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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest sapharia

wow, thanks for sharing your fan account pretty_pink.cups~

chuckled angrily? how can you do that? o_o LOL xD I still enjoyed reading it, especially the part where you mentioned where he smiled, chewed gum, signed "Jae of 2PM" and his awful handwriting kekeke

He's really a dork, but a really talented one~

I'm sure he's really happy to be home again with his friends and family, bboying again~ doing what he really loves doing and having a strong passion for it. But I believe in the back of his mind, he misses his brothers too and performing on stage and his fans. But to work so hard for 4 years and to lose grasp of your dream in 4 days, it surely is a waste. I'm sure he wouldn't want to let those 4 years of his life go just like that, so I really believe he wants to come back. But he can't do it on his own, thats why he needs Hottests help! Therefore, I'll always continue to do what I'm doing now and give him lots of support and encouragement. ^^

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Hmmm. I see a lot of people would like Jay to stay where he is, because he seems to be happy in the bboying videos that we watch.

Unfortunately, bboying can't take up 24 hours of the day, and it can't take up 100% of anyone's life. The hard facts of the matter are:

- Jay and his family are left with massive amounts of debt - why do you think he is working all of those part-time jobs? To keep his abs in shape? The Park family is looking at thousands of dollars that will have to be repaid.

- He still owes his freedom to JYPE for the next five years or so, and so he will not be able to work professionally for anyone else. He has never really been interested in college, he wants to be a performer - but under contract but not used by JYPE, how is he going to earn a living?

- The ending to this story is not a good one. For example, one of the things that Hottest Moms brought up is that this whole episode is not going to make it any easier for them to convince their children to return to Korea to live and work. This whole story seems to support that old adage, "you can't go home again." It also seems to say that the netizens WON.

- There is the psychological toll of a lack of closure, a lack of resolution that is not only going to affect him, but also the remaining 6 members of 2pm.Even if they announce that Jay is gone from the group, the "what-ifs" are going to haunt them forever.

The way I look at it, Jay's happiness is a fairly insignificant item. He's a grown man, with a lot of issues to resolve.

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Guest pretty_pink.cups

Hmmm. I see a lot of people would like Jay to stay where he is, because he seems to be happy in the bboying videos that we watch.

Unfortunately, bboying can't take up 24 hours of the day, and it can't take up 100% of anyone's life. The hard facts of the matter are:

- Jay and his family are left with massive amounts of debt - why do you think he is working all of those part-time jobs? To keep his abs in shape? The Park family is looking at thousands of dollars that will have to be repaid.

- He still owes his freedom to JYPE for the next five years or so, and so he will not be able to work professionally for anyone else. He has never really been interested in college, he wants to be a performer - but under contract but not used by JYPE, how is he going to earn a living?

- The ending to this story is not a good one. For example, one of the things that Hottest Moms brought up is that this whole episode is not going to make it any easier for them to convince their children to return to Korea to live and work. This whole story seems to support that old adage, "you can't go home again." It also seems to say that the netizens WON.

- There is the psychological toll of a lack of closure, a lack of resolution that is not only going to affect him, but also the remaining 6 members of 2pm.Even if they announce that Jay is gone from the group, the "what-ifs" are going to haunt them forever.

The way I look at it, Jay's happiness is a fairly insignificant item. He's a grown man, with a lot of issues to resolve.

More or less I agree with you. Jaebeom's family does have a lot of debt to pay off and the best way for them to pay off those debt is if Jaebeom goes back and earns his hard earned money.

But you have to admit that Jaebeom is a hard working boy and he'll put up with anything for the sake of his family. Training harshly under JYP for four years could almost compare the the part time jobs. More or less... of course not completely, but we all know how harsh the training days are. Also, after they debuted and now are some of Korea's biggest stars, the pressure of being a star is incredibly excruciating. All the hours of practice and all the performances...

Everyone complained when the 6PM boys were doing so many performances in a row and they looked so tired and so worn out. That's comparable to four part time jobs. But, of course, doing that would be... doing something Jaebeom loves.

But that's also why Jaebeom now is back to break dancing... It's something he loves.

AOM's bboying skills are up there. They're not the best breakers in the Northwest, but they have skills... If they practice more and go to more events... the more events they win, the more money they get, the more 'fame' they achieve.

Winning an event doesn't give you a lot of money, obviously... about $400 each event and the boys have to split it... but that contributes. There were also rumors of AOM possibly considering trying out for ABDC (America's best dance crew).

Now that's just a rumor... but if they did, they could definitely make it I think. (:

Jaebeom is tied down to JYPE for now, but if he doesn't return, his contract will be terminated most likely. He could always try to go big in the American Entertainment. Yeah, I know that's really hard to do, but hey, there's always next season of American Idol! haha

Whether Jaebeom comes back or not, in ways, it's not really in our control... True, we can protest or boycott and we write letters and we can send gifts... but in the end it's all really up to what they decide to do. It depends on whether Jay wants to and it depends on whether JYPE lets him.

Jaebeom's happiness isn't at all insignificant. . . he's human. Every human deserves happiness. If he's happy in Seattle and he doesn't mind putting up with all the part time jobs... then he'll stay. But if he's not happy at home, he'll go back. (that is if JYPE let's him)

But thinking about his happiness is really the only thing that can get, at least, me through. Thinking that he's not at home sitting on his butt and crying and moping... but rather he's happy to see Daniel and Chase and Tony and Junior and all his friends and family. (:

But this is just my point of view... and I personally believe that whatever happens, is happening for a reason.

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Call me a skeptic but I just find it hard to believe that some know the whole situation with Jay. Sorry if these words sound harsh, but I'm just curious as to where people get the confidence to point out "this is what is going on with everything". Is it some secret source? I feel kind of out of the know...

I know that some facts will remain facts. He has several jobs at the moment. But who said anything about the contract and the debt? Is it all speculation? Perhaps it's what's common knowledge, and I'm just foolish not to know. If anyone could clear this up, that'd be great.

Again, I'm not attacking anyone. I just don't know where the support/evidence comes from.

And really, I don't think that anyone could determine the happiness of one person just by looking at them...?

People who can gauge how much happier he is with AOM/2PM, how can you know? In the way he smiles? Isn't that objective?

Perhaps I'm just out of the loop... :huh:

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Guest fattie8701

I'm a Portland based "b-girl".... aha, well I try my best. Anyways, considering that, I'd like to share my fan account of seeing Jaebeom.

And then came Sweet 16. And though this was in Seattle, my friends and I went for many reasons. And this time, I knew he'd be there (I got connections to the break dancing world... ahaha) and so I thought about if this time, I really could say anything at all. I debated that many people probably have said something already.

But during the break, dancers were signing autographs and my friend nudged me and said it's now or never.

Grabbing a slip of paper, I went up to all the AOM members except for him and got there autographs, and went back to my seat. My friends rolled their eyes and pushed me back up.

So I went up to him and I smiled. "Hi, you were great."

"Thanks." He smiled and chewed his gum.

He took my paper and quickly scribbled Jay Park of AOM. It kind of surprised me... I expected "2PM" to be written. I must have chuckled angrily to myself or something because he looked at me before taking my paper back and writing Jae of 2PM. ...he has really messy handwriting... lol

There were a lot of people that wanted his autograph obviously... so I had to move away. I don't know why or where I got the courage but suddenly, I blurted out "Jay!" he looked at me and smiled again.

"We miss you, come back soon. But no matter what you do, I hope you're happy."

And then he nodded and smiled at me again before saying thanks.

The rest of the night, I watched him dance and have fun and joke with his friends, and he looked genuinely happy to me. As I got home, I searched his videos when he was with his boys, and I saw the same smile.

I realized that he's happy back home. I realized he was happy back then in Korea. I think now, my opinion on whether he returns or doesn't really just doesn't matter to me anymore.

I think my main opinion is whatever happens, it just has to be HIS choice and the he has to be HAPPY with making it.

Now that was long and probably boring to read, but 'meeting' him meant a lot to me. He's on of the most hard working boys I've ever met... he deserves a lot more, but at least, he deserves happiness.

Sorry to cut your post..and before you read what i am about to ask...just know i am not attacking you or anything.

Question: have you by any chance posted this fan account somewhere else before, because i swear i have read it before but i cannot remember where....again no offense just a simple Question..

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Guest summer_night

Call me a skeptic but I just find it hard to believe that some know the whole situation with Jay. Sorry if these words sound harsh, but I'm just curious as to where people get the confidence to point out "this is what is going on with everything". Is it some secret source? I feel kind of out of the know...

I know that some facts will remain facts. He has several jobs at the moment. But who said anything about the contract and the debt? Is it all speculation? Perhaps it's what's common knowledge, and I'm just foolish not to know. If anyone could clear this up, that'd be great.

Again, I'm not attacking anyone. I just don't know where the support/evidence comes from.

And really, I don't think that anyone could determine the happiness of one person just by looking at them...?

People who can gauge how much happier he is with AOM/2PM, how can you know? In the way he smiles? Isn't that objective?

Perhaps I'm just out of the loop... :huh:

you took the words right out of my mouth lol

i was always wondering how people know all those things. i mean, all those "insiders" - who says that they are really insiders? i could post something here and say "it's true, i'm a insider" eventhough i'm not.

but please, if there is a site with all the information about the debt and the contracts, let me know.

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Guest KamikazeKyuti

I know that some facts will remain facts. He has several jobs at the moment. But who said anything about the contract and the debt? Is it all speculation? Perhaps it's what's common knowledge, and I'm just foolish not to know. If anyone could clear this up, that'd be great.

Sorry to cut your post...

I've heard people say Jay has several jobs but that news came from unnamed source(s), not exactly a fact. As far as I know he only has one job, which was mentioned on a TV show. If I'm wrong about this could someone supply me with a source.

During an interview (it was for a magazine I believe) one or more of the boys have mentioned that they have to repay the fees they incurred during their training days. Jay trained for four years before debuting so it's safe to say he owes JYP(E) a lot of money.

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Guest DORKiEEEx3



We bid farewell, only to meet again

Let them say what they want to say, they're envious of you thats why they say those things they say.

Park Jaebeom you've affected there lives, they didn't affect yours.


Jaebeomie won the dance haha show them your "jayness" And your sexy moves!

Now all of you netizens bow down to the Jay master or he'll go all dancey on your richard simmons >;DD!


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Guest abcdana

i think its a safe assumption to make that jae owes JYPE alot of money for 4 years of training. like all the other idol groups, they mention that they owe them for cost of living, lodging and lessons for the years of training then once they debut and make money, it has to get split again between members, JYPE, managers, coordis, etc PLUS repay the loans from their training days. This is not different from any of the other entertainment companies~ i know it was vaguely alluded to by 2pm and other groups like snsd recently. when i find the YT link, i'll post them up.

even jae mentioned in sang sang plus how he needed to make money right now and taewoo from g.o.d. joked saying "jin-young hyung, give jae an allowance or something!"

jae might be happy in seattle (why not? his family and friends are there. no crazy practice hours) BUT jae also looked very happy and enthusiastic in korea also while he was promoting-- THAT is what he was waiting for during all those years of training and hardship~ he owes JYPE money, he loves dancing/performing (obviously from all those videos of him from before he left and at bboy contests since he left), and (most importantly) he worked way too hard and too long for it to all come down to nothing... except DEBT. it seems so unfair that he left and he is being kept away!

i hope he comes back soon. for us (because we love seeing him) and for him & his family (who love seeing him being a star)...

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Guest mika.16

Exactly, there are So many rumors like "so&so feels this way" "JYP said this to the boys in the dorm that night" bla bla bla, how do people know these things??? god, even I could make an account on soompi and say "oh i work in the korean entertainement industry and TRUST ME, even all the big companies know jyp kicked him out"...

WHAT IF (hypothetically) noone 'kicked' him out of JYP, no conspiracies are going on?

What if is its really JUST jay we;re waiting for to become comfortable again? (i mean, he was shamed in front of a whole country, not just a classroom or a group of people. its gonna take time to heal).

And its stupid for jype to completely STOP all 2pm activities at the expense of one member. Of course they would want Jay back, but they still need to make money, and still need to stay in the public spotlight.

What if theyve been hesitant to make an official public statement cus even jype themselves dont know when jay will return. And anyway, even if they said something like "jay is happy in seattle" or "jay will come back when hes ready", think of how much the fans are going to 'read into it' and say "omggg stop forcing jay to say those things!" "omg theyre lying!". noone will believe anything jype says anymore, so thats prob why they dont even bother saying anything.

^purely my own opinion and speculation, im not expecting anyone to agree with me or anything.

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Guest uh-ohxev

i think its a safe assumption to make that jae owes JYPE alot of money for 4 years of training. like all the other idol groups, they mention that they owe them for cost of living, lodging and lessons for the years of training then once they debut and make money, it has to get split again between members, JYPE, managers, coordis, etc PLUS repay the loans from their training days. This is not different from any of the other entertainment companies~ i know it was vaguely alluded to by 2pm and other groups like snsd recently. when i find the YT link, i'll post them up.

even jae mentioned in sang sang plus how he needed to make money right now and taewoo from g.o.d. joked saying "jin-young hyung, give jae an allowance or something!"

jae might be happy in seattle (why not? his family and friends are there. no crazy practice hours) BUT jae also looked very happy and enthusiastic in korea also while he was promoting-- THAT is what he was waiting for during all those years of training and hardship~ he owes JYPE money, he loves dancing/performing (obviously from all those videos of him from before he left and at bboy contests since he left), and (most importantly) he worked way too hard and too long for it to all come down to nothing... except DEBT. it seems so unfair that he left and he is being kept away!

i hope he comes back soon. for us (because we love seeing him) and for him & his family (who love seeing him being a star)...

I agree. I'd be happy if he were to stay in Seattle, if he REALLY felt happy there. Because he is smiling and doing b-boying, which we all know is a huge passion of his. But, I doubt that means he's completely happy... there's more to it than just that. Jaebum owes so much money to JYPE. I'd be really stressed out. In Seattle, he'd need to work many jobs, hours,etc. in order to pay all his trainee debts. In Korea, he'd also have to be working his richard simmons off. Idols in Korea, don't have it easy. But, he'd be doing it - singing and dancing. What he worked 4 hard years for. This is what bothers me most about this situation. Not that he left, etc. The fact that he sacrificed 4 years of his life to get to where he was, and have it taken away from him. There's no justice in that. And I will NEVER see the justice in how any of this mess went down.

If he had no debts, and his life truly was easier in the States, then I would say "Fine. Stay in the States.. it'll be easier" but, the truth is - it's not that easy, when he owes a BIG amount of $$$ to JYPE. I think what's best for 2PM, and for Jay at THIS point, would be him returning. If he had no debts, I'd feel much more relieved that he was in the States. But, even here he has to work hard to gather up all that money. I just don't find it fair, that he worked 4 years for this, and it was gone in 4 days. THAT is why I feel so strongly about Jaebums "case". I find myself stressed thinking about how hard it must be, to know you gave up 4 long years of your life, for something - and then in the snap of your fingers, it's gone. I don't even know how to write it in words, how angry/sad/stressed that makes me. I could never imagine myself in his shoes. I really admire him... I'm still trying to be optimistic and hopeful in his return. I think JYPE, would be OUT OF THEIR minds, to lose him. And if they did lose him, then honestly... they never deserved Jay. Simple as that. I'll always love Jay and the boys regardless. So many companies would happily take Jay in, in a heartbeat (no pun intended). The boy has talent oozing out of every inch on his body. He was BORN to be a star. All I know is that JYPE really needs to come out and tell us what's going to happen.

And one more thing - remember, how that rumor came out how that girl had an unnie who worked for Spris and she said it was 100% confirmed that Jaebum was returning (this rumor came out, during that week where we had VERY positive rumors about his return!) because he was signed into the contract for Fall/Winter 2010... what do you guys think happened with that? If the newer rumors coming out that Jaebum will NOT be returning are true - then, what do you think will happen to that contract? Can JYPE terminate it, just like that? And if JYPE, were to pay $$$ in order to terminate the contract - do you think JYPE would really do that? Terminating contracts, don't come cheap... In other words, it'd be like JYPE was paying for Jaebum not returning... would they really do that, when they can EARN money off of his return? It all makes me think. Yes, that was a rumor - but, even with rumors, I find it a little more convincing when someone is so confident that they can say 100%. Which leads me to believe that the possibility of this rumor being true, was very likely. Any industry insiders want to give me their 2 cents on this? Kabler?

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Guest lead_ja

I kind of agree. Jaebeom always seemed so awkward in shows and he's probably more comfortable in Seattle, because I really don't think he was 'idol' material. He just isnt like that. Anyone who bboys knows how unnatural most of that stuff is, and bboys like to keep it real.

But in the same way, I think he's really bonded with his members, and he even (possibly) got used to Korea, and warmed up to the idea of accepting it.

The whole thing is really confusing, and without anyone really saying what's happening, and all the rumours going around, everything is unclear.

Oh well, I guess what happens, happens. I know I'll support Jay whether he's in 2PM or with AoM. As long as he's having fun. =]

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...Honestly, I think Jay is ultimate idol material: well rounded and undeniably talented. Able to adapt to situations, willing to put himself out there on varieties to lighten the mood/get a laugh, grounded, dedicated to his group. What more could you want?

And I don't know, it's always irked me when people say he could never have really enjoyed it/that he was never comfortable with it all/always was awkward...the assumption that in 4 years time he could never have gotten accustomed to the way things work is a huge discredit to him and just seems to highlight how weird western fans of kpop ultimately find the whole industry.

I don't know exactly what I'm trying to get at. Maybe he hated it in Korea and never was comfortable. He seemed comfortable enough to me, and he certainly is a natural entertainer. But if he hated Korea, if he loved Korea, if he wants nothing more than to bboy in Seattle, if he wants to come back -- I hope the choice is his and only his. With no one who is only worried about profit gain and loss dictating his future and happiness.

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Guest pretty_pink.cups

I hope none of you think that just by sharing my one small fan account that I have insider connections... In ways I do, me being a b-girl, I can ask all my friends that see him in a regular bases at all the events or the ones that know him... But I don't ask them if they know anything, I don't pry and I don't stalk. I never believe the rumors I hear unless it's from JYP or the boys themselves.

When I said he smiled and he was happy, I'm only stating what I saw.... I am only stating what I think. I'm not Jaebeom, I'm not JYP, I'm not someone that can give you the little details. I can't tell you that he's coming back or that he's staying...

However, some of you asked about the debts that he has to pay and hopefully the other comments have cleared that up for you. Also, I have a friend who lives in Canada who interned a couple months at Star King during the summer. She said that in the Korean Industry, while you're training, all the money you use during your trainee days must be repaid. Four years is a whole lot of money... And now, Jaebeom must repay those debts....

Also, someone asked if I had shared my fan account somewhere else:

The answer is nope(: My friend had a similar encounter with Jaebeom like me; maybe she shared her fan account? LOL

This is my last post for today sadly... if anything, I will be editing this post.

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"He wants to come back but the situation won't allow him to."


"The only thing that's saving his career right now are his fans"

These words are the only evidence I need to know that he still wants to come back. Why would his friend mention that fans are the only reason saving Jay's career if he didn't have any career to begin with? If Jay really wanted to leave and never come back, there would be no career to talk about. I just don't believe it.

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Guest Shona-z

^^^^^ I think everyone above me is right ^^^^^

I didn't think it was necessary to quote everyone to write this post so I gonna say that I think they need to continue their activity so they can make some money to pay back JYP and not stop all activity just for Jay. Its not fare for everyone including Jay. And anyways everyone agreed to give Jay share of their profit during their album promoting so Jay is really not left out. He will have to come back to finish his two more yeas of contract so it’s just waiting for the right time for him to return. 2PM and JYP is not saying anything regarding Jay because they themselves are not sure when he will return or they are waiting for Jay to return and explain his feelings. They done want to give false hope and for them not to say anything is better than saying "no Jay won't return", right? No news is better than no news, right?

I hope I didn't offend anyone with any thing I said. All solely my opinion.

My reason for this post was. to say that The Ellen DeGeneres Show (USA) wants to bring an international Artist to her show and wants suggestion on who. How about we recommend 2PM. Here is the link to comment: http://ellen.warnerbros.com/2010/01/your_i...stions_0121.php and also this: http://ellen.warnerbros.com/show/respond/?PlugID=257. So far Big Bang and DBSK is winning all suggestions. So go and suggest 2PM.

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Guest pyrolicious

i think i understand different from you about the third one(if you mean HHSA Wild n Out Event/the latest upload one). coz it seems like he won every rounds since jr(AOM) said that, 'hey check those links i just put up jay won an allstyles battle a couple weeks ago! congrats to him AND HAPPY LATE VALENTINES day from me(jr) and of course the rest of the crew!! :D'.

soulhead i agreed with you. i think it's just a rumor :/

I see what you're saying, I was basically stating my take on it, to me bboy lunatic won on the third video. If the jr said jay won than, I guess he did. But I still think the other guy was better lol (Jay, I still think ur sick tho!!!!!)

And bout the announcement, ya i know its a rumor, but ima believe it cus jype is looking real untrustworthy right now.

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Guest mika.16

...Honestly, I think Jay is ultimate idol material: well rounded and undeniably talented. Able to adapt to situations, willing to put himself out there on varieties to lighten the mood/get a laugh, grounded, dedicated to his group. What more could you want?

And I don't know, it's always irked me when people say he could never have really enjoyed it/that he was never comfortable with it all/always was awkward...the assumption that in 4 years time he could never have gotten accustomed to the way things work is a huge discredit to him and just seems to highlight how weird western fans of kpop ultimately find the whole industry.

I don't know exactly what I'm trying to get at. Maybe he hated it in Korea and never was comfortable. He seemed comfortable enough to me, and he certainly is a natural entertainer. But if he hated Korea, if he loved Korea, if he wants nothing more than to bboy in Seattle, if he wants to come back -- I hope the choice is his and only his. With no one who is only worried about profit gain and loss dictating his future and happiness.

Yeah, Jay is def 'idol' quality.I think the awkwardness people are talking about is his whole unfamiliarity with not only the Korean language, but maybe the 'idol culture', ya know the skinship & couplings and dancing along to cute girls songs (like gee etc).

But i think he was definitely coming to accept it and enjoy it, i mean on idol army & wild bunny he dancd along, he became friends with boom & sj & kwill and other celebs...

I dont think Jay was unhappy in korea AT ALL, but i dont think he is unhappy in seattle either.

I think (personally) that he is happy in seattle with his friends & family & no korean netizens attacking him, but i think he could be even happier in Korea where he gets to do what he loves (dancing, singing, bboying to show his special talents on variety shows & maybe even acting later) and at the same time earn a living. People dont get opportunities like that everyday.

Im going to (possibly naively) put my trust in JYPE that they are waiting for Jay to make his own decision, and that they are putting the boys in CFs, dramas, new albums etc in order to continue their careers and stay in the spotlight while waiting for Jay.

I think fans need to use their efforts in restoring Jay's public image, rather than argue over whether Taec is arrogant, or their dance battle 'sucked' or Khun is changing or all that nonsense.

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See, I knew we all could actually get along. Lol. I like all of these positivity and mature sane discussions going on without anyone needing to yank out the huge bold caps lock and angry letters. :)

Anyways, the bottom line is, (as I've mentioned before), NO ONE really knows the exact real truth about all that's happened to Jay. Except for Jay and JYPE's top management. I'll bet even the six other 2pm boys and their staff themselves might not know the real whole details about the entire ordeal, which is why there's so many rumors and miscontrued information thrown about.

Fact of the matter is, it's been almost half a year he's away from 2PM, and there really seems to be no signs or hints whatsoever from JYPE of his return, and from the looks of it, we're going to see more of Jay Park, the hot bboy from AOM rather than Jaebeom Park, the leadja of 2PM. (And he's actually building a rep for himself as a talented rising dancer, not just a bboy, gaining much support from other guys in Seattle.) For me, all I can say is, whatever happens, happens, and they always happen for a reason. Though i have a feeling that something good might happen to Jay. *shrugs* Who knows. :)

I personally think (my opinion) that Jay would want to return (maybe not now, but eventually), but then again, it all depends on JYPE's decision whether to make that happen. Say what you wanna say, but clearly the one controlling the ball right now is JYPE and no one else. Sadly.

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