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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Kay01dee, I think this is a really good point:

being a member of 2PM, he of course was/is affected by jay's myspace incident, and so i'm glad he did chose to speak up about his own case. in jay's case, jay wasn't able to fully explain himself because so many people have chosen to attack him left and right, and so all he was able to do was give out an apology. some people left no room to understand his situation at the time, and it took time until a few began speaking up in order for others to put effort in understanding. in taecyeon's case he at least is giving himself a chance to express himself and in return hope for people to understand.

When Taec leapt right out and explained the ring on his finger, and was quick to refute any rumor about romantic relationships, I thought he was being over-cautious, but it all makes sense in light of your comment - he is making sure he gets his explanations out there, right away, before things get out of hand. Trying to stay one step ahead of the netizens - my hats off to him, and I hope he can continue to stay true to who he is and yet keep the haters at bay. I keep thinking of the Japanese proverb about the nail that sticks out gets hammered down...

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Guest iced_dragon

2AM's new track that features Chansung is hawt! It's really got a catchy beats aswell.

cr: TheKMuzik

Is there a translation yet? I havn't been able to find it yet. Looked on the 2AM thread already. - Thanks

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Guest Seraphic_Gin


Hottests, pray hard. I'm scared. But I hope this will the be the press conference that would end all our issues, rambles and wonders of. People at 2OneDay are still looking for more articles regarding this. Nonetheless, it will still be Jay's decision after all.

Fingers crossed.

2PM's Jaebum is joining? Withdrawing?

2PM's agency JYP Entertainment will be making a company announcement on the course of action for Jaebum. An associate stated that JYPE will be holding a press conference on the 24th, although the actual content of the conference is not yet revealed.

There are two possible topics that the conference could touch on. 2PM Jaebum's complete withdrawal or a return sounds like a reasonable guess since the company's official stance has been much requested.

First, the possibility for Jaebum's return is that the public and press alike believe that it is the perfect time for his return. The boycott stance that the fans took after Jaebum's leave last September has put much pressure on the company.

On the 15th, 2PM's gyopo fans even put out an ad in a Los Angeles newspaper, proving that the interest and attention of fans have yet to be answered and that JYPE must come out with an official statement. On the 17th, 2PM also completed their first album promotions and there is much hope that Jaebum will be a part of their coming album release.

However, apart from these speculations, there lies a heavier weight on the fans. The press conference was originally set to be on the 21st but since it was the day of 2AM's album release, the conference was delayed to the 24th after their STV 'Inkigayo' comeback performance.

It appears to be a tactic to prevent bad news in the face of 2AM's return, as the company fully knows that 2PM fans alike are supporting 2AM. Although there has yet to be an official announcement or background on Jaebum's complete withdrawal, should JYPE reveal it on the 24th, the music world will surely be shaken up again.

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Guest theblazenazn


The Moment of Truth is here. It's only a couple days away. I hope it's good news and not bad. I hope they make the right move and not the wrong one. Either this will finally put an end to all the discussion of "will he or won't he?". But if he doesn't the suspect the boycott will back on it maximum power

I hope JYPE does continue further more all the "IFs" and make it an If Festival otherwise I'm gonna get so pissed off.

EDIT: Apparently there's only one article on this & nothing official from JYPE's website yet so it might be false. Hold your breath everyone, let's see how this turns out. The last announced Press Conference never happened, we'll see about this one..

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Guest happyberry2007

I read this at 2oneday. Finally we will know what is going to happen after five months of waiting.

I hope that this press conference brings good news to all hottests.

My heart is beating so fast right now. JYPE please bring jay back to 2pm.

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Guest Irrationallyrational

I'm so nervous. When I first heard the news I was so excited cause I thought there'd be no way it could be bad news...but now w. the holding back for 2 AM's comeback...it makes me nervous as hell. Frig I wonder if I can concentrate on anything else. TT_______________________________TT

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I'm excited for the good news,

scared for the bad...

Please God, let them be good news...

I miss him soooooo much!






good heavens....^^

@ boeboebi your post is hilarious... <3

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Guest theblazenazn

I'm so nervous. When I first heard the news I was so excited cause I thought there'd be no way it could be bad news...but now w. the holding back for 2 AM's comeback...it makes me nervous as hell. Frig I wonder if I can concentrate on anything else. TT_______________________________TT

Don't get too worked up over it. The Press Conference has not been confirmed it yet so it might be False news. Also, if it true, holding back for 2AM's album is necessarily a bad thing. The writer just added that on his own. JYPE might not have wanted one good news to overshadow another. Announcing Jay's comeback on 2AM's release day is like Stealing their Thunder. Think of it as like someone announcing they're pregnant at your engagement party, it takes all the attention away...

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Guest avchuck

Wishing, hoping, and praying! They know what we--everyone--public, press, and fans alike want, BUT WHY DO I FEEL SCARED? Why must the possibility of bad news be just as likely as good news from this? Aggghhhh!!! :wacko:


All around STUPID choice is to say he's completely out--THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!!! :angry: ALL HOTTESTS WILL MAKE SURE OF IT!!! (unless, of course, it was Jay's choice...)

I'll be wishing, hoping, and praying...with my favorite alcoholic beverages :blush: to either celebrate or wallow--please let me celebrate!!!

P.S. C'mon JYPE, pull through this time and clear the air!

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Guest mellifluous


Hottests, pray hard. I'm scared. But I hope this will the be the press conference that would end all our issues, rambles and wonders of. People at 2OneDay are still looking for more articles regarding this. Nonetheless, it will still be Jay's decision after all.

Fingers crossed.

thats great.

i mean, regardless of whether he's coming back or not, i think its great that we're finally getting some official news. end of speculation!

of course, i have my fingers crossed like everyone else ...

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Guest haiphuong

Finally, the press conference is coming. I'm more nervous than exciting but this is what all of us want since the drama came out. There will be just one answer: Will Jay back or not? Whatever happen, the press conference might end all the speculation we have so far.

About Taec's cyworld, I don't wanna talk much about this because most of you guys here said what I wanna say and I don't wanna make it become bigger. I think it's time for the Korean artists to stand up and speak out their opinion on Internet. I know that Korean artists are somewhat afraid of bad netizens and the criticisms online. Even until now, Korean netizens and how the artists affected by them are still a shock to me. Jay's case is different to Taec's. We sympathize for our Jay because of his situation at that time but we have to admit that what he said was direct to Korean pride, which is more serious than Taec. I'm happy that Taec has the courage to express his feeling. I don't judge his reaction was right or wrong but at least an idol like him finally could act like ordinary people. I hope that Taec won't lose his beasty character and still strong through this.

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...like Stealing their Thunder. Think of it as like someone announcing they're pregnant at your engagement party, it takes all the attention away...

Love it! This made me stop biting my nails, and laugh instead - it's so apt!

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Looks like this is happening sooner than I thought it would, if the news that the press con proves to be true :)

I'm not trying to break anyone's romantic fantasies here, but do know that such decision does not lie with Jaebum solely alone, just as we do not want JYPE to use him as an excuse not to comeback, we also do not want Jaebum to be the sole decider that he is to comeback. That gives him too much burden and fans should understand in business everything is a decision that is collectively made to the best interest of the company first then the artiste.

His comeback has been in the planning since late last year and it was just a matter of when.

All that said, I never thought I'll be doing this, but will be hunting down all the champagne images I can find. If its good news this Sunday, lets all post one and toast to the unified comeback of 2PM.

p.s - I've got confirmation of his comeback from so many legit sources for the longest time, but coming into this forum and the one at 2OD, I find myself still being shaken by all the 'rumors" and hearsay to the extent that I have to keep going back and forth to more sources to keep verifying. Hence that's why I don't blame many of you for doubting, even as I'm typing this I am still not 100% confirmed in my heart in comparison to the 100% in my head. That's why i keep stressing about the faith in their "out of the ordinary" new album instead - this is what I have been trying to do.

This morning I really feel like 100% fan, 0% industry person.

3 more days... :)


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Guest chopper!

don't get your hopes too high, becus they didn't even reveal what they'll be talking about on the press con. for all we know, they'll just blab on about 2am's future activities and 2PM solo plans. so let's just wait til then...

gah, topped the page after months of finally posting here lols, and nothing to share T^T

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Guest fattie8701

oh dear lord.....i was happy and now.................................................

2PM's Jaebum - Unable to return?

Having withdrawn from 2PM last September, there is a higher possibility for Park Jaebum to not return.

On the 21st, an associate of JYP Entertainment stated that after a company meeting on the topic of Jaebum's return, the direction that the company has chosen is for the inability for Jaebum to return.

Another associate stated "Should Jaebum not return to 2PM, there is a high possibility that he will be pursuing solo activities in Korea or America. JYP Entertainment will soon release their official statement on this matter."


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Guest Seraphic_Gin

Don't get too worked up over it. The Press Conference has not been confirmed it yet so it might be False news. Also, if it true, holding back for 2AM's album is necessarily a bad thing. The writer just added that on his own. JYPE might not have wanted one good news to overshadow another. Announcing Jay's comeback on 2AM's release day is like Stealing their Thunder. Think of it as like someone announcing they're pregnant at your engagement party, it takes all the attention away...

Lol, this made me laugh - but just the thought of something to be announced does make it a hype for it. I guess, all we can really do is to wait. Whatever JYPE is planning on the content of the press con, it's theirs. We can have a blast at our opinions anytime. But the fact that we waited for months for an answer, makes this an official clarification is something, I HOPE. All we can ever do is wait, indeed.

Quoted from Kabler:

p.s - I've got confirmation of his comeback from so many legit sources for the longest time, but coming into this forum and the one at 2OD, I find myself still being shaken by all the 'rumors" and hearsay to the extent that I have to keep going back and forth to more sources to keep verifying. Hence that's why I don't blame many of you for doubting, even as I'm typing this I am still not 100% confirmed in my heart in comparison to the 100% in my head. That's why i keep stressing about the faith in their "out of the ordinary" new album instead - this is what I have been trying to do.

Me too... I guess waiting for three more days won't hurt as bad.

Then let the rantings/opinions begin.

Thanks Kabler, you've been very unbiased and encouragin. Thank you for keeping the spirit up, amidst the many doubts and negativity. ;)

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I don't understand that update at all. First a "JYPE associate" says that Jaebom is not returning, then another associate says that "should Jaebum not return, he may..(and so forth)"

So which is it? The first statement seems to be definitive that he is not returning, the second one just floats other possibilities IF he doesn't return. Were these two people standing next to each other when they were questioned? Does the right hand even know what the left is doing? And isn't it freaky to have a press conference on a Sunday?? I need that spinning eye emoticon, right now.

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Guest avchuck

The information keeps coming and it's tearing me apart--I don't know what to feel anymore...

Will Jaebum attempt Hollywood?

After having withdrawn from 2PM, Park Jaebum has received a love call from a Hollywood film. The movie that has called him is a dance movie titled 'Hype Nation.' This movie had risen to attention before after having claimed BoA as one of their casts.

An associate that has asked to be kept anonymous has stated on January 21st "The production team of Hype Nation has asked JYP Entertainment to use Jaebum as a male actor. The team has been discussing it for now."

Take out with full credits. that means you ALLKPOP

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CREDITS : NEWSEN (SOURCE) ; hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS), kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY.COM

EDIT:I agree with you skelly. And since JYPE didn't deny the Hollywood article, here's the synopsis of the movie with *spoilers*:

Set against the bright neon lit streets of Seoul South Korea, the Mach 1 B-Boy battle of the year. Ryan and Kevin (b2k) and their crew from Los Angeles are hired by the U.S. Interpool to be matched up against the notorious Gambler Crew from South Korea, known to the b-boy world as the best of the best. Their mission is to gather information about Tony Kai (Cary Tagawa) an "ex yakuza" member who controls the Asian underworld in the United States. Tony Kai is in South Korea planning a worldwide monopoly on drugs, sex, and gamling. Ryan and Kevin struggle as they go deeper into the Asian underworld. Ryan falls for a beautiful Korean girl named Esther who happens to be the sister of "Kicker" the leader of the mafia ran Gamblers crew. Their love is put to the test as the rivarly between the two crews escalate. As reality sets in, the crew from LA is no match against the world champion Gamblers crew in the Mach 1 competition. Ryan, Kevin and the crew go into hiding where they meet underground b-boy legend "Chubbs", and together they prepare for an against all odds battle against Tony Kai, Kicker and the Gambler crew.

cr. imdb.com

Only big name in Kpop I was able to find linked to this movie is Son Dambi as Esther and no sign of BoA. The current American cast (sorry to say) isn't even impressive. I honestly thought B2K was over and done with, and Cary Tagawa is more commonly identified as "The bad guy in Mortal Kombat."

No American headliners currently cast in this movie, so JYPE shouldn't even consider giving Jay the okay. I'm sure they're trying to see if having Jay in the movie will help promote WG in some way and blah-blah-blah. There wouldn't be much benefit in taking part in it. Just say no! It's a waste of time and Jay hasn't even received proper training for acting--DO NOT throw him into the water and just assume he can swim.

EDIT2: OMG, these rumors are killing me--I'll just go ahead and take everything with a grain of salt from here on out. Ayayayayay! (Lesson learned: Just because it's a published article, doesn't mean it's true.)

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