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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest abcdana

was that picture of ripped up 1:59 merchandise so wrong? was it YOUR money this person threw away? the album YOU bought? if this person wants to express their feelings that way, then i accept that... for me- i haven't bought anything 1:59 cuz i wanted to wait until jaebum's return to spend freely on my fangirl moments... but now i sorta wish i had some 1:59 merchandise to rip up/get rid of so that i can symbolically say that i canNOT believe i fell for jype's "waiting for jae" media play. and the evidence of my trust in your word, jype, is in the trash- ripped up, smashed...

i dont think there's anything wrong with this person getting rid of their 1:59 stuff. i dont know what were their reasons were but for me, i know i cannot support 1:59. it's just NOT 2pm. it's not 7.

and what is this about now? does that mean that we cant see jaebeom for the next 5 years in kpop in any shape or form? or did i totally read that wrong??

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Guest jAe_eMeE

i can't believe it. well, last year when jay left.. i knew he was going to come back. but in the back of my mind... i knew he might not. but when i read the letter... and how it says jay is never going to come back.... it hurts. just reading that... it hurts a lot. i know many of us fans are really hurt right now. but honestly at this point. what can we do? they already discussed everything... and its set. jay is not coming back to 2pm. but we shouldn't boycott cause that is just going to make jay and the other members a hard time. im sure they are going through hardships, we shouldnt add to it. i wish jay the best and maybe one day... he will come back as a singer and join 2PM! but as for now... all we can do is support their decision and keep supporting them. jay has made up his mind... so no turning back. but i really thought JYP will bring him back no matter what. its going to be so different without jaebeom. but we will live and move on.... man, this is so sad! :[

2PM 화이팅!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!

but i wonder... what Jay did that was sooo wrong during the again and again promotions?? hmm


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Guest pyrolicious


Can I curse on here, is it allowed? I wanna curse!!! Meh whatever I'm not in the mood to check the rules! WTFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm sry but i just needed to do that.....I just don't know, I'm not sad or wanna cry, just really pist off. I knew KNEW he wasn't coming back, I was prepared for the worst already, but why am I mad anyway? Oh yea thats right, JYPE saying Jay did something horrendous during A&A. What could possibly be way worst than calling a very proud country gay? Did he get a girl preggers or something? Psst I think It's JYPE trying to cover their butts.....great now we are all curious to know what he supposely did.

I was a 2oneday and read the wooyoung account.............wow cruel much? It's ridiculous that Hottest are throwing stones at the boys too. If the account is true, i bet he was crying because of this whole thing not because he lost his favorite lucky sock. Thats another reason why I'm so mad. I feel so bad for the other boys.....not cool. Their fans are decreasing damn I can't imagine how they are feeling right now.

Whatever, I'm still a fan. I don't consider myself a Hottest (simply cus I don't like to "commit" myself to things, I hope that made sense), just a 2pm fan, but anyway thats besides the point..........point is, I will still keep up with 2pm. They worked hard too, they are talented too, they are people too.........the reason why I fell in love with them wasn't because jay was funny, jay was random or jay was adorkable, but because 2pm was funny, 2pm was random and 2pm was adorkable. They all contributed to me liking them. So, therefore I support them. Even tho I'm cursing the living daylights outta JYPE, but I like those boys too much. I'm not in korea so I can't do-you-know-what (not buying), I'm gonna support them by still keeping up with what they are doing.

Also, I don't condemn those fans who are leaving either. I get it, its hard being a fan now. Thats ok. If ya wanna carry out that you-know-what than thats whatever. Though, I'm afraid the no-buying could cause 2pm to disband. I HOPE NOT THOUGH THAT WOULD BE AWFUL. However, those that are attacking the boys.....yup messed up!!

This was more of a rant than anything.....I needed to let this out........lets all calm down and eat chocolate (I should listen to my advice).

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There are 6 other members, who've lost not only their leader, but a close friend. I'm sure they'd like some support too ... seriously.

200% wholeheartedly agreeing to that.

In an ideal world, everyone would welcome Jay back w/ welcome arms, but now that he's not coming back, regardless of the skewed and lame methods that JYPE's pr is handling the situation, why are we punishing the rest of the group? I get it if you don't want to support them because you only like Jay, he's the one that attracted you and kept you loyal, but if you truly love the other group members, and admire their hardwork and preseverance, and really love their music...how can you abandon them based on the company's actions and one person? yes, they aren't the same w/out their leader (he was always one of the few that stood out) but this is just getting out of hand. As a true leader, would Jay really want his legacy to be that of one of shame, where he was the catalyst that caused so many fans to drop his friends and former group and destroy their career in 2pm in the process? And even if this is a step towards expressing anger by boycotting them, what about the other boys and their feelings? How will they feel to know that w/out their leader, their popularity is next to nil so whatever they've worked for is meaningless.

Every entertainment company makes mistakes, this is clearly one of them, but don't forget that at the end of the day, JYPE is a business and without them, you would have never had the existence of 2PM, 2AM, Rain, Wonder Girls, etc...I love KPOP (I don't listen to anything else), but one thing that makes me cringe is how the devotion of fans can be over the top and overplayed and overly dramatic (I'm going to get bashed for this aren't I?)...Why can't we go about it in a proper and mature manner and not act like we're about to riot? There isn't a need to destroy all the albums and collectibles, or ban 2PM and any related artist products, or scream heresy. Form the petition if you want, or go to the conference, vent your frustrations online...but do it in a way that shows you demand respect and clear answers. Everyone's opinion should be heard and respected..but only to a certain extent. Korean fans have been given way too much power to bring a star to fame or crush their dreams so ruthlessly - how can you expect an ent. company to be honest and not try to skirt around their problems when they know that fans only want to hear what they want to hear....I want to rant about the injustice done to Jay too (I never thought the backlash to his original myspace posting should have been so extreme) but I'd rather have had the opportunity to appreciate 2PM in Hot Blood, Again and Again and 10 out of 10 promotions then to have never had anything at all.

And YES, 1000x over, the contracts they have on their idols in Korea is ridiculous and the ent. companies should be shot for it, but at the same time, the ent. business is glamorized...even if you sign into the contract at age 12 to train..you've already grown up hearing about these other horror stories and know that your life is not yours...even without the contracts being exposed..you can tell by how many variety shows, tours etc the celebs do...you know they are working their asses off for their one shot of fame. At the end of the day, it's all business. Once you start working your richard simmons off at a job and get laid off after 25 years or whatever (like I'm sure alot of people did due to the economic recession in the States, not me!)..you'll understand that a business relationship (the idols and their ent. companies) is only as good as the benefits the company reaps ultimately.

PS. Just because we don't scream or cry that the world is over because he's not back doesn't mean we aren't sad Jay's career in 2PM is over ... Oh and yes, it's up to each individual what they want to do with their purchases since it's their money...but isn't that what a child does when they can't get what they want..they just scream and cry and throw away the substitute toy because it's not their first choice??....I think it's an age thing how we approach these topics........ :blink:

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Though I have officially left the fandom but I am still reading in this forum and everything thats happening with the situation.

A part of me wishes that this will blow up so big that things in the industry can be shaken up to the extent that bad business practices will be eradicated once for all. To be honest the entertainment industry is filled with too many egos who cannot rationally run a business and that is the biggest reason why despite the talent that the industry is producing, they have trouble exporting the talent overseas. The dirty business practices is likely the No. 1 reason why longterm partnerships are unable to be forged as there are constantly trust issues.

If Jay's myspace comments about the salvery contract is the leading reason why he is getting maimed in this right now, I would call out fans to stand in tandem with one another and take them down. Such unfair practices have gone on long enough (Rain apparently had a 15 year contract signed at 10) and frankly its sad to see another victim of the bullying system not able to say a word. How many more artistes need to go through this and suffer the system.

For those fans saying that fans need to move on ... you're exactly playing into the system that will be repeating itself in history to more victims in the process. The six remaining members are literally walking on eggshells at the moment. If they saw what can happen to Jay, they know it can happen to them too... so much for "family" love that is constantly preached by the company.

Can't believe I actually lost sleep over this last night. This is truly the watershed of kpop fandom and why its bad to be a part of it. The mind manipulations and its ugliness.

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jyp is not too worried losing 2pm and he can get money from their individual activities.

and also jyp has his other "beastly" group B2ST

remember he also owns cube ent.

THIS IS NOT TRUE! . . The owner of Cube is someone who use to work for JYPE, so jyp don't

work with beast in anyway. I don't know where you getting this. It like two different company it just that the owner of Cube

use to work for JYPE. So that why Cube and JYPE have so much connection (as in moving trainee)

(If i am wrong feel free to correct me thanks)

Anyway I seriously don't have the same feeling for 2pm anymore. I know it wrong to say but I come to love all 7 MEMBERS. I seem them debut n go though the hard time. I'll support the others members in whatever come their way. But I don;t think i'll follow them as how I use too. Please still support the others 6 . . we are hurting but think about the

other boys too. But finally I really wish to hear what Jaebum got to say. .

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Guest Wendy1430265887


I don't know but if you go to their Daum page and refresh, they lose at least 10 people.

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

I apologize to jay.....

we didn't :RUN" fast or hard enough...

We fought... but it wasn't enough either...

I'm sorry for the 6 six members but this is not 2PM for me anymore.

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Guest supaatoaster

hi, i think this is my first time posting here. i'm quite upset over this news and a small part of me is clinging onto hope after reading a certain comment.


"I just want to point a few things out here:

1. insider 2pm has a actual list with valid explanations about how either a.) statement above is false (As in its false as someone got wind of something (or the anti-fan netzies who orignaly brought up the myspace controversy see’s that there is a great shot for Jay to come back and are trying with all there might to not let that happen(thus hacking the site and posting the article)) or b.) none of this actually happened… as its just a way for JYP(E) to cover there richard simmons because Jay isn’t really coming back.

(I’m hoping the first of the two)

2. Why would they go through all the trouble of holding a press conference for the Hottest if they were just going to deliver the bomb like this as a statement on there site first 2 days before it. Is it just me or am I the only one who find thats kinda fishy that they would go thru all this extensive trouble with only allowing so many people go to it and such if they were just going to blurt out the news this way.

3. Dosn’t anyone notice that once this started circulating around the net JYP’s site went down? >.> I may be worng in stating this but from my past experiences with sites going down, that usually happens only after being hacked and seriously played with or server maintenance but why would they want to release a statement like this and then have maintenance?

4. If you look on there youtube page, it still has there picture with Jay from A&A as the profile picture… and if you read the very bottom where it says Band Members, Jay’s name is still in there… and whoever manages the page logged in in the last 24 hrs. So wouldn’t they (if the above statement was true by JYP(E) that they would of changed that along when they released the whole “Jay isn’t coming back” statement

I donno, to me this feels like, anti-fan netzies probably got wind of something and since the conference is coming up they feel that they need to respiring trouble all over again.

I wouldn’t take this whole thing to heart till JYP’s site comes back up online (which probably wont be till later in the day at the very earliest), or until the conference. Either way by Monday we will have all our answers.

2pm Fighting! Jay Fighting!"

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Guest theblazenazn


Yes, before the Statement there was 329,000 Active Members of 2PM's Fan Cafe on Daum. You must pay a membership fee here. Their current Members's count is now 281,662. This means they Lost 47,338 members (1,317 more since the AllKpop Article came out) in less than 12 hours. THEY'RE LOSING MEMBERS BY THE SECONDS. I had to update the numbers as I'm writing this post! THE NUMBERS ARE EVN LOWER NOW.... Keep Checking. NICE JOB JYPE! NICE ONE!



It makes sense Though. HOTTESTS paid with their Hard earned money to Support 2PM and the Fan Cafe with club dues going to JYPE to support them. BUT They're now 1:59PM, 2PM have the rights to leave and not give a shady company like JYPE their money.

The Statement they made was so Malicious, and the Time Line doesn't even match up. I KNOW IT'S JUST A COVER UP WITH LIES...

People are also unsubscribing and "Un-Fan" the 2PM Page on Facebook (Ran by JYPE). They lose fans every minute there as well.

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Guest dollychelle

Daum fanclub is losing alot of members a second there 281,396 just now and i will keep updating showing how much they r losing. (last half hour its been 250 members gone, JYP thought he was doing the right thing doing that letter yesterday but its not gone in his favour)

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I don't understand.. if all members agreed that Jaebum should not return to 2pm on January 23rd, wouldn't the boys not mention Jaebum during interviews and tv shows.. I understand his name briefly appearing during stories but why would Khun tell his fans at that one thing that he missed him and that he was most jealous of him.. It doesn't make sense.. or maybe I just refuse to believe it.

I really wish JYPE didn't tell the public that Jaebum did another thing wrong.. it seems like they're trying to put all the weight on him..

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Guest cheezychunnie

hi, i think this is my first time posting here. i'm quite upset over this news and a small part of me is clinging onto hope after reading a certain comment.


"I just want to point a few things out here:

1. insider 2pm has a actual list with valid explanations about how either a.) statement above is false (As in its false as someone got wind of something (or the anti-fan netzies who orignaly brought up the myspace controversy see’s that there is a great shot for Jay to come back and are trying with all there might to not let that happen(thus hacking the site and posting the article)) or b.) none of this actually happened… as its just a way for JYP(E) to cover there richard simmons because Jay isn’t really coming back.

(I’m hoping the first of the two)

2pm Fighting! Jay Fighting!"

sorry 2 cu ur post..i was thinking the same so when i got the news i didnt feel anything

i believe someone hacked the site or sumthing but now its taking too long,if someone hacked the site JYPE would have made a statement by now

but still no statement saying so..

so,i started to believe the announcement and i end up crying like a little baby...

and i think the site is down coz u got so many people wanted to access to the site..

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Yes, before the Statement there was 329,000 Active Members of 2PM's Fan Cafe on Daum. You must pay a membership fee here. Their current Members's count is now 281,662. This means they Lost 47,338 members(1,317 more since the AllKpop Article came out) in less than 12 hours. THEY'RE LOSING MEMBERS BY THE SECONDS. I had to update the numbers as I'm writing this post!

It makes sense Though. HOTTESTS paid with their Hard earned money to Support 2PM and the Fan Cafe with club dues going to JYPE to support them. BUT They're now 1:59PM, 2PM have the rights to leave and not give a shady company like JYPE their money.

The Statement they made was so Malicious, and the Time Line doesn't even match up. I KNOW IT'S JUST A COVER UP WITH LIES...

That's not quite true...the member count was hovering around 290k just about 24 hrs ago. They still lost a lot of members but it's not nearly the number being reported in the time frame.

Source: MY OWN EYES. lol actually I think someone was posting it here also, check the posts from 7:00 AM EST and on for today.

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I don’t know if someone will even notice my post, or if this has been mentioned earlier. I’m still reading through the pages.

Let’s base this from the fan accounts from Seattle in January/ February.

If Jay’s contract was officially terminated in January, why did he still included 2PM in his autograph during the previous battles? Although I remember from the fan accounts that he wrote AOM first but when he saw the fan’s reaction he wrote 2PM too? Correct me if I’m wrong.

JYPE, just when the fans are calming down and waiting for Jay. Just when Jay was gaining more and more supporters. Just when Jay’s controversy was slowing down. Just when more people are ready to welcome him back. You announce that he did something graver than the MS controversy.

Yes, for example Jay did something really bad and the company decided to terminate his contract because of this. I think the company shouldn’t have mentioned about another controversy and put Jay in a bad light.

What JYPE did was far more bad from the reporters who stalked Jay all the way to Seattle, in my opinion.

Not to create another controversy here, but I think one of the reasons that JYPE mentioned about the “bad thing” to keep other companies from taking Jay.

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Guest theblazenazn

That's not quite true...the member count was hovering around 290k just about 24 hrs ago. They still lost a lot of members but it's not nearly the number being reported in the time frame.

Source: MY OWN EYES. lol actually I think someone was posting it here also, check the posts from 7:00 AM EST and on for today.

That count only includes Members that have Paid their Club Dues already. You can join and become guests, you are still a member until money is due but they don't show you in the main page count until you pay. There was 329,000 members if you visit the inside of the Cafe, the "bbs", and they show active users.

The leaving members are in total 47,000+, they more than likely paying members since there are more.

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Guest ibabyx3


are fans being serious now? okay, i understand that they're very upset and feel the need to protest. however, RIPPING up 2pm's album is only fully hurting all the members of 2pm. are they aware of how much work and effort is put into every album? 2pm's albums are basically 2pm's sweat and blood. if i was a singer who trained for atleast 3 years and worked my richard simmons off for atleast 3 months on ONE album, i would probably get down on my knees and cry my heart out if i saw that someone did that to my album. that is hard richard simmons work and passion being (for a lack of words) tossed around. i sincerely hope that none of the members of 2pm see that picture. im also apalled that some fans are agreeing to this act of protest. this is just flat out breaking 2pm's heart.

some fans we (hottests) are, huh?

oh yeah, im also not fond of 2pm's cafe fanbases falling.

as much as i don't want jaebeom leaving, i dont want 2pm to feel the rage of fans on themselves. yes, protest and show your anger towards jyp, but dont push around 2pm to fight jyp too. 2pm is definately hurting more than we are. we can say that 2pm is a part of our lives and we can't live without them, but the members of 2pms' lives actually revolve around this whole situation. i dont think we are being proper fans of 2pm if we're going to take part in actions like these.

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