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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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taec's not my bias in 2pm, but i don't know, this whole nuts club issue sounds like a joke to me

i mean like antis or so called "fans" only waited for something to badmouth him

i don't like this "now let's bash taec" mood we're in right now, it's kinda ridiculous and the jealousy and hatred we have here is mainly based on rumours!!!

let's believe in taec, if we don't then 2pm is never gonna be the same even if jay comes back

and i seriously don't want to have a second "jay" here

topic change: the guys in thailand look so hot!!!!! love them in black, this colour suits them

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Guest carleli

i was writing something when i pushed the wrong button and everythng was gone. *#&* it. i can't write it anymore. all i can say right now is just ignore him or her if he/she wrote anything here don't comment or acknowledge it. pests usually go away when no one is minding them. just like the rumors, if we hottests don't acknowledge this rumors it will go away. all we have to do is to support and love our boys whether they're 7 or not. we just have to be patient and be supportive along the way. listening to detractors will do us no good. this thread will just end up being closed again. isn't being a fan means ignoring all the bad and just supporting the artist so they will continue to thrive and be a success? i'm not asking the hottests to be blind to their follies, but they are all humans and all of them have human follies just like us fans. so let's all agree that they are not perfect and eventually will commit mistakes along the way. as fans the only thing we can do is be magnanimous and forgive them and support them again and again. that is if you agree with me that they are worth all the support we can give them. do they? what do you think guys? so for the sake of 2pm and the hottests, ignore the pests who visit this site once in a while, they will flicker away eventually and leave the united hottests alone to continue admiring our idols.

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okay,i haven't here for so long long long time.

but i don't know what's happening. but i guess,i shouldn't back track.

since i'm a lazy person, but i think the hot comments here are

because of 'something' so yeah. guys should stop arguing ;'D

calm down people.

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@silence I don't share your opinion. I wouldn't say the people here don't love Taec.

Like some of you already said, people need to calm down.

Hearing rumors like Taec switching sides because of more fame etc makes everyone worked up, if you chose to believe those rumors or not. Reading such things about one of your favorite idols of course makes you feel disappointed & sad. You start to wonder if the rumors may be true, but you tell yourself he never would do such things, because you have faith in the boys. I think because of Jay's abscence everyone here became really emotional.. so some people may believe those rumors. And some may not.

Let's assume the rumor of him switching sides is true. Let's assume it really looks like it's true on the surface.

This doesn't mean he doesn't love Jay!

They are still brothers who love each other, they're still 7, they're still one.

They trained together, they debuted together, they worked together, they lived together..

And we shouldn't forget that JYP is holding the strings in his hands.

We're not only fighting for Jay, but for all of them.

And I'm sure even if some of you may bash Taec, you still want the old 2PM back, right?

And the new fans too.. Why wouldn't they want Jay to be in 2PM?

You can see the other boys suffering and longing for their Leadja..

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Guest churvaness

Please, calm down everyone....

This division we create within our fandom will surely give us CONSEQUENCES we are to regret in the near future....

Can't everybody state their POV's in nicer way?? in a milder tone??

This thread is bound to be suspended again and I can feel it....

So before that, let us compose ourselves and think what may happen before us.....


United We Stand, Divided We Fall...

Please, I know we all just one thing to happen...And that is for Jay to COMEBACK

In the future, when that goal fails to happen....

One pathetic phrase will be out of our lips and that is "If Only"

So, before it's too late....Please, let us be united as Hottests with one goal. Even if we dislike each other's POVs, just remember that we need to get along as one GROUP that needs THE LEADER back.....

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Guest revealedsecrets

not a fan so i think what i'm giving would be an unbiased view of what a non-fan thinks of this thing.

1. Honestly, i think that there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with mentioning about the nuts family. Whether or not he mentions his hottest, you guys, as fans, should alrd know how much he cannot do with you guys. That's what i think about how artistes usually act, but i'm not sure about him. There's like sooo many of the similar nuts family in the kpop industry and you guys should be happy that he got a bunch of really good friends beside him. With how complicated the industry is, having these loyal friends arent easy to come by.

2. From what me as a non-fan see, i thought his reply to the netizens on his cyworld was rather rude. Like what everyone knows, as an artiste, it is normal to be bashed and attacked in this way. You just have to live with it since you are the one who chose this road. As a public-figure, and with sooo many fans, i feel that taecyeon should have treated it as constructive criticisms for him to improve, and not find reasons to defend himself. Like people say, you have got to follow the rules in the industry if you wanna carry on. Even if smth isn't what you want it to be, you just have got to follow. That's how it works. I really thought he shouldn't have even replied to what the netizens said, but instead show improvements.

Whatever it is, i hope this ceases quickly.

Again, it is just what i feel about the matter and i am not a fan.

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lol a big lol, I won't say my opinions on these recent matters because I have the right to my own opinion, and I would be deeply saddened if someone else tried to "force" their opinion on me. Likewise, I respect all of your decisions/thoughts/beliefs, and I will not shove my thoughts down your throats. One question though, is saying, we all need to unite, stop forcing others to see our thoughts and just let everybody be, also hypocritical? I'm just asking, still debating on what I think about that. If it is then I won't say it, if it isn't then I still won't say that. Well anyways

credit tagged on photos, I don't know if these have been put here lol sorry if it has, I will com back with more pictures as well

there are so many more pictures lmao, I won't add them cause your computers/laptops/itouch/iphones will hate me

that and I'm too lazy, there are like 346473345 more pictures, but is there a limit to how big a post can be?

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I'm cooled. Let's just leave this aside? I mean it feels so idiotic to fight over this now.

Thanks for sharing the pictures and the long fancam. Hehe, Even though I don't know what the boys are saying, but it's good enough to look at the eye-candies haha I can barely hear them in the video anyway. Perhaps, should've been given better mics and lol at Taec imitating the fangirls haha

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Guest Romy_498

I was a silent reader and i have never posted anything from now but I have to today

I havn't read everything posted this latest day here cause it seems very confused and not useful

i saw a matter about devided 2pm fan on 6pm and jaypm group? WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!??? just : LOL !

Anyways I will not comment about this I just wanted to say that

all of us love 2PM I mean jay junsu nikhun taec woo chan junho... maybe not all of them or just one in particulary but this 7 men are 2PM members... YOU CANT CHANGE THAT ! cauz it's just A FACT !

if you love 2PM i mean just one of its member or all then you love 2PM or just one member it's all

If you just don't like one then you love 2PM too...

LOL this thread or how fan become antis........ JUST A BIG COMEDY !

why speak about separation or whatever even for the fandom? WHAT IS THIS? REALLY

I always was happy reading the comment in this thread in a while but now... i come here less than before and I think I know why!

Suddenly I just want to sing:

Father Father Father help us

Send some guidance from above

Cause people got me got me questioning

Where is the love?where is the love? Where is the love?

The love is HERE:

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Guest Labacookie


I'm editing this comment because I opted to go back and read what I missed.


Honestly, I am ready for Edward to lock this thread. I hope it gets locked for at least a couple weeks. I say this because I am so sick and tired of the needless drama being perpetrated. And how DARE some people presume to "divide" fandom. We're all fans of the same group, regardless of what members remain or go. You don't have to stop being someone's fan because they are no longer in a group. 2PM wouldn't be the first group to see a membership change, IF it's happening. So just stop with the nonsense. I admit for a second I considered it (when it was first mentioned weeks ago), but it's ludicrous to think that anyone would have to go anywhere, or that we're expected to chose between one group of band members and another. Are you kidding me?


Regardless of whether or not Jay leaves, it will still be the same group, all seven members will still matter and I doubt the subject of Jay will be banned just because he's no longer a member.

You don't have to like what's happening, you don't have to agree with one another, but the idea of an "exodus" because people wish to adopt a "with us or against us" state of mind is laughable. What we need is not a new thread. We need common sense, logic, and respect for other members. We need not to believe every rumor posted. We need not bash other artists or members because we are upset. We need to get ourselves together.

And I think losing the thread for an extended period of time would give people enough time to put things into perspective.

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Please read..for the sake of hottests unity.

Guys.. I know that some of us, even myself, were hurt/confused/enraged by the recent rumors regarding the standing of our 6 boys. I guess all of us did a sort-of "initial-reaction" type of thing. We felt betrayed, got angry, posted, some agreed, some didn't, but this could go on for too long. It might actually become a 2nd Jaebum type of incident. Let us draw a clear line between us fans, and those netizens who drove our leadja away. I want to believe that Hottests are more rational, understanding, and well, smarter than others, because we have been through a lot the most. I thought we have mastered the art of critiquing every single article/rumor that comes our way...well, not quite so as I can see.

Plainly, the rumor does sound so so bad, so bad you want that you want to quit...right? Go quit. Go hate on each other. Make JYP happy. Guys, even if it is indeed true, I see only one goal why this happened, it's to keep Jay from coming back. Even if it is true that one member has indeed swayed...I only want to believe that he is a VICTIM of sajangnim's plots. I became angry at that person initially,(well, still a tinge of indifference atm) but now I pity him for being blinded... can't you see that they are being manipulated? After you (including me) get angry guys, please in the end, think that they are still our boys, 7 or nothing. We keep on sidetracking lately and not focusing enough. I know that we have to also deal with the endless rumors, and deal with our own personal feelings of love or hate towards the boys, but through that, our attention keeps on getting diverted. We don't want that right?

I maybe only rationalizing everything right now so that I can save my own sanity, but if that's the only thing to bring him back, I'm willing to close my eyes and ears on everything and just think of wanting Jay to come back.

We may get too emotional over every issue in the beginning, but please, let us be reminded of our goal. It's to bring Jay back right? I hope it still is unless everybody in this thread suddenly went gaga and decided to save Kanye instead. Let's focus on the projects... If one member did decide to cross-over, fine. Let him be, for the moment...what's truly frustrating would be the fact that we forgot to accomplish our 2PM=7 missions just because we whined for too long over an issue that was obviously bound to target us. If it's indeed true on what Silence has said, then it's a all a ploy to get us divided.

Let's just pray for that member to wake up...we still have the other 5 and we still have Jay. Just whine on your own for a while...or just post huhuhuhus or sad faces if you can't help it. Let's all unite for Leadja... once he's back (thanks to us, I hope) then we will have all 7 with us back.

To suggest some...there's the blackout project, the post-it projects, and more twitter accounts representing Ihottests projects in different countries. Time is of the essence. Everyday is a day closer to the truth.

May the peaceful and witty posts come again to this thread... and may all rumors be given a double take. To rumor posters..thanks for enlightening us? But it is always up to us to choose to believe. 7=1.

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Standing here in disarray

A calm serenity

The winds of change can devastate

And it took this much for me

With nowhere to run and no reason left to hide

Gonna hold on

All the walls around are broken down

Now I can hear the rising sun

Surrounded by everything I want

But nothing that I need

I was blinded by the absurdity

Losing all identity

Sometimes what you fear the most is what you need

To find that road

Right around that curve a lesson learned

Now that I have the eyes to see

A hurricane, a hurricane

Is sometimes the only way to wash away the pain

A hurricane, a hurricane

Is sometimes the only thing that brings you back again

With poison toys I'd isolate

But the wind was strong and true

But now I see where the treause is

'Cause they only blocked my view

I'm spiraling down but so oblivious

Got to find my way home

There's a heart that bleeds trapped in me

But how do I break this shell of stone

A hurricane, a hurricane

Is sometimes the only way to wash away the pain

A hurricane, a hurricane

Is sometimes the only thing that brings you back again

Sometimes I cried, the tears wouldn't fall

And sometimes I tried to break those walls

And feel your love

But I came alive

When I finally found my way

A hurricane, a hurricane

Is sometimes the only way to wash away the pain

A hurricane, a hurricane

Is sometimes the only thing that brings you back again

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Guest Lee.Donghae


I need big pics of Wooyoung and Junsu, these two..

Please gime me them if you have these two, I'll aprreciate it ]:

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Guest cheezychunnie

this thread cool down a few hours ago but it got heated again

i guess its because the time different,in most of Asian countries its already midnight..

to answer some of ur guys question about Taec's issue whether

its on 2OD or korean website..well,both that's why it became out of control

the MOD is giving us a chance to cool down so i advised

some of u to edit ur post if u feel like it will caused this thread to be closed...

this is the question i want to ask everyone here>>>>



im asking coz seems like when Taec needs his fans to protect him for a simple matter

some of us hesitate...and some even blaming and bashing him...and saying Taec u are own ur own

we cant save u...

sigh...he did thank Jay and he did thank the supporters>>which is us<<<in his thank u note

that about him being cocky becoz he said some stupid things,he took it down

that shows that he felt that wasnt right...what else can he done?what's the proof of him being cocky?

have u guys seen him at Thai?he's still the same guy

or u guys are too mad to even watch his face??are u guys being just??

accusing him this and that when u didnt even watch him thru latest fancams..

he's still the same person....

collect your senses hottest..i know u guys are frustratrated but put ur anger on Taec..

really?then who's next?

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I don't know any 6PM.

The only thing i know is a idol group called 2PM who lost their leader, friend, brother through an internet controversy last year.

Hate and judging without knowing the background gave them and their HOTTEST a lot of pain and I will give them every support they need.

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Guest luvnhate

I think it's pretty much calmed down now so there is no need to reqest for this thread to be closed down......I'm just dissapointed :(

We should be united and strong and not to be wavered by rumers anymore....

We should go back and remember why we started liking 2pm and why we love these 7 boys....

We should be putting our heads toghether and working on peaceful projects like the begining..

We should bring back the love, remember the flashmobs and the skybanner?

I have been coming up with few ideas but i have to do research on them before i bring it out here...but how am i suppose to do that if there is no place for me to share it!...how am i to reach out to Hottest nd Supporters......I need you guys!!

we all need eachother to help out

"Hate grows and victors where love is afraid to share its bloom"

-Don Williams, Jr

"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.”

-Baha'u'llah(persian philosopher)

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Guest vern_scorita

woww.. just to b honest..

i just want the best from JYP for 2pm, jay, and we hottest..

but i'm getting confused with rumours, articles, and news that spread out here..

its like we mostly talk abt jay's uncertain comeback rather than 2pm's activity..

no bashing.. but my mind got mixed up between rumours and facts.. :D

hope these problems bcome clear very soon..

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