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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Okay I am seeing several members writing about ... you know what. And I don't even want to go back and rehash that can of worms because it's been banned and if we start talking about it there are going to be hurt feelings and stuff.

I don't like to look in the past. Rather, I say let's look to the future.

I wanted to address what Stephy18 brought up. What can we do now?

By now, I think 95% of us know what's going on. And we're all trying to prepare ourselves for the worst.

But before the worst actually comes, I am asking you guys to give this thing one last try.

This is the address for JYPE USA branch:

110 East 31st St.

New York, NY 10016.

Please send constructive letters here for support for Jay's return.

In your letters, try to be as reasonable and rational as possible. Don't bother going to accuse JYPE about how bad they've screwed up this situation, like Stephy18 said, that's not going to work. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS THE KEY

Basically, just write about all the GOOD THINGs that Jay's return will bring.

In my letter, I wrote (amongst other things), that since JYP is very interested in the international market, he must know that the outcome of the Jaebum incident will forever leave an imprint in the international pop culture community. What JYPE decides in the end, can either cement an image of South Korea as a society where mob mentalities and internet bullying controls the society, or it can make an image for itself as a GLOBALLY minded business who tries to bring tolerance and forgiveness to a pop culture that is often rash and quick to dish out undeserved hazing. Basically, I mean that this is JYPE's chance to become a leader in South Korean entertainment companies, and to NOT succumb to an incident that was due to immature internet abuse. With the WG album coming out, I believe this is a point that will snap to JYPE's attention. Although they're not looking at the international market for 2PM specifically, if they want WG to really be able to make it in the US, they MUST care about their company image to Westerners, even if it is a little bit.

Another point I appealed in my letter is that JYPE's ultimate decision will decide whether or not they'll develop a loyal fan base for the group or if they'll just rely on an ever-changing fan base, which may be big enough for the next couple of releases, but in a few years, there IS going to be the NEXT big thing that'll come along. (that's just how entertainment is) And it won't necessarily be from JYPE. Every long-lasting idol group manages to survive due to a solid fan base that's followed through the good and the bad. If 2PM doesn't develop that type of fan base, the longevity of the group is put in jeopardy, which also will translate to less success once they really try to send each of the members solo. This is why they need to reunite the 7 members so that all of the old fans who followed from when they wore really hideous outfits in 10/10 (Taec's newspaper hood? Jay's one weird fringey outfit?) and still loved them for it.

Basically, I'm down to my last resort. Like I've always thought, threatening and cursing JYPE was never going to bring us Jaebum back. We need to throw 10,001 reasons of why bringing Jaebum back is going to benefit JYPE, because right now, we obviously haven't done a good enough job of showing them that Jay is more valuable than he seems.

Please PLEASE just try to send in a letter. It doesnt have to be long, it doesn't have to be exquisitely eloquent, but please show your support for Jay. Please stand up for Jay against JYPE. This may be your last chance to do so.

For me, I know that this all might not make a difference, but I'm writing a letter because no matter what the outcome, I can say that I stood up for him until the very end. And hopefully Jay will know his fans stood up for him all the way and find some consolation in that to help him through the obstacles ahead if it comes to that.

Thank you for the address and explaining the good points to persuade JYPE to bring back Jay. I'm really hope that the letters go through and they'll realize how strong the fans are :)

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Guest jenniee

I never post here, but everything that's been going on, all these rumors have been driving me crazy. I was hoping to see some project or something to get involved in, but I think this is a good idea. JYPE needs his international fans in order to be successful here. But if my unsubscribing from their channels etc can show them that a number, even if it is small, won't put up with how they handle things, then I'm glad. It's something.

and mikanpuriname -- thanks for posting the address, I think it's time I wrote another letter. :)

Yes, no matter how small the change is... international fans can show that they can make a difference. Unsubscribing from their accounts can be considered insignificant but if a decent number of people follow through... they might change their ways.

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Guest le_maiii

i went to the 2od forum and tried to find the news article you are talking about..but i dont know where it is? could you tell me what section to look under and the title of the article? i am so torn, my mind and heart is hurting so badly...

I believe she's talking about 2PM winning artist of the year indicated that Jaebeom wasn't needed under the newspaper section... :)

My hope is fading little by little... and things just don't seem right.... There's rumors after rumors and none seem to be good. I'm getting/got so confused wondering what he's planning, what's running through his head... kHottest sent him the gifts, One Day sent him the letters, Hottest donated almost $8,000 to Haiti under HIS name... doesn't that mean anything to him? Why can't JYP release something now?! Things are getting worse... and all he can do is say wait until Feb; it's like he doesn't respect us Hottests, like he doesn't care we're hurting...

Like I've always said, if Jaebeom wants to stay, then so be it. But it's pissing me off that these rumors are starting and JYP won't do a thing about it! Just let us know!!! I personally think that flat out saying : HE'S NOT COMING BACK will be easier than to sit here and wonder if he will...

I started a few letters... One to JYP, which I will mail to New York, and one to Jaebeom and beg my friend to deliver it for me.

It's time us Hottest try our best. We can't just sit on the sidelines and wait for JYP to do something. We gotta fight for what we want. If antis started a petition for our leader to kill himself... well asph.. we can start one for his return. Come on guys, let's unite and work together. Please? :)

Oh and have you guys submitted to the Ellen show yet? We really need to. There's a lot DBSK fans, but just because there's a lot doesn't mean they'll win. Use some propaganda... like transfer. Transfer means to attach emotions to something. When I submitted my story, I explained the whole myspace thing, their love for one another, the boycotts, the gifts, the flash dancing protests, the awards... everything I could fit. :) We can do it!

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Guest uh-ohxev

noone even reads soompi now...so many more people are in 2od. whatever it is...please everyone, BOYCOTT!! theres only a few more weeks left until reality hits and jay is gone...dont let him go just like this....he needs our support....he didnt work so HARd for all those yrs to let this all end this way. BOYCOTT!!

I'm afraid boycotting will do nothing at this point. The fandom was so divided, and spent all their time bickering on what was right, or what was wrong. Neither boycotting or supporting was wrong. But, now it's too late. All that's left to do is send letters to JYPE, with constructive criticism. Negative words or bashing in the letters won't solve anything, but only worsen things. We could've made an impact with the boycott, but we have 2 weeks and an album which they are no longer promoting... boycotting does nothing.

Quite honestly, I feel that JYPE decisions are very rash. They aren't putting much thought into this. Letting Jaebum go, will be a very stupid business move, if I'm being 100% honest. It is something they will instantly regret. So, if they decide to let him go like that? Great job, JYPE. Watch your company crash and burn. They must enjoy seeing their artists in pain, because this will cause so much trouble to our boys. It's so unfair. And quite frankly, I'm ready to give up k-pop all together if Jaebum leaves. And this is coming from someone who doesn't have a Jaebum bias. But, I'm against what is happening right now. Injustice, is what it is. All I'm saying is if JYPE announces Jaebum not returning - they better prepare themselves for war from both media outlets and fans. This is going to be very ugly. Things will be much easier with Jaebum returning, than dropping him.

Jaebum is the heart of 2PM and without him, I can assure you the group dynamic will change greatly. They're ruining everything for our boys who worked so hard.

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@silence457i never thought i would say this but wat u wrote somewhat made sense to me...altho in the meantime we should all still show support for jay. i kno some people feel bad/sad towards the 6 boys if they decide to boycott. The 6 boys are together, able to perform, act, MC, lean on each other for support. The one who doesnt have anyone to speak up for him and needs our support more is Jay, i think. Am i crzy irrational here? i dunno...i wish we could all find a common ground we can stand firm on so these rumors don't shake us...

Unfortunatly, kWonderfuls are where kHottests were back in sept. doubting jype motives and going over every word on a press release or twitter update lk a detective. I hope their connections are more reliable then the bazillion jype related sources hottests have...I have a feeling jype has his hands full in the coming days...

@mikanpuriname-thank u for the address and the supportive words.

Lets stand up for 2PM until the very end.

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noone even reads soompi now...so many more people are in 2od. whatever it is...please everyone, BOYCOTT!! theres only a few more weeks left until reality hits and jay is gone...dont let him go just like this....he needs our support....he didnt work so HARd for all those yrs to let this all end this way. BOYCOTT!!

Please re-read rule No. 8 of this thread on page 1:

8. Since the topic of boycott is a sensitive and controversial topic, to avoid unnecessary arguments between members, no discussions about boycotts in whatever forms are allowed here in this thread.

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Guest silence457









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Guest threehundredtwo

i don't usually comment on these things, but jype's recent actions have been particularly disappointing. it's sad that hottests are so divided in trying to figure out how to bring jay back, especially since it's obvious that everyone does want him with 2pm again. as an international 2pm fan, i feel even more powerless. the new rumours that are coming out at 2od make me feel like time is running out for jay, like we need to do something. i've been numb for days, trying to figure out what to do, but i think some of the users are bringing up a really good point. we can't influence jype the way korean hottests can, but we have our own power in a way. we're international fans. we're the demographic that jype aspires to reach one day. if we, through our connections as international fans, show that we're upset by his actions regarding jay's issue and even sunmi's, for that matter, he'll have to reconsider.

how does jype reach international fans?

through twitter and youtube.

i'm not saying we should give up the rest of the 2pm boys just because we want jay back; that's selfish and completely unfair to junsu, nichkhun, taecyeon, wooyoung, junho (happy birthday btw (: ), and chansung. we're displeased with the corporation, let's make the corporation understand that.

unfollow jype/jyp on youtube. unfollow jype/jyp on twitter. he'll notice. leave the boys alone, because it's them we support, not the way jype has been handling themselves.

i already have. thanks for the great idea soompiers. i feel a lot better now that i'm doing something.

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Guest cheezychunnie

i think unfollow JYP on youtube and twitter is a very good idea

i saw that the numbers of subscribers have been drastically


its the only way i can do..at least for now..hopefuli more ideas

will come out from hottest..

hottest hwaiting! :)

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Guest jenniee

i think unfollow JYP on youtube and twitter is a very good idea

i saw that the numbers of subscribers have been drastically


its the only way i can do..at least for now..hopefuli more ideas

will come out from hottest..

hottest hwaiting! :)

I agree! I'm also going to unfollow him too. 2PM fighting! ^^

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me too, i am a big fan of 2pm!!!! sorry i never post here ;):P

really really want jay oppa to come back..... :huh:

mabe.. unfollow jYPE will be good idea.. :lol: will he listen to us????? :lol:<_<:angry:

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it's working guys...

even 2OD advised all its followers to unfollow jyp in twitter

last time i checked his followers were 38429... and its decreasing every second

we'll see what will happen next.

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

about the unfollowing thing...... anybody find it odd that as the numbers are decreasing...sometimes the numbers increase too? maybe some people are following him because they are against us...... :(

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Guest nat_yunho

just want give information..

for u all that have twitter.. please go to twitter.. and see what trending..

because we arent allowed to discuss that sensitive things mentioned by moderators..

just go there.. and do something since we're int'l hottest that has limited effort to do something..

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Guest mika.16

wow i LOVED the map project! good job to those who participated! =) the boys will be in awe when they see that!

and unfollowing jype sounds like a great idea, it would be kind of funny in a way to see jype have "0" followers lol! Lets show them the power of international fans. just cus we dont live in korea doesnt mean we dont have a clue on whats going on... they need to start taking all the fans seriously. we're the money-makers for them in the end! go go go hottest<3

**edit! Just another 'rumor' to add to the table here. As usual its def not confirmed (could be a bored elemtary kid for all we know) so just for people who are interested;

Jype IS planning on using Jay's health as the reason for his confirmed departure from 2pm. Up until last year, JYPE provided him with dance/singing lessons but thats stopped. They told him to decrease his participation in Bboy comps (prob to prevent him from looking 'healthy'??? has he really stopped participating though??).

They were planning on releasing articles (on Jay's worsening health as well as his own desire to stay in Seattle) in early-mid Feb, but that may be pushed back because of 6pm's variety/drama commitments. Apparently something 'big' will occur next week which will establish 2pm as a 6 member group, which will totally richard simmons of 2pm fans...

OK so thats all i got, and im totally confused as to this 'big event' which will make 6pm=2pm.. =( i have a feeling it might be that 6pm variety show that people were talking about?

i hope it isnt true, i hope i just read some total bogus bullmini cooper lol

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Guest silence457


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Guest Idemandacookie

I'm a member at 2oneday, this is my first post here. I was encouraged by another member to post here comments I have done in different discussions. This is my opinion and my 2 cents, regarding different questions and doubts

Do you believe the "rumors"? Why and why not?

I believe JYPE is lying to us.

And if you look back at all the rumors, so far 80% of them bacame true and the other 20% was a play of the media to taste the waters.....if you know what I mean.

Do you think the whole throttle may be the only way to bring Jay back?

I'm a tired of reading comments such as "...but what about the other boys?"

Nothing wrong is going to happen with them, no one is going to fire them because 2PM are the ones feeding the company right now. And that's why we need to do it.

If they have a low income, JYPE won't have other choice but do what the fans want.

Yes, they were popular with 1:59 but that's because we were weak and people still "fears for the boys".

Jesus Christ, they are sending us silent messages.

When they won Artist of the Year, they cried out loud ASKING FOR HELP.

Especially Wooyoung. He lost weight dramatically, he looks down in all the interviews and when a wave of fake rumors about Jaebum surfaced the internet last week; Wooyoung shut down his minihompi.

Khun rarely pays attention to any interview and never talks. He even seemed mad in one of them.

When have you seen an idol showing sadness or anger? Never. They have to smile all the time.

Chansung and Junsu also left messages expressing how much they love Jaebum.

When asked if they called Jay when they won Artist of the Year; Taec said: "And what do you think? We all called him"

As for Junho: "Since this is a hard birthday, your love reaches me even more than the usual ㅠ I love you too"

And why do you think is a hard birthday? I doubt he is refering to the cold weather.

Lastely but not least, Jokwon uploads pictures of OneDay with ELEVEN members.

If they don't say: YES, BRING OUR LEAD-JA BACK!!!

It's because they can't.......but they are sending us messages. Don't ignore them.

Comment from another fan: "Jay has to come back, otherwise JYPE will lose a lot"

What exactly is JYPE losing if Jay doesn't come back?

He is not losing anything.

All the money he lost during 2009, he is recovering it with Khun's movie, Taec's new drama, new Variety Show and with Woo's MC, more all the CF's.

He is over-working the 3 most popular members of 2PM. It is his way to attack us where it hurts.

The only ones losing here are Jaebum (his career and his brothers) and the rest of 2PM. They are forced to over-work and forced to smile. Like animals in a Circus.

It is Jay's decision, maybe he doesn't want to come back.

That's probably true.

If I was in Jay's shoes.....people tells me I should kill myself, my company couldn't care less about me, my brothers can't help me and the only people who can do something(aka. Hottests) are wasting time discussing what to believe or waiting for something that won't happen, or straight giving up. And the new fans don't even know me because I wasn't in the Heartbeat's promotions.

Then of course I would give up as well.

I would feel betrayed by the people who said "take you time, we'll protect you".

He is human and he's losing faith. He's also tired of his company using his name to excuse every bad move they make.

I refuse to believe in any rumors, I'll wait for Jaebum's own words.

Are you waiting for Jay's statement?

He already gave it. He didn't say to have hope and he didn't say to wait for him.

Jaebum said loud and clear, "HOTTESTS, RUN!, FIGHT!"

Clearly the company won't give him another opportunity to speak. As the rest of 2PM' members, they have no say in this battle.

We are the only ones who can fight for them. But you choose how many you want to save, 6 or 7.

I'll wait for JYPE official statement.

Yes, do that. That's exactly what he wants.

He wants time and you are giving it to him. Five months of waiting, almost half a year.

If you want to shut your eyes, cover your ears and wait with your arms crossed. Have in mind that a 22 years-old guy is waiting for you to grab his hand and save 4 years of hard work.

Comment from another fan: "KHottests chanting 7-1=0, that's unfair for the rest of the members. Jaebum is no the only important member in 2PM, besides, he is not even my favorite"

Who is your favorite? Wooyoung?

If Wooyoung had a scandal and he decides to leave 2PM to save the rest of the members. What are you going to do?

Move on with another member or another group?

7-1=0 is not 7-Jaebum=0

It's 2PM-1=1:59 (a broken clock).

In a Circus, if an animal doesn't make the tricks, the audience won't like the spectacle. If the spectacle is not efficient, they get rid of the animal in question. One less doesn't matter as long as we can use the rest.

In this case is the same, we are the audience and 2PM are the animals (ironicaly beastly idols). The thing is that animals like humans, suffer and have feelings. But there is an upper-hand with a whip on his hand, "make the trick or you're out".

Promotions ended, the throttle won't do anything now!

Promotiones ended but the albums, more new merchandise are still out there.

If we don't collaborate all together, we're not helping the group but the company's greed.

I choose people over objects, because objects can wait till we help the group.

What can we do in the meantime?

Like threehundredtwo said: Twitter and YouTube channels.

Without bashing or insulting the gorilla, you can voice your wish for a 2PM with 7 members.

Unfollow JYP and JYPE.

Even more now that Wonderfuls are also attacking.

If Jaebum doesn't come in the next album, it's all over....

If Jaebum doesn't come in the next album, this is going to be SPARTA!!

You can help the Spartans or let them die in vain (of course this is a metaphor, no one is going to die).

But Jaebum won't have another chance, and our boys will be forced to continue with fake smiles plastered on their faces.



Sorry this is too long but I hope at least something helps those people who are still doubting or don't know what to do.

By the way, I loved the MAP PROJECT :D

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