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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest Soulhead

Ah netizen ...They are just a bunch of arrogant people who believe that they have all the right.

Even if those picture weren't scandalous , It was private photo .Taec' take the choice to re-open his cyworld without

information about who has do that. It's normal that he want to know who has do that , because if even in internet he feel in insecurity with Anti-fan...

And Taec has a lot of work and of practice by day. I don't think that he need and he want to practice his rap during his poor freetime.

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Not sure if this has ever been share since it's old...but if it has then...move on the the next post:

How lucky are these fans....i wanna meet them too espeically my Jaebummmiee!!!!

Ep. 2 Meeting 2PM and Wonder Girls in New York

cr: AsianCovers

Jay was sooo cute running after signing the autographs...^^


Since everyone is sharing their "RUMOR" i'll since my as well, its highlighted so only read it if you can handle it and don't come bashing at me okie dokie....a jay "fan" sent it to me so yes it's counted as a rumor and i just thought it would be nice to share it with everyone...here goes:

For Jaebeom Fans

I’m deleting this post in the morning just so you know… But I know how you all feel so I want to add a little relief to your worries.

My friend tried to get Jaebeom to come out to Vegas to exhibition against a friend of mine at a jam…

But when they talked to Jaebeom he said he really wanted to do it but couldn’t because the jam is in April and it conflicts with his contract…..

And 2PM returns in April… I don’t know for sure but I put two and two together and I’m crossing my fingers that I’m assuming correctly… lol

^^ it's not much but it's something.... :D


Everyone else:)

I'm glad my "fan account" could bring some hope... or relief to you all. I'm almost positive he'll come back. But if he doesn't then, so be it. He deserves to be happy. and if staying back in Seattle makes him happy, as his true fan, I will support him.

LOL whether he stays or goes back, it's a win win deal for me!!! If he goes back, I get to see him perform again with the rest of the boys and 2PM is once again, 2PM. But if he stays in Seattle, well hell, more opportunities for me to see/meet him. I've been going to many of those bboy events now ;) haaaa

^ i couldn't agree more with you especially the bolded parts.

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Entermuriel- It is not hope that is the problem I am talking about. I do not think you read my full post. It is presenting what really is nothing more than an opinion, as a fact.

Many have presented their "hope" as facts and that could cause disappointment in the future. That is all I meant.

And depressed? I think that is a bit dramatic...maybe sad or better yet frustrated.

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Guest le_maiii

What is up with people coming out of the woodworks claiming to have all this information? All of this false hope will end up hurting people if these claims do not come true!

Sorry for cutting your post! :)

haha Well I'm not exactly from the "woodworks"... I've posted my fan accounts before. :) Like I said in post, I have a connection only through my friends. I've talked to Jaebeom a few time, but it was short and quick. And I had to contain myself from fangirling in front of him... LOL that was HARD. Anyways, it's totally your choice to believe me if you want. I'm not gonna be like "DAMMIT WOMAN. BELIEVE ME NOW!!!!!!" haaaa. I was reading silently for a long long time since I posted my last fan accounts about when I first talked to Jaebeom ever... and then all these rumors were popping up. I just wanted to post what I know to share a sense of hope.

I wouldn't call it FALSE hope, because us Hottest have hoped all along that he would come back. And there's been so many signs to that he would.. the fact they they're giving him a share of the money they made on 1:59PM. My friend works in the music industry and so I know a few things here and there about it: you can't give someone the profits you make off an album unless they are still a part of your band:) Also, SBS left a blank spot right in the middle of the poster, symbolizing a missing member. And in all their live performances, the boys always left his voice in the track.

^These things have always given me hope that he'd come back... :)

And again, if you choose not to believe me then, don't. :DDDDD

Everyone else:)

I'm glad my "fan account" could bring some hope... or relief to you all. I'm almost positive he'll come back. But if he doesn't then, so be it. He deserves to be happy. and if staying back in Seattle makes him happy, as his true fan, I will support him.

LOL whether he stays or goes back, it's a win win deal for me!!! If he goes back, I get to see him perform again with the rest of the boys and 2PM is once again, 2PM. But if he stays in Seattle, well hell, more opportunities for me to see/meet him. I've been going to many of those bboy events now ;) haaaa

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Guest rawrritsgracex3

I know this may be a bit off topic but could someone give me the addresses of the boys cyworld accounts? I don't know Korean but I know my way around cyworld haha thank you google translation.
List of all Celebs' CYs (:

Cute pictures btw ;) Wooyoung<3

Taecyeon's Cyworld Stuff; Aghh. Maybe his post was a little bit too sarcastic, but netizens should really give him a break :/

Just because he's a celeb doesn't mean he shouldn't have any privacy ><

Woodworks/Hopes thing; Hahaa 'woodworks'. x) Yeaah I've noticed that too. Suddenly all these rumors :o

Kind of makes me wonder which are true or not ><

I don't think they're necessarily bad.. It's not like official statements have been released so all we can do is analyze these rumors.(:

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Guest xclueless

To be honest, on the topic of Taec's cyworld, I really think he should've just kept his mouth shut. I'm a little disappointed as to how Taec handled the netizens. I understand their words did hurt him and he just wanted to find the culprit for his leaked photos, but the way he dealt with the situation was quite immature on his part. What was the need for his condescending tone? I hate to say this, but Taec being from 2PM should know more than anyone to watch what he says online, especially since their leader was taken away as a result of that. I know people are going to say "well he's human too" blah blah, yeah but he's a celebrity which is what sets him apart from people like you and me. It's just not smart to lash on netizens like that because of some stupid comments they made. Celebs get bashed ALL the time but I have yet to see one respond the way Taec did. It's the price you pay for being a celebrity. Do you expect to get praises and love from everyone? Come on Taec..

On to the rumors of Jay's return, I hope they're all true. February seems so far awayyy :(

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Guest mika.16

oh man, im loving the 'good' rumors, but of course i cant help but be a bit skeptical nonetheless. im sure everyone feels the same. (hoping to dearrrrr God they are all true though!!)

I just hope he (and 2pm and jype) will be mentally/emotionally prepared to deal with the backlash when he returns.

ALOT of people will be so happy to have Jay back (and not just 2pm fans, but general public too), it almost seems like the moral thing to happen.

but there will (as always) be a FEW people who argue, even just for the sake of arguing... they might just be 2pm-antis too. I just hope Jay doesnt get hurt twice, and want to leave for Seattle again =(

He's going to have to deal with this scandal being in his shadow forever


SO whats the deal with wooyoung's cyworld?? why did he close it? and whats the thing about snsdtiff and commenting? ive been gone for a bit so im so confused!

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Guest churvaness


SO whats the deal with wooyoung's cyworld?? why did he close it? and whats the thing about snsdtiff and commenting? ive been gone for a bit so im so confused!

sorry to cut your post....maybe some extreme pro-woofany or anti-woofany hacked his CW and declared love or hate to tiffany. So, Woo shut his CW down due to embarrassment and to control whatever false message there has been posted..

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Guest kayleevn

Everyone else:)

I'm glad my "fan account" could bring some hope... or relief to you all. I'm almost positive he'll come back. But if he doesn't then, so be it. He deserves to be happy. and if staying back in Seattle makes him happy, as his true fan, I will support him.

I'm so in love with your post. That's exactly what I'm thinking right now. I've made up my mind for a while: the important thing isn't coming back or not, he should do whatever makes him happy, we know that he's the only leader of 2PM (but as a Hottest, I want to see him on stage again). Based on le_maiii's fan account,(if it's true). I think the whole situation depends on Jay's feeling and it's not JYP's fault. I'm glad we're having many possitive "rumours" right now, thanks for all the member who post those!!! I think the only thing we can do now is love the boys with our heart and support them all the way!!!

FO2: I heard Jo Kwon's going to join FO2 wwith Taec, it's gonna be really hillarious!!! Hope it can be a success

'bout Taec's cyworld: I didn't think much when I read Taec's post, but netizens are really too much. He has the right to be angry when someone revealed hiss private photos. Hope it's not a big deal, I don't want any more troubles with the netizens

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Guest angelic_gal369@hotmail.com

le_maiii it's nice for u to share what u know with us I hope all the 'rumors' about him coming back are going to become real we just have to wait a little time to see and why panic we waited like 5 months without any positive sign and I think we can wait a little bit more with all the signs from the boys and these positive information u and kabler and few other girls bring to us.

Now I remember I saw some posts last year one of them on 2od forums some girls said something about Jaebum coming back in 2010 but of course no one said anything about them they were to preoccupied to read other stuff less important

I'm glad I read on every forum I get every post because I don't know when I find something interesting.

Anyway it's good that everybody is at peace I hope it's going to be like this from now on here because we are united by the love we have for 2PM we are not like the netizens made only to bash and hurt people.


Credit: All Info is brought to you by Lisa&Cassina

♫ ♫ ♫ Taecyeon was furious after a netizen (not fans) had told him that 'If you have enough Time to update your cyworld, you had better practice singing', offended by the comment, he expressed his anger through his personal page. However, he has already deleted his post.

♫ ♫ ♫ Child actor Lee Taekyung is little Nichkhun. Lee Taekyung, starring in "Harmony" as Chunghye 'son (Kim Yoonjin), has become hot issue among netizens. Besides, he was named 'little Nichkhun' because of his big round eyes, beautiful face and cute smile.

Credit: All Info is brought to you by Lisa&Cassina

♫ ♫ ♫ Taecyeon was furious after a netizen (not fans) had told him that 'If you have enough Time to update your cyworld, you had better practice singing', offended by the comment, he expressed his anger through his personal page. However, he has already deleted his post.

♫ ♫ ♫ Child actor Lee Taekyung is little Nichkhun. Lee Taekyung, starring in "Harmony" as Chunghye 'son (Kim Yoonjin), has become hot issue among netizens. Besides, he was named 'little Nichkhun' because of his big round eyes, beautiful face and cute smile.

♫ ♫ ♫It has been revealed that No.1 male idol for Goo Hara is...tadah Teacyeon! The truth was unfold through Sang Sang Plus yesterday's night.

♫ ♫ ♫ Fans met Nichkhun and Wooyoung by chance at a restaurant near JYPE office yesterday. There is no other informations since the only one told is 'Nichkhun has got such a small face!

♫ ♫ ♫ It is common knowledge (Haha) that whoever met 2PM in person always describe Nickhun, 'His head is small' 'So tiny that it is almost invisble' (Gosh...) or 'As if he is not a human being' (What is he, then?) while Chansung is complimented 'He is 3 dimensioned dropdead gorgous!"

♫ ♫ ♫ There are survey results on star who has got the smallest face. As yos have thought, Nichkhun was ranked too. He snatched the 4th spot with 10.7% of the votes. (1st place went to Lee Na young, second is Kim Dong Won and Third is Han ye seul) The source of the news is star.mt.co.kr

♫ ♫ ♫ Wooyoung has already shut down his Cyworld. The reason is unknown but fans suspect that someone used his name to reply in SNSD Tiifany's Cyworld. It is just and assumption so readers discretion advised!

credit 2pm online

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Guest karatefeelings

To be honest, on the topic of Taec's cyworld, I really think he should've just kept his mouth shut. I'm a little disappointed as to how Taec handled the netizens. I understand their words did hurt him and he just wanted to find the culprit for his leaked photos, but the way he dealt with the situation was quite immature on his part. What was the need for his condescending tone? I hate to say this, but Taec being from 2PM should know more than anyone to watch what he says online, especially since their leader was taken away as a result of that. I know people are going to say "well he's human too" blah blah, yeah but he's a celebrity which is what sets him apart from people like you and me. It's just not smart to lash on netizens like that because of some stupid comments they made. Celebs get bashed ALL the time but I have yet to see one respond the way Taec did. It's the price you pay for being a celebrity. Do you expect to get praises and love from everyone? Come on Taec..

On to the rumors of Jay's return, I hope they're all true. February seems so far awayyy :(

:( I can't agree more. He could at least rebut the netizens intelligently. He basically just made himself sound immature and petty. Even his title irked me a little, Will please only the fans who love me and appreciate me, read this~!!, prfft. Right Taec, that's what my 10 yr old cousin would write in her blog.

Sorry, I'm being a bit pissy. I think the Taec-overdose we've been getting is starting to get to me and I know it's not entirely his fault but urgh, please get out of the limelight for a while thanks, and he was my first favourite too (they kinda take turns being my favourite member).

I am trying to not get too emotionally invested with the Jay issue. I think rumours are great, we just need to be able to take a step back from it and understand that they may or may not be true and ultimately, what ever that will happen will happen. I mean whatever the outcome is, if the boys can live with it, so should we. I think when fans try to take things into their own hands and make things go their way, it gets a little scary. 2PM was and is a sort of escapism from my own real life drama. It used to be light-hearted and happy but now it's all conspiracy theories (which is kinda interesting too) and fandom drama and serious opinions and rumours that were never justified and what not, it's starting to feel like I might need an escape from my own escapism which sounds super silly. lol. I'm kinda glad I'm not at all connected to 2OD (thanks to my retarded unable-to-log-in account) or any other 2pm-focused forums. Maybe it's best to not take things tooo seriously and enjoy things as they are before they're gone (remember the pre-6 membered 2pm era?).

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I am more amused by Teac's cyworld post than being pissed off.

Personally I appreciate the imperfections. He is human, he is YOUNG and brash-ness is part of the beauty of youth isn't it?

If you notice, Teac also uses this cyworld to communicate with his friends which means he honors his fans enough to allow them access to his world but just not full rights. I know many idols who have "corporate" cyworld accounts and personal ones under a pseudonym. Their official cyworlds is an everyday disneyland. Almost nauseating just reading through the manufactured fluff.

I would read his outburst anytime and respect him for that than to have manufactured idols who speak perfect, is politically correct at all times and seemingly without a flaw. That is why I like my dose of 2PM. They're as real as it gets and Teac's sarcasm? Very american. When I was living in the US, I found that the humble Asian way to doing things will not get me anywhere. if you don't speak up for your rights, no one else would. And its seems in America, there's a philosophy to pull up your own socks when its down No one is going to do that for you. He's just defending his rights to what he feels, nothing wrong with that. i think a large part of his emotional outburst is driven by the fact that one of his friends betrayed him and it unsettles him to keep guessing who might be the one. Trust is very hard in our industry much less for teac who is under the public eye 24/7. To have someone he trusted do this to him, its normal to be this upset

I think he is now suffering from what I mentioned in my previous posts about Khun that once someone becomes overly popular, the bashings and overcompensations will once again begin. Plus his outgoing personality and confidence might be misconstrued as arrogance, he's probably going to get it alot worse in time than Nichkhun who is more reticent.

He's one smart cookie though, I wouldn't worry too much about him.

Anyone has an idea when the full Cass MV will be released? Looking forward to that.... alot...:)

Peace out!

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It's sad that celebrities in Korea can't get angry at netizens or sometime voice out their true feelings toward them at all. no doubt they're under a lot of pressure but at the same time I have to agree with the comments above. Taec should be more careful of what he says esp on the internet and Korea is different from America where ppl can freely express their opinions. Modesty is a big thing there I guess and reading the news made me kinda upset and worried.. I don't want him to get a backlash from this and honestly they're fighting over such a small thing. I hope some Kneitizens would cut him some slack and also Taec learns from this and can handle things in more mature way from now on.

about Jay rumors, thank you yall for sharing the info both good and ..not good :) I'll just wait and see 'til Febuary but Hottest, pls keep the faith

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Guest tikamicizia

it is so sad in the end crazy netizens always get what they want.. I don't blame taec nor encourage his actions,, unfortunately he's an idol in korea. where they demand their idols to be perfect, and can push them to act the way they want.. glad taec cannot be dictate with the knetizens but I kinda worried too.. hope jype can do a quick action to help him asap.. isn't it so selfish we push our idols to be perfect, the one who can and always cheer us when we're down with our life.. sighh,,

what's done is done,, no use to blame or disappoint to it.. what can we do now is support and protect our boys!! don't let them suffer more like jay..

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Guest thebestofga

To be honest, on the topic of Taec's cyworld, I really think he should've just kept his mouth shut. I'm a little disappointed as to how Taec handled the netizens. I understand their words did hurt him and he just wanted to find the culprit for his leaked photos, but the way he dealt with the situation was quite immature on his part. What was the need for his condescending tone? I hate to say this, but Taec being from 2PM should know more than anyone to watch what he says online, especially since their leader was taken away as a result of that. I know people are going to say "well he's human too" blah blah, yeah but he's a celebrity which is what sets him apart from people like you and me. It's just not smart to lash on netizens like that because of some stupid comments they made. Celebs get bashed ALL the time but I have yet to see one respond the way Taec did. It's the price you pay for being a celebrity. Do you expect to get praises and love from everyone? Come on Taec..

On to the rumors of Jay's return, I hope they're all true. February seems so far awayyy :(

Sorry for quoting your post but I also agreed with you that Taec should just get over the ‘leaked photo incident’ and ignore the netizens. Obviously, his act of posting a sarcasm entry gained him nothing but being criticized more, even by a few Hottest. I actually thought that he had lost his cool and let the anger carried him for a moment (well, probably 15 minutes?). However, the more I thought about his decision of pulling the trigger against the netizen , the more I felt like I could understand where he was coming from.

Like xclueless has said, the problem that took away 2PM leader was the comments that supposed to be private but they were invaded thoughtlessly. I think maybe Jay’s incident was still a source of pain that lead to Taec’s decision. I mean, helplessly witnessed one of your best friends being chased out of Korea. Who could imagine how much grudges Taec has held against stupid netizen in the past few months. Not only that, Taec himself also became the victim of the whole invading privacy. I don’t know the content of Taec’s pics that have been leaked. But what IF these pictures also should not be revealed in the first place, then what would happen? Hottest’s unbearable pain episode 2 ?

So yeah, the more I found myself into this entry’s controversy, I think this situation could be much more complex especially with Taec. Maybe in stead of giving cryptic message like the other members, Taec decided to stand up for his friend and for him this time in a beastly way of course. Is he brave? I would say Hell yes! What a man! But is his bravely move realistic at all? Unfortunately no = =~ Dealing with netizen is like dealing with a bunch of crazy people. The only outcome is that you get the pain, they get the satisfaction.

I hope letting it all out for 15 minutes at least ease the stress of you for a bit Taec. But now moving on k? Walk away and don’t look back. Let the hiatus period could actually begin for real now.

@To all the people who gave the infos that Jay is on the way back into love ( I mean Hottest) Thank you and I love you :x

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Guest Soulhead

It's maybe because I don't really understand the real impact behind some word in english that i don't understad how Taec's replay sound immature, but I'm really glad to see Taec act like this. Since this morning ,I've think a lot of this and....Their Idol life is full of frustrations and of emotions who can be only hide.

Yes,they are Idol. But they are not Idol in North Korea (sorry for the comparison >_<). Netizen like ''to hate'' people,so until the end of the world they will continue what they do? After Choi Jin-sil who's the next ? It's time for change (thanks JYP , you're very helpful for my english ahaha) . Idol (and not only Idol) has to show that they're more strong than netizen. They have to stand up and Netizen AND fan have to learn that sometime they do a lot of thing that as just customers or viewers, they have absolutely no right for that. It's not just a matter of Idol's world ,but also the reflect of all the problem that korean people have in their society . Some people said that Netizen have no life and it's true when you come back to your house at 23PM (Hagwon...) almost everyday , so they simply say all their hate and frustration that they have in normal life on celebrity ,they are not mannequins who can be beat when you're angry ,but drugs (strange comparison again XD) . Things like that will never change if all Idol shut up their mouth and if they just think about their carreer..

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Guest donnie_d

GO TAECYEON!!!! ha ha!!! these netizens deserve a dose of their own medicine!!! their so rude!!! so what if he updates his cyworld everyday!!! that doesnt mean he doesnt practice his vocals!!! he can sing!!! he might not be the best but he can... JYP would not get him if he doesnt have a talent!!! sometimes we shouldnt be too nice....esp to people who went out of their pathetic way of life to ruin someones career! so GO GO OK TAEK!!!! show them what you got!!!

i rest my case!!!

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Guest everybodyshout


i'm also really glad he did this. lol. if we don't read into it too much he has every right to rageeeee

but you know, taec'll get over it :) it's just netizens who always blow things up when taec was just being, well, -human-

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