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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Further to what you mentioned about 2PM album sales, frankly speaking, i don't even think that any of the sale figures above can equate to the popularity of the 6 boys and the amount of revenue they can generate / or is generating even as we speak.

The population of Korea is about 48 million. So the sales figures of 30,000 album sales, 40,000 or even 60,000 is not even that high, if you were to keep in mind the population of 48million. The huge bulk of the money, i would say, comes from endorsements... for example, the samsung corby cellphone ads... and my guess is, no doubt Khottest had been working damn hard in bringing Jay back (and I salute them for their effort), but truth be told, the money that they are all withholding (from not buying the album) is only a minor figure compared to say, the number of samsung corbies the general public may be willingly to fork out money for, or the millions of boxes of Market-O Brownies that children might be badgering their parents to buy after seeing the 6 Oppas in the ads..... I think these are where the real cold-hard cash lies...

Perhaps JYPE is thinking "2PM is now a hugh money-generating machine, so why fix something that is making money now"...

Gosh, the more i think about the whole fiasco, the more disgusted i'm at how the whole thing had turned out.. To quote Jaebeom's favourite line: This is a CONSPIRACY!

Edit: if my worst fear comes true and Jaebeom is not returning, I hope that he will not be sad for too long. He is still young and there are still many things he can accomplish.. life still goes on.. and he had experienced & seen so much that most of us normal people wouldn't even had the chance to experience in our lifetime!

my 2 cents on stuff..i got to let go of the thoughts in my head right now..




I can't agree more on wat u say..CD sales for them are really something to just get them on charts and keep their idol group singers name tag intact..the money they got from endorsements, ads and products are really what counts..the fact that I think JYPE can let go of SunMi jus like that is just pure cold hearted..though she stated that she chose to study..but seriously..if an idol singer..would love her group so much as well as her job..would she leave at the top point of her career..US market is hard to reach..not trying to bash JYPE...just think..if they can let go of some pearl like SunMi..wat about our JaeBeom? whose got a history..a black mark..they would have just dump him if they found him useless in the future..

right now I'm just sick to my guts about the industry...I wish I could just be the KPOP fan girl I was last time..but then again..I just like Jay too much to have to see him being banished because he was a young and hotblooded kid..now I just feel like JYPE is using Jay to promote 6PM..honestly I love 6PM too..but we can't forget bout Jay...now we see the guys are flooded with different jobs apart from being 6PM..slowly fans are erasing Jay..new fans won't know that the sudden boost of 6PM's popularity was because Jay was banished and it made headlines all over the press..sigh..

the thoughts scares me a whole lot..the comments the troll made last time..well..@_@ i have a feeling that its coming true...even Kabler...*u aren't sure urself right? the waiting time is dragged too long..way too long..I just pray for the best now..that Jay would be back..if not..I won't know wat to think..I love 6PM as much..but the pain without Jay will be too big...

in the meantime..HOTTEST!! let's stay together..for the sake of Jay..

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Guest cheezychunnie

running away from these rumors :(

recent pic of FO2

anyone can spot Taec here? :P




cr:as tagged

i found some fun fancams that i would like to share

091205 2pm woo goofing around




091205 2pm at airport


080918 2AM+2PM rehearsal


cr: phoenix4466

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to whom it may concern...

~What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth.

and to those who still have hope

~ Never give up, never give in, and when the upper hand is ours, may we have the ability to handle the win with the dignity that we absorbed the loss. ~Doug Williams

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Guest Labacookie

I can't agree more on wat u say..CD sales for them are really something to just get them on charts and keep their idol group singers name tag intact..

Much of a person's popularity can have absolutely nothing to do with music. Look at what happened with Yonghwa of CN Blue and how many fans came into that fandom based on his being on a TV show. The same happened with Hyun Joong of SS501 during his "Boys over Flowers" days. Those new fans knew virtually nothing about the music before then, and yet they eagerly dived into the fandom. And so it is with other artists. People can become popular based off promotions and activities having nothing to do with their CD. As qweqwe hinted at, when you compare the money lost to fans not buying CDs to the money gained through CF promotions for cellphones and various other products, it's going to more than make up for the loss. And that's what's so scary. Because if you look at it that way, it makes sense that JYPE would feel it didn't need Jay and any drama associated with him. Fans of course beg to differ, but who's going to make them change their mind if they feel they don't need to listen to the fans in order to make a profit?

It's just really unfortunate and scary. :(

I just hope we're being cynical for nothing.

Edit: Misunderstood part of the quote.

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Guest AznTexasG

can anybody give me Jay's church address??? I am really busy with school right now but can squeeze time to write a letter to him. Thank you :D

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it's going to more than make up for the loss. And that's what's so scary. Because if you look at it that way, it makes sense that JYPE would feel it didn't need Jay and any drama associated with him. Fans of course beg to differ, but who's going to make them change their mind if they feel they don't need to listen to the fans in order to make a profit?

It's just really unfortunate and scary. :(

I just hope we're being cynical for nothing.

I get what you mean too..just feels bad we as fans couldn't do much..if the company doesn't feel the burn in their pockets because fans are going against it they won't really listen to wat we say i guess..and as u say..it is very scary..especially when we get more and more inside news about how things works..I guess i finally realize why there were HOTTEST that "B word" the guys last time..too bad I don't think its working..for the time being..I guess I shud jus rest..go away and just wait for the news..whether to rejoice or to cry my heart out..it'll be news sooner or later..its coming already..I feel the heat..its coming pretty soon...

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Guest Soulhead

Wow ,this thread is very active these days ^_^

If all this rumor who suddenly appear are from JYPE ,we can totally say that they know that they will do the wrong choice if they don't bring back Jay in Korea with 2PM. Korean hottest are the most sceptical about the whole fiasco . If JYP E. had check some fancafe etc they probably know how bad is the reaction about the rumors .

Yes CD sales isn't that important ,look at SS501 for example...But you can't denie that any groups need a strong fanbase. If some brand use artist in some endorsement that' because they want to catch the eyes of many young people. Nobody will choose a band for a publicity if they are not sure if the deal will be ok.

And it's the end of JYP. I mean ,Jin Park Young : He is loosing all his popularity as a father-producer.(''JYP gets blamed for Sunmi’s withdrawal'' etc) we can totally say that he has lost a lot of support . Hottest ? Wonderfuls ? It's now No love No more for him. Even me who has always really respected him so much and who always said ''It's from JYP ? Oh so ,it's awesome of course !'' etc i've totally lost all confidence i have in JYP .I doubt at everything he said. I still respect what he do ,I will never bashing him but he has lost my support.

But I'm sure that he will do the right choose,he is not stupid.

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Guest susie2006

I have a request to make! hehe I was browsing for some Junsu pics but I didn't found some shirtless pics of him....*perv* Someone has some to share? I really want to see his body! =X

Thanks in advance!

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Guest theblazenazn

I'm sorry to have to point this out but the 1:59PM album didnt just sell 40,000, or 36,000 by any means. It sold 33,800 copies in the 1st 3 weeks and in the 1st month it sold over 40,000 already. It has now probably sold over 60,000 and is somewhere in the 70,000 & 80,000 area, even more if go by all the album sales reported by Music Bank when they do the countdown at the end.... That's only physical albums recorded by Hanteo. There's also digital albums. It's still always in the Top 5 on Hanteo everyday still.

The 6 member 2PM is success in terms of CD sales, popularity, and as CF models. I bought an album because I feel making them all fail and tarnishing the 2PM name isn't the way to go. Jay coming back to a failure group is probably not what he would want. What just upsets me is JYPE and their handling of things now... I only want them to give a clear answer and speak up. I want to support 2PM but it's harder & harder to support this company.

@tifaross, votes is 20% of the Seoul Music Awards. 2PM was #1 on both at one time but I guess K-Hottest is upset and stopped voting lol. Only people in Korea can vote btw..

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Guest sascha_park

can anybody give me Jay's church address??? I am really busy with school right now but can squeeze time to write a letter to him. Thank you :D

you can searching the address with Google...

keyword : seattle glory presbyterian


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Well yesterday i was writting this poem

>.< might be kinda "suckish" cuz o.o 8 mins or so to finish it...

and o.o il try posting the song lyrics one when im done :)

2PM (Jay Dedication)

Ever since you left

I would always ask myself

"What Time Is It Now?"

Waiting for you to say "2PM"

But still no response from you...

"All Night Long"

I would stay awake...

Waiting for you're return...

Thinking "You Might Come Back"

My friends would asks me if im

"Tired Of Waiting"

I always response


"I Was) Crazy Over You"

And im still am

Its always "Only You"

And will be always...

"I Hate You"

For making me cry but

"Again & Again"

I'l always give you "10 Out Of 10"

Of my "HeartBeat"

Ur my "Angel"

So please "Gimme The Light"

to come "Back 2U"

"My Color"

Only shows and shines

When ur there...

Ever since u left , the clock stop being "2:00 PM"

Its "1:59 PM" now

Im still waiting for when the clock can go

"Tik Tok"

And be "2:00 PM" again

-Nisa (2nd post btw)

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Guest MR. LEE'S

it's junho's birthday? haiyaa i don't remember their birthdays, except jay's and taec's. pssh i'm so biased. anyway, happy birthday junho my cute fourth husband! hehehe, you're getting hotter these days and you should decrease it a little bit so that i don't have to fight over you with other fierce girls. okay? and and- haih taec's really in fo. -.-" don't do anything with yoona, okay? then i will love you forever and i won't hate her, yeaah i won't i won't. promise. <3 ahhh and- taec is going to act in a drama? ;__________; is he going to have a kissing scene? i'll cry, for sure- before i change my husband. don't kiss! but why should we call it as a korean drama without kissing scene? T_______T okay, i should be prepared. haiihhhhhhh. taec is unfaithful, seriously. -.-"

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Guest taejun4

@ susie2006, ya it's hard seeing Junsu shirtless nowday! how I wish he would rip off his shirt every now and then.. we fangirl a such a perv that we need to see your body KIM JUNSU!!!


^ this is during Hot Blood days when they are suppose to run around shirtless...

it a few years back, mayb Junsu have some muscle now... XD


^ ermmmm, i know this is abit inappropriate.. sorry!!! but im sucha pervv~~~~ right now that i just had to post this.

again this is from Hot Blood days. had to credit to Junho though for lowering his camera to exposed Junsu Boxer.. :)

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Guest Labacookie

Final post for today, I'll edit this one if need be:

I'm sorry to have to point this out but the 1:59PM album didnt just sell 40,000, or 36,000 by any means. It sold 33,800 copies in the 1st 3 weeks and in the 1st month it sold over 40,000 already. It has now probably sold over 60,000 and is somewhere in the 70,000 & 80,000 area, even more if go by all the album sales reported by Music Bank when they do the countdown at the end.... That's only physical albums recorded by Hanteo. There's also digital albums. It's still always in the Top 5 on Hanteo everyday still.

The 6 member 2PM is success in terms of CD sales, popularity, and as CF models. I bought an album because I feel making them all fail and tarnishing the 2PM name isn't the way to go. Jay coming back to a failure group is probably not what he would want. What just upsets me is JYPE and their handling of things now... I only want them to give a clear answer and speak up. I want to support 2PM but it's harder & harder to support this company.

This last part pretty much speaks to where I am right now. Of course I support the artists, but the methods used by the company strike me as shady and inconsiderate to the fans.

And don't be sorry for the correction; I'm glad to have this information, it makes it easier to gauge things. And it looks like the 6-member group is possibly more popular and marketable than ever. I think it's safe to say that certain efforts have been shot down in flames. :( Ugh. I still still still want to hope that this once, cold calculation doesn't win out and we get Jay back. :( Even if it's not up to fans. I hope we don't give up hoping. Anything is possible after all. :)

Edit: Apologies to joeyng, I misunderstood what you wrote. I corrected my other post.

Second and final edit of the night:

LOL. Actually I went back on my own advice. I read the rumor. And it pretty much said much of what I was thinking. It's not a dangerous rumor, just something to make you think. I feel that the fans and general public together would have to come together with one voice and demand Jay's return to have an affect. Because at this point, fans are not enough. I think rather than attacking JYPE, fans need to gain public sympathy. JYPE doesn't care about fan sentiments if they don't feel threatened or like they are losing any money.

I think the problem is that fans have been using the wrong tactics (B-word, angry letters to JYPE) this whole time, and it's failing. If the fans directed their attention towards the Korean public and netizens, it would give their cause more attention and sympathy, and be more likely to tip the companies hand. But, I'm doubtful as to whether or not it's going to happen.

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

That can account of Jaebum made me smile :) That is SOO him to wiggle his eyebrows <333333 I'm glad he's healthy!

Hottest! Don't lose hope!

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Guest taemelon

Like some people before me, I've been a silent reader for awhile but I decided to write sth.

I don't want to believe in all these rumors, but I'm so emotional about them. It's kinda weird, because I've never been emotional person till the day when Jay left and actually I was quite new into 2pm then. I liked them a bit before, but I paid more attention for them like 2 weeks before that day and it was so hard for me. I can't even imagine how hard it is for Hottests who were their fans from beginning.

Every news about Jay from past week was so hurtful for me. I cry everyday now because of it. I feel like it's too much for me, but I don't wanna give up. I love Jay and 6PM boys too much. I want to support them with all my strength but I don't actually have possibility for it - I don't live in Korea nor US, I'm from mid Europe. I read handwriting letters are heartwarming for Jay. I don't use facebook, but I found his church's address and maybe I could write sth by myself? I wish it's not too late for it. If it still makes him feel better I could send hundreds of letters.

I'm trying to think positive. It may seems creepy but yesterday I read my horoscope for February and it says that my anticipation will be over soon and there will be sth good for me in second half of February. I don't usually believe in these things, but my first thought was 'is it about Jay?' and it kinda cheered me up.

Now I can only pray for Jay to be happy. My biggest wish is to see him happy with his 2pm boys, but even if he's not coming back but he's still feeling good in Seattle it's okay for me, still very hurtful.

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