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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest mmmmichelle1205

And how is JYP's wrath any worse than fan's wrath? The worst JYP could do to the rest of the boys is let them go and ruin their image. But look, isnt that what the fans/antis/whatever-the-hell-these-people-are doing? Defaming them by calling them traitors, destroying their products, telling them to quit their jobs at shows. You can't fight evil with evil, can't stop hate with hate, can't right a wrong with more wrong.

At least wait until the conference is over before doing such rash things. I've seen the most miserable and hateful comments today, and how does it solve anything? It just adds fuel to the fire.

Things like "Should 2PM continue to promote themselves with 6 members, we will no longer be a 2PM fan. We will become Jaebum's personal fans or 2PM anti fans."

"We dont hate the 6?" Really? Then how could you ever consider being an anti-fan? Ceasing support is one thing, but being actively against the rest of the boys? Do these people WANT the boys to turn against Jay? Even now they still love him, still think of him, still miss him, and yet if they keep facing all this hate, even the best of people will fall off the wagon.

I'm completely FOR and LOVE 7 member 2PM, but not if it means dragging the rest of the boys down so that they are nothing. Do not target them for HATE that they dont deserve. That's just wrong.

Love and respect. Please, otherwise we'll never be able to get through this in one piece.

I completely agree with what you said. I normally don't post in this thread, but this situation is just too much...

Please, some people really need to calm down and stop trying to put the blame on the other 6 members. Just think about how they must be feeling right now...

As a relatively new member to this fandom, it really disheartens me to see some of the hurtful comments that are directed at the boys, they have done nothing to deserve it. =/

For now, I just hope that the boys will get out of this controversy in one piece...

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Guest appleicedtea

i don't get this...when will this all end? I just hope the so call fans don't pressure the rest of the boys into a situation a netizen has done to Jaebum. Will everyone be happy once 2PM disband and they all lose their hard earned status that they have today?

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Guest tifaross

I don'tknow if it's true but there's an article in 2OD saying that the managers and the boys had no single ideas of what was coming. It can be a fabricated article. Who knows this may also be part of the whatever plan JYPE has in mind.

Did they purposely give the wrong dates knowing that hottest are smart that they would definitely find out the truth?

Once hottest finds out that the info doesn't add up, the boys will be vindicated from allegedly deciding that Jae couldn't continue to be a 2pm member. So it would make hottest realize that the boys has no control of what's happening and therefore would still get the support from fans in the end.

Recently there was something from Bosa? Not sure of the name exactly, but she was the first to post on on twitter about the 10 year slave contract written by Jay on his Myspace acct back in 2005. A few days after that this is what we have. Jaeboem's permanent withdrawal form 2pm. It appears that JYPE had to eliminate Jay and put the blame on him before their image as a company would tarnish and deliberately involving the boys in the decision.

JYPE is a smart***s. Always one step ahead. Too bad this time you made the wrong move and our dear boys had to pay the price. I feel sorry for them. We're fighting because we want 7 of them again. Is it too late already?

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Guest Shira_DBSJ

i really think they boys had no idea about this. i don't know.. somehow, i just feel it. =/

my heart is dying reading all these.. my mind went blank yesterday.

i'm supporting khottests but attacking other members isn't helping at all.

and seriously one of the comments by khottests, that's really really harsh. D:

the statement really really pushed all the blames on jae's and other members' shoulders.

i hv nothing more to say,my head hurts so much right now..

wonder what will happen during the conference..

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It's fascinating to see some fans of 2PM, who, at the height of the chaos last year, were astonished to see antis, netizens, fans, strangers alike pointing fingers at Jaebum and degrading him are here doing the SAME THING to the 6 members of 2PM.

I'm in utter shock to hear these words from fans, fans that speak as though they are antis. I'm freakin heart broken that Jaebum's been expelled, cut out, victimized, but what people are doing to 2PM is not right.

I know that everyone is beyond hurt, confused, and frustrated.. But please, please think about the members that are left. I do not want MORE 2PM members to leave because people decided they want to start hating on them and ripping up their CD's and throwing things at the building.

I don't want to be sitting here without any 2PM at all because fans decided to throw a hatred party and ruin their lives and their careers. I as anyone else wanted Jaebum back, but what's done has been done. The hate to the 6 members has to stop. It's sickening to see their names tossed around and trampled on as though they are the evil people behind all of this.

I don't want 2PM to fall and crash by their OWN fans. It's so devastating to see this unravel and see so much hatred. I love all 7 the same, but 6 is all we have left. For those of us who will support 2PM as 2PM, let's pray that the fans who are rallying against 2PM do not destroy them.

People get divorced, people die, people move. Things change, everyone. Everything can not stay the same, even if we all want it so bad. I miss Jaebum so much, but I can not turn a blind eye to the 6 members who have also WORKED HARD, WHO HAVE TO STAY BEHIND AND STAY STRONG FOR US FANS.

It's so insulting to read that the 6 members can not reach the level that Jaebum is at. I'm sure if Jaebum knew of this he would be very disappointed with those who have said that. At least, that's my opinion and take on it.

I will really miss Jaebum, though. Our leader will never come back, ever... T.T So long, goodbye, Park Jaebum.

& I agree with (Kiettana and sunmikiwangjang.

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Guest chisaii

seems like the statement is using the other 6 members as a way to lessen the blame on the company.

and making us fans come to a conclusion that the boys didn't do anything to stop it.

the real wrong doers in this situation is jype.

they failed to protect jay, now they are putting the remaining members in a horrible position.

"On January 3rd, 2010, we all sat down for a discussion and came to an agreement 3 days later that it was no longer possible for Park Jaebeom to continue activities along with 2PM."

cr: allkpop

"Following their year-end promotion completion, we told them the news on January 3rd. Receiving this big shock, they contemplated heavily and three days later on January 6th, all 6 members revealed that it would be hard for them to promote as 2PM with Park Jaebum goon.

The company came to a conclusion that Park Jaebum goon was not fit to be an affiliated celebrity with them and decided to terminate his contact."

cr: 2oneday

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Guest dawnjelly

this whole situation is disgusting. but "fans" lashing out at the other boys makes me sick. i seriously want to vomit reading about people asking taec and wooyoung to leave their shows and accusing the boys of turning their backs on their brother.. no matter what the statement from JYPE says, it wasn't the decision of the other 2pm boys. they probably had to agree to whatever JYPE said if they want to keep their careers and stay in their band. what are they supposed to do? quit? why should they throw away everything they've worked for? even if they wanted to speak up, you have to take into consideration that things work differently in korea than how they might in another country. if jay got thrown away so easily, so could they if they stepped out of line.

i'm not seeing anyone bringing up what jay himself would think about the other boys' situation. would he want "fans" lashing out at his brothers? he already feels guilty enough, and then for "fans" to be cruel to his brothers in his name...that's just wrong and i'm certain he would not appreciate it.

if anything, angry fans ought to print out some papers that say JYPE in huge letters and rip those up. this was the decision of a company, not of the 2pm boys. they are innocent. they've done nothing but cry for their brother and hope for his return... they are not the ones to blame. it seems like this entire fiasco from beginning up until now has been a gigantic blame game. fans want someone to blame. JYPE wants someone to blame, and it's not gonna be themselves. please blame JYPE the company if you need to place blame on someone. not wooyoung, junho, taecyeon, nichkhun, junsu, or chansung. they are jay's brothers. he loves and respects them and they love and respect him, despite whatever crap has gone on. they are not the ones to blame.

2pm fighting! i will support them no matter what!!!!

i don't know if i even believe the JYPE statement from their website yet. maybe it's just because i don't want to believe it because it's horrible, but still it just sounds so fishy to me. in the meantime i think people ought to try and refrain themselves from getting all riled up until the conference on the 27th has happened.

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Guest Kiettana


Unni, I have a friend that's a journalist and knows 2PM's manager (Juseop). That unni saw the notificaiton made by JYPE and alerted her journalist friend.

She said that she received a report from her team manager saying that there were reports of suicide attempts in front of the JYPE building and to go check it out. While she was on her way, she got in contact with the manager.

She asked him what was going on with the notification and the manager kept asking her 'What is it, what are you saying? What's wrong?'

Eventually, she had to explain to him what was just released. A journalist. To a manager. After hearing that, the manager was extremely uncomfortable and kept saying that he had never heard anything like this, and that the kids are at their schedules.

After hearing that it was okay to release, I decided to write this post.

Summarized, the kids had no idea of the information released today, not even the manager. Wooyoung was at his 'Win Win' recording and Junho, Chansung were at M Countdown with 2AM recording. There are fan accounts stating that they all looked happy and were celebrating 2AM's win.

If they really knew about Jaebum's situation, they could never be like this.

Do we see our boys are fakers and liars? Junho and Changsung were genuinely delighted at M Countdown today, and how could they be if they had really known about Jay's situation?

Not to mention, the reports of Wooyoung leaving Win Win recording and crying in the car. If he had known about it earlier before today, then why would he suddenly react now?

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You made your point well. Some part of me fear that JYPE has something more in mind, or else they wouldn't have released it just a few days prior to their way overdue conference. I feel like antis destroyed Jay's career and JYPE destroyed Jay's reputation. And as you said, bands are owned by the company for money and they would easily disband it. It will really be heartbreaking if I hear 2PM is disbanded. And image the guilt Jay must feel.

Image what all of them are going through. I just wish those fans would stop attacking the rest of the members, they don't deserve it!!

Well, if JYP is telling the truth, then they do deserve the hatred from the fans. How can they hear such news about Jay whom they have said they love and take a decision that basically ends his career and then pretend nothing is wrong? Are they really so selfish and uncaring?

But do you really believe the boys do not care? JYP is lying through his richard simmons. Unfortunately/Fortunately(?) besides arrogance and selfishness, stupidity is also part of his charm.

He either now has to take back what he has said OR throw all the boys under the bus. JYP made a serious miscalculation if he thought that this was checkmate. This is far from over. JYP tried to escape the hot seat by putting all responsibility on 6pm. According to him it was the boys who decided that they will not work with Jay anymore. Really JYP? So you are saying the 6 don't give a s*** about Jay and all they really care about is themselves and their career?

Oooookkkk, If that is what you want us to believe we will play along. Who will blink first? How long will the boys remain silent?

This is a war my friend. We cannot be fooled and manipulated by companies who run on our money. Without fans, they will not exist. So who is the all powerful one, JYP or the fans? Unfortunately JYP seems to think it his him umm guess what WRONG. Take a look at Cafe Daum numbers baby. Do you really want to mess with our emotions and play mind games with us? And if you decide to disband 2pm, first and foremost massive lawsuit which you will lose because you are a liar and second perfect, let all the boys go and lets us give a fresh start to the boys under a better management company.

I know it in my heart that 6pm have nothing to do with is but to deal with a person like JYP we have to speak to him in a language he understands. The boys also want Jay back and if they can help in exposing JYP lies then I am sure they are willing to accept the Fans anger at this moment. They know who the real target is. And I believe that they too are very angry at that person this moment.

This is not the end, the decision can reversed if JYP lets go of his pride. What the fans are doing is not because they want to, but because JYP has left them no option.

Stay strong and support Jay, and every issue and fear you have will be resolved and you will see some truly happy and grateful boys.

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Guest oh`retro

I don't even know what to think right now.

There's too many sides to this argument.

I'm devastated that Jay officially withdrew.

I honestly thought he was going to return.

I can see why Hottests are mad, but they should continue to support the boys.

They definitely need the most support & love right now.

I understand they're upset.

They probably thought all of their efforts could have brought Jay back.

And this news from JYP just totally destroyed their hopes.

But, it's wrong to blame this on the other members.

They are probably just as devastated & shocked.

I don't know, but to the real Hottests out there, keep strong.

Park Jaebum. <3

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

I believe that JYPE made a retarded move. Honestly, I think they PURPOSELY put the excuse for terminating Jay's contract in the official announcement because now people are curious about what eff up things Jay did. They were probably thinking that the public will eventually care more/curious about what Jay's mistake was and hoped the subject will overshadow the fact that Jay officially left 2PM.

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Did you guys see? Did you guys hear? They think it's drug abuse. They think he's on Marijuana... Why? Because 'it's something they do in the US'...

For one, I don't really appreciate that people are stereotyping us Americans like that.

But secondly, WOW. First a girl pregnant, next a sex tape, and now drugs. Don't you people ever get enough of this? Don't you just get sick of making up pathetic rumors?!

I don't believe any of this crap the more I think about it.

Honestly, I have to say that I DO NOT have much hope that Jay is returning, but I DO NOT and I REFUSE to believe that these disgusting rumors are the reasons why. I refuse.


Though I said I won't support 6PM, I just have to say something. . .

The poor boys, the poor boys who can't do anything. It's saddening to see that Hottest are turning against the boys... Really though, can they do anything? The boys I mean. Can they say anything to JYP/JYPE that would really matter?! WOULD JYP GIVE A MOTHER F.CKING CARE WHAT THEY SAY?!?!?! The answer is simply no. He/They don't care what they boys want. . . they have no reason to listen; besides, those boys are under a SLAVE contract.

If you read at 2ONEDAY, there are fan accounts of Wooyoung today.

He left Win Win, and he sat in his car. . . and he cried. He cried tears for his hyung, his friend, his leader. . .

And kHottest stood outside his car and they screamed at him. I have every respect in the world for kHottest as of now, they're are only hope left. But really, Wooyoung didn't do anything wrong. . . he didn't make Jaebeom leave.

The translation at 2ONEDAY was a fan saying "SORRY WOOYOUNG, WE DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO CARE."

Why are things so messed up? Why are people turning against the boys as if they're the ones at fault for what is happening?! It's just not fair in any way.

awww did wooyoung already left the show???im controlling myself not to cry for jay but getting the other members blamed i cant help it i love them so much... whats with their minds.... some fans are so worried that wooyoung dont smile a lot when jay left and now he had talk shows and he seemed very happy now accusing him having a good time playing around so as well with taec?? i don know where on earth their brains are made off.... i really wish i could see them and hug them as a noona who supports and cheers for them.. i cant sleep thinking what else i could say just to give them my full support.. u can make it guys

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Guest koreanNgel

i read this just now on a korean blog but this person who knows a lot of people from JYP company said that 2PM members found out about Jay being kicked out just 4 days ago..

so im guessing Khun and Taec Yeon came into JYPE and was yelling and making a scene that night asking to take them out of the company too....

screw JYP im done with this crap..

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its really hard to believe tis , cause its just too sudden ,

we were all anticipating his return so much ,

even teh members always talkd about all SEVEN members ,

but i know its hard , & as much as i want jay bak <3

we cnt forget teh other members ,

it just hurts to see jay train so hard

and for all it to go to waste just like taht ,

i know i cnt ever love 2PM as much as i did without jay ,

buht we hafta keep strong for them .

im broken that the worst has happened ,

buht we need to give them our love and support .

jayyy <3

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Guest fattie8701

i read this just now on a korean blog but this person who knows a lot of people from JYP company said that 2PM members found out about Jay being kicked out just 4 days ago..

so im guessing Khun and Taec Yeon came into JYPE and was yelling and making a scene that night asking to take them out of the company too....

screw JYP im done with this crap..

Wait what?? I am not sure what i am reading from your post. Your saying the 2pm boys found out this was going to happen four days ago and they went into JYPE asking to be taken out of the company too?? orr... please clarify...

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If I were in the other members' shoes, I would choose to remain as a 6 member group instead of disbanding and not having a group AT ALL because of one person (Jay).

However, I would only choose to do so IF Jay's departure didn't bring THAT much of an impact to the group like it does NOW. Assuming that the 6-member group are very well supported by the fans and the boycott did not occur, why not a 6-member group?

If JYP told the 6 members,"you guys get to remain in 2PM and continue to earn MONEY but you guys will have to let Jay go". Of course, I honestly believe that the boys won't turn their backs on Jay, but if the statement in the letter is true (about the boys agreeing to let Jay go), I don't see anything wrong with that.

Why do the ppl have to go an criticise the other 6 members for their decision?

I mean, it is the real world, and the other 6 members are only human. All of the members who are working so hard as a 2PM member are mainly doing it to earn money for their FAMILIES. To give their families a better life, that is. Even Jay has said that he's doing it for his family.

So, for the other members to risk their career just to help Jay out? I don't think so.

Sure they might be really close friends, almost like a family, but in the end, the ppl they will choose is definitely their REAL blood-related family because........


And that is what really matters as you can tell that their families are really important to them. I've watched interviews where Jay always says that he wants to earn lots of money so that he can buy his mom nice stuff and help out with debts back home.

I'm sure Jay won't sacrifice his mom as well just to save his other 6 members IF he were to be thrown into that kind of situation where the other members were the ones creating problems and getting kicked out of JYPE.

To continue to promote as a solo artist, Jay (assuming that he does REALLY well as a solo) or to risk everything to bring the other 6 members back?

I don't think he will risk it all for the other 6 members if he's already doing well as a solo, and earning a sufficient amount of income to help out his mom.

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Guest avchuck

So JYP/E is currently in the works of releasing rumors to try to strengthen the bullcrap reason they gave in their announcement. This is supposed to be how JYP/E typically deals with the artistes they choose to trash. Good thing out of this is the G.O.D. case where fans were actually able to save Park Joonhyung.

2ONEDAY released some information on this. I suggest everyone go read it because all the specifics are there:




EDIT: Had to remove the bold on everything.

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Guest noelle12kim_1

Not so long ago I heard that JYP was planning on disbanding 2pm...maybe this is the tactic JYP is using to disband the group. Get the fans angry with the remaining 2pm members and later say that because of the fans 2pm members will be disbanding but will go different directions; another group, acting, solo...or even quitting

Some ppl here might want to bite my head off for saying something like "disbanding" without any evidence but I did read it online somewhere and if YOU want the evidence go search for it urself. I remember the rumor was from someone who works at JYPE.

And if this is JYP's tactic to disband the group...my GOD! It is a very well tactic he has planned and it'll probably work.

Yes, it is sad the remaining memebers will have to suffer but if the fans don't do what they're doing now JYP and other entertainments will walk all over their artists and fans. Use them and us to their advantage.

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Guest jelly_pudding

i don't even know WHAT'S TRUE AND WHAT'S NOT ANYMORE..

please stop making up rumors /crap if you aren't 100% sure or if you don't have proof..


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I think noelle12kim_1 comment's is make a point...that thing's can be happening 2..


So which one right?

The statment right or just an rumor??

It's keeping me confuse...

Yesterday I saw news regarding JaeBum resignation on allkpop and suddenly I really hate to hear all 2PM song's...It's make me feel angry,upset and make me feel....

Ough...I hate this happen..

I just hope this all is just a rumor....

Yesterday all 2PM members agree with JYP and now manager and the boys don't know what is going on??

What kind of issue is this??

It's really Suck!!!!!

Sorry for my rude word..I just keeping sensitive and being so emotional regarding the statement.....

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