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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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2PMInsider states that JYP will bring back Jae to Korea and force him to lie. That they will make him tell the fans to support 2PM, even without him. I see a flaw to this claim, since if Jae's contract is really in void, then JYPE can't force him to lie. Since he's no longer in the company. If Jae feels that JYPE did him wrong, then Jae has the right and free will to say it. What's going to stop him? He would of said that JYPE screwed me over, but why isn't he doing it.

So to repeat what I said... JYPE can't force Jae to lie, since he's no longer in the company.

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Guest theblazenazn

Why yes, YES I CAN.

Do you know why?

Because I only care about their MUSIC, is that too hard?

Why do I have to stop being their fan because they don't have a leader anymore?

Why do I have to stop being a fan because whatever they said came off as rude?

Why do I have to stop liking them because one of their members quit?

So what?

I'm here for the MUSIC,

and I'll always be here for the MUSIC,

as long as they're still good at making MUSIC,

I don't even care if there's only 2 people left in 2PM,

as long as they deliver the music, I'll continue being a fan.

And I will continue to support them, THROUGH THICK & THIN.

Why don't you look at some American singers, they do drugs, abuse, go into rehab, rape, steal, and murder. Yet they still have fans, I wonder why?

Because their FANS stay for their MUSIC.

Whatever you say, no matter how much you try to convince me, I will ALWAYS support 2PM, I will ALWAYS support AOM, and I will ALWAYS support Jaebeom.

And by the way, I'm tired of people saying, "6PM" Wake up, they're not 6PM, they're 2PM, always has been, always will be, now wake up and get with the picture, from now on when I say 2PM, I'm talking about whoever is still in it, even if there's only 3 people left in the group, it will always be 2PM.


2PM - Junho, Chansung, Nichkhun, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, Junsu.

AOM - Dial Tone, Kidd Fresh, Jaebeom, HepDaTightest, ChaCha, Chico, Gil, Phé La Roc, Neil, Bowzer, StepRoc, Mango

@2PM: I hope you will work hard like you always do, and that your future album is a success, and that you will no longer have any problems.

@AOM: I hope that you guys will go on America's Best Dance Crew, like you said you wanted to, we will always support you, and your new crew.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- --- ---- ----- ----- ------ -------- --------- ----------- --------------- ---------------------

But you know what? Go ahead, if you want to boycott, then boycott! I just won't be joining you, I'll be right here, enjoying what 2PM has to offer in the future, and I'll stick to that. And you can stick to boycotting, not being a fan anymore, or even becoming an anti if you want. It's your life, live it however you want. No one is making you do anything, you're in control of your life.

Oh yeah, don't you guys remember never to take fan accounts to heart? It's the person that is writing+their emotion+bias+event/encounter+stronger emotion=Fan account. They could have been highly upset at the time, since they were already upset with the news, they could have just twisted the words a bit to fit their emotion without even knowing it.



You just buy the Music or Download it and Listen to it.

Obviously it's just Not About the Music! You Read Stories about them, Come here to Discuss about them and what they & how they carry themself, and of course you write Against Others who Oppose to them.

Which all means you are NOT Just About the Music. IN YOUR POST, YOU DID NOT SAY ONE THING THAT DIRECTLY TALK ABOUT THEIR MUSIC. But you're not the Only One Hiding behind this "Music" Shield. Face it, you Worship them as Idols and you really do care about what they do.

AND TO Your American Artists Comment, YES, They messed bad with Rehab and stuff like that but NOT all of their Careers Recover. SOME MARKED The Down Turned of their Career. Whitney Houston's drug abuse lead to her down fall. Chris Brown beating Rihanna lead vast Majority of Public to be against him. Heck, even Non-Music Idols who poeple look up to Like Tiger Woods face backlash for their lapse in Character which lead to Career Fail. PLUS this a Korea not America, a place the Virtues of Family, Friendship, and Brotherhood are like Life Rules to live by & Respect. Saying things like that will of course destroy what people think of you.

I've Explained Before but People Still seem to be about the NUMBERS.

6 vs.1

There's 6, so there's more so let's savage the 6 and move on from the 1.

Remember, Character and Virtues Define People NOT NUMBERS.

If you say that then 2 Firefighters would not go into a Burning Building to Save 1 Baby. Why risk 2 lives for 1, Right? It's Your Reasoning.

No, They do It Anyways before it's in the Character of their professional and They are Noble People.

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Guest cutelilbear09

First of all. What do you mean by not standing up for Jay?

Wasn't it obvious that from the moment he left, they had been

supporting him all along? And even though they stood by him, hoping he

would come back, didn't he make his own decision to leave? So

you expect the members to stand up for someone who had already chosen what

he wanted? That doesn't make sense. I would understand what you're saying

if Jay was forced to leave, but he wasn't. He chose to...so that's a different story.

They've tried, and Jay still made the same choice. What more do you expect them to do?

So because they let Jay do whatever he wanted to do, that means their brotherhood relationship

is gone? Because they respected their leader's decision? That doesn't make sense.

You and I are obviously not on the same page. You're talking about something that happened in September of last year. They stated at the conference yesterday that they were against Jay coming back because Jay did something socially unacceptable, that they hated Jay for what he did when they first found out. This extends beyond the Myspace controversy and Jay's withdrawal as a result of that controversy.

Jay left in September because he respected the other six members enough to do so. That doesn't mean that Jay never had the desire or intention of coming back because given his perseverance, he wouldn't walk away from his career just like that: four years of fighting back tears and feelings of loneliness, four years of giving it his all, just so he "could buy his mother nice things." What doesn't make sense is how they could say those things about Jay at the conference and tarnish his reputation to save their own reputations; that's all I meant to say.

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May I ask? What did you anti get from bashing them?

Fun? Happy? Or do you want all 2PM to kill themselves or disappear from this world?

If you don't like current 2PM anymore, just move on.

Isn't this a place for 2PM fans?

What's the point of all bashing and complain?

They're artists who produce music, just listen to their music! goshh.........

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I know people will say this is unnecessary and I should just get out, well...I am, after I write this.

2PM, pre-September I had a wonderful time with you. IA, WB, your promotions...I feel in love with a group I believed in, I got through a shaky summer from how happy you made me.

For the past 5 months I fought, cried, wrote post-it note after post-it, and believed in you and your goodness and your dedication to each other.

Ultimately it is no one's fault but my own for believing that friendship meant something to a group of people who were ultimately only thrown together to make money.

But I still can't help but be deeply hurt by all this. This is how you treat one of your own? One of your friends? The members in 2PM I thought I knew and fell in love with don't exist. Whether you go by 2PM or 6PM or 1:59PM in the future, the sense of betrayal and backstabbing I now can't help but associate with you is too much. So, goodbye. I really don't care if you do well or not.

When it was good, when I believed in you and I believe you all believed in 7, it was really good. And I thank you and will always look fondly on that. But that group is well and truly dead and I hope the decent ones among you salvage the respectability they still have.

Goodbye to 2PM, goodbye 2PM soompi thread. It was nice while it lasted.

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Guest jserenity

oaky this conference thingy has really gotten into my head all day,

now im thinking, the six boys have protected jaebum.

lets think about it - if the problem was THAT big that they couldn't forgive him,

how would korea react to it? the public would be x10000 more harsh and rude to jay.

by turning against jay, they've helped him. he might be grateful to finally be back home, bboying.

i don't think the boys have been manipulated by jype into turning against jay,

i believe something big did happen.

as someone said before, jay has no strings attached to jype anymore. no slave contract or anything- he is FREE. hence, he can say WHATEVER he wants to say ! he can speak up and tell everyone that what the boys said are all lies - but he DIDN'T . instead, he stays quiet and settles back into his life; i think this is because he is truly sorry and feels guilty. he and all the boys stay quiet about the problem because speaking up will only make the situation worse.

please take the time to think things through rationally, think about each others perspectives, and understand each others decisions. i am able to understand poeple leaving the fandom because they think 2PM have changed, but if you leave because of jay not being there, i hope you didn't call yourself a 2PM fan - you are only a JaeBum fan. I'm not bashing or anything, i just want to point out that you only believed on one person, not the seven.

i hope to hear from jaebum in chachas album soon, hopefully he speaks up at least about his feelings, and of course 2PM is able to move on from this. taecyeon did say in the interview, that they are willing to succeed as six members for Jaebum - the brotherhood is not gone, it is scarred.

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Guest mrs_dbsk

Oh my, so much has happened the past few days.

I've had such mixed emotions, from anger to frustration to confusion and sadness.

I'm still so shocked at this moment especially after reading the conference interview just now

but I've come to a conclusion.

I was never really a huge fan of 2PM, sure I loved the goofy guys that they were and how they weren't

the typical idols but in all honesty it was Jaebeom who caught my attention. Everything about him is so

lovable; his looks, personality, and talent. And until yesterday all I wanted was for Jaebeom to be back with 2PM.

Why all of a sudden the change mind? Because I don't know anything and I will never know the real truth behind

this whole chaos. But judging from what I read, their bond has disappeared. The members mentioned that they still

care about Jaebeom, but that's a lie. You can just tell by reading the replies that they were meaningless replies. They loved him, until the day the "horrible truth" was revealed. Now all I want is for Jaebeom to be happy doing

what he wants to do. Why should he go back to 2PM if he doesn't want to and if the boys agreed on his withdrawal? Bboying is his passion and if that's what makes him happy then that's what he should continue to do. As for 2PM, I'm done being a fan of theirs. When their new album comes out, of course I'll listen to it if I like it. But as for 2PM the members themselves, I'm no longer a fan. I don't like who they've become. I shouldn't be biased and hate on them like that. But if they truly were a family, they would've forgave. No matter how misbehaved someone might've been, family is always there for you.

.....maybe I'll continue liking Nichkhun, hehe. It seems like he still has the same feelings for Jay :) I mean all that he mentioned in the conference was texting him a couple days ago, no bashing.

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wow this thread has really gone crazy

i've always been a silent reader (i've written on this thread once or twice, but nothing this long) but i just wanted to write my feelings.

you can read it or not, doesn't matter to me, im just putting this out there

truthfully i became a fan when it was just the six members. Jay had already been gone. but just because i became a fan of "6PM" doesn't mean i didn't support Jay. after becoming a fan of "6PM" i started watching IA and WB and everything else and i saw Jay and i fell in love with him. lol. i started liking "6PM" but i fell in love with 2PM.

when the news first came out about Jay i was really sad, than it turned to anger, than it was despair

after the conference i was REALLY sad, than it turned to anger after reading about the fan accounts about how the boys were acting, and again, it turned to despair.

i have been so confused about my feelings reading everything here on soompi, everything on 2oneday, everything on all of these sites.

1st i was like, "well, now theres no Jay, but i'll still support the 6". then after the conference and everything about how the boys were acting it turned to "how the heck could they do that to Jay, i will not support, i hate them, i can't stand seeing their faces, etc etc." everything that has been said and done by the guys have made me even more confused about the whole situation

but now.... now after thinking about it, talking with other friends who know of 2PM, and reading both sides of the spectrum i have decided that i will continue supporting 2PM.

i was never one of those people who thought that Jay was an angel, that he couldn't possibly have done anything wrong, etc, etc. im not one of those people because i know that Jay is human. he makes mistakes. if this so called "mistake-thats-bigger-than-the-myspace-thing" is true than its true. if its not, its not. it doesn't matter cuz i will support him regardless. nothing that he did could be too big that you cant forgive. (to me at least)

along with that, i know the rest of the boys are not angels. if all those rumors are true (the ones about them having girls over at the dorms, having girlfriends, etc) and i mean IF, they're human too. people have girlfriends, people do things. we may not like it, but everyone is human. thats just the way it is. and again, it doesn't matter, cuz i will support them regardless

it took a little bit for me to realize this, but i realized.

so saying all that, i will support 2PM, because yes Jay helped me fall in love with 2PM, but Jay not being there isn't gonna make me hate 2PM either. i wont have the same feelings towards them as before, but i wont hate them either. i wont be buying anything of theirs and i wont be putting money into JYP/E but i will watch 2PM performances, and i will continue listening to their songs, and of course i will support Jay. because he is and forever will be part of 2PM.

anyways thats my 2cents. it might be all over the place to some people, but it makes sense to me. i have a lot more to say but i never know how to put things into words that makes sense :]...

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Guest lunalovexx

COME ON PPL we cant stay mad at them forever we have remember the good time i mean how can u stay mad at this faces i know this pic might be posted b4 but i just want ppl to remember them as they were all happy 22354_104782646215772_100000521113037_124098_469668_n.jpg


COME PPL SMILE ^_^ dont be made no more k i know even tho u guys say ur not going to like them no more and stuff but I KNOW UR going to look at there MV and PIC when they come out with it LOL ^_^

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Guest joyableme

You and I are obviously not on the same page. You're talking about something that happened in September of last year. They stated at the conference yesterday that they were against Jay coming back because Jay did something socially unacceptable, that they hated Jay for what he did when they first found out. This extends beyond the Myspace controversy and Jay's withdrawal as a result of that controversy.

Jay left in September because he respected the other six members enough to do so. That doesn't mean that Jay never had the desire or intention of coming back because given his perseverance, he wouldn't walk away from his career just like that: four years of fighting back tears and feelings of loneliness, four years of giving it his all, just so he "could buy his mother nice things." What doesn't make sense is how they could say those things about Jay at the conference and tarnish his reputation to save their own reputations; that's all I meant to say.

So tell me exactly what did they say that was talking smack about Jay that wasn't the truth? What did they exactly say that showed us the fact that they were trying to save themselves only? The exact words? Was it the fact that Junho said that he hated Jaebum after knowing what Jaebum did? Was it the fact that the members were irritated while answering the questions? Well as human beings, don't they have the right to feel all those things. After all we don't know what Jaebum did and they know, so why is there hatred towards the members when the truth hasn't even been told, how can people judge without even knowing the truth.

Look I'm not trying to attack you, and I'm sorry if you feel like that. It's just that I'm just really irritated, that's all. Hope you don't take it personally.

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I can't stay silent any longer. I'm usually a lurker here although I have wrote on this thread once before.

I finally want to speak out on how I feel about 2PM and all the things that have happened lately.

At first, I want to state that I am a male fan of 2PM, though am not a Hottest.

They first caught my eyes when they made their comeback with Again & Again.

I can say I was addicted to the song for the whole summer last year, listening to it nonstop.

I would then begin to watch all their shows like Hot Blood and Idol Army,

and catch their appearances on other variety shows like Star King and SGB etc.

I was attracted to this group by their brother-like bond and relationship that they show on Hot Blood and Wild Bunny.

They weren't the best looking bunch compared to other idols but their dancing skills impressed me.

I really looked up to these guys, I wanted to sing like Junsu, dance like Jay and be as good looking as Khun, LOL!

but in all seriousness, I especially looked up to Jay since he's seems to be the person who I can relate to,

Bboying, being from a Western country and all that.

When Jay's controversy first arouse, I was quite upset about it.

He was the member I looked up to the most and to see the mistake he made and him subsequently leave was hard.

I would follow news about him continuously for the next couple of months until 2PM came out with 1:59PM.

During this time, I thought that Jay would be back someday, I just had this feeling in my gut that he'll be back.

I kept this in my head while I enjoyed the rest of 2PM promoting and performing...

...until Jay's permanent leave was announced the other day. That news hit me hard.

Reading of everything that happened in the past couple of days were also quite difficult to take in.

I guess the feeling in my gut was wrong, Jay wasn't going to come back afterall.

I accepted this fact and was looking forward to whatever 2PM had in store in the future,

but reading about what happened in the fan conference really got to me.

Reading that the rest of 2PM badmouthing Jay really changed my view for these guys.

I thought they were brothers... Brotherhood and Friendship was what made me interested in them.

If Jay did make a moral mistake, so be it, but badmouthing him like this is just...

They should be helping Jay learn through his mistakes and help him improve as a person.

If this is all JYPE's doings, I have nothing to say but that I'm deeply disappointed in them...

This is all one big mess. What is the truth? What are the lies?

Nobody seems to know. What is the full story?... I've had enough of this ridiculousness.

I wish Jay and 2PM the best of luck on their future.

If 2PM catches my attention again with their music, I will again support them, but as of right now,

I just don't care because the overall image I had for them is tarnished.

Ok. I vented out everything that I've kept inside me.

It's time to move on... time will tell...

edit: Oh and one more thing. If this Jay moral mistake was all one big lie, I don't get why JYPE wouldn't bring him back. I'm thinking of this in terms of a business. Do they not realize how much money they would make if Jay was to come back? Someone explain to me what they're thinking...

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Guest mrs_dbsk

wow this thread has really gone crazy

i've always been a silent reader (i've written on this thread once or twice, but nothing this long) but i just wanted to write my feelings.

you can read it or not, doesn't matter to me, im just putting this out there

truthfully i became a fan when it was just the six members. Jay had already been gone. but just because i became a fan of "6PM" doesn't mean i didn't support Jay. after becoming a fan of "6PM" i started watching IA and WB and everything else and i saw Jay and i fell in love with him. lol. i started liking "6PM" but i fell in love with 2PM.

when the news first came out about Jay i was really sad, than it turned to anger, than it was despair

after the conference i was REALLY sad, than it turned to anger after reading about the fan accounts about how the boys were acting, and again, it turned to despair.

i have been so confused about my feelings reading everything here on soompi, everything on 2oneday, everything on all of these sites.

1st i was like, "well, now theres no Jay, but i'll still support the 6". then after the conference and everything about how the boys were acting it turned to "how the heck could they do that to Jay, i will not support, i hate them, i can't stand seeing their faces, etc etc." everything that has been said and done by the guys have made me even more confused about the whole situation

but now.... now after thinking about it, talking with other friends who know of 2PM, and reading both sides of the spectrum i have decided that i will continue supporting 2PM.

i was never one of those people who thought that Jay was an angel, that he couldn't possibly have done anything wrong, etc, etc. im not one of those people because i know that Jay is human. he makes mistakes. if this so called "mistake-thats-bigger-than-the-myspace-thing" is true than its true. if its not, its not. it doesn't matter cuz i will support him regardless. nothing that he did could be too big that you cant forgive. (to me at least)

along with that, i know the rest of the boys are not angels. if all those rumors are true (the ones about them having girls over at the dorms, having girlfriends, etc) and i mean IF, they're human too. people have girlfriends, people do things. we may not like it, but everyone is human. thats just the way it is. and again, it doesn't matter, cuz i will support them regardless

it took a little bit for me to realize this, but i realized.

so saying all that, i will support 2PM, because yes Jay helped me fall in love with 2PM, but Jay not being there isn't gonna make me hate 2PM either. i wont have the same feelings towards them as before, but i wont hate them either. i wont be buying anything of theirs and i wont be putting money into JYP/E but i will watch 2PM performances, and i will continue listening to their songs, and of course i will support Jay. because he is and forever will be part of 2PM.

anyways thats my 2cents. it might be all over the place to some people, but it makes sense to me. i have a lot more to say but i never know how to put things into words that makes sense :]...

ah, i just read your post and it does make sense AND i agree, with most of it :)

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Guest rogueeex



You just buy the Music or Download it and Listen to it.

Obviously it's just Not About the Music! You Read Stories about them, Come here to Discuss about them and what they & how they carry themself, and of course you write Against Others who Oppose to them.

Which all means you are NOT Just About the Music. IN YOUR POST, YOU DID NOT SAY ONE THING THAT DIRECTLY TALK ABOUT THEIR MUSIC. But you're not the Only One Hiding behind this "Music" Shield. Face it, you Worship them as Idols and you really do care about what they do.

AND TO Your American Artists Comment, YES, They messed bad with Rehab and stuff like that but NOT all of their Careers Recover. SOME MARKED The Down Turned of their Career. Whitney Houston's drug abuse lead to her down fall. Chris Brown beating Rihanna lead vast Majority of Public to be against him. Heck, even Non-Music Idols who poeple look up to Like Tiger Woods face backlash for their lapse in Character which lead to Career Fail. PLUS this a Korea not America, a place the Virtues of Family, Friendship, and Brotherhood are like Life Rules to live by & Respect. Saying things like that will of course destroy what people think of you.

I've Explained Before but People Still seem to be about the NUMBERS.

6 vs.1

There's 6, so there's more so let's savage the 6 and move on from the 1.

Remember, Character and Virtues Define People NOT NUMBERS.

If you say that then 2 Firefighters would not go into a Burning Building to Save 1 Baby. Why risk 2 lives for 1, Right? It's Your Reasoning.

No, They do It Anyways before it's in the Character of their professional and They are Noble People.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!

If there was an AWESOME button for your posts I'd totally spam it..or something. xD

Everything you've said today was exactly what I've been wanting to say!...but unlike you, I have no guts. hehe >_<

This is now going to sound like regurgitation but that person being only interested in music makes no freaking sense.

Okay! We understand that you only like their MUSIC. WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE CONSTANTLY TELLING US THAT. You support the group as a whole because of their music. You don't care about remaining members. You don't care about Jay. WE GET IT.

Now please go listen to their MUSIC and take your comments along with you elsewhere.. .___.

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Guest Lushful



You just buy the Music or Download it and Listen to it.

Obviously it's just Not About the Music! You Read Stories about them, Come here to Discuss about them and what they & how they carry themself, and of course you write Against Others who Oppose to them.

Which all means you are NOT Just About the Music. IN YOUR POST, YOU DID NOT SAY ONE THING THAT DIRECTLY TALK ABOUT THEIR MUSIC. But you're not the Only One Hiding behind this a "Music" Shield. Face it, you Worship them as Idols and you really do care about what they do.

AND TO Your American Artists Comment, YES, They messed bad with Rehab and stuff like that but NOT all of their Careers Recover. SOME MARKED The Down Turned of their Career. Whitney Houston's drug abuse lead to her down fall. Chris Brown beating Rihanna lead vast Majority of Public to be against him. Heck, even Non-Music Idols who poeple look up to Like Tiger Woods face backlash for their lapse in Character which lead to Career Fail. PLUS this a Korea not America, a place the Virtues of Family, Friendship, and Brotherhood are like Life Rules to live by & Respect. Saying things like that will of course destroy what people think of you.

I've Explained Before but People Still seem to be about the NUMBERS.

6 vs.1

There's 6, so there's more so let's savage the 6 and move on from the 1.

Remember, Character and Virtues Define People NOT NUMBERS.

If you say that then 2 Firefighters would not go into a Burning Building to Save 1 Baby. Why risk 2 lives for 1, Right? It's Your Reasoning.

No, They do It Anyways before it's in the Character of their professional and They are Noble People.

This made me laugh, you're funny. (:

The reason I'm here is because I am a FAN, and this is a FAN thread. People come here to talk about their songs, and albums. Yes, when someone is a FAN of an artist/group, they will discuss about that artist's/groups current event and news. It's natural. (:

And, if I support this artist/group, of course I will discuss about them. Is there a problem?

And LOL@MUSIC SHIELD, the only reason that I was interested in them in the first place was because I heard their music, and loved the beats/lyrics, I didn't like them because of their image/members.

You expect me to just randomly start talking about their music in a heated discussion like this? You're one silly little girl/boy.

And honestly, I didn't even bother to read your comment about American artists.

Also your metaphor doesn't fit the situation so well. Time to go buy a new metaphor book~


Oh yeah, you can get in trouble for naming other artists/singers in this thread. So you should edit that paragraph.

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Guest innocent_se

okay guys

i spent the entire day on korean sites listening to parts of what 2pm said and also reading what went on during the interview (from the fans themselves)

i have to say, it's not that i can no longer be a fan of the rest of the 6 BECAUSE OF JAY

but BECAUSE THEY COMPLETELY MADE FUN OF THEIR FANS by laughing at them (junsu even fell asleep at one point) when they posed their questions

they answered their questions in rude ways, and clearly did not appreciate what their fans have done for them since they debuted

there was a fan who had a son who was going off to the army soon (so much older than them) and they were completely rude to her

I honestly was more of a fan of wooyoung than jay (of course i liked jay a lot too), but i cant bring myself to be a fan of this group anymore because of the way they treat their fans

NOT BECAUSE THEY 'BETRAYED' JAY which could be true or not (although, personally from the way they treated the fans, i felt bad for jay and was glad he was now in seattle with his family & friends)

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Guest tknoodles

hey guys,

I'm usually a lurker around here, but I've posted a couple of times before. Honestly, I had a feeling that Jay was not going to come back from the get-go. However, I always held onto some hope that he would come back. Now that it's official, sure, I'm bothered by it, but I don't feel surprised. In fact, I think we should all learn to accept it. I would rather have Jay here in the states, closer to us international fans than in korea with those crazy anti-fans. I know we're all hurt because we want him to be with the other members because he trained so hard, but if he were ever to come back, he would have to face so much crap from the public. Just look on the bright side, since Jay is here in the states, he gets to be with his family and friends, and I guess you can say we can have better, for lack of a better word, contact with him. It's not like we're never gonna hear from him ever again. He's free from JYPE's contract, so maybe he'll be able to verbally interact with us through facebook and youtube. Hopefully, he really will be in Cha Cha's album; he'll be singing...IN ENGLISH! In fact, everything will be in english! No need for translations! (sorry trying to lighten the mood here). Plus! There's no better way to support Jay and AOM than voting for them if they audition for ABDC. They'll be as popular as Jabbawockeez, Kaba Modern, and Quest Crew. If they win, Jay will still be able to do what he loves: travel the world, dance and entertain. I know this seem REALLY bad right now for Jay, Hottests, and the boys, but the only way to go from here is up.

As for the other boys, I'm not going to lie and say that I will still whole-heartedly support them. My impressions of them have changed dramatically from this incident; I'm quite disappointed in everyone, save Khun. I can't speak for the boys, but I feel Khun is the only one who had real sympathy for Jay and stood up for Jay the most, maybe because Khun is also a foreigner. It seems that the other boys went for the "everyman for himself" route because they didn't want all of their hard work going down the drain. I really don't know what else to say about them. I don't want to say that they are richard simmons bags, but *sigh* they kinda are. They left me quite speechless.

Taec, if you ever read this, not to call you out or anything, but you gotta work on your tone, buddy. Maybe it's a "lost in translation" type thing, but it seems that whenever you speak, you have a condescending and dismissive tone. I know you're famous, but it doesn't make you better than anyone else. When you're in the states, you're just any other person. Maybe you're popular among Asians, but Asians are still a minority, and not all of us listen to k-pop. Just a heads up.

Yeah guys, that's my opinion on it. Thanks for reading. If you're feeling down, don't be, because life goes on.

Here's some COURAGE WOLF to make you guys feel a little more positive/motivated:

Good Luck to everyone: the fandom, the boys, but most of all, Jay.


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Guest jessicarr8

I've given this a lot of thought and I know now that I cannot support 2pm anymore. Yes, there are some of you that will disagree with me or call me a fan that was never a real fan in the first place. But, I know I was a true fan and that is all that matters. I honestly LOVED 2pm, but I loved them because I loved their loyalty, dedication, friendship, and care towards one other. I loved all seven of them, and if this scandal had happened to any of the other members, I feel that I would have reacted the same way. I also dislike what some of the 2pm members have become. Lastly, I ask of some of you to keep an open mind and try to understand why people are behaving this way. It is fine to disagree with it, but please do not (at least, try not to) bash or argue with each other about it. Therefore, I am another ex-hottest here to say goodbye to 2pm, 2pm's soompi thread, and park jaebum. I will now officially unfollow 2pm.

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I saw this somewhere and I just want to put emphasis on it:

"It's not because we hate the 6, it's because we love the 7"

I am not saying that this excuses people for suddenly hating on the others btw. I just liked the quote and I think it really explains why fans are acting the way they are.

. . .

Now as for how the conference went and how people are saying everyone has turned on Jay except for Nichkhun...

Call me naive, but I believe in the best of people. And I refuse to believe that they genuinely don't want Jaebeom to return.

Perhaps it's the fact that they haven't been in close contact with Jay, and the company has been feeding the members countless lies into manipulating them into turning on him (IF they did).

I don't believe their friendships and bonds were staged. So how could they just turn on him?

I don't believe it.

All for one and one for all.

Now at this point, I don't know what I want. Jay to return to 2pm? Of course that'd be wonderful to see...but lets be realistic guys, with all this drama going on...things just won't be what they used to be.

Do we want to put him in that situation? =\

I guess what I want is just for Jaebeom to be happy, stop suffering, and have a lead in a future career.

I want the rest of the boys to reveal that THIS IS ALL A SCAM and that words were put into their mouths and they really DO want him back


is it so much to ask for ? ='(

"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HONESTLY!" (I'm quoting snooki from jersey shore with that btw)

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Guest Lushful

Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!

If there was an AWESOME button for your posts I'd totally spam it..or something. xD

Everything you've said today was exactly what I've been wanting to say!...but unlike you, I have no guts. hehe >_<

This is now going to sound like regurgitation but that person being only interested in music makes no freaking sense.

Okay! We understand that you only like their MUSIC. WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE CONSTANTLY TELLING US THAT. You support the group as a whole because of their music. You don't care about remaining members. You don't care about Jay. WE GET IT.

Now please go listen to their MUSIC and take your comments along with you elsewhere.. .___.

Excuse me?

That's extremely rude.

How could you say that?

I was not going to bother responding to your post until I saw the last line.

So can I say: "Now please go rant to their LEADERLESSNESS and take your comments along with you elsewhere.. .___." To all the "Anti's/haters/hottests/2pm fans" that are bashing on them too?

Is it wrong for me to post in the Artists/Group that I enjoy listening to? Is it wrong for me to post in their FAN THREAD because I'm a fan? Seriously, please think before posting, it might save lives.

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