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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest cheezychunnie

YOOOOO~ LOL I don't know if anyone remembers meeee... but I posted a couple of fan accounts a long long long way back...

Seeing that there are rumors... I wanna just say what I know of as of now.

If you guys don't remember... I can say it again. :) I don't know Jaebeom personally that well. I've met him a few times at a few events...

----I'll probably delete this post in a while; just wanted to clear some things up...----

...unless I made them worse. haaaa.

sorry to cut your post and yeah i do remember you :)

and that story seems real :)

i watched sang sang plus last nite and Go Hara revealed that her ideal man

is No1>Taec and No 2>Junho No3> Jo kwon :)


cr:daum+as tagged

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Guest adeerian

I always believed he'd come back, then again, I'm a sucker for fairy tales and happy endings. Hopefully, our voices were heard and he knew we couldn't forget him.

Jaebom, Hwaiting!

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Guest Sibiapple

Sometimes when I read this thread, I feel too much confused and somehow very sad because of many sources of information (rumours). These things make us, fan, become happy, confused, sad ( like me), disappointed, angry, etc..

All what we have is time, I think so, let's wait, nothing at this moment will be the same in the very next moment.

Peace out, ppl.

And thank you, le_maiii, I believe in your post.

Let's see at the end of Feb.

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I don't post on the 2PM thread much because I usually am on 2OD forums. I get really worried and upset when I read through everything because there are a lot of rumors and negative stuff. Thank you to those who posted positive comments^^ We are all Hottests so we should not argue. We all want the same thing and that is for Jay to come back. No matter what anyone says you are the controller of what you believe. Believe that Jay will come back to us and soon he will.

I just want everyone to keep this thread positive because we all know soompi is popular^^ and Jay might be reading this thread right this second. Do you think Jay would want to see all his fans argueing? No point of bashing one another because no matter how much we fight it won't help the situation. Inevitably it is Jay and JYPE that makes the decisions. Everything will unfold as time passes.Never give up! Love&Respect everyone!

Jae had told him he talked to the boys (2PM) and realized how much they meant to him.

kekes thanks for posting this! They are all really close and none of their bromance is fake :)

so here is a couple love spam to cheer you all up! please don't hotlink ><"











taec why are you such a creeper?! staring at chansung like that!


maybe back with some more gifs!

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Guest -loveless-

@ le_maiii thank you thank you thank you!

Your post really put a smile on my face and lifted my heart a bit.

I knew Jay was going to come back, even with all these negative rumors always makes

my heart waver but at theend of the day I always believed that our leadja will come back.

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Guest cheezychunnie





T/N's note: Once Taec's photos got leaked to the public, he closed his cyworld. Recently, he opened it again with a post titled, "The person who spread my private pictures, turn yourself in."

This post aroused a heated debate on the portal site nate.com because fans and netizens alike thought that he was just hungry for attention. They criticized Taec for bringing up the incident again, weeks after it occurred, claiming that he knew that journalists camped on his cyworld.

However, fans continued to protect Taec, which caused a netizen war (fans aka Hottests vs netizens).

Also, as a translator, his original post in Korean seemed very sarcastic, and the comments on tellzone regarding his original entry were negative.

If his post wasn't being sarcastic or condescending, why else would he delete it almost immediately after posting it?

Taec updated with a diary entry at 2:57am, only to take it down shortly thereafter.

He then posted a new entry at 3:15 am.

Fans capped his first entry and posted it on tellzone.


Will please only the fans who love me and appreciate me, read this~!!

2010.01.19 02:57 AM

I wanted to say, "The fart face that released my pictures, surrender yourself!"

Which is the reason why I uploaded a picture of myself with Shinae and Haeri.

It was not my intention to fire up the netizens...

I'm starting my Cyworld again, why would I want to start it off on a bad note??

And for those Nate replies, I will try my best to practice on my singing instead of being on Cyworld.

Even though I'm a rapper, the person still went out of their way to tell me to practice singing so I will try my best!

And you guys do know the reason that I write on my Cyworld is to communicate with my fans and those that have interest in me?

Will please only the fans who love me and appreciate me, read this~!!

2010.01.19 03:15 AM

Well, that’s that~

Please sleep early~ kekeke

You must think of your health!

It’s nice being on cy in such a long time.

Comment on his cy:

어떻게 이렇게 못봐 ??? (하찬군 임슬옹)

Why is it this hard to see you?? (Unimportant person Im Seulong)

on Seul's cy:

오늘밤 어때??ㅋㅋ (하찬군 옥택연)

어떻게 귀찮을수가 있어? (울찬동 황찬성)

How about tonight?? keke (Unimportant person Ok Taecyeon)

How can it be a hassle? (Our Chandong* Hwang Chansung)

*play on Chan's name. Both Chansung and Chandong in Korean mean, approval

on Chan's cy:

혼란스러워하지말거라..다뜻이있다..다.. (사랑하는 권이 조권)

Don't be confused*... Everything has a meaning... everything... (Loving Kwonnie Jokwon)

*Chan's header says, "Confused"

on Kwon's cy:

오오오오오오오오 이번주햐아아아아 (JYP슬옹이형^^ 임슬옹)

Oooohhhhh It's this week~ (JYP Seulong hyung^^ Im Seulong)

Junsu's new pictures


CREDITS: DAUM; 옥택연@cyworld; 임슬옹@cyworld; 황찬성@cyworld;조궈@cyworld; 김준수@cyworld (SOURCES); hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY & kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY (TRANS)

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yea i just read the whole cyworld thing on 2OD and how Taec's post was really sarcastic/condescending.

lol i really like his sarcasm (and lol at fartface) but he should be careful cause netizens do prey on those things...look at the whole Jay situation. but i don't agree with people who say he's letting his newfound popularity get to his head.. i dunno maybe cause i'm Taec biased but i think he's just sarcastic/blunt in general and i don't see it as a big deal.

it makes me sad when people say he's too full of himself now.

but anyways there are too many rumors here...lol.

i believe them just cause i always believed he would come back. i can't wait,

i really miss the way things used to be with them all being carefree and goofing off, that was really their charm

these days they seem kinda dead...makes me sad

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Love coming back oto this thread and seeing the camadarie forged.

Standing as one despite our every difference...

Just wanted to say Jay can come back with his head held high, there is love and fogiveness and a whole load of appreciation waiting for him to receive when he comes back.

And most of all while his bandmates are conquering Korea, Jay's been taking the dance battles in Seattle and in my mind, 2PM has reached #1 in all aspects no matter which part of the world they are in.

I am so looking forward to seeing the unified group and their achievements this year... I have been so tired of this industry, so jaded until them...

Boys, if you're reading this... always remember the qualities that made you 2PM - humility, loyalty, quick wit, fun and most of all your chemistry with one another... Stay true to yourselves and you will slay more competition along the way. Like the Olympics, in my mind, you're the best representation that Asia can send to stand on a world stage, I cannot wait to see your progress.

Love & Peace :)

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

thanks for the post <333 it made me happy to hear. i really hope that jay does come back. i have a good feeling he will.

lets hope && pray yeah?

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thanks le_maiii for the information. hopefully that information only stays here.

im soooo excited when i read that but i fear some Hottests who might go extreme

if they do believe that Jay is coming back really soon. Knowing it, they might

grow impatient and do such acts such as returning cds to jyp if Jay's not back by a

time they're expecting him to be back.

however i wont go into that for it might go against the rules.

lets just cross our fingers and hope.

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Guest mariaclaudia


When i read the part where, well, according to your post anyway (im sorry if i sound skeptical. you may be telling the truth or may not be, i hope you can understand that its hard to believe and not to believe at the same time)

anyways, when i read the part where jay said he wont be going back, i felt a bit bad. but if he really loves his life in seattle, they he should do that.

If he is sacrificing that to be with 2pm and if 2pm means that much to him, then thats great too =]

Iono, there are pros and cons with both places.

i want to know if seattle has more pros. I guess to someone born and raised there, it does have more pros.

IM not the ones who said that i just quote the post from some one else (((le_maii))) read the previous post. And i was not autorized to quote the girl or boy who say this SORRY My BAD i was to exited

But i'm also agree with the fact then he probably love his life in seattle cuz he are more closer now to his friends and familly. But maybe he took the time to realized then the korean already forgive him and want him back so maybe he change his mind.

And its a chance for him to realize his dream there (((but its only my point of view )))

I also tired of all rumors here i'm like every body here i just whant him back but if he doesnt what i can't complain about it

we just whant he can be happy!

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Third post of the day.

I am not asking anyone to believe what I say. Thats why vindication in Feb is very important as that is the time that everything will come to light. Please read my prev posts. My faith is not in JYPE but in the album.

Clarification: February is stressed as the milestone month not because its a speculation but if the boys plans to release their album in April. Recording will need to commence latest by end feb or i'm not sure how you can actually do a full length album in any shorter time span with photography and choreograpphy all factored in.

Is asking people not to keep fighting over speculations a wrong thing? Is holding peace till more news of the new album comes forth wrong? We've been fighting internationally, fighting domestically, fighting fighting fighting amongst fans for the last 5 months. I think at this point, its useless to get emotions riled up as everyone is fatigued. Thats what arguments do to you, they wear you down, they break hope.

And what is wrong with keeping hope... if truly my words don't materialize and the annoucement is that the new album has no Jae in it... then at that time let the crying truly begin... why do it now when there is no confirmation... why cry over milk split that you are not even sure there was a glass on the table in the first place and you're crying over it because you heard it from this person and that person and you never actually saw it happen.

Waiting for someone requires energy... I'm asking us not to go overboard in bashing JYPE as I don't want to have anyone suffer foot in mouth disease when jae does come back. What then will that time be, Khottest penning apology letters left right centre and sending thank you gifts after spewing the worst things about the company to the media, to international fans, to whoever they have met...

I thrive on peace and I'm sure many would choose to live in hope than in depression. I just choose my battles in life more carefully I guess. You should never go into war till you know whats the driving reason you need to enter it... if not, its just wasted efforts, wasted time and wasted emotions fighting an enemy that might not be an enemy after all.

Dang....I really bested myself today on this forum... back to vetting contracts... hah! :)

Peace out!

Ok but if people want to share their opinions whether you agree with it or not, then they should be allowed to say their peace. The fights only happen when people try to tell people what to say or do. If people just respect other people's opinions, then it would not be a problem.

I agree with the other person that this forum can be one-sided sometimes.

I know you did not say we had to believe you, but you present your "opinion" as fact, by making it seem like your some kind of insider to what goes on in JYPE.

As far as JYPE getting upset with fans, well they should get over it! If they would of handled the situation better and not act like they are too above making statements, then Hottest would not be so worried.


Taec needs to be careful! This is not America, it is Korea. Being condescending is not going to get anywhere in Kpop. Maybe he should stay quiet about those pictures because he is causing more damage to his image.

We really do not want Taec going back to Boston!


What is up with people coming out of the woodworks claiming to have all this information? All of this false hope will end up hurting people if these claims do not come true!

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I got to admit that @le_maiii post is something that i choose to believe..

because it gives me more hopes on Jay to return...

thanks for the post!!

it really does make my day....

I'd been reading all the rumours..

even the debate here..

I would like to keep it as simple as ever..

I'm being as positive as I should be..

I want Jay to come back..

who wouldn't want that?

but as everyone knows, JYPE is a company that keep their secrets hidden well..

I don't recall any event on having their mv or song leaked before...

[if there is, I'm sorry]...

So I choose to be in the middle of believing and not believing..

Who would even know if Jay is back in Korea right now?

Does Khottest like have someone waiting at the airport for 24/7?

Would Jay even arrived at the airport without disguise?

If Jay is supposed to come back, it would be a secret nicely wrapped that only JYPE staff knows about...

if fans know about Jay coming back, how the hell would it be a big surprised for the fans?

so even if Jay come back, I don't think anyone will know about it... it will still be a mystery...

I think JYP knows well how the industry works.

They give what people demand..

the more demand they get from the fans for Jay, they'll give Jay...

It's something basic, even for those who don't learn about how the entertainment world is..

JYPE is also a music company that depends on profits..

the success of 1:59 album is something for JYPE to believe 2PM is a success without Jay..


contracts like SPRIS [that obviously also gave profits to JYPE]

are also one of prove that 2PM still needs Jay...

I'm not a boycotter or anything, but I think JYPE is a company that depends on profits more..

I'm not saying that buying 1:59 album means you don't want Jay to come back..

but I think that's maybe what JYPE thought... because the album does give profits...

So in the end, it really does lead to us believing in contracts from company like Spris or other things that want all 7 members in the contract...

I think it's just best for us to keep on waiting.. as that's what we all are doing, right?

because JYPE really is a company that is FULL with secrets..

peace out!!


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Guest elenita0004

I know this may be a bit off topic but could someone give me the addresses of the boys cyworld accounts? I don't know Korean but I know my way around cyworld haha thank you google translation.

I would really appreciate it! ^__^y

edit: oops topped a page. Here's my Wooyoung bias spam~~


Oh my





*credit to who ever owns these images*

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Guest entermuriel

What is up with people coming out of the woodworks claiming to have all this information? All of this false hope will end up hurting people if these claims do not come true!

you make it sound like giving a bit of hope is such a horrible thing to do... i mean, yeah, i know right now some people are coming with these oh so positive rumors, but the amount of positive rumors are nothing compared to the amount of negative rumors that's been going around the web these past months, these so called conspiracies against Jaebeom and 2PM. each person will decide what to do with the rumors they're given, either believe in them or not, or just be neutral about them. i think by now, after so many rumors going around, most Hottest know not to get their hopes too high since nothing is certain. but because of that it doesn't mean we can't get a bit hopeful by some of the positive rumors popping up. i don't want to see Hottest being depressed or pessimistic about everything related to this situation because of the negative rumors that always seem to be around. personally, i get fed up with all those negative rumors that pop up, and seeing some positive ones make me feel better, but does that mean that i believe in them 100%? not at all. rumors are rumors and that's that. no more to it. there's no proof backing up these rumors, nor the negative or positive ones. Hottest shouldn't get their hopes too high, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have hope at all.


Credit: All Info is brought to you by Lisa&Cassina

? ? ?It has been revealed that No.1 male idol for Goo Hara is...tadah Teacyeon! The truth was unfold through Sang Sang Plus yesterday's night.

? ? ? Fans met Nichkhun and Wooyoung by chance at a restaurant near JYPE office yesterday. There is nore other information since the only one told is 'Nichkhun has got such a small face!

? ? ? It is common knowledge (Haha) that whoever met 2PM in person always describe Nickhun, 'His head is small' 'So tiny that it is almost invisble' (Gosh...) or 'As if he is not a human being' (What is he, then?) while Chansung is complimented 'He is 3 dimensioned dropdead gorgous!"

? ? ? There are survey results on star who has got the smallest face. As yos have thought, Nichkhun was ranked too. He snatched the 4th spot with 10.7% of the votes. (1st flace went to Lee Na young, second is Kin Ding Won and Third is Han ye seul) The source of the news is star.mt.co.kr

? ? ? Wooyoung has already shut down his Cyworld. The reason is unknown but fans suspect that someone used his name to reply in SNSD Tiifany's Cyworld. It is just and assumption so readers discretion advised!

? ? ? Junho childhood photo disclosed. Could someone find Rain's? So we are able to identify that they are long lost brothers or not.


credit: 2pm-online

Junho was so cute, and he still is cute haha ^_^

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Guest fattie8701


Taec updated with a diary entry at 2:57am, only to take it down shortly thereafter.

He then posted a new entry at 3:15 am.

Fans capped his first entry and posted it on tellzone.



Will please only the fans who love me and appreciate me, read this~!!

2010.01.19 02:57 AM

I wanted to say, "The fart face that released my pictures, surrender yourself!"

Which is the reason why I uploaded a picture of myself with Shinae and Haeri.

It was not my intention to fire up the netizens...

I'm starting my Cyworld again, why would I want to start it off on a bad note??

And for those Nate replies, I will try my best to practice on my singing instead of being on Cyworld.

Even though I'm a rapper, the person still went out of their way to tell me to practice singing so I will try my best!

And you guys do know the reason that I write on my Cyworld is to communicate with my fans and those that have interest in me?

Will please only the fans who love me and appreciate me, read this~!!

2010.01.19 03:15 AM

Well, that’s that~

Please sleep early~ kekeke

You must think of your health!

It’s nice being on cy in such a long time.

T/N's note: Once Taec's photos got leaked to the public, he closed his cyworld. Recently, he opened it again with a post titled, "The person who spread my private pictures, turn yourself in."

This post aroused a heated debate on the portal site nate.com because fans and netizens alike thought that he was just hungry for attention. They criticized Taec for bringing up the incident again, weeks after it occurred, claiming that he knew that journalists camped on his cyworld.

However, fans continued to protect Taec, which caused a netizen war (fans aka Hottests vs netizens).

Also, as a translator, his original post in Korean seemed very sarcastic, and the comments on tellzone regarding his original entry were negative.

If his post wasn't being sarcastic or condescending, why else would he delete it almost immediately after posting it?


We found the original nate posts that Taecyeon refers to and translated them as we believe that it provides a bigger picture to this whole issue. These are comments made by netizens and the numbers are the amount of approval/agreements and disagreement clicks that each received. Taec read these comment, got angry, and replied in his original diary entry.


Ok Taecyeon, it takes only a moment for you to disappear. You have to watch out and take care of yourself the more popular you get. You're not a top star yet. I don't understand people that go into these celebrity's cyworlds, but you didn't have to phrase it in such a way. Obviously, if it's not your ilchons (cyworld friends), it must have been your fans (that leaked out your pictures).

839 agree, 206 disagree.

Mr. Oktizen, you're having a lot of fun with cyworld, hmm?

Go train more if you have time to waste on this.

Can you really confidently say that you can rap?? Man, so awkward.

At least if you don't say anything at all, you don't get any hate.

618 agree, 158 disagree.

Then you should have set it so that people couldn't take out your posts. We can see thousands and thousands of your pictures not only on the internet, but on TV and your homepage. If you feel so angry, then don't be a celebrity. But honestly, as a celebrity, do you feel THAT upset that people took out pictures of your face? Your face is what makes money in your profession. Did you feel that angry about it? It's always the ones with no skills that trust their company's backup and say whatever they want. Just study music in that time and train harder so that next time, it's not your pictures they take out, but your music. Cocky kid.

495 agree, 122 disagree.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

Copy this whole phrase out.

CREDITS: DAUM; 옥택연@cyworld; 임슬옹@cyworld; 황찬성@cyworld;조궈@cyworld; 김준수@cyworld (SOURCES); hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY & kdrama_queen@2ONEDAY (TRANS)





i am honestly tired of netizens!!

I dont understand why someone cannot get mad over their leaked pictures!! Its their prerogative, cant ppl understand that!?Why do ppl think that just becuz someone is a celebrity their life is open to criticism for any and everything? They have to get permission on when to be mad, sad, happy?? like seriously...this whole day i been tired from school i come home and i read this...and its makes so tired of all the drama of kpop and sooo mad too, i wish i knew enough korean get on those search portals to give those bored children a piece of my mind!! hisssss.....boredom is truly a disease!

To Skelly:

Glad my post gave you a laugh and no i wasnt offended lol...thanks for clearing that up :)

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you make it sound like giving a bit of hope is such a horrible thing to do... i mean, yeah, i know right now some people are coming with these oh so positive rumors, but the amount of positive rumors are nothing compared to the amount of negative rumors that's been going around the web these past months, these so called conspiracies against Jaebeom and 2PM. each person will decide what to do with the rumors they're given, either believe in them or not, or just be neutral about them. i think by now, after so many rumors going around, most Hottest know not to get their hopes too high since nothing is certain. but because of that it doesn't mean we can't get a bit hopeful by some of the positive rumors popping up. i don't want to see Hottest being depressed or pessimistic about everything related to this situation because of the negative rumors that always seem to be around. personally, i get fed up with all those negative rumors that pop up, and seeing some positive ones make me feel better, but does that mean that i believe in them 100%? not at all. rumors are rumors and that's that. no more to it. there's no proof backing up these rumors, nor the negative or positive one. Hottest shouldn't get their hopes too high, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have no hope at all.

Last post of the day, n I agree with every single words you said,

Is it wrong to have a bit of hope for now? O_o

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