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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Rumors, rumors, rumors..

JYPE really needs to explain things to Hottests.

Look what's happening, this thread is going crazy..

Even though we might have different opinions, we have to UNITE.

Otherwise we're not going to success in bringing our Leadja back.

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Guest stardope

maybe that's too... there are just too many rumors!!!!

and always those trios (jay taec khun) these days...

i guess that because of the popularity and image???

@vee do rumors need correction? lol

anyway...my last post of the day...

kinda active today...haha

and I saw a gif of jay and jalen on the prev pages...

do anyone know from which video is that?


stay strong & keep the love everyone!!!!!!

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Guest babiluxx

guys can we please move on to a different topic? there is no point in arguing with each other about this topic. If we were being civil about it that is fine but I've read too many heated discussions....I dont want this thread to be closed.

In times like this its already hard enough that the fans are divided and now everyone is talking about this situation....lets just relax and enjoy their new shows that are coming out!!!

I have a question...which show are you most excited about watching?

for me it is wooyoung's show, i think it would be really funny and i want to see some cute interactions between him and other celebrities!

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1/ 2005: Jaebeom wrote on his Myspace "Korea is gay." Four years later, on September 4th, 2009, netizens found his comment and were enraged. Everything was blown out of proportion. Jaebeom had no choice but left 2PM and Korea 4 days later, on September 8th, 2009.

2/ Some time in the fall of 2009: Taecyeon forgot to thank Jaebeom and Hottests in his "Thank you" note. A few months later, Hottests discovered this and were enraged. Everything was blown out of proportion. Prediction: Taecyeon had no choice but left 2PM and Korea 4 days later.

Let's do some comparison:

Taecyeon = the new Jaebeom

Hottests = the new evil netizens

More prediction: the pattern will continue with 2PM. We now have 6PM, we will have 5PM, 4PM, 3PM, 2PM and eventually 2PM is not a group anymore. Netizens/ Hottests regretted their overreaction and JYPE promised to bring the kicked-out members back but that would never happen.

My suggestion for this thread:

1/ Mod should close it for 2 weeks.


2/ People who hates on Taec should create a thread called: "Dedicated to 2PM members who do not seem to be cocky in my opinion"


I won't be able to enjoy this fandom anymore after some comments here about Taec. You get suspended if you bash JYP but you can totally bash Taecyeon in 2PM's thread. Totally.

I just want to say I'm extremely angry and disappointed at some of the fans here. If you hate him that much, here is my suggestion: how about creating a petition to kick him out of 2PM? Since he is such a ungrateful cocky person in your eyes?

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Guest everybodyshout

My advice: Teac should lay low for a while and shut his mouth completely about the NUTS family from henceforth. Its a taboo subject and it pleases nobody. For goodness sake, if Hottest is the lifeline of 2PM right now, then please just do your job and cater to your mainstream audience. I'm sure Yoona and Tiffany will lose nothing by not having you mention them in your professional persona, afterall I'm sure in your spare time, you're already making time for them. Some things are just better left on unofficial grounds. If your work is being an idol, you have the responsibility to do it well. Fans should be your first priority everything else in your personal life should stay there.

I've warned about teac "hate" upcoming and true enough its exploded.

One thing I must say though is, if he is not careful, he's going to start turning off people really fast. His over exposure is already one factor that is against him, as many is already starting to feel that he's becoming bigger than his 2PM status and it unsettles them. Unlike Khun who is quiet and reserved, Teac's overt personality might come across as arrogant and in some cases brash, this is not helping him to win more fans.

The outburst incident on the internet, the 'clique-ish" nuts family talk. One bad move after another. How do you plan to make Hottest feel like your family when you go mouthing off on your liner notes that you have another "family" that you care about and this one is "off limits" in membership to any one else but those special elite few. Of course people are going to feel alienation and discontentment. Some things should be made public and others in confidence. As an artist, you should be clear on those boundaries. Bottomline, Teac is an idol whether he likes it or not. Idol artistes need to have a certain mysetery surrounding them and an image of single prince charming to the dozens to upkeep. Unless he starts to prove his mettle in acting, singing, or rapping, and in the end people will still need to use him for his unusual 'abilities" he is still an idol...

If he can't take the criticms, he shouldn't be reaping the profits off the image that the fans have bought into as well...

Plus you don't go Its business in one press release and you're my nut family in your liner notes, if he was my company's artiste, I would have scolded him upside down.

Yes - its 2PM sensitive period now, thats why its all the more for the members to practise discretion.

Sorry dear Kabler, I'd have to disagree with you on some of the points above. Fans are not his top priority. How he truly feels is. How anyone feels about themselves matters more than what others (more often people who don't know him on a personal level, such as fans who really don't know who he really is behind the scenes) think of them. This 'idol' concept is very very hard to keep up with. It's almost from another planet, I feel. Imaginary and ideal, impractical actually. It's just used casually in theory but IRL, nah... Humans are imperfect, that being fact. No one can ever be a clean idol. No fan can be a perfect fan. Same idea.

Taec shouldn't have to live in fear just because he is scared of disapproval from his fans who aren't in favour of his actions. Idol? Is he being an idol by not being himself, by not expressing his true feelings? Isn't that what mankind preaches - to be true to yourself? And what about forgiveness? What have we learnt from the Jaebeom incident? Why are people making such a big deal out of this? Kabler has pointed out before that Taec was being very American in that incident and I do very much agree. I am just very appalled and confused... Why does he have to bow down to his fans and be told to reflect on his words, with regards to the outburst incident? Don't we all have outbursts? Why are people criticising only him when they should look into the mirror themselves as well? He's a rapper, not a singer and that's the truth. (But I feel that the boy has mega vocal potential though, I got won over when he sang a ballad at their fanmeeting heh.)

I actually applaud Taec for the outburst. Don't know. Have a fascination with outbursts and it allows us to see another side of Taec. Shows how real a person is. Perhaps it's just me.

I was just thinking... What's wrong with having a nut family? And can't we all see that it's not truly elite, I mean isn't it very obvious that they were just joking about how hard it is to get in and how it'd take 17 years for someone to get in? It's all a mega mega joke that some might take very seriously. I find it hilarious. Haha. I'm really glad they shared it with the public so that people could get a laugh out of it because they were almost sure that it'd be nothing but peanuts (excuse me for the pun), but somehow and unfortunately... it kinda backfired. (Would all of us have preferred for it to be kept confidential instead and forgo the amusement?)

If fans are so uptight even about that sort of very tiny matter and continue to be swayed over like coconut trees in the wind by all the fancy and not so fancy rumours (although I very much welcome hypothetical discussion of all kinds because it is very interesting to hear something different from everyone), well, it's going to be a very long way until... Well I honestly think that if we are more open-minded and understanding towards being a human (or how hard it is to be one), things would be a lot better. (And if we could understand the idea that just because we say something that isn't the norm, it doesn't mean that we're haters. Okay that was just a side-note that's been said all the time but somehow we've never really drilled it into our heads)

One last thing - we have absolutely no right to judge what kind of a person Taec is or anyone of 2pm at that. What we see on TV may not be what we see offscreen. We don't even know them personally. And they don't owe us anything. They don't owe us their mouths or their lives.

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Guest silence457


JYPE's plan of dealing with fans and media: two methods

- consoling: have members go on public shows and talks to express sadness over Jaebeom's issues. at the same time, giving Hottests the impression that JYPE is negotiating with Jay about his comeback.

- conflicting: dividing Hottests and diverting media's attention by creating controversies about other members.

Tentative plan: depending on Hottests' reaction, the final announcement of Jaebeom's absence in the next album will be made public around the third or forth week of February. The album will be dropped around mid-April, allowing a month for Hottests to completely divide within themselves and for all issues to die down. The new targeted fanbase of 2PM will consist of the remaining fans and the new fans gained after Heartbeat album and this new album. The new album has to become a hit so JYPE is carefully investing in the production of this album.


It's time for this thread to be divided into two threads: 6PM and 2PM. It's easier that way, and I am sure that way there would not be a lot of hate and controversies.

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Guest thu_trang

i've been on hiatus ever since jay left

i've been keeping myself updated on the news though

@silence457 : woah if that's gonna be true , then jype is going to reach a new low , at least if they would just spit the truth to our faces , maybe it wouldda been more comfortable that way ,bcuz by now , we already have an answer to those who will stick around n those who would choose to leave the fandom n unfortunately , i'm the later one

it's too bad that Jay is my biased n i cant help it , i just cant see the spark i used to see in 2pm , it's really upsetting though , not just bcuz i'm Jay biased but he was an extraordinary person , n for what i know there will never be a second jay park in kpop scene , Jay still has so much to offer , big part of me is telling me that he aint gonna come back , but seeing jay in those bboy video , doing what he is best at , being in his element , maybe , that's where Jay belong n feel contented , but still is a pity , shame on kpop , shame on JYPE , losing such a brilliant individual

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Guest punahime

I hate this situation, every one is nervous and started to hate each other too, ?

JYP, I hope to be punished by God for what you did and what you are doing !

I really miss them T-T

I really miss the old pink man : Jay oppa

the cute puppy : Wooyoung oppa

the smart boy : Chansung oppa

the adorable fashion guy : Teac oppa

the handsome man : Nichkhun oppa

the confident member : Junsu oppa

the playful member : Junho oppa


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oh and one more thing:

I hate the situation right now because I don't want to associate myself with Jay fans or 6PM fans, I just love all 7 members of 2PM and I can't stand seeing the Jay fans and 6PM fans keep trying to break my belief in 7 members' brotherhood.

I read all the rumors, I read all the "logical" comments you guys wrote but I declare my own stance: I LOVE 2PM, ALL 7 OF THEM, and I don't want to see people saying "it's all Jay's fault" or "Taec can only blame himself for his cockiness."


I am disgusted at all the judgmental comments here in 2PM's thread, especially after Hottests experienced the Jay's controversy. It's like some of you guys are saying that: Jay was treated unfairly, and so Taec should realize that he would be treated unfairly. WHERE IS THE EFFING SUPPORT? They are humans, both Jay and Taec, they don't kill people, they don't do crimes, they don't do nothing wrong, they made mistakes (although I don't know how in the world Taecyeon's actions could be called "mistakes") like anyone else, fans are there to support and not to effing judge them. (leave the judging part to netizens)

YOU ALL FORGOT THE LOVE. How did you start loving 2PM? How did you start loving the members? How could you easily remove that love and jump right into the ship of "he's cocky and he should gtfo"? If you don't support him, that's fine, but do not add more fuel to the fire and don't join the judgmental bunch of netizens I beg you.

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Guest viviean

i think silence457 isn't hottest for sure.

i don't know why some of you guys believe in his/her rumors.

but i've never believe him/her

i know that you guys're really confused and scared that jay's not back.

but please be strong and trust our boys.

we have to get through this situation together so let's unite as one.

keep the faith

question: about taec issue,that issue was discussed on korean board or just 2od board?

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Guest silence457


Dividing this thread into 6PM in 2PM? You gotta be kidding, right?

No offense, but a real fan wouldn't say such things.

If I go by your definition of "a real fan" then a lot of people in this thread are not real fans.

I suggest you backtrack and read the last 10 pages, and you will see 75% of the commenters are not real fans by your standards.

I just thought it would be easier for everyone to just go to separate threads. I can assure you we can remove all the wank on Taec if we create a thread for 6PM.

You love Taec? You should go to 6PM thread.

You don't love Taec? You can go to this thread.


I see it coming. I see the mod ready to close/ ban this thread. You all keep fighting like immature kids and you'll get what you deserve.

In case you need help:

PEACE is what you need.

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Do calm down my dear.. I know what you mean, really do. if you had read my earlier post, I am also sickened to have read all the really lousy member-bashing comments..

Let's just keep our calm and ignore those member bashing.. Edward had already given a stern warning a page back.. let him take care of it.

Peace out!


V @Max23, no apologies needed ;) Cos i feel your pain too.

Anyway, let's move onto other topics before the situation gets out of hand & this thread gets shut down..

just found this clip of WY today.. filming his new show on the street.. what the hell is he doing? haha!!


(Cr: phoenix4466@Youtube)

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Do calm down my dear.. I know what you mean, really do. if you had read my earlier post, I am also sickened to have read all the really lousy member-bashing comments..

Let's just keep our calm and ignore those member bashing.. Edward had already given a stern warning a page back.. let him take care of it.

Peace out!

ok sorry I was burning with rage when I read those comments.

I'm calming down now....

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Guest everybodyshout




credit as tagged



whoever made these please tell me too, got these from omona



p.s. don't close this thread i took 5 min of my glorious life to upload these

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Guest haiphuong

Guys. Please cool down. If we are bashing Taec like this, we are not different from the antis who made Jay have to leave Korea. I agree some of you disappointed because of him but please think again. We used to say that we forgive Jay because he's a human, then Taec is a human too. Why don't we give him another chance? One of the reason I love 2PM is they have natural characters, but I'm afraid that what we are doing now is slowly pushing them away from us. I miss 2PM with the full energy, the full smile and more important, I miss them as a 7 members and I miss the harmony we used to have as a family.

Please cool down. We don't want the mod to close the thread again, right? :)

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some heated discussion here..

member in this thread needs to calm down

i don't want 5PM, but sometimes Taec needs to choose wisely or just quit following JYPE's propaganda.

One last thing - we have absolutely no right to judge what kind of a person Taec is or anyone of 2pm at that. What we see on TV may not be what we see offscreen. We don't even know them personally.

i thought they said at some show is how they really are onscreen is how they really are offscreen,

i agree we don't know them personally and we are here not to judge..but the Taec i've watched is humble and smart, popularity sure is taking over him.. he needs to say "no" to offers sometimes.. or maybe even to JYP/E.

i used to love this thread.. -_-

but just incase we've forgotten who we're trying to put back together as one




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