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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest dawnded

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I'm starting to wonder if it's the same person setting up different accounts to pick a fight here with different people all the time.

Stop this irresponsible bullying behind that cyber identity!!!

Well I'm still here, wanting to spazz about good moments. I haven't watched Win Win nor Strong Heart. But I wanna spazz! Will someone share more of what happened? Thanks!

Edit: pinkywinky...thank you so much!

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Guest luvnhate


your date of join suggest that your a new fan :)

but ye i agree with Kabler you shouldn't be too quick to judge...

and before this gets out of hand...just want to point out few things..

1) Junho shared his pre-debut story where he balled his eyes out! before doing/watching those performances.I don't think you really be all happy and Jumpy after just crying.edit:watched the show and the editing is a big fat FAIL so i think its true.he is wiping his tears at 4:22 HERE and this is 2 parts before he shares his story and cries,this is a Conspiracy <_<

2)the heartbeat parody honestly Juri's concept is to cling onto the IT hot boy.

i don't know if you know this but Juri used to be all over junho in star golden bell nd ep13 of idol army maybe thats why Junho looked like that.it's such a turn off! even if she is doing her job as a comedian,i wouldn't blame him she was too touchy with taec! and if i was there i would be like WTF too as.

3)and...can i just say have you watched Junho closely on idol army and other variety shows,(even though he is edited out most the time,nd is unnoticeable)He has that I'm not interested facial expression a lot maybe coz he think "oh well whatever no one is filming me nyway" lol.remember the Hyoyeon incident where he forgot to help her during the game and he got heat for it then in the last ep he said he had no intentions of it at all! so i think he is still a bit awkward on shows but thats his charm. professional or unprofessional our Junho has always been having a hard time settling into variety shows and this one was his first one after such a long time, but what i love about him is that he has got this straight in your face kinda sense of humor.

anyone who watched 2PM shows over and over again, paying attention to every detail would know what i mean.

so yeah these are my points that this got nothing to do with taec getting the spotlight.nd Junho is just Junho



a treat to whoever read my post nd agrees with me lol jk must watch!!

Taec nd Khun English conversation on win win

edit: pinkywinky beat me to it >.<but i still want to know

did he say "she is hot" to taeyeon or the older lady MC?

"cross fingers" pls don't let this get into headlines lol taec you should be more careful,,can i just say his cute dance was epicily just taec nway i'm off to watch all the vids :P

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Guest Fae_Min

pinkywinky THANK YOU A LOT for posting those links..

All just gave me a big laugh.. with Chansung Violent Aegyo (he's so strong for Junsu XD) and Wooyoung "Toshio Revival Part 2" during the facial expression... and i juz LOL soo hard when Taec did the facial expression.. it's juz the difference of the two xpression is juz hilarious!!

Junsu, Junho & Khun's Nothing Better is awesome too!!! Junho is really2 getting my attention now.. hihihi..

luvnhate I agree with you 100% totally.. I mean that's how I know Junho is.. the no.1 edited-out.. XD but even with all those edited-out, he really seems like ahh.. whatever.. .. and what's funny is when Junho try to get the attention by doing silly stuffs and get teased by the rest..

ahh.. i miss the idol army/wildbunny days T^T

anywae, about Khun & Taec conversing in Eng , GAWD!! I LOVE THEM talking in english.. sounds sooo sexaaay~~ XD

and LOL at Woo's facial xpresssion coz he's like somewhere between understanding and not understanding what Taec & Khun talked about..

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Guest lec8504

I just wanted to say......

Max23..thank you for your post..you spoke up for a lot of us who are just tired of arguing with these other fanatic 7-only fans.

Taec-haters or people who think they have a "right" to hate Taec because he "ticked" them off...GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. You guys are treating him exactly like how the antis treated Jay.

I come to this forum to see new news about the boys..to spaz a little..not to see a bunch of bickering about the same old stuff. Also if you guys know that JYPE staff monitors this website, then why keep on replying here? Adding to the post count? Won't it show the JYPE staff that 2PM (regarding if it's bad or good) is still one of the most talked about boy group? If you really want to blackout then stop looking at 2PM stuff....period. And those of us who still want to support the rest of the boys (WHILE WAITING FOR JAY) then can continue to spazz.

edit- Woo looks like a baby during Win Win <3 hopefully it's subbed quickly.

The dance battle perfomance was hot (air humping wise haha)..but SJ did deserve the win. Hopefully next time they'll focus more on the actual choreography with the 7 of them :)

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Guest erroroccurred

junho cuts


Junho: Four years ago when i was 17 i was preparing to be a singer so i went on an sbs program called Superstar Survival. And out of the 12 people, there were also Taec and Chansung. People slowly started getting eliminated. First was Taec and then the next week I woke up and Chansung was gone. Seeing my friends leave, I cried when Chansung left. I gathered up my emotions and did my best and became #1.

Once i got to JYP, there was Taec and Chansung. I was sure they got eliminated, i mean i really cried, but there they were. So we all together worked and practiced very hard.

Apparently Kwon and some friends found I got #1 and they wanted to see what I was about. After I sang Kwon said "oh he's nothing special" and left. He said this to himself of course.

So there was two teams. The tall team: taec, seulong, etc and the short team; jaebum, kwon. I wasn't fitting in either.

Seungi: So you weren't tall or short

Junho: So I practiced alone and sang alone and I felt like an outsider. I couldn't get my footing and the company decided to cut me. Someone from the company came to me and said "Junho, you're about to get cut in three months, just do your best so you don't get cut". I thought I have to do my best. I worked so hard to get to this point.

So for three months i worked so so hard and JYP hyung said that worked so hard and you improved but you need more work. Apparently tho those three more months were given by my mom. My mom found out and called JYPE and told them that it hadn't even been a year and he hasn't shown everything he can show. You're stepping on a child's pride and self esteem. Please let him continue.

Eventually I was able to debut. So I called my mom and said I heard you called the office. She stopped talking for a moment and she said yea junho, look at how ur hard work was able to make you debut. you must feel wonderful!

I didn't want to worry my parents but i'm so thankful for my parents who believed me til the end.

Junho to his parents: First, I know I was young and had so many dreams. When I said I wanted to be a singer, you guys knew how hard it was going to be but you said "okay we'll support you." I'm so thankful for your support. My father at first tried to disway me but now he boasts and says his son is in 2PM.

I will do my best so please don't worry anymore.

:) ..stay strong junho

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Guest tohoblaq

[HQ] Joon Ho (2PM) - 6,500:1 (Feb 16, 2010) Part 11/14


If you guys watch towards the end of this clip properly when Junho wins, he actually didn't go against Taec. I'm pretty sure it was the lady in the green dress because she had the Strong Heart medal around her neck when she was giving some advice at the end. Right before they determine who won, Taec didn't even have the medal around his neck. And when he 'lost', he suddenly had one.

SBS PDs seriously fail at editing. Trying to create fake competition even among 2PM members. >.<

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Guest erroroccurred

taecyeon & junho-horrible bell sound


Taec: When we first debuted, JYP monitored us. But when he calls, he says the same thing but changes it up little by little for like two hours. After you hear it all, you realize that I did one thing wrong, why was the conversation so long?

So I'm afraid of his calls. So after the comeback perf for heartbeat, I was at the gym with chansung working out. We finished working out and went to the locker room. Of course JYP monitored the performance and called while we were changing. JYP said "Taec, in the performance, your articulation was off." And thankfully he asked me who I was with so I thought yes! its a pass so I said Chansung was next to me so I gave the phone to Chansung.

Chansung was in the middle of taking off his shirt when I passed the phone telling him it was JYP and Chansung immediately took the phone with his shirt on his head. So JYP always makes us correct the problem over the phone. So while he's got his tshirt stuck on his head, and while people are walking by he goes "why is my heart still (the first part of his rap)." So he talked to him for an hour doing this.

Junho: When JYP and I are in the studio, like Danny Hyung knows, he's scary. Back then i was having vocal pains and I kept cracking. Yeeun from the wonder girls also had this problem but he couldn't say anything to Yeeun so when I would do it, he would go off on me. "Hey Junho, if you and Yeeun later had a kid your kid would be called Uh eh uh eh!"

Why was he getting mad at me for Yeeun. So i tried again but I cracked again. So JYP said look like me and he sang (junho imitates JYP cracking during the singing). And he made this JYP expression. And he said "come back at 2pm."

remember this - rumors killed fly to the sky

[HQ] Joon Ho (2PM) - 6,500:1 (Feb 16, 2010) Part 11/14


If you guys watch towards the end of this clip properly when Junho wins, he actually didn't go against Taec. I'm pretty sure it was the lady in the green dress because she had the Strong Heart medal around her neck when she was giving some advice at the end. Right before they determine who won, Taec didn't even have the medal around his neck. And when he 'lost', he suddenly had one.

SBS PDs seriously fail at editing. Trying to create fake competition even among 2PM members. >.<

That's how entertainment business works,fake teaser,exaggerated content etc. and some people actually jump into conclusion so quickly.

Thanks for your explanation. :D :D :D :D

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Guest dfallentears

hi im a lurker here

i happen to read this blog at http://insider2pm.wordpress.com/2010/02/15...e-storage-room/ which is regarding the storage thing , anyways pls read the first comment , it is the best write-up ever from a frustated fan ,just like me .

thats all


i'm not like a mod here or senior poster

but i think u should probably edit your post because this thread's rule is

7. No advertising of any kind

and what more the content of that link is one of the banned topic here too.

i've been following the girls on insider too, and i want people to know about the ugly truths as well, but this thread often gets heated therefore the rules are implied to avoid from discussions getting out of hand.

and also this,

I just found out through the Strong Heart videos:

Junho mentioned Jaebeom on national television

the naiveity makes me sad :(

edit: i topped a page?! oh wow but i havent anything to share..sorry :mellow:

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allkpop said that Taec, Nickhun, Chansung, Wooyoung choose Wonder Girls over SNSD in Win Win show but i watched the whole show but i didn't see that part , is that true that they said that ??????

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a treat to whoever read my post nd agrees with me lol jk must watch!!

Taec nd Khun English conversation on win win

edit: pinkywinky beat me to it >.<but i still want to know

did he say "she is hot" to taeyeon or the older lady MC?

"cross fingers" pls don't let this get into headlines lol taec you should be more careful,,can i just say his cute dance was epicily just taec nway i'm off to watch all the vids :P

LOLOLOL i love it when they speak eng , i want them to have a show where they only speak eng all the boys haha with 2AM too that would be daebak :)

like this one 2AM & 2PM ENG good times XD

btw i don't think he said that to taeyeon haha they don't wanna get anti's lol

thank u for sharing the videos , going to watch both shows :)

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Guest erroroccurred

allkpop said that Taec, Nickhun, Chansung, Wooyoung choose Wonder Girls over SNSD in Win Win show but i watched the whole show but i didn't see that part , is that true that they said that ??????

' Do you prefer SNSD or Wonder girls '

Junsu - He likes both of them ^^ Actually, They (and Wg) were trained together as sisters he thinks that they'cute

Chansung - Wonder girls

Junho - SNSD The reasons have too much

then mc asked that who is your favorite member ?

Junho said he likes Taeyeon and then his ears become red lol and Kim Seungwoo has change the seat with taeyeon so she was sitting in front of him HAHAHAH

Nichkhun - SNSD yoonA

Taecyeon- SNSD at first he liked taeyeon but now it's really changed to Tiffany Yuri Seohyun and sunny )

Wooyoung - both

and Junsu talked about Idol Army


Taec also danced 'tell me your wish'

Khun danced Seo inyoung's Cinderealla with Taeyeon

and He played some badminton motion with her HAHA ( wanna watch !! )

Jokwon danced Gee with Taeyeon

cr: jslove117 @ Soshified

i hate allkpop

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so after taec people are bashing Junho? think are getting out of control on both side!

And please Junho was tired and he was crying just before give him a break!

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Guest sapharia

I saw some of the clips from Win Win and I totally miss seeing the dorky and joking side of the boys. Now if pink grandpa was back in the picture, it would be even better <333

Hearing Taec and Khun speak english was cute, I totally swooned~ Now if I can hear Khun say "She's hot!" xD

Wooyoung's facial expressions~ keke his new haircut and color makes his face look a bit different, but he still looks like the adorable wooyoungie that I know~

Chansung's aegyo~ OMG I'm slowly falling for the maknae xDD He totally has his own unique aegyo-ness~ Seeing the big giant banana-loving maknae push his hyung off the chair was too cute xD never underestimate maknae power! While I don't dig his new hair, I thought the styling of it in Win Win looked better than the bowl-haircut style he had at the O market brownie fansigning they had weeks ago.

Watching Junho retell his story on Strong Heart was touching. You can def get a sense of how much hard work he put in to get where he is today. He worked hard and he def deserves to have his "popularity season" come soon xD I saw the dance moves and acrobatics he did in the first part of SH and danggggg, he's so amazing!~ His flip was daebak, but at the same time, I was so scared that he wouldn't land properly and hit the floor.

P.S. Oh I almost forgot, thanks to those that provided the links!!!!~ <33333

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A big thank you to everyone who has been posting links! I really appreciate all of the youtube videos in my future, esp. since I have been away on vacation and out of the loop.

I did read through the long, somewhat painful road the thread has traveled in the past week, and I guess this is my 2 cents' worth:

- I don't think that closing this thread is the answer. As I have said before, where else have we to go? Closing the thread will not solve the huge issue that we face, Jay's absence. Closing the thread won't make Jay come back, won't make people more accepting of a 6-member group - it will just leave us floating in more ignorance and frustration. We are sailing through uncharted territory - there has never been a high-profile departure from a group so filled with uncertainty, hurt, rumor - and, of course, a national-level scandal. So you cannot compare this fandom, and therefore this thread, with other threads/fangroups who have never experienced our trauma.

- Having said that, I would like to strongly recommend that new posters please, please, read back. Before I started writing anything to this board, I read back every single previous page - it took me about two weeks to get through them all. But I didn't want to be an ignoramus, I didn't want to bring up issues that had been thrashed over unto death, and I didn't want to insult other posters by disrespecting their credentials. Blame it on an overly cynical attitude, but when I see a post that comes out of left field, I immediately look at the post count. I expect this forum to be monitored by JYP minions and probably salted by them on occasion, as well; that's just good business.

- Right now, it seems that there is a lot more bashing of the Taec bashers going on that actual Taec bashing. Sure, some posters have said they are tired of the shirt ripping and want to see more of the other boys, but really, this forum is a virtual love-fest compared to other forums - so why bash so hard on soompiers? Go crusade over on 2OD or allkpop. Or address the real culprit, the powers-that-be who had the brilliant idea of using Taec, in any way possible, to distract us from the elephant in the room.

- The elephant in the room is, of course, Jay. The gag order placed on the other 6 not to talk about him is so obvious and confining, no wonder they are tense, tired, and sometimes appear unnatural. I wonder how much of what they say is scripted. The Junho oblique-reference-that-wasn't-really-a-reference was just so bizarre... I find it interesting - and so heartwarming and cheering, thank you, marvelous Khun! - that as soon as one of them is out from under JYP's iron control, he speaks about Jay, directly and honestly.

I remember when they were all natural, and it was a delight. Sometimes it is still there, in flashes, and knowing that the embers are there gives me hope that the fire will once again burn brightly. I'm still hoping. Sometimes I just want to abandon thinking about them at all - I've got a million other things, more important things, in my life - but I am still hoping.

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I find it interesting - and so heartwarming and cheering, thank you, marvelous Khun! - that as soon as one of them is out from under JYP's iron control, he speaks about Jay, directly and honestly. .

Yes! I did notice it too, what you said make sense to me

Nichkhunnie <3

Sometimes I just want to abandon thinking about them at all - I've got a million other things, more important things, in my life - but I am still hoping.

I feel EXACTLY the same xD

Oh Skelly and Kabler, never stop posting in this thread please :) I love to read you posts

And please, those who LOVE to bash this thread, once again, be open minded, and accept that poeple can share their opinions and feelings. I would be forever thankful ;).

Also, I'm moved by what Junho said.... FIGHTING Junho! ^^

What did his mother was really beautiful, I would have cried if I knew that my parents were that supportive wow ^^

[NEWS] Nichkhun shares "both Thaïland and Korea are my home"

Korea is like my second home. He said, "both Thailand and Korean feel like my home" as he revealed the same strong affection for both countries.

On the 15th at the Thailand Radisson Plaza Hotel, "Let's Take a Break" fan club trip to Phucket with Nichkhun meeting was held.

Here, Nichkhun said, "In Thailand, my family is here and so it's warm and happy. And in Korea, the people that are like family are his (2PM) members, office (JYPE) family, and fans and so he's also happy there."

Nichkhun expressed gratitude to the Korean fans who showed love and interest in him even as a foreigner.

"I came from a different country, so it's so fascinating to see how much love I receive. To show my gratitude, my desire to work even harder has grown. I will work harder in the future." What he shared got a lot of attention.

Nichkhun, the Thai American, came to Korean 4 years ago to become a singer. Now, he's a member of a popular group doing activities. But when he was younger, because he was shy and had a quiet personality, they couldn't have imagined him singing on stage with so many people watching him.

"When I was young, I couldn't even sing in front of my father and mother. Now my father looks a me says that I'm doing well and has asked me to show him my good work," he shared.

Nichkhun, again, shared that he would like to travel to Phucket with his 2PM members. "The members really love the beach, if there's a chance, I really want to come to Phucket with the members." He never forgot his love for his (2PM) members.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.


Khunnie JJANG

Well, what about US?

I wonder if he ever promotes something in US, he'll say "Korea, Thailand and US are my home"


okay >>>>

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Guest avchuck

hi im a lurker here

i happen to read this blog at http://insider2pm.wordpress.com/2010/02/15...e-storage-room/ which is regarding the storage thing , anyways pls read the first comment , it is the best write-up ever from a frustated fan ,just like me .

thats all


i'm not like a mod here or senior poster

but i think u should probably edit your post because this thread's rule is

7. No advertising of any kind

and what more the content of that link is one of the banned topic here too.

i've been following the girls on insider too, and i want people to know about the ugly truths as well, but this thread often gets heated therefore the rules are implied to avoid from discussions getting out of hand.

and also this,

I just found out through the Strong Heart videos:

Junho mentioned Jaebeom on national television

the naiveity makes me sad :(

edit: i topped a page?! oh wow but i havent anything to share..sorry :mellow:

^Nah, just leave it up. It's not really advertising, but informing/sharing. Those who are aware of the website will either bypass it or bash it. We can only be the messenger. And besides, that comment on that post was REALLY-REALLY-REALLY good (made me teary).

And yes, I agree on your comment on the naivette part, but all we can do is try and share what we came to believe as truth.

P.S. I never knew about that website until someone randomly posted it on soompi with no bold fonts and in only three lines saying how it was such an eye-opener. I'm grateful for whoever it was that decided to share that website (even if there were comments about it afterwards that said they just spewed conspiracy theories) because I probably never would have known about the site otherwise and come to believe it myself.

EDIT: I just re-read that comment that HLH4EVER was talking about and I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO READ IT! The link: http://insider2pm.wordpress.com/2010/02/15...e-storage-room/

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