.

This thread shouldn't be associated with any 2pm fanclub.


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sighhh this forum depresses me -___-"

something to consider listening to ; 6PM this is for you >__>;;

I'm Sorry - Martin Kember


But I couldn't blame you

You ignored me

And never speak my name

I know I'm the reason

For you leaving

And causing your heartache

So how do I say the words I'm sorry

When I know that words are not enough

And how can I ask you to forgive me

When I know I can't forgive myself

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

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Guest kriza09

Why yes, YES I CAN.

Do you know why?

Because I only care about their MUSIC, is that too hard?

Why do I have to stop being their fan because they don't have a leader anymore?

Why do I have to stop being a fan because whatever they said came off as rude?

Why do I have to stop liking them because one of their members quit?

So what?

I'm here for the MUSIC,

and I'll always be here for the MUSIC,

as long as they're still good at making MUSIC,

I don't even care if there's only 2 people left in 2PM,

as long as they deliver the music, I'll continue being a fan.

And I will continue to support them, THROUGH THICK & THIN.

Why don't you look at some American singers, they do drugs, abuse, go into rehab, rape, steal, and murder. Yet they still have fans, I wonder why?

Because their FANS stay for their MUSIC.

Whatever you say, no matter how much you try to convince me, I will ALWAYS support 2PM, I will ALWAYS support AOM, and I will ALWAYS support Jaebeom.

And by the way, I'm tired of people saying, "6PM" Wake up, they're not 6PM, they're 2PM, always has been, always will be, now wake up and get with the picture, from now on when I say 2PM, I'm talking about whoever is still in it, even if there's only 3 people left in the group, it will always be 2PM.


2PM - Junho, Chansung, Nichkhun, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, Junsu.

AOM - Dial Tone, Kidd Fresh, Jaebeom, HepDaTightest, ChaCha, Chico, Gil, Phé La Roc, Neil, Bowzer, StepRoc, Mango

@2PM: I hope you will work hard like you always do, and that your future album is a success, and that you will no longer have any problems.

@AOM: I hope that you guys will go on America's Best Dance Crew, like you said you wanted to, we will always support you, and your new crew.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- --- ---- ----- ----- ------ -------- --------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------

But you know what? Go ahead, if you want to boycott, then boycott! I just won't be joining you, I'll be right here, enjoying what 2PM has to offer in the future, and I'll stick to that. And you can stick to boycotting, not being a fan anymore, or even becoming an anti if you want. It's your life, live it however you want. No one is making you do anything, you're in control of your life.

Oh yeah, don't you guys remember never to take fan accounts to heart? It's the person that is writing+their emotion+bias+event/encounter+stronger emotion=Fan account. They could have been highly upset at the time, since they were already upset with the news, they could have just twisted the words a bit to fit their emotion without even knowing it.

I don't question the reliability of fans' accounts. These are people who before the conference started have been convincing themselves that the members would be forced to lie. All the fans' accounts carry similar tone, some are even worse than the others. You can download the conference file and judge yourself whether the fans' accounts were true or not. I believe the fans' accounts really describe what happened in the conference without twisting the fact. What I'm not sure is whether the members were really saying their real feelings or whether they were just acting. That is something we can't judge ourselves, the people who attended the conference are the only ones who saw the members' faces and we just have to trust their judgment. If they say the members don't look like they're acting, then I should trust them. And from what I gather, it seems most of the accounts say they could've won an Oscar if it was an act. I'm not saying that I'm 100% sure they were not acting, it's just the more logical option between the 2.

Now, a lot of people seem to not be able to understand some fans' decision to quit being fans and keep saying that if they're true fans they should continue supporting their music. Seriously, I bet most of these people claim to be fans when all they did was downloading 2pm's music illegally. I'm sure those who said they're disappointed in what the members said during the conference are the ones who faithfully bought 2pm's albums with their money, spent time to organize support projects for the members, etc. They're willing to sacrifice their time and energy because they saw something in 2pm. More than the music, they admired their brotherhood and personalities. They are known to not care about their image, to always show who they truly are, to be real and never fake. And so when all that turns out to be fake, of course they would be greatly disappointed. When the only reason they're supporting 2pm turns out to be not there, what else can they support them for?

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Guest vintageromance

All this while i keep thinking

If this actually happen to Nickhun

do you think Koreans are still going to act the same way

or brush it off since he is off a different race, citizen or culture.

Jae Bum is not saving himself solely, he is saving the rest of you guys

but what did you do, honestly nothing.

Guess what i forgave a drug addict, i forgave a muderer and most probably i will forgive Jae Bum and receive him in open arms.

The only things that are dirty is you guys. You did it for money didnt you.

Guess what they say is true. Being Famous does really goes to your head huh

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Guest abcdana

i have a quick question... hopefully it wont bring up any drama but

weren't there more antiB/2pm supporters than (supposedly) B'er/jay supporters at the conference? if so, then how come all of the fan accounts coming out of the conference are... less than flattering for the boys? or have there been fan accounts which have been favorable to the boys from the conference?

is that a silly question? i dunno...

Edit: maybe they really were disrespectful during the conference... and it's not a conspiracy from the "jay-fans" but they really were that bad. i heard the audio earlier (& yes, i thought they were curt and cold/unfeeling) but i thought maybe there would be some accounts from people who were actually there who would say "no you just couldn't see them. they really MISSED jae and you could tell that they were hurting." but maybe that was just my foolish hope~

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Guest Eltoshen

Dam, there's a lot of bashing going on here. o-O

Are people seriously blaming the other members for this? I'm trying to force myself into thinking that I didn't read half the stuff I just did. >_>

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Guest tikamicizia

hey! do you guys see this? I found it on daum.

chacha just updated his facebook.


omg!! this is so sadd!!!!

yes we will support you too jay!!!!!!!!

chin up! don't let the past haunt you!

u're the one who got talent!! I believe in you

everybody deserves a second chance!! we are in no position to punish ppl!

even GOD forgives our sin!

remember that, before u blame others please look at the mirror and take a look of urself.. blaming is much easier than admitting our mistake

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